Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 300: Chapter 300 Zhu family forms a hu

Chapter 300 Zhu family forms a human wall

Lang had always been rational and calm, she was one of those who hardly ever lost their temper but like everyone else, she had a bottom line and that bottom line was none other than her family. She cared for her husband who married her when she had nothing and took care of her when her family kicked her out of the house, she treated him well so naturally, she treated her daughter and son just as well as her husband.

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Even though her son was a mer and might not bring any benefits in the eyes of others, to Lang he was his beloved son. Because her family didnt treat Lang Hui well, she sent him to his grandmothers place, back then her in-laws were poor and in need of money, so she promised them a hundred cents every month in return for taking care of her Xiao Hui. Back then when her son used to stay at his grandmothers house, he would be the first one to rush out of the house when he heard her voice but today, even after listening to her shouts, Lang Hui was nowhere to be seen.

Just like Lang, Zhu Qian also noticed that something was wrong, so he hurriedly looked around the hallway and peered through the crowd that was standing at the entrance, like Lang, he too didnt see his son and suddenly the bad feeling in his heart rose even further. Zhu Qian rubbed the dread that was knotting his chest and looked at his mother who was looking everywhere but him. Mother, where is little Hui? Why didnt he come out to see us with you guys?

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Mother Zhu coughed and exchanged a glance with her husband who shook his head furtively telling her not to let the cat slip out of the bag. Mother Zhous stiffened, not letting the cat slip out of the bag? Heh, her daughter in law was here with her son, surely the cat was going to flip out of the bag sooner or later but then she forced a smile as her gaze lingered on Lang and she noticed the big bags that her daughter in law was carrying in her hands. Oh, that boy was too tired after playing around in the morning and is sleeping nowI told him many times that he shouldnt run around when the weather is sweltering like this but you know how naughty Hui Hui can be right?

With that said, she tried to take the bag of strawberries from Lang who pulled it away from Mother Zhus grabby paws. She stared at her mother in law until the latter started to shift uncomfortably under her gaze. I know my son very well, Old madam Zhu. I have raised him to listen to his elders and he has never once disobeyed me or Qianer.

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Basically, she was telling Mother Zhu to come up with a better excuse if she was going to give her one.

Mother Zhus face changed when she heard the underlying meaning of her daughter in law what was this? Wasnt she finding faults with her and saying that she was lying? ThisThis daughter in law was too much! Has she forgotten that when her family refused to raise Lang Hui, it was them who took him in and raised him as one of their family members? Where was her conscience! Actually, Langs conscience was with her all along, it was true that she in laws helped her raise Lang Hui but she never asked them to pay any extra cent on her son.

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Raising a seven-year-old child wasnt worth hundred cents, at most a seven-year-old mer would spend at least twenty or thirty cents a month but Lang had sent hundred cents, she naturally knew the troubles of her in-laws and understood that with a dozen of mouths to feed, they would have a hard time raising her son alone which was why even though she had to eat boiled cabbage, she still willing sent hundred cents to her mother in law and her family. Yet they have done something irreversible to her son!

She was willing to suffer for her son, she thought that her daughter and husband were already suffering with her, at least her son should live a worry-free life. That was why she stretched every dime that she had but still sent hundred cents to her mother in law and her family, despite knowing that all her son needed was twenty or so cents. With her mother in laws frugal living where they used to eat only boiled vegetables and coarse pancakes, hundred cents was a lot of money well at least they once had been Langs gaze skimmed to the greasy mouth of the Zhu family and then she swept her gaze at the dining table where a big pot of soft turtle soup was left.

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It was clear that her mother in law and her family were living a good life but her son who was behind their comfort was nowhere to be seen.

Eldest sister Zhu saw that Lang was not willing to listen to her mother, thus, she hurriedly strode out of the crowd and greeted Lang with a grin that was filled with threats rather than warmth. Sister in law! Why are you acting like a stranger? We are all one family, little Hui is indeed a really responsible child but in the end, he is still a child staying with his maternal grandmother, he has turned a little unruly. You cant blame him after all that child is now living a worry-free life. Then she raised her hand and patted Lang as she put more pressure on her hand as she smacked Langs shoulder. And you should calm down as well, if someone heard you what will they say? The villagers might think that you have worked at the brothel with your family and learned the wrong ways.

In the past, the Zhu family threatened Lang like this as well, at that time Lang had no choice so she willing shut her mouth and said nothing back then but now her eyes glimmered with a threatening chill as she grabbed Elder sister Zhus wrist and twisted it, causing Elder sister Zhu to cry out loud. for the last time I am asking you where is my son!

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