Chapter 92: Carved Dishes

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Translator: Xiong Guoqi Editor: Meh
“Whether or not it’s actually delicious is yet to be known. It was cooked fairly
fast.” while saying that, the man began to pick up the vegetable dish, the
Jin’ling Grass, with the chopsticks, to eat. His dining etiquette was both refined
and reserved.
“Please take your time and savour the dishes.” Yuan Zhou said quite calmly, not
swayed by the man.
The man didn’t pay much attention on Yuan Zhou’s words. Without noticing
anything else, he simply began to eat, but with only a bite for each dish.
A dozen delicate dishes. The man only gave each one a single simple bite, even
though the blissful expression on his face was clearly seen by others.
He set down the chopsticks and gently opened his mouth, “Indeed, these dishes
deserve to be called superb delicacies.”
“Thanks for you praising.” Yuan Zhou stayed calmly, with a quite indifferent
“Please provide me with another serving of each dish. I will take them with
me.” the suited man would never touch the dishes that he had reviewed again,
even if they were much too delicious and to his utmost satisfaction.
However, the man spoke a little faster this time compared to just before.
“I’m sorry, I don’t provide take-out.” Yuan Zhou refused squarely.
“You don’t have any containers? I can provide them.” the man said with a
relaxed manner while looking at Yuan Zhou.
“I don’t provide take-out.” Yuan Zhou directly repeated his words and then
spoke nothing more.
“Then let’s do this. You serve another serving of the dishes, all of them.”
thinking for a while, the man’s tone wasn’t as tough as just now.
“Please, check behind you.” this time, Yuan Zhou matter-of-factly pointed to
the wall and then said.
The man had known that Yuan Zhou had lots of rules. As for what exactly they

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were, he didn’t have any interest in learning them. Though there were many
things that money couldn’t buy in this world, there nevertheless wasn’t too
“No need. Rules are set by humans, and the rules here are set by you alone. I
would like to offer three times the price.” the man likewise refused pointedly
and then told him the money he could offer.

In the world, businesses were all like that, with one offering and the other
“May I ask if you are going to continue to eat them or not? The store hours are
almost over.” Yuan Zhou ignored the man straightforward. He just looked at all
the slightly eaten dishes and asked.
“I won’t eat them anymore.” the man was rather honest and frank, hence
plainly said.
“Perfect. I hereby inform you that you have been blacklisted from my
restaurant. Further visits are no longer welcomed.” Yuan Zhou declared
“Boss, are you serious?” although carrying a proud expression, the man
revealed some incredulity in his voice.
“I’m sorry. The business hours are up now. Watch your step.” Yuan Zhou said
politely, not intending to speak more at all.
To the kind of person who postured and wasted food, Yuan Zhou showed no
“I was introduced here by Ling Hong. I am his business partner.” lost in silence
for a second, the man then said.
“Ok. Watch your step.” Yuan Zhou nodded, indicating he had known that. Of
course, he still needed to see this customer off.
“Good. Boss, you are truly a person of principles. No wonder they all call you
Compass.” the man didn’t begin to curse. His cultured background wouldn’t
allow him to do that. He simply decided he didn’t want to come to this

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restaurant again.
Yuan Zhou didn’t answer and still showed a solemn look, preparing to see him
Having picked up the briefcase from beside his leg, the man turned around and
left the restaurant in big strides, with his breath becoming faster and a
discontented expression growing on his face.
The man opened the door of his car heavily and fumbled out his cellphone to
call Ling Hong upon sitting in the driver’s seat. Shortly, the call connected. It
was noisy at the other end of the call. Ling Hong seemed to be in a rowdy place.
After several seconds of silence, the man talked, “I just came out from the
restaurant and I was blacklisted.”
“Huh, what did you do?” Ling Hong had to shout loudly in order to be heard.
“Nothing special. I just did what I usually did.” there was great discontent
present in the man’s tone.
“Sorry, I can’t help. Master Yuan is a special chef. So you don’t go there
anymore. Just go to the usual places for meals next time.” Ling Hong said

