Chapter 126: Kiss Me (2)

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Lin Xin wondered why he had this idea.

“When did I have time to go out with him?”

“Why don’t you have time? You didn’t want to go to school for a while. When you were 18 years old,  Mother couldn’t help but have to take you to school. After a month, you didn’t go again because of your ill health. ”

Lin Xin thought for a moment and realized that there was such a thing.

“At that time, you met Lin Xinyu and the two of you dated for some time. Then you broke up with him when you returned. But, you were feeling better some time ago, always looking for his reports. In fact, you still like him. Then, I invited him here. The two of you met again and he still had you in his heart, so he chased after you. When you met him again, you realized you didn’t feel the same for your first love. And when he saw that you were going to marry someone else, he tried to ruin it. Is that what it is?”

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Lin Xin looked at Lin Shuhao’s face that said he knew everything. Ten thousand horses trampled in her heart.

[T/N: Ten thousand horses trample… is a euphemism for f**k.]

Lin Xin thought Lin Shuhao should really write a novel. With only a snippet he could weave a long story, putting the odds and ends together. What's more, there are even patterns making it sound reasonable!

Lin Shuhao thought he was right about his sister’s mind, and his heart was a little sour. She didn’t even tell him such an important thing herself. How can it not sadden him?

He sighed and said, “In fact, it is right for you to break up with him. I think he is sick and his head is missing a screw. In the morning I took him to the study to talk, said that I’m the one closest to you, and he jumped up and grabbed my collar.”

Lin Shuhao grabbed his own collar with both hands and said, “You know, I still feel his hands around my neck. Thinking about it now, he tried to kill me. Don't you think this guy is sick? You’re my sister. Are you going out with an outsider or not? He’s a Lin, but he’s not of our blood. Killing me won’t make him your brother.”

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Lin Xin carefully analyzed the meaning of Lin Shuhao’s words. It was like a small strand of hair, connecting one by one.

Lin Shuhao felt that his mouth was sour. Such resentful words shouldn't be said. Ah, I'll be called an ill-bred by Mother again. 

He changed the subject to persuade his sister, lest she one day softened towards Lin Xinyu.

“Stay as far away from him as possible. He likes you, but you do not want to be with him. Mother said that a lover’s physical and mental health is above all else. He is as obedient as a dog in front of you and a wolf in front of me. Such a man cannot marry.”

Lin Xin felt that all the questions she had overlooked all strung together.

“Does he listen to me?” she asked.

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Lin Shuhao said, “You told him not to move, didn’t he dare not move?”

Lin Xinru was enlightened and finally figured out the things she couldn’t figure out.

She grabbed Lin Shuhao, leaned in his ear and said, “Lin Shuhao, kiss me.”

Lin Shuhao stared at her like a bronze bell. After a while, he flushed and squeaked, “Xinxin, I’m your brother. I know I’m a wonderful man, but we can’t be together. It’s not right.”

Lin Xin was stunned. Where's his mind wandering off to? She tried so hard to prove something that she didn’t care as much. She hugged Lin Shuhao’s head, despite his resistance, was about to kiss it.

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Suddenly, Mother Lin knocked at the door and shouted, “Shuhao, your secretary is calling to see you in an emergency.”

He was saved by the bell. His mother’s voice sounded heavenly. Lin Shuhao jumped and half-ran, half-crawled out of the room, bumping into their mother, who delivered the phone. He was so scared that he took the phone and ran out of the house.

What happened to the child?

She pushed open the door and saw Lin Xin in bed, soundly asleep. She closed the door to let her daughter continue to rest.

As soon as she was certain her mother was out of earshot, Lin Xin sat up in the bed. She looked around and her eyes fell on the chandelier on the ceiling. If she was lying down, the angle up there was just enough to see her face.

Lin Xin looked up and smiled. She brought a stool and put it on the bed. Then she climbed and stood on tiptoe. At a glance, she saw the micro-camera installed in it. She unplugged the camera and threw it on the ground. Then, jumping off the bed, she put on her slippers and walked out of the room.

When she came downstairs, she saw Father and Mother Lin discussing things in the living room. Lin Xin calmly told them she was going to the garden to bask in the sun. She went out of the door, across the garden, and went straight to Lin Xinyu’s house.

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