Prologue - Omen of the Upcoming Conflict and Chaos

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Part 1

There was a group in the world known as COCOON.

Their people hold positions in the "new United Nations," which consisted of the formulation of the international policies, even the secretary and chairman. And they also were the chief executives of the alternate world institutions of Babel.

A position among this small group of people could be refereed to as an administer of the entire world.

Children * Of * Cross * Over * Other * Nation.

Out of all the returnees to this world they had an overwhelming strength.

Even a single individual had enough power to surpass the military force of a large country.

What was the best way to describe these troublesome people? The answer was very simple.

They were the most powerful elites, they represent the world -- that was what it was to be called a "COCOON."

Part 2

"- JPN-Babel went into lock down?"

The man who received the report abruptly narrowed his golden pupils.

This young man was the new chairman of the United Nations and the leader of COCOON that ruled the world.

And the strongest person in all of COCOON, Michael • Arcwood.

Inside the headquarters of COCOON in the United Kingdom.

Michael was sitting on luxury leather chair, looking at the woman standing across the desk in front of him.

She was Retia • Crisis, second in command to Michael, and also the secretary of the new United Nations. This beautiful and talented woman was looking down at the tablet in her hands.

"Yes, This happened about fifteen minutes ago when JPN-Babel suddenly suddenly cut off its connection with the "Apocalypse" server, and is denying other Babel institutions as well as our own login."

"Was the system hacked from the outside?"

The security of the system of COCOON's headquarters and Babel was the best in the world.

In addition to the ordinary security programs, magical fail-safes were created sufficient enough to prevent all intrusions from the outside world.

There weren't many people able to decode these conceptual barriers, probably only the writers of these program within COCOON could, and if a presence greater than COCOON existed.

Strictly speaking, the only possibility would be "Crimson twilight" the world's strongest terrorist group comparable to COCOON. They were said to have recruited many experts in the field of information-gathering and conceptual magic.

Moreover, was also a report that some of the members of Crimson twilight have permeated the special autonomous region within Japan.

Therefore it can be reasonably speculated JPN-Babel had suffered a hacker attack and went into lock down as an emergency defensive maneuver.


"Although that possibility is not zero, however ...... Its probably wrong."

Retia started to talk.

"The program's log showed no signs that JPN-Babel being hacked, but fifteen minutes ago the system suddenly went into lock down."

"Meaning ......?"

"I'm afraid that Kyouya probably cut JPN-Babel's external connection allowing it to operate independently."


Michael is trying to speculate what Hikami Kyouya has in my mind.

Kyouya spoke very little at COCOON's round table conferences. His attitude was always composed, and always had a cold smile on his face.

......But ......

Michael Arcwood was reminded of an incident that took place a few days before the Japan summit.

The summit was held amidst JPN-Babel school's ranking tournament and experienced an unexpected interruption.

An intruder damaged part of the system, and after transformed into higher-dimension being, a fire breathing dragon.

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At that time, Kyouya was participating in the summit and not on the campus. They had to depend on Ousawa Akatsuki to stop the fire breathing dragon to resolve the crisis.

However, after the conclusion of the summit Michael took advantage of the opportunity when he was alone with Kyouya to toss out a question:

Why did you refuse to do it yourself? The "Y Plan" is ultimate goal we are trying to achieve in COCOON. In order to make this plan into reality, some sacrifices are an necessary evil.

Having heard what was said, Kyouya coldly replied to Michael's question:

-- Some sacrifices? -– Including your brother!?

That was the first time Kyouya showed such a provocative sheer attitude to Michael. Could Kyouya hold some unknown ambitions......


Michael couldn't help but get lost in thought. Perhaps Kyouya already learned of some secret.

Not long after Akatsuki attended the high school with JPN-Babel the training program went berserk.

In a video conference with Kyouya, who was responsible for relating the story about Akatsuki, Kyouya's face and tone seem very strange.

Michael didn't know how both of these things were related to the current situation.

But he was sure that Kyouya was acting arbitrary, and there must be hidden purpose behind it.

And in order to achieve his goal Kyouya didn't hesitate in betraying COCOON.

Part 3

"-- How is the current situation of JPN-Babel?"

Access to the campus had been closed off, and all external communications were cut off.

Since the campus was protected by an optical barrier it wasn't possible to perceive the current situation from satellites limiting their intelligence.

However it was limited to areas within JPN-Babel's grounds.

By observing the surrounding areas a limited amount of speculation on the current situation could be inferred.

"The special autonomous region looks to be calm. There are no observable abnormalities in Babel at the present time."

However -- Retia continued,

"There is some suspicious movement by the Japanese naval force. A nuclear-powered submarine deployed in the pacific has veered off its normal navigation route to Yokosuka's third port. At first glance it seems to be mooring at home port......"

