After Earl Stamfort and Anthony, it's my father and uncle Jason turn to talk with me when they passing the spot I currently stand.

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"Henry…I'm waiting for your full story about what happened during lunch today. Somehow I feel you orchestrating something behind my back"

"Hahaha…that's only in your imagination, father. I simply adapting with the situation while thinking the best way for the solution of the incoming problem"

"Still, I want to hear your story later"

"Alright, I also still have to prepare the menu for tonight's dinner. After dinner maybe?"


"Henry! Where you learn that move?"

"Which one, uncle Jason?"

"The last one, when you throw that guard into Roland"

"Ah, that's purely luck, uncle, also if reflexes and calculation counted to make able to throw him because Roland straight in the direction where I throw that guard, he becomes collateral damage"

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"Haah…Serve him right! If your father did not banish him from his territory, I will come at him at night by use mask on my face then beat him until becomes pulp. You should teach me that move too!"

"Haha…if I'm not busy, okay?"

"That's a promise! I'll wait for that time"

After saying that, my uncle strode forward following my father. Haa….it seems today I will busier than usual. Next, after my father and uncle, here comes my sister, my fiancé and my personal maids.

"Henry…I know you still busy, so can I borrow miss Clara and miss Claire to accompany me? I also want to chat with my future sister in law too"

Ah, it seems the girls already make their own agenda this afternoon. And as Celes said, I'm really busy and can't accompany her right now.

"No problem. I'll send some snack and Chai tea to accompany your chat then. Claire and Clara, please accompany my fiancé and help her if she needs something?"



"Thank you, Henry…if possible, can you allocate your time for me? I had so many things to talk with you"

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"Sure, but it seems I will always busy until the banquet tomorrow. So after the banquet, I will have a lot of time to you"

"Mmm….I'm waiting for that moment"

My fiancé, my sister, Clara, and Claire also left the training ground and return to the castle. it's only me and Carina left there.

"Let's go, Carina, help me change clothes. I still had something to do in the kitchen"

"Yes, brother Henry"

But before I and Carina walk further, two middle-aged men are running hurriedly from the other side of training ground while calling my name

"Young master Henry…please wait"

I recognize one of them as the mayor of Castle town, Mr. Hubert, but I don't remember the other one. I'm waiting for them to get closer before asking their intention of calling me

"Ah, Mr. Hubert, right? What I can do for you?"

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"I'm glad young master Henry still remembers my name. I want to say that was a splendid duel, it's so refreshing to see that troublemaker getting beaten"

"Oh thank you, but you did not come to me just to say that, right?"

"Right, this man beside me is Chief of merchant association in Castle town, Mr. Humprey. He's the one who has the matter to say"

Chief of merchant association? I already have a plan to make business here, so this person is important. I must make a good relation with him to get his support

"Hello, Mr. Humprey, nice to meet you. So, what do you want to talk to me?"

"Nice to meet you too, young master Henry. it's an honor for me to able to meet with the promising successor of Harvard territory. First of all, I want to say congratulation for your winning in the duel. And second, I have a request for young master Henry"

"Thank you, Mr. Humprey. May I know what your request is?"

"Well…as chief of merchant association, I also managed people who do business in the food industry. The dishes that served during lunch today…I only can say one word: Amazing. That makes me wonder if young master Henry willing to share the recipe for people in the food industry too"

So, it's the menu is his goal. For me, it's not a big deal since I have tons of recipes on my hands, but I just can't give them as they like. There's also the ingredient that can't easily get in castle town like rice. There's also the salt matter that needs to pay attention.

"Mr. Humprey, personally I don't mind to share some of my recipes to the public. In the matter of fact, I also have the plan to make Castle town prosper and famous because of its food"

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"Then…is that okay for me to have those recipes young master Henry?"

Mr. Humpreys looks at me with eyes full of hopes.

"But it's not as easy as just giving recipes, Mr. Humpreys. There're some points that need to pay attention, as the ingredients and salt. For that rice ingredient, there should be very limited supply right now so recipe with rice is impossible. Also, I use quite an amount of salt during that lunch, and I believe Mr. Humpreys aware of the current salt's price, right?"

Mr. Humpreys lowered his shoulder and look dejected. I know he understands what I've just said

"Young master Henry is right…I'm just too excited after eating those dishes and only thinking about to make it as the main attraction in our food industry"

"Please don't be disappointed Mr. Humpreys. If that can't available now, it doesn't mean it wouldn't available in the future. Because I already planning to make rice can be mass cultivated in Harvard territory so there would be sufficient supply of rice after my plan successfully implemented. Also about salt price, although it's still early…let me tell you this. We're working hard to make salt available in affordable price for people in Harvard territory. Well, it wouldn't suddenly become cheap but maybe the price will slowly decrease until it reaches a reasonable price and will never rise again"

"Is that true, young master Henry? that's wonderful news"

"Of course it's true. And also, for the frikadel dish, I already allowed our castle cook to share the recipe too. It's a simple dish that not requires many ingredients and easy to make. I'll let the recipe shared to the public shortly after this"

"Really? Thank you very much, young master Henry!"

Mr. Humpreys looks spirited again after hearing my words. Ugh, I made another promise again today. Well, it's all still within my future plan so it would not burden me much to make such promises.

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