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After she's entering her room, the first thing she does is take a mirror and watch her reflection in the mirror. I'm just smiling watching her fitting the flower crown in her head. When she realizes I also in her room, she bashfully smiles at me

"Sorry Henry, I'm just too excited today"

"It's alright sis, seeing you happy, I also feeling happy"

"Since your visit yesterday, I'm feeling like happiness shrouded me. That food that you make, it's incredible. Right, can you make it again?"

"Um. I can make it again, but I'm planning on making something else that also delicious"

"Really? I really can't wait for dinner time"

"Ah right, almost forget to ask this. Sis, do you take afternoon bath?"

"Um, I do. Why?"

"Can we go to the bathroom together?"

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Her face suddenly blushing when hearing my request

"Henry...we're no longer child. I think bathing together like when we're a kid is not appropriate"

"Sis, you misunderstand. I only want to wash your hairs, that's all"

"Only wash my hair?" she looks at me with bewildered eyes.

"Um, only wash your hair. I promise your hair will look better after that"

"Can you really do that?" she still has doubt in her eyes

"Aren't you already swearing to never doubt me?"

"Errr… alright, I will meet you in woman bathroom later"

"Okay, see you later sis, I still have an appointment with uncle Jason this noon"

"Sent my regards to him Henry"

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"I will"

After saying goodbye I go directly to the castle kitchen. In there I see Mrs. Martina still busy supervise the cook in the kitchen.

"Ah, young master Henry, I'm sorry but we haven't finished preparing the lunch"

Mrs. Martina greets me with panic-stricter tone.

"It's alright Mrs. Martina, I'm not coming for eating"

"Do you want to use kitchen like yesterday young master? But we currently busy and can't leave the kitchen"

"Yes, I want to use the kitchen and make something but you all don't have to leave. Tell me to have you have prepared for lunch"

"Ah yes, the broth for soup still boiled there, and the potato for mashed potato already boiled, meat for sausage already removed from the bones just need to wrapped, bread already baked this morning"

"Alright, I will teach a new recipe here. Those who make soup please continue. those who did mashed potato, keep making mashed potato. Those who make the sausage, make the meat become minced meat. After mashed potato and minced meat ready, give it to me. Mrs. Martina, I need some other ingredient, can you prepare for it?"

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"Yes, young master, what is that?"

"Some eggs, some garlic, some onions, some salt, cooking oil, vinegar, some limes and frying pan"

"Salt, young master? But that's…."

"I know that Mrs, Martina, but the salt I use today will replace next week in double amount. So please get me that salt"

Without asking anymore Mrs. Martina prepared what I'm asking. While waiting the potato and meat ready, I chopped the garlic and onion into small pieces. I also break some eggs and pour that in a basin then stirred the eggs until the white and yolk become one.

After the meat and potato ready, I give the cook the example,

"Alright since all ingredients are ready, please watch me, so you can make it too. Don't forget to wash your hand in water first"

I put some minced meat and mashed potato into a basin, put the chopped onion and garlic into the basin, and pours some salt into it. I can see astonishment look in their eyes when I'm pouring the salt. I know they never use salt that much. After all put together in a basin, I start to knead them and make them mix together. I also ask the cook to try themselves while watching me.

After all ingredients in basin mix perfectly together, I put some from them and make them into a small ball with my hands, after that, I soak them in eggs mixture. After all the ingredients turn into small balls in the basin, what left is fried them in the frying pan. For this thing I don't have to do myself, I just watch the cooks doing that for me. After some of them finished to fried, I collecting all kitchen members before continue the cooking.

"Gentlemen, I'm sure you already remember how to make this dish. Now I give you chance to taste what we make today. Please take one for each of you and have a bite"

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"Young master, can we really eat this?" a cook seems still hesitate to taste it

"Of course you can. Ah right, if you don't have beef meat, you can use chicken meat or pork, or without meat also okay. Now let's take a bite"

After hearing my explanation they no longer hesitate. Each of them takes one of the balls and put it on their mouth.

I watch them chew the food slowly, from the surprised expression on their faces, I know they like it.

"Young master! What food is this? The taste is so delicious"

"The food name is Frikadel, and that would be our Harvard famous cuisine. Please don't spread the recipe to the outsider, you can make it for your own but don't leak the recipe"

"We will not leak the recipe young master! We swear on our pride as Harvard cook"

"Okay, please continue, I will borrow some space to make something for my own"

"Please use it as your pleased young master"

After that, the cook continues to make the food for lunch, while I'm secretly making something that I promised to my sister.

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