After leaving my sister's room, the conversation that we just made back there still crossing my mind. Well, her offer to use her dowry money to expand the salt project is good but I really can't accept her offer. First, I don't want to become someone that Roland accused, a money digger. If I take that money, isn't that equal I ditch Roland as my sister fiancé because there's another guy who comes with a better offer? Second, if I use her money, even though I can return her money back later, isn't that means I likely sold my sister for that money? That money is hers and only can be used for her purpose only, not mine. With my modern knowledge, making money is easy in this alternate world.

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Second thing is that my sister still wants me to kiss her in the lips. At first, her reason to experience kissing is reasonable, since her ex-fiance is lacking in romance but right now she already has a new fiancé and her lips should belong to that man, not me. I can't let this thing to continue, at least I should create some romantic scenes and occasions for my sister and Sir Anthony where they can experience some real kissing between spouse. Maybe I should talk with my fiancé about this thing, after all, she knows more about her brother than me. I bet she also wants her brother to be happy with my sister, so I can expect her cooperation on this matter.

The third thing and the most important matter is my feeling to my sister. Did I do all these things to her because I love her? I mean like a man love a woman…or just love from a brother toward his sister? I can't deny that feeling in some part is something that the previous owner of this body, the real Henry, left to me. One of his wishes is to protect the people dearest to him and make them happy, his sister Eliza is one of them. But I also had my own sympathy toward her when I first met her. She so skinny and pitiful to some extends like she no longer cares about herself. Not to mention the verbal abuses from that bastard Roland give to her. I will damn if I just close my eyes and neglect this thing happen to her.

Love, sympathy, pity, or just responsibility or gratitude to real Henry…which one is my feeling?

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I currently view sister Eliza as 'beautiful Onee-Chan' just like what I view Clara for their maturity. For Carina, more like 'Beautiful imouto' since she still teenagers, while for Claire and Celes more like a boyfriend- girlfriends feeling.

I really don't know which one is my feeling for Eliza. But I should handle this matter wisely and not crossing the line which I will regret later. Now she already has a new fiancé, a man who far better than her previous fiancé. He comes from distinguishing family, and seems like an orthodox family which values traditional beliefs like a girl should give her chastity to a man who becomes her husband, or a man should only love a woman for his entire life. I can guess that by looking at Earl Stamfort who only has one wife. This is why I told Clara and Claire to make good relationship with Celes. It would be no good for them if Celes also hold beliefs like her father and only allowed a man to marry one woman.

Anyway, if only hug and kiss my sister, I guess that would be just fine as long as I'm not cross over the line by having sexual activity with her. If something like that happens, and her husband found she no longer a virgin when they married, start thinking my sister is such a loose woman, which make their marriage crumbled. No, I can't let such thing to happen in my sister household. Unless, If she feels unhappy in her sexual life after she married later and comes to me, that's a different matter. For now on, let's just stick with what we already have done and kept it moderate to avoid making my sister build 'Bro-con' feeling toward me.

Alright, since I already decided to make my sister happy with her new fiancé, let's support her until the end. That's means until her wedding day with Sir Anthony, I will keep support her to enjoy her life with Sir Anthony. How I'm going to do that…let's think about that while relaxing in the bath. There's nothing better than soaking in bathtub after a tiring day.

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When I arrive at the bathroom, Carina is busy tidying the bath equipment in the shelves like the bathrobe, towel, water basin, etc. she looks happy when I finally show up in the bathroom

"Henry….what took you so long? The water will get cold if you did not get to bath immediately"

"Ah, sorry…sis Eliza suddenly wants to talk with me. There's no way I can say no, right?"

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"Mmm…okay, let's start bath as usual"

"Alright, I'll be in your care then, Carina"

Well, she helps me to wash my back when I ask her to help me when I take a bath. And she did her job meticulously with adding some massage on my shoulder when she washes my back. After rinsing the soap in my body with water, it's time to soaking with warm water in the bathtub.

While soaking in warm water, I wonder if in this world also exists a hot spring bath (Onsen) like in my previous world. I don't see Harvard territory have any volcanic mountain, so, the chance to find any hot spring source in Harvard territory is absolutely zero. I really need to see this world's map with detailed topography depicting all terrain in this kingdom. I wonder who had such kind of map, well maybe I should ask Earl Stamfort about this map or maybe he knows if there's a volcanic mountain in the southern region.

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I'm finishing my bath after the water in the tub where I soaking my body already turn cold. Never mind, I already feel a lot refreshed after all. So I come out from the bathtub, put my clothes on and leave the bathroom after thanking Carina for her help during the bath. I let carina to take a rest since she looks tired after helping me in the bath and massaging my shoulder.

Now, what should I do next before I go to the kitchen again? After thinking a while, I remember I only buy one item from the online shop today. I still have one unused purchasing quota to use. What should I buy next? Butter? Cheese?I already buy one although there're many types of butter and cheese available there. Oh right, since I want to spread my choice of pastry making I should buy that.

I go to my room and after lock the door, I take my phone and start accessing my online shopping apps to buy that ingredient. With the usual 'DING' sound indicate the item had delivered, I smile gleefully because I already have the important item to make cake and cookies, it's BAKING POWDER.

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