Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 498: Chapter 498: Kick them in the but

Chapter 498: Kick them in the butt

Anyway, if they make any trouble for you four make sure that you all kick them in the asses. Yu Dong poured the hot water into a large bowl before picking up a clean cloth from the cabinet that was resting outside the kitchen. Dont think about it if they bother you, you can she raised her leg and then made an action of kicking someone. Just kick them like this, I will back you up, all right?

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After she finished giving defence lessons to her husbands, Yu Dong walked toward her room. Once she was inside the room, Fang Chi turned to look at the other two and said, SheShe was joking right?

Knowing wife, she was being serious. Chen Mi knew Yu Dongs temper, she would rather deal with the aftermath rather than watch them being bullied, this was what he has learned after staying with her for so long. I always wanted to try kicking someone, I wish they would find trouble with us.

WhaWhat are you saying? Fang Chi turned to look at Chen Mi in disbelief he actually wanted to kick someone? When has a mer kicked a woman? What will everyone say? It was fine for them if they were called rude and disrespectful but Yu Dong will be talked about as well! We ca..cannot do something like that?

As if seeking support Fang Chi turned to look at Ye Liu who frowned and said, Why not? If they trouble us then we can always kick themanyway, its not like we arent called names behind our backs. They were the only mers who were allowed to work in the village, of course, they were called several names behind their backs. What was the problem with adding a few more names?

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In fact, since they were called mers with no virtue then they might as well act like one.

Ye Liu looked at Fang Chis shocked face and then his gaze dipped down to his pregnant belly as he softly said, Maybe its better for you to call me in case you want to kick someone, you are pregnant its not good for you to kick someone.

If you want, you can call me as well! Chen Mi pointed to himself as he volunteered himself for Fang Chis security. Anyway no matter who you call make sure that you dont kick anyone with your own feet, if something happened to your delicate feet while carrying the baby, wife might as well skin that person who caused you to get hurt.

Fang Chi: . Thats what you are concerned about?!!!

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Yu Dong pushed open the door to her room and she wasnt surprised to find that Shen Li was already asleep. She looked at his sleeping face and chuckled softly before she headed to the bed and carefully wiped him clean and then dressed him up, even though the blankets that she took out from her space were thick and warm, the weather outside was too cold. It has been raining non-stop for so long and with the flood, the temperature was only going down day by day.

This should be fine, Yu Dong tucked Shen Li into the bed making sure that he wouldnt wake up. Then she softly caressed his forehead and tucked the fringes to the side before she leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. I will be back soon.

Shen Li shifted in the bed making a soft humming sound before he rolled to his left and scooted closer to Yu Dong. Seeing him clinging to her, Yu Dong was so amused that she wanted to pinch his cheeks. Just a few months and you are already this clingy? Maybe I should take some trips to the capital as well, at least that way you will be clinging to me all the time.

Whats going on? Yu Dong looked at the handful amount of villagers who were huddled in a place and then looked at the two women in front of her. Aunt Wang, the villagers they arent rescued yet?

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Its not that they arent rescued yet, Aunt Wang sighed like she was tired and then looked at Yu Dong with an exasperated look. Your sister Wu went to take care of the Wu family and we were just left with this one raft. We have been trying to save the villagers but they have been making trouble by doing me first and me first thing, I cant even bring more of them back because they are in such a desperate situation that they are willing to drag others back for the sake of getting onto the raft first. I am not saying that they are wrong in doing so but because of their selfishness, we cant save anyone.

Then she pointed to the villagers who were huddled in the corner of the mountain and said, These were the only ones who did not make things difficult for me thats why I was able to save them on time. If not then I wouldnt have been able to save anyone. Dong Dong, you say what are we going to do now?

Yu Dong looked at the shivering villagers and then poked the tip of her tongue to the back of her cheek and said, What else we are going to do it the old way.

As she spoke, she took the hunting dagger that she stored in the space and waved it in the air with her fingers. If they dont know how to act nicely then they might as well not blame me for acting like a hooligan because it seems that those villagers only understand the language of punches and threats.

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She threw the dagger up in the air before catching it with the handle, a dangerous smile etched on her face. A good thing too, I have so much stress stored, today I saw my horoscope it says I will have great fun today. Looks like its time to have fun.

The rescued villagers: . Thank goodness they didnt make things difficult for Yu Dong.


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