Extra: Valentine’s day (※ Commemorating the release of the first volume) 

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While I looked out the window of my house, a sigh of exclamation let out of my mouth.

Snow had started to fall from the sky.

I did hear it might snow today, but I didn’t expect it to start snowing right in the morning.

If it continues to snow at this pace, it might even become heavy for somewhere like Tokyo.

[EDN: It snows for about 9-10 days on average.]

Luckily, it was a three-day weekend starting today.

I didn’t have to worry about going to school while being frightened about the slippery ground that followed.

“Well, if it starts to snow quite a bit. Maybe it’ll pile up…”

Fuyuki, who stood next to me, also gazed blankly at the falling snow.

She looked out the window with interest and had a similar impression as me.

“Well, let’s see… Even if it piles up, I hope it will melt by the beginning of the week.”

“Well. Ah, that’s right, Haru-kun. Why don’t we go shopping before it starts to snow heavily?”

“Do you need something you need urgently?”

“It looks like it will snow for quite a while, so I thought we’d stay at home for the three-day weekend.”

“I see. That’s indeed a good idea.”

Spending time relaxing in a warm cozy room as it snows.

That was really a very attractive proposal.

“Then let’s hurry up and go! Hurrying up and taking action for this kind of ideas and thoughts is the best course of action after all.”

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“No doubts about that.”

The two of us put on a lot of thick clothes and left the house.

We decided to ask not Hino-san, who usually brings out her car on times like this, and just left it this time.

Of course, it is common sense that it would be easier to go shopping by car, but since we’ll be inside the house for the following three days anyway, we decided we would walk outside the house for one last time.

After shopping at the supermarket, we went towards our home holding shopping bags in our hands.

Returning to our warm and cozy house, we lightly brushed off the snow on our shoulders and heads.

The warm feeling of the heater gradually heated up my cold fingertips and face. It somehow felt incredibly comfortable.

“Let’s put all the ingredients we bought in the refrigerator. Although It seems to be a little too much.”

“Ah… Wait, what are you going to do with these sweets?”

I showed her the bag filled with chocolate that I had.

Fuyuki had a lot of chocolate bars in the basket, but again, what was this for?

“Haru-kun, did you still not take notice?”


“Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, isn’t it?”

Valentine’s day….?

“A~h! Valentine’s Day!”

“You really didn’t notice at all…”

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Well, one of the reasons why I didn’t realize that Valentine’s day was drawing close was because I wasn’t a person who had a connection with it in the first place, but more than that, I think the main reason was that I didn’t go to my part-time job this year.

Last year, I worked part-time at a convenience store every day, so I would immediately notice that Valentine’s Day was approaching when we got asked to line up the chocolates.

“Last year, I couldn’t give Haru-kun Valentine’s chocolate, but it will be different this year! I’ll give you a chocolate that will be memorable enough to be in your memories forever, so please look forward to it, okay!”


Why, I wonder? I should have been very happy about being told something like that, but I just couldn’t get rid of this ominous feeling I was getting.

It’s been a while since we started living together, but I still can’t read what she’s thinking and will be doing.

“――As tomorrow my womanly body will be ready for the meal covered with only chocolate and its sauce!”

“I had a feeling that it would be something like that after all…”

The next day.

Using the excuse that there were still some preparations to be made, Fuyuki had me locked up in one of the rooms while sitting in the living room almost naked.

I could see her privates getting covered by some chocolate sauce but hidden in a perfect amount of darkness so that one couldn’t see through easily when I came out.

The floor was carefully laid out with brand-new leisure sheets, making it easy to clean up even if some chocolate were to spill away in the process.

“Please, Haru-kun! Please eat up!”

“There’s no way I can eat that up, can I!?”

“Eh… Am I not charming enough for you? I…”

“We are talking about chocolate here, right?”

Even I, who usually gives in to Fuyuki’s crying imitations, realized this one was way out of expectations.

If I had rushed to deny that on the spot, saying, “I’m not saying that you aren’t charming” here, I’m sure Fuyuki had already planned to say, “Then please prove it by licking me clean.”

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“… Che. So you won’t be deceived so readily, huh?”

“Sometimes I have a thought that perhaps there are times when Fuyuki takes me as an idiot or something right.”

“Muuu! There’s no such thing! Haru-kun is always the smart one!”


If you really think so, please don’t set a trap like this.

“So I guess ‘The eating up the charming female body with the chocolate’ is a failure, huh… Well, it can’t be helped. I will get myself cleaned up.”

“I pray to you…”

I could see the straps of her bikini on her back as she headed back to her bathroom.

Good thing that she didn’t really put on liquid chocolate over her exposed body out there.

When Fuyuki came back after a while, she was properly dressed.

She sat down right next to me, who looked strangely tired due to all of this even though I just woke up, and gently touched her shoulder to mine.

“Um… Haru-kun, are you perhaps angry?”


“No… Even I had the impression that, maybe, this time, I went a little too far…”

Fuyuki was fidgeting and looking anxiously at me.

The experience of seeing this side of her, compared to her usual confidence and pride, was a privilege that probably only I could enjoy.

“I’m not angry per se. But if possible, I would have liked a normal chocolate. It would have been the first chocolate I would have ever received from Fuyuki, so it would always be more special than anything else to me that follows.”

Being gifted Valentine’s chocolate from someone you adore for the first time. 

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It seems that Fuyuki didn’t realize how special it was already from the get-go.

“Well, it did become a special memory in a way, but next year I will be looking forward to a rather normal chocolate th――”

“Um, Haru-kun.”


Fuyuki got up and pulled out a small heart-shaped box she had hidden behind her back.

A red ribbon on a pink exterior.

Even someone as dumb as me could easily guess what it was from the get-go.

“Um, actually, I had prepared ordinary handmade chocolates in case ‘the eating up the charming female body with chocolate’ operation ended in failure… So, I would be happy if you could accept them…”

“… A…ah, of course.”

To even prepare for things like this, I could only say, ‘as expected of someone like Tojo Fuyuki.’

She was prepared for it very well. It was a good understanding of the possibilities.

“Thank you, can I eat that now?”

“Yes! The contents are nothing but chocolate, so I’d be more than happy if you could eat it up as soon as possible.”

“I get it.”

I opened the box and brought one of the chocolates to my mouth.

The chocolate slowly melted in my mouth. It wasn’t made too sweet. However, It was an exquisite taste that made me think about me and me only, a taste which lasted even after melting away from my tongue.

“Haru-kun, I love you incredibly.”

Along with those words that escaped her words, the chocolate that I put into my mouth felt even more ecstatic than the first bite I had taken of it.

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