On my way back to my room, I wonder if my girls still waiting for me in my room like yesterday. I prefer them already sleep in their room so I can have peaceful sleep tonight

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When I open the door of my room…..

"Welcome back, Henry"

Clara, Claire, and Carina are still dwelling in my room. Although they already change into their pajamas, they not sleeping, instead, they're sitting in the couch and wait for my arrival patiently. Oh my, my wish didn't come true….

"Oh? I see you're still here. Aren't you going to sleep, girls?"

"We are…but we want to see if you need something from us"

"Hmm…. all I need right now is a good rest, girls"

"Don't you need any massage again, Henry?"

"After that duel with that bastard, you must be tired. A good massage will help you relax your sore muscles, Henry"

"You'll have a good sleep after we massage you, brother Henry"

What is this? Why you all so pushy with this massage thing. Did they really want to massage me or just find reason to stay here any longer? Ugh, still, if I say no need for massage, they will search for another excuse to keep them stay with me any longer.

"Alright…massage me like yesterday again, please? But let me change clothes first"

"Yaaay…let's do it!!"

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After I take off my clothes and only wear my pant, I'm lying down on my belly in the bed. Three girls take their own place and start massaging me. Clara, take on my left arm and my left side, Claire and Carina take my right side and my legs. Actually, their massage is good and I can use this chance to ask them about things with my fiancé this afternoon.

"Clara…did everything goes well with my fiancé?"

"Yes….She's a nice and kind girl, Henry. She loves to hear stories about you from us"

"Oh, that's good to hear…but you're not telling her about our romance yet, right?"

"No…we'll keep it as a secret for now. She interested to hear what you've had done all these years after she met you for the first time"

"And…what is that?"

"Mmm…I told her about how I met you for the first time" (Clara)

"I told her how brave you are when saved me from those bandits" (Claire)

"Only that?"

"Well….if we must tell her what you've done all these years, it would take days to tell her those stories. Moreover, with sister Eliza there, there's also talk about Sir Anthony"

"Oh? Do you mind to tell me about him? I should also know about my brother in law, right?"

"Yes! Sure…we tell you what sister Celes told us about her brother"

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Clara and Claire are starting to tell me about Sir Anthony who they hear from my fiancé. Carina keeps silent because she wasn't there with Clara and Claire this afternoon.

"So…how is he?"

"Unexpectedly, sir Anthony somehow is like you Henry"

"On which part? I know we both handsome guy…you don't have to tell me about that"

I tease them with a bit narcissist tone in my voice. Clara and Claire only giggle when hear my jokes

"Silly Henry….I mean on his way for loving his previous fiancé, miss Elena"

"Um! Sister Celes said that Sir Anthony only has miss Elena as his lover. He so devoted to his lover"

"Ugh…that's not the same with me….I have three lovers right now…"

Ouch! I feel Carina pinch my calf when I just said I had three lovers.

"And maybe there're still more in the future….who knows?"

"Aaaahh Henry! How many wives you want to have?"

Claire and Clara seem anxious after hearing that.

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"Seven maybe? So I can sleep with different wife each day for the whole week"

Of course, this is just a joke to tease Clara and Claire.

"Henry!! So you have four other lovers outside the castle, huh!!"

Raining pinches land on my body from Clara and Claire. I'm not receiving any pinch from Carina again but I guess she must smile and pleased about that.

"Hey!...ouch!...calm down first, will you?.... I said maybe…that could be true or could be false…maybe, not four but only one or two… can't you see the meaning?"

After I explain it, the raining pinches stopped.

"Sorry Henry…we jump on conclusion without thinking further"

Clara and Claire apologize for their mistake. Well, they should be!

"Apology accepted….and actually I don't have four lovers outside the castle, but the fourth candidate for my wife is in the castle right now"

"Eeeehhh!!… you really have another lover here. Tell us who she is Henry!"

"Huh…. I said a candidate for wife, not lover….and she's with us now"

"Ah? You mean Carina?"

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Both Clara and Claire are looking at Carina who smiles mischievously there.

"Well….when she reaches a suitable age for marriage, I will marry her. I hope you both don't mind since I want to keep three of you always together"

"If that would be Carina…we don't mind Henry"

"Congrats Carina…we will together forever on Henry's side"

"Thank you, sister Clara and sister Claire…I'll be in your care when the time arrives"

Oh well…with this, the ruckus about my wives matter is solved…but somehow this talk is getting distracted from the original topic about Sir Anthony.

" *cough*…girls…are you forget we talking about sir Anthony?"

"Tee hee~ …sorry Henry…talking about you is more fun"

"Oh come on…I want to know about my future brother in law, not about myself"

"Okay…okay…according to sister Celes, besides miss Elena, Sir Anthony didn't have any other close female friends. He is only interested in martial arts and swordplay. During his relationship with miss Elena, he only goes by holding hand and kissing, no further action. That's what I've heard from sister Celes"

"That's not sound like me, right?"

Clara and Claire only giggling when hearing my reply, of course, they know what I mean with that.

Hmm…in other words, my future brother in law is a virgin man with lack of knowledge about man-woman relationship. When I'm thinking again, my sister also clumsy when comes about the man-woman relationship. I wonder if their relationships can go smoothly after they married later.

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