Chapter 118: Proposal

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T/N: Thank you, Larky (editor)!

Today, Wang Changding was wearing a t-shirt and casual pants. When he got out of the car and opened the door, Lin Xin did not immediately recognize him.

He’s usually dressed solemnly. Why is he dressed like this today? 

Once she was in the car, she couldn’t contain her curiosity. “Why are you dressed so casually today?”

Their usual topics of conversation revolved around business and the economy, seldom ever covering life and such.

“I just finished playing golf with my friends.”

Lin Xin was not convinced, she took it he was lying. Even if she had never been in love, she knew that if you played golf with friends in the morning, you wouldn’t take your girlfriend out on a date in the evening.


What do you mean by asking your girlfriend out when you’re done meeting your friends? She didn’t expose his fib. Everybody had something they didn’t want to reveal, so she let him be.

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Today, Lin Xin was in low spirits so didn’t talk much. Wang Changding seemed to be preoccupied too and thus stayed silent all along. Without a word, the two arrived at the restaurant he had reserved and took their time ordering a hearty meal.

Right when they were in the middle of dinner, music sounded. A violinist neared their table slowly, followed by two girls holding a large bouquet of roses. When the music stopped, Wang Changding took a rose and went down on a knee and presented the rose and the ring he’d prepared.

“Miss Lin, will you marry me?”

Amidst everyone’s attention, Lin Xin froze.

Was he proposing? 

It seemed to have come a little too soon, but it’s a matter of course. After all, they’d started with the purpose of getting married. It was only now that Lin Xin felt strange at the thought of spending the rest of her life with the man before her. She hadn’t known love, and her parents didn’t tell her what love should look like. What should it be like for two people to get along with each other? Like how they were now, courteous; or like the TV show Odd Couple, boisterous. Or like glue, clingy?

[E/N: Odd Couple is a 1982 fashion comedy, with 10 episodes.]

Who knows, perhaps this was a kind of love too? 

Anyway, she didn’t hate him.


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When the crowd saw Lin Xin hesitating, they chanted: “Marry him, marry him!”

Here, Lin Xin still stood mulling over the complexities of love. There, Wang Changding made his own decision to put the ring on her finger. The crowd cheered, music filled the air.

Yet, Lin Xin did not react, even when Wang Changding took her hand.

In her more than 30 years of life, in addition to Lin Shuhao and Lin Xinyu, Lin Xin’s hand was held for the first time ever. Wang Changding’s palm was warm, the temperature wasn’t high or low, everything was just right.

She looked at him curiously, simply wondering, in what kind of state of mind is he, a man marrying a woman?

Overwhelmed with emotions, Wang Changding could not help planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. In the past, she had often kissed Lin Xinyu in a similar manner, and he had reciprocated in the same way. It was just a casual goodnight kiss, but here she felt a little warmer than usual.

She touched her forehead, looked at Wang Changding with an innocence that did not match her age, and thought, Is this love? I don’t think so.

Wang Changding was amused by her naive and childlike expression and could not help touching her face. Her skin was fine, glossy like soap; he could even see a tiny blush on it. Obviously, she spoke and did things in sophisticated and formal ways, but just a moment ago, she’d displayed a childlike ignorance; so plain, like a piece of blank paper.

Thinking that this piece of white paper would be painted by him in the near future, Wang Changding felt an unbearable excitement surge in his heart. He held her face and drew closer to her lips, trying to kiss her.

As the masculine breath drew closer, an ill feeling poured into her heart. Lin Xin tried to push Wang Changding away, but she was too weak. At that critical moment, it suddenly turned dark.

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Was there a power outage in the restaurant?

With the whole place in total darkness, everybody started to panic. The restaurant manager hurried over to explain the situation. Apparently, there was an issue with the circuitry. He urged the customers not to panic and queue out of the restaurant in a civilized fashion, declaring everything on the house for the night.

In the dark, Wang Changding said sheepishly, “I just lost my bearings.”

Lin Xin thought about it and said, “I’m not used to being touched by others.”

Wang Changding asked, “Can I hold your hand?”

He has already proposed, isn’t it appropriate to hold hands now? 


When Wang Changding held her hand, the temperature was still the same as just now; no more, no less. Lin Xin felt she wasn’t repulsed by the idea of being led by him and walked out of the restaurant.

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Outside, the street was alive with bright lights and the hustle and bustle of passers-by. Wang Changding instantly let go of her hand.

“You are not in good health, I will drive you back.”


Lin Xin nodded and stood at the intersection waiting for Wang Changding. He had only been gone for two minutes when a car stopped in front of Lin Xin. The window rolled down and Lin Xinyu appeared.

“What a coincidence, Miss Lin. Would you like to go back together?”

Is he following me?

“I’m waiting for my boyfriend.”

“Then see you next time.”

He started the car and was about to drive away when Wang Changding came back, apologetic. “The car broke down, I’ll get a taxi to send you back.”

When Lin Xinyu heard him, he stretched out his head and asked, “Does Mr. Wang want me to send you back? I’m on my way.”

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