"...... But it may be heading to the special autonomous region?"

The Japanese Self-Defense force was reorganized as the official army, since about a quarter of a century ago.

Japan's previous constitution restricted their military expansion into other Asian countries, and in respect to popular sentiment it had taken a back seat. However, measures were taken to sign cooperation agreements and set up military alliances with other powerful countries. In return Japan was able to maintain peace and their own country's military superiority.

However, around 30 years ago when people first started being summoned to alternate worlds these treaties and military alliances essentially lost all of their meaning.

Those returnees brought back technology and magic from the other worlds that no modern military could rival. Those special abilities were undoubtedly "other dimensions of power."

So in order to keep pace with other countries Japan amended the Constitution, and began to expand its armaments.

In view of the aforementioned reasons, deployed in the Pacific was a new model of nuclear submarine equipped with a special weapon -- a cluster nuclear warhead. If it was fired, it had enough power to level Babel...... that was, wipe out the whole artificial island without leaving a trace.

However, that island was an special autonomous region of COCOON.

Destroying that artificial island was the same as the Japanese Government officially declaring war on COCOON.

Also it meant the annihilation of Japan.

COCOON was capable of wiping out Japan at any moment.

Michael Arcwood thought that the Japanese Government unlikely to go so far as to commit such a stupid mistake.

...... But......

The possibility of being driven into a desperate action couldn't be ignored.

JPN-Babel's lock down on behalf of Kyouya already broken away from the normal practice.

If the Japanese government was also involved --

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Kyouya must of took advantage of the Japanese Governments to implement some kind of plan, and then calculated to toss them aside once their role was done......

Apart from burying the evidence of their betrayal of COCOON under the rubble of special autonomous region the Japanese government had no way to help themselves. At that time, even if COCOON were to place blame on the government for the destruction, Japan could use the excuses that it was a measure to stop Kyouya's plan.

"...... What are you going to do now? You and I still have to sign the new treaty with the European Union, and participate in coordination meetings before it."

Retia said looking for affirmation from Michael and,

"We might want to get in touch with the Chinese Dragon --"

"- No need for that."

Michael denied Retia's proposal, and stood up from his chair as he walked towards the door.

Retia immediately followed.

"Negotiations with the EU have reached the final stage. I'll wait until the meeting is over, and then go directly to Japan."

That way, all of the problems will be easily solved.

"If anyone really intends to spoil our plans-"

Michael Arcwood's golden eyes shined.

"Even if its Hikami's cunning or the might of Japanese Government, I'll personally eradicate all obstacles."

Part 4

The grounds of JPN-Babel were shrouded by the darkness of the night, and how was the current situation?

In one word "chaos."

The first day of the new semester was about to begin, and in order to update all of the systems only a handful of staff and guards remained on the huge campus.

To compensate for lack of vigilance, Babel's security program design to suppress intruders was up and running.

The so-called "guardian beast system."

The system was set up to summon Gargoyles enhanced with a protective shield derived from the special barrier of Babel, sufficient to withstand most physical and magic attacks.

Simply put the Gargoyles would be enough to deal with intruders.


In a corner of the campus a large number of gargoyles had gathered.

They numbered a dozen or so.

In the forest, continuous loud collisions were disrupting the atmosphere. An intruder was attacking the summoned Gargoyles.

The rapid barrage of noises didn't show the least bit signs of ending.

The dozen or so Gargoyles were unable to suppress the intruder.



The system once again summoned a fresh new group of Gargoyles.

"-- Although I was to be bait to attract the enemy it unexpectedly became a game of "catch the killer" on the campus at night... ... Not a long distance endurance marathon. Ah, is it over?"

Even while being chased by countless Gargoyles, the night intruder -– Kaidou Motoharu's tone was relaxed.

The Gargoyle's offense was still a force to be reckoned with.

Flames came out of their mouths, a flap of their wings call out wind blades, heat rays emitted from their eyes, and their sharp claws could rip through iron. Combinations of those attacks would mercilessly come towards Kaidou from all directions.



Kaidou just twisted his body avoiding all attack with ease.

His flowing high speed movements allowed for that to happen.

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At times standing on the ground or a wall of the building.

Sometimes standing on the branches or trunks of the growing trees.

Even if he found himself encircled by Gargoyles he just took a three-dimensional evasive action.

Kaidou was avoiding every attack from the Gargoyles.

Just like a whirlwind.

A free wind that couldn't be caught, that continuously moved between the Gargoyles, Kaidou Motoharu laughed,

"This mere watchdog system thinks it can catch me? Maybe in the next life."

