Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 372: Chapter 372 Mismatch?

Chapter 372 Mismatch?

What? Did someone say capital? Chen Mi who has gone out of the house to wash the dirty laundry dropped the basket that he was carrying on the ground and rushed inside, almost forgetting Fang Chi who was behind him.

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Because he wasnt feeling good, Fang Chi suggested going on a walk with Chen Mi, and Yu Dong who have learned a lot from her grandma and knew the new term called prenatal depression, so she allowed him to go out instead of coping him in the house.

Seeing that Chen Mi almost forgot Fang Chi, she whistled causing the latter to former and look at her, hitching a brow she said, Where is your brother Chi? You took responsibility to bring him home with you, Chi I dont like it when you break your promises.

Chen Mi stiffened and rushed out looking for Fang Chi who was still at the threshold of the Yu houses entrance door. He waited for him impatiently but didnt dare to leave Fang Chi behind anymore.

Fang Chi was a bit stunned seeing Chen Mi act so impatient, so he blinked his eyes and unconsciously increased his pace but Chen Mi immediately stopped him. Dont walk too fast the courtyard is still dangerous even if its not uneven.

Though he was in a hurry, Chen Mi wasnt stupid to put Fang Chis child in danger. Once they were inside the house, Chen Mi once again rushed inside and looked at his Brother Li and excitedly exclaimed, Brother Li, are you going to the capital?

Shen Li whose sight was blocked by nothing but Chen Mis oversize face because of their close proximity leaned back and said replied flatly, Yeah, what about it?

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What about it? Chen Mi almost got a stroke hearing Shen Lis words as he looked at him in incredulity. its the capital! Do you know how big it is?

Shen Li hiked up one brow as he asked gently, Do you know about it?

Chen Mi: .. No, I dont!

Thats not the point, Chen Mi smoothly ignored that question and changed the topic as he continued, What I am talking about is the capital! Do you know everyone in the village wants to go there, why are you not excited?

Because he does not want to go to the capital, said Yu Dong from the side as she helped Fang Chi on a chair and handed him a bowl of water infused with spiritual energy.

Chen Mi whipped his head at Shen Li like he was looking at someone who has gone mad. Why? Its once in a lifetime opportunity.

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Dong Dong is not coming with us, said Shen Li with an annoyed huff, as he looked away. Apparently, she is too busy to come with her husbands.

Listening to Shen Lis complaining tone Yu Dong laughed as she shook her head. I never said that I was too busy to come with you but there are a lot of concerns that are stopping me from coming with you.

Like what?

Like looking for a storefront and Chis pregnancy is not stable yet, replied Yu Dong as she looked at Shen Li with an amused expression, was this man going through PMs or something? Why was he so unusually angry all of a sudden? I cannot leave him alone and we cant drop the matter till the next month either. So this is the only option, and its not like I am sending you two alone, Sister Junfen will be with you as well and Lang will be coming with you as she needs to drop Ruru to the academy in the capital and-

Before she could continue, a loud shrill shriek echoed in the room.

What? You are leaving for the capital? Why didnt you tell me?

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Everyone turned to look at the commotion and saw Yu Mai glaring at Lang Ru, who looked really guilty as she mustered her courage and mumbled. I I was going to tell you?

And being the diva he was Yu Mai placed his hands on his hips and looked at her in a way that demanded nothing but the truth. When?

Lang Ru opened her mouth to defend herself but couldnt, seeing this Yu Mai sneered as he motioned with his finger for Lang Ru to follow him. You .come with me!

And Lang Ru who couldnt say anything walked out of the room following him like a wronged wife.

Yu Dong saw the proceedings and frowned as she muttered, This looks kind of wrong, she turned to her husbands and asked them, Dont you guys think so too?

The others who knew what was going on, all shook their heads.

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Its nothing, just two kids arguing. they all chimed even Fang Chi who was secretly praising Yu Mai for doing a good job.

Even if that little guy had no idea about what he was doing, he was doing an excellent job taming Lang Ru in place.

The frown on Yu Dongs face didnt ease but she turned her head to Shen Li who regained his angry expression. What was I saying? Yes, Lang will follow you two as well and the inauguration is only a week-long, you will be back before this month ends. So, why are you complaining so much?

Then she thought about something and teased, Is it because you will miss me too much?

Shen Lis face flushed as he stood up from his chair and glared at Yu Dong before shouting, Not even my shoe is going to miss you! Then he stormed out of the kitchen and shut the door of his room behind him with a loud bang.

Yu Dong winced and then looked at Ye Liu who looked a lot more calm and gentle, the latter looked at her with a naive expression like he couldnt understand what was happening and Yu Dong scratched her head. was there a mismatch while summoning their souls? How come the always gentle Shen Li became so aggressive and Ye Liu became so gentle?

P.s: I pulled a nerve in the left shoulder please if their is any grammatical mistake do let me know.

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