Chapter 134: Training for New Chrysanthemum Knights Enlistment

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Lute, 15 years old
Equipment : S & W M10 4 inch (revolver)

: AK47 (assault rifle)
Snow, 15 years old
Magician A Minus Class
Equipment : S & W M10 2 inch (revolver)
: AK47 (assault rifle)

Chris, 14 years old
Equipment: M700P (Sniper rifle)
: SVD (Dragunov sniper rifle)

Liz, 181 years old
Magician B Class
Spirit Protection: Infinite Storage
Equipment: PKM (General Purpose Machine Gun)

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: other

Three days after I declared that the Chrysanthemum Knights would be a legion of Peacemaker, as promised, we will recruit those who wish to join.

The girls were gathering in the large room of the Chrysanthemum Knight’s Headquarters.

Originally there were more than 30 members of the Chrysanthemum Knights, but some returned home. For this reason, there were just 30 people in the large room.

Long desks are lined up, girls are sitting on chairs, and they are watching me standing in front. It feels like a professor giving a lecture at a university.

Since I dropped out of high school, I only have the knowledge and image I gained from anime, drama, and light novels about college.

I was feeling depressed put got a hold on myself and talked to the girls sitting in front of me.

“Now I’ll give you the documents. I’ll explain the contents of the documents when you’re done.”

I asked Snow and the others to distribute the documents. After confirming the distribution, I explained the contents of the document.

“This document indicates that you are willing to join the new Chrysanthemum knights as a member of a subsidiary branch of Peacemaker legion. If you are willing to do so, please fill in the fields at the bottom, such as race, name, age, etc. If you cannot write, please do not hesitate and raise your hand. They will write instead. ”

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I turned my hand to Snow, Chris, Liz, Meiya, and Shia, sitting on chairs at the end of the large room.

“If you signed this document you will become a Poole. This means “a prospect of enlistment”, a recruit who is willing to enlist in our new Chrysanthemum Knights. Just signing doesn’t mean you’re enlisted. Be careful not to misunderstand that. ”

A person who signed the enrollment contract and wanted to join the United States Marine Corps on my previous life, Poolees――We call it “expected enlistment”.

It was between civilians and military personnel. By the way, in the United States, 40,000 young people were joining the Marine Corps every year.

“To formally join the New Chrysanthemum Knights, you’ll need 13 weeks of enrollment training. Only those who have passed this training will be allowed to enlist.”

I kept talking.

“We can’t give details of the training, but our Peacemaker deals with a lot of these unusual magic tools that are a little different from the average.”

I took the S&W M10 revolver out of the gun belt and show it to the girls.

“This magic tool-handguns and the like are very dangerous if used improperly. If you do poorly, you can hurt yourself and may die at the worst. It’s going to be a rigorous training to change your consciousness, so if you want to sign the document, please write it with firm determination.”

I moistened my throat with a glass of water on the table.

“After signing the papers, let me measure the size of your clothes and shoes in a separate room. I will make the clothes and shoes you will use during the training. Also, about three weeks now, I will rebuild the headquarters for enlistment training. Take your luggage out of your own room at the headquarters and drop your luggage to the inn we specify. Don’t worry because you won’t pay for in-room meals and necessary expenses during this period. Personal belongings are forbidden. If you have too much luggage or are too large to carry out, please report to them in advance. Your luggage will be kept under our responsibility until the training is over. Do you have any questions so far?”

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“Go ahead.”

A rabbit-eared beast girl raised her hand. I urged her to stand and ask the question.

“During the training period, you are not allowed to bring any personal items, but are handkerchiefs, writing utensils, and our underwear, also prohibited?”

The girl got shy when she said “underwear”.

I answered that question.

“Yes, everything. In addition to the clothing and shoes you are training, handkerchiefs, writing utensils, underwear, socks, towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bags, combs, belts, gloves, meals, etc.-all will be prepared here. On the contrary, please think that you can’t use anything other than the ones prepared here, and if you don’t have enough items for women, you can ask them to prepare. If you need anything related to your life or religion, please consult us.

Looking around, none of the girls raised their hands.

“If you want to join the team within an hour from now, please sign the documents. If you can’t write, feel free to raise your hand.”

All of them signed the documents in less than an hour.

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The number of people who could not write was accounted for two-thirds of the total. After enlisting, wouldn’t it be good to incorporate writing classes?

Then they move to another room and asked Snow to measure their clothes and shoe size. The Legion planned to order the necessary clothing and shoes for military training from outside.

Besides, we needed to prepare the necessary small items within three weeks. The protection of the city during the training period was requested to the Adventurer guild. The adventurers who were familiar with Kokori Street were paid a daily wage.

In the old Chrysanthemum Knights era, if the hands are not enough, it seems they requested the work as a quest through the adventure’s guild. The daily salary would be the same. Thanks to that, a pretty good amount of money disappeared from my hand.

Besides, I had no choice but to take charge of the office work, it couldn’t be avoided. This time I had Garma’s help. However, no one on our side has any experience in office work.

Snow is an elite sorcerer who has left the sorcerer school. Chris is a young lady on the Demon continent and is a former shut-in. Liz is the Princess of the High Elf Kingdom. Meiya is a genius magic tool developer known throughout the dragon continent.

Shia is an escort maid of the High Elf Kingdom. She specializes in maid work and guarding, and apparently, it does not cover office work.

I’m a former slave from an orphanage, now an honorary baron and Peacemaker Legion’s representative.

Previously, I worked as a technician at the town factory. I don’t know any administrative work related to management because my aunt was in charge.

It might be better to hire a trusted clerk in the future.

So the preparations for the Peacemaker Legion- New Chrysanthemum Knights joining Train, “Lute’s Boot Camp”, went smoothly.

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