Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 504: Chapter 504: Can do worse than th

Chapter 504: Can do worse than that

Hey, where are you going? What about us? Someone saw that Yu Dong was leaving without caring about them and immediately became upset, what was this attitude? They might have made a mistake but they were still from the same village werent they, can she not share a bit of her own place with them? However just as the woman was going to get hold of Yu Dongs sleeves the latter pivoted around on the spot and then caught hold of her wrist before throwing the woman who was trying to catch her over her shoulders.

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Immediately the woman fell face first in the wet mud and her face ended up getting smeared with mud all over. Yu Dong dusted her hands off and coldly sneered at the woman who was trying to get hold of her, You better not be thinking that I will let you in my hideout and give you a share from my share, that is for me and my husbands and the mers whom I am taking care of, I already have enough people to take care of so you better take your ungrateful butt somewhere else.

She had done enough by saving them, either way, she wasnt close to the villagers and she was going to move away from the village soon anyway, why should she care about them? Was she heartless for doing this? Maybe but Yu Dong has seen the worst coming out of people when the apocalypse hit the world. Even if the calamity this time wasnt the same as an apocalypse happening, it was a calamity nonetheless. She couldnt waste her life-saving ration when she had so many kids and mers to take care of.

The womans friends saw that their friend was knocked to the ground and immediately went to help her up. Here, sister Tan.

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The woman called sister Tan was a commoner in the village, she worked in the fields and had no good feelings toward Yu Dong who was getting richer day by day. She has been jealous of Yu Dong and her wealth, this was one of those very few opportunities she would get to rip Yu Dong off, so how can she let go of her? And what was more she really did not have the ration to stay alive in this flood? Knowing Yu Dong and the big barrels she moved before the flood started, she must have a lot of food and now that they were in this situation, they should at least get a share of it right?

Yu Dong was so rich anyway, she must have had enough ration saved for her family, giving them a mouthful wouldnt hurt either, of course, no one would be satisfied with a mouthful but they will talk about that later on.

Why? What did I say wrong? Sister Tan got to her feet and then looked at Yu Dong as if the latter owed something to her. We all saw the big barrels you were moving last time, surely you have a bunch of good things in your hideout and if you can give space to the Wu family surely you can give us space in the hideout as well cant you? Do you think that just rescuing us from the water is enough? Dont be so heartless Yu Dong, you have so much food and ration, why dont you share some with us, if you dont then we would have to starve in the mountain, then what was the point of you saving us?

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They sure are shameless, commented Yue Hua as he shook his head while patting his daughters back. The young child was really scared after being caught in the flood for so long, thankfully his wife returned or else who knows how long it would have taken for them to get out of that place.

Wu Junfen didnt say anything, she knew that Yu Dong didnt want her to say anything at the moment, the girl was a brat through and through. Though she made it look like she was a gentle woman who could be won over with the smallest of things but she was actually the exact opposite of it. The last time she saw Yu Dong, she was in her twenties anger blasted off her every time she saw people who thought they were entitled to be protected just because they were in the weaker stance.

Back then she has taught Yu Dong to be patient and calm while she was on her duty but the brat returned home with a demerit record on her shoulders, telling her how she threw a normal human in front of the zombies to be eaten alive, she did not save the man she didnt even bother looking at him as he was eaten by the zombies just because she wanted to teach a good lesson to the crowd that was making a ruckus in front of her.

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She might look like she was easy to bully with that nice temper of hers but Yu Dong was someone who was capable of killing someone without batting an eye.

Dont say anything to her, right now, Wu Junfen warned her husband, she knew Yu Dong was more than pissed off, she was enraged and it was better to let her take it out than bottle it up lest she scared her husbands. Dont say anything no matter what you see now.

Yue Hua didnt even get a chance to ask what his wife meant by that, because a second later he watched in horror as Yu Dong strode forward caught Sister Tans collars and started dragging the latter towards the flood water. What is she doing?

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Teaching one how to be grateful, Wu Junfen replied with a grimace. Sister Tan was really unlucky to be caught by Yu Dong, while there were voices that were supporting Sister Tan, the latter was a bit too much vociferous. No wonder she was the one caught by Yu Dong, seeing how much Sister Tan was struggling Wu Junfen muttered under her breath, Be glad that she is only throwing you into the water and nothing more.

Yue Hua: . So, Yu Dong can do worse than that?

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