Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 449: Chapter 449 I will make you like

Chapter 449 I will make you like me

Yu Dong shrieked in her head as Xiao Hua raised his arms and hugged her just as she tried to dodge him, their stance went weird as she ended up with her head against his chest. From this position she could hear Xiao Huas heartbeat that was going out of control, causing her own heart to skip a beat or two. Do you think that I have any other option huh, Yu Dong? Its too late as you can hear, will you still say that I am mistaking something for something else? His grip on her neck loosened and Yu Dong immediately pulled back as she looked at the slightly drunk-looking Xiao Hua. Dont take my love for something so stupid as infatuation, I know the difference you know?

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Hearing his confession, Yu Dong felt her mind buzz as she tried to get a hold of herself. She could feel her body light up the second he said those words but she still stayed where she was clenching her fists in a hope that she wouldnt do something unforgivable to Xiao Hua.

Taking in a deep breath, she pushed Xiao Hua away from herself. I know what you are trying to say but you are not in your senses at the moment. Lets talk when you are sane and the effects of alcohol have gone down, all right? I will listen to you then all right?

But talking to a drunk person was like playing the lute to a buffalo.

Whatever Yu Dong said to Xiao Hua went over his head as he narrowed his head and clasped her hands. Are you rejecting me?

Thats not what I am doing, Yu Dong sensed the danger in his voice the second it went down a pitch and immediately tried to correct the situation. I am not rejecting you, I just said that we will talk in the morning when you are clear-headed, all right?

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Why are you rejecting me? said Xiao Hua as he took a step forward completely ignoring what Yu Dong just said, causing the latter to retreat and knock against a chair. What do I not have for you to reject me like this?

Yu Dong felt her temple throb this was why she didnt want him to drink. She knew that he will do something like this, after all, he was always like this - an unreasonable drunkard after he took more than three cups of wine and what was more the wine that she picked up was a rarely strong one, she picked it because she thought that she was going to be alone but who would have thought.

Xiao Hua, calm down she raised her hands and tried to put a stop to Xiao Huas pace. We can calmly talk about this man, there is no need for you to be this agitated?

Am I not beautiful enough? He asked with his pace sluggish but determined. Am I not good looking for you to get hot?

Thats not it Yu Dong tried to get past him as he lunged at her, rounding around the corner of the room as she ran to the stairs of the second floor. She needed to get away from here unless she wanted to be mauled by a drunken mer but as soon as she walked to the staircase she realised there was a small problem. Actually a big one the door to the second floor was locked.

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She gritted her teeth thinking whether she should break the lock or not but then decided against it, if she used her strength on the frail door it might break. After all the door wasnt that sturdy enough to hold her back.

Grounding her teeth to dust, she turned to look at Xiao Hua who has almost caught up to her and immediately went down to head in the other direction. Dont come near me Xiao Hua, I swear I swear I will hit you! Stay away, you hear me? Then she raised a cushion that was on the couch that was used in the waiting area of the bar at him.

How she wished she could knock him out but Xiao Hua was so small and weak, she was worried that she will end up hurting.

In the end, she could only do one thing and that was - run around the bar.

Stop running you coward! shouted Xiao Hua as he picked up the cushion that has dropped on the floor and threw it back at Yu Dong. Stop and answer me, am I not beautiful enough? Or am I not bold enough? I have used all my courage to confess and you are running away from me? What kind of woman are you?

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I am trying to save your virtue here! Yu Dong shouted back, quite upset with the coward taunt as she looked at Xiao Hua over her shoulder. You dont know what you are doing at the moment, if something happens then you will be the first one to cry and regret it.

Xiao Hua paused and so did Yu Dong as she stared at his face which was oddly flushed and his eyes that have been rimmed red because of the tears that have collected at the corner. The two of them stayed in the position of stalemate before

What What are you doing? shrieked Yu Dong shrilly as she looked at Xiao Hua who was untying his belt and immediately rushed to clasp his hands to make him stand still. What do you think you are doing? she asked angrily looking at Xiao Hua with enraged eyes. How can you give yourself up so cheaply?

Because you wouldnt take me any other way! shouted Xiao Hua as he looked Yu Dong in the face. I want you to look at me, I want you to like me. Why wont you like me? His sudden shout took Yu Dong by surprise and she let go of his hands causing the latter to cup her face as he squished her cheeks, Tonight I will make you like me. With that, he leaned in closer

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kiss= shower author san with gifts and powerstones.

no kiss = less than 200 powerstones and lack of gifts like three days.

(Yup playing hooligan)

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