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When thinking about how I should deal with this, somehow I'm feeling tired.

"I'm feeling tired, let me rest first and continue this later, okay?"

"Yes brother"

Clara and Claire help me stand up from the couch and walk to the bed while Carina preparing the bed. After laid my body to bed, I said to them

"I'm alright, you don't have to watch me. If you want to do something or have something to do then just go and do it. Wake me up if I haven't wake up for lunch"

"Okay brother"

After cover, my body with a quilt they left my room and I start to get some sleep. In my sleep, I'm like have a dream, or more precisely, I saw Henry' experience before he got a concussion and die. In the scene that I saw, Henry is leaving the castle with three guards to do surveys on possible silver mines. Clara, Claire and Carina waving their hands from castle balcony and shouting like "Be careful on road", "Please be back soon" and "take care" and Henry wave back and smiling. The destination can be reached for six hours on the horse, so Henry and his guards ride the horse in rush. On a narrow road that cross the forest, suddenly a pack of wild boars, amount over fifty boars charges from inside the forest to Henry's convoy. Off-guard and unprepared, make the horse they ride become panic, neighing and lift their front feet uncontrollably. Henry's effort to control his horse failed and he was sent fall back from the horseback. His head hit the ground quite hard that make him unconscious, his guards were no better than him, one by one was send fall from horseback and seriously wounded.

The incident only took for some minutes but the effect was devastating. None of those who send fall were able to stand up for at least 30 minutes. After that, the guard with the slightest wound looks for help from a nearby village and borrow a cart to carry Henry back to the castle. I'm still drowning with the dream until a soft voice whispered in my ears and a warm lips perking my cheek.

"Brother Henry, please wake up"

I'm startled and open my eyes. After blinking for several times, I notice Clara already lying beside me.


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She only smiles and giggling.

"What time is it?"

"Almost lunch time. Didn't you want to be wake up when lunch? That way never fails to wake you up"

She's giggling again.

Wow? Is that her way to wake up Henry every day? Such intimate ways, like what lovers always do.

"Oh yeah, thanks for waking me up. Do you want to receive your reward?" I try to tease her.

She only nodded and blushing.

Huh? Did Henry really reward her every time she wakes him up? What the hell, I just take this chance, only fools miss the chance like this. I reach my hand to grab her head and pull her face closer. Then without hesitation, I kiss her red lips passionately. She a bit surprised but not reject it and let my lips invaded her lips.


A soft sexy moan comes from her mouth, make me intensified my attack on her lips by sticking my tongue to explore her mouth. her little resistance vanishes within seconds and she counters attack my invasion. Our tongue twisted each other, back and forth with our saliva as lubricant make the tongue battle getting fiercer. When she's almost losing her ground, she's calling for reinforcement. Her hands start crawling and caressing my chest, rubbing it all the way.

But this kind of attack can't hold me. With my lips occupy her mouth, my tongue penetrates deep into her mouth, strangle her tongue and suck it like a vacuum cleaner. My attack makes her wriggling, trembling, writhing and moaning in pleasure until we both running out of breath. After that the battle was decided, we laid in bed together trying to catch our breath. From the corner of my eyes, I can see her ample breast moving up and down behind her maid dress, make a beautiful scene.

After my breath return to normal, I try to tease her again

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"Do you like the reward, Clara?"

Hearing my question, Clara only nodded and her face getting red again. With a soft voice, she said,

"You're naughty Henry" while pinching my arms "Usually you only kiss my cheek back for reward but this time the reward is … too much"

"What? You don't like it?" I ask her again with chuckled, since she didn't resist it, I'm sure that she also enjoy it.

"It's not like that … I…I…I liked it" she saying that shyly and her face getting redder, wow, how cute.

"Consider it as the accumulated reward for several days and bonus for taking care of me when I'm unconscious"

She only nodded and stared at me with her big brown eyes, I stare her back right in her eyes. I feel she want to say something but hold it.

"What? You look like want to say something"

She lowering her gaze and smile wryly,

"Seems I can't hide anything from you…umm..i just thought that after you wake up, you're a little different than before, but maybe that just my feeling"

Hearing what she said make me startled, I know that woman have sharp intuition, but now I have experienced that myself. I should be more careful from now on.

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"What do you see different from me? Is it worse or better?"

"Umm…what should I say? Before this, you like to restrain yourself from us, but now it's more aloof and carefree"

I nodded and chuckled hearing her reason, so that's what makes her feel that. But I already have a good story to cover it.

"You still haven't answered the last question, you like the current me or the previous me?"

She lowering her head before answer it shyly, "… the current you"

I take her chin and raise her face so she can look directly at my eyes,

"I can explain that, would you like to listen?"

She not answering and just nodded.

"You must already know when I brought here heavily wounded and unconscious, doctor Howard said I only have slim chance to survive? Actually, I also feel that I can't make it. But I remember that I still have a father that loves me so much, my sisters, my fiancé, you, Claire, Carina, these Harvard people and the trouble that they must face if I die …. That somehow makes me don't want to die yet. And after I wake up, I silently make a vow that I will cherish this life and treasure everything that I have"

She listening to my story without speak any words and I can see her eyes getting teary when she listens to the story.

"Henry … when you almost die …. You still remember me?" she asks with a hoarse voice

I nodded and answered her, "Yes, I do"

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Suddenly her cry is broken, she hugs me and buries her face in my chest. Her sober fill the room.

I can't say anything to comfort her, I just rub her hair gently while patted her back for a while.

"It's alright Clara, I'm still alive, I'm not dead yet. Don't you should happy with that?"

After hearing that her sob receded and after few moments she able to lift her faces and make nod sign. I almost blurted a laugh when seeing her face. Tears still hanging in her eyes and cheek, snot also appears under her nose, swinging gently heading toward his mouth. It's really funny to look at, but I try to hold the laugh for her not embarrassed. I take my handkerchief from my sleeve and remove the tears and snot from her face.

"That's better"

She smiles wryly,

"Sorry … I can't control my emotion and show you my ugly side, but I really happy when you say that"

"What ugly side? You're just expressing your feeling, what's wrong with that. I rather like you show your feeling than hide it"



I just finished saying that when she hugged me again. This time she hugs me so tight that make me can feel her ample breast pressed against my chest. She whispers in my ears "Thank you"

Since doing is better than talking, I just hug her back and let our emotion flows. We still hugging for two-three minutes when suddenly a growling sound coming from my belly. We release our hug together, stare at each other and finally laugh together.

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