Part 5

There was a reason why the free peace loving Kaidou found himself in such a dangerous situation.

The <Phoenix cells>.

The cells of a high-dimensional being that the Japanese government had happened to have obtained. Then they were researched and developed under the utmost secrecy only to have them fall to JPN-Babel also to COCOON -- That was Hikami Kyouya hands.

Therefore, Kaidou was instructed along with a companion to steal them.

The order came from the leader of world's most powerful terrorist group "Crimson Twilight."

Cecil Endheart.

Even though Kaidou was not fond of taking such troublesome actions, it was scary in various ways to defy an order by Cecil. Anyway he will play his role properly.

"However... ... dressed like this, it's not surprising that I'm being treated as a suspicious character."

The brim of his hat was low, and a pair of black sunglasses covered his eyes.

The Kaidou as of now, absolutely looked suspicious.

Of course, a disguise this simple couldn't escape detection from the surveillance system of the Babel. Kaidou was a student at JPN-Babel, and through 3D image recognition software and by comparing power fluctuation data his identity will be exposed.

Therefore Kaidou was making use of "Crimson Twilight" powers.

Those new abilities were exclusive to returnees who had returned for a second time from an alternate world.

Babel's detection system was unable to detect the higher dimensional change in the body and soul. Coupled with Kaidou's own protective barrier he became completely invisible.

The reason why those Gargoyles were chasing him was probably to determine the cause of system error that found a suspicious person.

"Without these extra layers of cover the system would have instantly recognized my true identity –- wow!"

Moreover this Gargoyle proliferation showed no signs of slowing down.

However -- Kaidou thought that was probably good.

He just needed to be patient until Tiana gets the <Phoenix cells>.

About now she should have arrived at the target location.

That meant Kaidou's task was just about to end, after he was just a diversion to separate the Gargoyles from interfering.


Suddenly, Kaidou cell phone vibrated, it seems he received a message.

"It finally came, I was getting tired of waiting."

Kaidou started to run and flip open his cell phone to check the email.

"Huh ...... Memeko?"

However the email wasn't from Tiana, Kaidou was slightly surprised.

The sender was another member of "Crimson Twilight" who came to the special autonomous region a few days ago.

Mikagami Memeko.

Kaido amidst the confusion read the contents of the email.

"Lock down... ... Japanese navy and nuclear missiles? Really, no kidding, could there be some sort of mistake?"

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Reacting to the astonishing situation written in the email, Kaidou instinctively raised his voice.

Although the message was beyond imagination, Kaidou didn't think that Memeko would fabricate such news.

The reason was very simple.

...... Lying in her world was the second most hated thing.

By the way, in Memeko's world the most hated thing was said to be Kaidou, however it was unknown as to whether or not it was heartfelt.

She also has a similar ability to Cecil's "intuition," Mikagami Memeko possess a pair of "eyes" that see through the truth. Therefore the email was probably true.

However, their leader Cecil had said –-

Hikami Kyouya acted on his own when he stole the the <Phoenix cells>, the other COCOONs had been unaware of his actions. Therefore, Kyouya actions were obviously not going to be made public. He would have certainly gone to great lengths to conceal the truth and prevent them from finding any clues.

Kaidou couldn't have imagined that Kyouya would take such extreme measures.

"There are too many problems. Come on, give me a break."

It was hard to believe that <Phoenix cells> would have such fanfare, this was really too unnatural.

Hikami Kyouya must have some other goal.

In addition to <Phoenix cells> -– No, something much more important than the <Phoenix cells>.

Today JPN-Babel was in complete lock-down.

"Surely their has to be a more important goal to achieve... ... In that case."

Kaidou Motoharu abruptly stopped, and changed his course of action.

Within no time the Gargoyles who were following closely behind came in for the kill one after another.


"-Sorry, playtime is over."


Kaidou mumbled, as he raised his right hand and with a slight wave.

Godspeed, so fast that the tip of his hand was invisible.

Light flash between them......

And the next moment.

Dozens of Gargoyle that were immune to physical or magic attacks have been destroyed, turning into countless particles of light and disappearing without a trace.

Kaidou walked into the scattering light particles.

"It seems that the rest of COCOON will soon make their move... ... A full-scale conflict is inevitable."

A clash of the strongest vs. the strongest.

That clash of opposing forces might level this artificial island without the assistance of nuclear warheads.

Kaidou couldn't help but sigh.

However, as a member of Crimson Twilight a cruel smile emerged on his face.

Within the helpless tone was a mix of joy and a bit of anticipation.

Kaidou Motoharu mutterd,

"Ahhh ... ... I still prefer unfettered freedom and to live in peace."

Just to be around you longer would make me the most happy.

I don't want much, that would be enough.

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