Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 336: Chapter 336 Not a fluke, right?

Chapter 336 Not a fluke, right?

Chen Mi was of course willing to finish this task, he immediately handed little bun to Xiao Bai who took the little boy in his arms without much thought. It was as if he knew instinctively that the child was going to get landed in his arms one way or another.

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Xiao Bai: .

Little bun: .

However, just because he was ready doesnt mean that he was happy about this development. Little bun and Xiao Bai looked at each other, both of them shooting daggers at each other. Ever since the day of the wedding, the two have declared each other enemies. And now these two self-proclaimed enemies have to take care of each other once again? What a drag.

Chen Mi didnt have any idea that his son was unhappy with the arms he was thrown in and quickly descended the stairs, once or twice he even took two stairs at one time.

Yu Dong was managing the record book in which they were writing down all the profit that they made today when Chen Mi came rushing toward her and slammed his palms on the reception table, startling her. What was up with him? Thought Yu Dong as she raised her head and looked at Chen Mi who was grinning slyly at her, every time her third husband wore this smile, he was preparing to either make trouble for her or he was ready to pull something sneaky.

Whats wrong? she asked, watching Chen Mis expression carefully why was it that he looked even more smug after she asked him this question.

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Chen Mi cupped his face and shook his head while clicking his tongue. Seriously, wife. How can you make such a mistake, shouldnt you be the first one to find out about it?

Yu Dong frowned as she looked at Chen Mi, she couldnt figure out what he was trying to do. Putting down the account book on the table she carefully asked, And what mistake did I make?

However, instead of answering her, Chen Mi only tsked. To think that you were such a person, I expected better from you, wife.

I am sorry? There was only one thing that Yu Dong learned after living with three husbands, as long as they were upset, she should just go ahead and apologise, it wasnt that she was trying to be complacent nor was she disinterested in what her husbands had to say to her, it was just that sometimes they just didnt tell her straight-ahead what was going on in their head and would go round and round like Chen Mi was doing currently.

She wasnt good at dealing with their mood swings.

You are not even apologetic, are you? said Chen Mi as he crossed his arms and sullenly pouted.

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Yu Dong had to try really hard not to laugh out loud as she shook her head. You need to tell me what should I be apologetic about first, only then can I summon my guilty conscience. Without knowing what wrong I have done, how am I supposed to feel apologetic, so why dont you drop the charges at me dear husband before punishing me?

Chen Mi flushed as he quickly looked around, a few days ago, he teased Yu Dong and now she was using his words to flirt with him everywhere. Cheeks bulging like a squirrel, Chen Mi glared at her, You just know how to tease me, but dont know how to take responsibility for your actions.

Excuse me?

Do you know, Brother Chi is pregnant and it is your fault. But look at you, you dont even know what have you done, said Chen Mi as he shrugged while shaking his head.

He waited for a while for Yu Dong to say something when she didnt, he opened his eyes and peeped at Yu Dong who seemed to have frozen in shock. He wasnt surprised by her reaction and poked her arm, Hey, dont freeze up like this. Come on, we need to go.

Only then did Yu Dong snap out of her shocked state but she was still looking a bit dazed. Go? Go where?

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Of course to see brother Chi, you silly! Chen Mi rolled his eyes as he folded his arms. Your husband is pregnant shouldnt you come with us and check up on him?

Yu Dong could hear everything that Chen Mi was saying but she couldnt understand a thing no, she was able to understand it as well but it was just that her entire body has gone numb. She couldnt think of anything as she looked at Chen Mi and blinked her eyes at him. Pre..gnant? She repeated after a long time as she stared at Chen Mi waiting for him to say that he was just joking but instead he just gave her a sincere smile that was like a sure confirmation.

Yu Dong slid off her chair as realisation finally seeped inside her body. Fang Chi was pregnant she was going to be a mother!

Crossing the reception, she walked towards Chen Mi and clasped his hands. Are you sure? Itit is no mistake on your part right?

If this was any other situation, Chen Mi would have surely gotten angry but this time he simply rolled his eyes and smiled at Yu Dong. He knew just how important it was for her, though Little bun was also her son and she treated him very well, he couldnt be counted as her son if they were to carefully think about it.

But this time it was different Fang Chi was pregnant with Yu Dongs child.

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The one she would be with from the beginning to the end.

Chen Mi nodded his head and smilingly said, There is no mistake, a mers cinnabar would get bright red if he gets pregnant this is the case for everyone. Brother Chis cinnabar is now the shade of vermilion, it wasnt as deep as before as it is now.

Yu Dongs fingers trembled as she wiped the sweat off her face. Then why didnt we see any signs before?

Seeing how nervous she was Chen Mi decided to end her misery. Because brother Chi said that he ate something bad and that was why his stomach wasnt feeling good and it takes two months at most for cinnabar to turn a deep vermilion, only when the pregnancy is certain will it show. Then he held Yu Dongs hands and emphasised each word as he spoke, You dont need to worry about it being a fluke, you are really going to be a mother.

p.s: show some love with powerstones and gifts even one is enough author san begs you all!!

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