“Alright,” the man then hung up.
He turned his head and looked at Yuan Zhou’s restaurant again before driving
away directly.
On the other side, Ling Hong was quite speechless after taking the call. The
man who called him was first a friend of his parents and then later had some
business connections with him. He heard the man was also fond of eating, and
therefore recommended Yuan Zhou’s restaurant to him.
To his surprise, even in such clean surroundings as Yuan Zhou’s restaurant,
this man could savour and comment on all the dishes before re-ordering. Ling
Hong was astounded by this man who stuck to cleanliness to such unbearable
extent. It was really troublesome.
After sending Mu Xiaoyun off, Yuan Zhou immediately tapped open the

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mission eagerly.
[Temporary Mission] Selling ten Herbal Tea Eggs at its original price within
two days
(Only by selling out the Herbal Tea Eggs at its original price can one show
one’s genuine abilities.)
[Reward] Sculpting Skills, Middle Part
[Mission Status] 10 / 10
He directly tapped to receive the reward. A thread-bound book changed into
numerous luminous sparkles and then spread into the depths of his brain.
Quietly, Yuan Zhou looked through the book for the carving skills, many of
which were for vegetable dishes. At that time, Yuan Zhou suddenly felt he had
an impulse to try those skills.
Yuan Zhou opened his eyes and began to search in the kitchen immediately. As
was expected, on one of the cabinets was written “Carving, Vegetable Dishes”,
which appeared to be for just carving use specifically.
There were not too many vegetables in the cabinet, only a few for decoration of
the Phoenix-Tail Prawns dish.
Yuan Zhou simply chose a long daikon from among them and weighed it with
his hand, about 1.5kg.
He washed the daikon in the sink and then took out a special carving knife.
After that, Yuan Zhou sat in his own habitual position and started the carving.
“duo duo”
He cut the daikon into a cylinder 15cm tall. As the daikon blocks were required
to be the same size, he only took the middle part.
Yuan Zhou chose a carving knife, which weighed 24g, with the blade 1.0mm
thick, 90mm long, the max width 18mm and the handle 95mm long. Taking it
in his hand, he first held the wooden handle, to familiarize himself with its

He then began to carve. This time, Yuan Zhou chose to carve a water lotus out

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of the daikon. The requirement was that the lotus petals must be crystal clear
and thin enough to be translucent; petals should be blooming and exquisitely
connected together; even the lotus pith had to be carved delicately into a real
water lotus.
The carving knife swung around in Yuan Zhou’s hand. At the very beginning,
Yuan Zhou’s actions appeared obviously unfamiliar. With further carving,
however, the actions of his hands became increasingly adroit, the working
speed likewise becoming much faster.
In a little while, a water lotus was carved. Nonetheless, there were some tiny
scratches on several lotus petals, which seemed to result from hesitation while
carving. In addition, the other two lotus petals looked thicker than the
remaining one.
“Seems I need to practice more.” looking at the water lotus on the table, Yuan
Zhou said silently.
Despite that, the water lotus wasn’t inferior at all to those used as a decorative
vegetables in Three-Star restaurants. Of course, it was far from enough for
Yuan Zhou, who had received the pinnacle of carving skills.
After stretching a little, Yuan Zhou put the water lotus into a refrigerator to
retain the freshness and then cleared away his kitchen before cooking noodle
soup for himself.
Having opened the cabinet and taken a look at the eggs, Yuan Zhou decided to
add some nutrition into his meals by boiling a plain egg.
When Yuan Zhou picked up the egg, the system reacted with silence. As a
matter of fact, it didn’t display anything at all until the egg was cooked and
Yuan Zhou had already peeled off the eggshell and carefully eaten it, upon
which the price of 456 RMB was shown.
“System, do you charge me according to the price of the Egg Fried Rice?”
looking at the price payable, Yuan Zhou felt stymied and then asked.
The system displayed, “Host, you can eat whatever edible in the restaurant and
any matched dishes, as long as you pay the price of the set meal.”
“Is this a benefit or scam?” Yuan Zhou said nothing more.

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