Chapter 100: Formation ・ “Dianne Special Duty Corps”

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Maia’s blue wings gracefully sway the atmosphere and land in front of the Crossbow Corps Building on the outskirts of Basson. We’re used to riding in a carriage and the corps members who see the landing from the window. But there was a fellow who wasn’t used to everything and was super happy.

“Oooo, fast! And Celesta, is still wide!”

The silver-haired child (visible) elf, Irina.

“Are you sure you’re glad you brought her here?”
“I don’t think there are any people out there who are aiming for Irina. That’s why there’s Maia and I, and occasionally”

Dianne laughs lightly. She’s a kind person.

“So that everyone knows me, I´m Irina the white clan head. You can rely on me at your own discretion”

When Irina greets everyone at the entrance of the barracks, everyone is welcoming her and those with a troubling preference get excited.

“I thought I’d never see you again!”
“She is dangerously super cute. She is not losing to 10-man captain Anzeros”
“Idiot! If you compare two individuals, don’t forget Jeanne-chan!”
“But Jeanne-chan is already caught by Smithson’s poison fangs……uuu”
“Wait everyone. 10-man captain Smithson brought her, didn’t he? She is an elf? Isn’t there something?”
“Speaking of that, it seems that the armored elf, which was at the Spring Festival for a moment, had a pink atmosphere with 10-man captain Smithson……”
“Everybody listen. I’m imagining a horrible thing right now……!!”

The excitement began to turn in a strange direction. Mikagami begins to worry about Anzeros shrugging her shoulders.

“Please tell me, Irina-chan!”
“Hmm. I don’t like being called with chan, but I’ll forgive you for asking questions”
“Have you been raped by the bastard Smithson?”

What are you guys doing……no, well, that’s not wrong.

“What Smithson-dono, you by some chance, are you touching the story of the women he held?”

And Irina seemed to have never thought about acting for a while.

“I wanted you to deny it lightly if you could!”

I give up and run away.

“You’re a devil. A real devil!”
“Following Jeanne-chan and 10-man captain Anzeros, he put out his hand on another girl without hesitation!”

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“Catch him! Life and death are not asked! Life and death are not questioned. In a sexual sense!”
“That’s a scary way to say it!”

The idiot members chase me with tremendous momentum. The usual chase begins……Dianne moved unusually.


Her leg hit all the members. And she raised a voice to me and the other corps members.

“If you have time to do stupid things, clean up the barracks a little! The reorganization summary is probably this week, the resignation will be a replacement of people! You’ll be ridiculed by the next person!”

That’s right. Reorganization is not just about increasing the number of friends or changing the name of the corps. Even parting. There are fellows who transfer to another unit or retire. I might have retired this time and I might have resumed blacksmithing. A few more days. Time is important. Everyone stands up and returns to the barracks with a little embarrassment. …… I’ll also help with the cleaning.

“Anzeros-san, Dianne-sama. Can you get along with sword practice?”

In such an atmosphere, only Aurora didn’t break the tensioned air. Well, that’s right. ……I mean, is it a good idea?


A few days later, the messenger arrived and the reorganization was confirmed.

“Dianne´s special duty corps?”
“It’s a relatively secret project, because they can’t afford to publicly declare the details of my mission. They don’t have a sense, but that’s the name. From today, I’ll be a 100-man special duty commander”
“Then, are I and Anzeros 10-man special duty captains?”

About 10 people, led by Dianne, were selected and a special duty corps was established. A special duty corps is literally a unit dedicated to special missions. Since authority is expanded only for that mission, special duties are added to the head of the position. Special intelligence brigades and special high-speed brigades that report directly to the central headquarters are permanently designated as special duties, but such temporary designations are not uncommon. The privilege of a special duty corps is that the action schedule is more discretionary. Of course, it is a privilege, but it does not change to military service, so it is essential to submit a plan or report before or after the event, but depending on the purpose of the action, it will be accepted even if it takes its own action for a considerable period of time. When it comes to overseas exploration like this time, that right is absolutely necessary.

“So the members are me and Anzeros……?”
“Aurora is also officially incorporated. Selenium and older sister should be treated as regular soldier and special officer”
“What about the other five?”
“Keiron, Goto, Lantz, Boyd and me”

10-man captain Keiron. A lazy but unusually strong fox beast. Regular soldiers Goto and Lantz. Masturbation Brothers who pull out even when pulling out in public. Associate soldier Boyd. A one-horned ogre with a beautiful girlfriend. It’s a very subtle selection of people.

“Isn’t there anyone like Isaac?”
“Isaac must continue to maintain the Crossbow Corps as a 100-man commander. Together with Williams, they plan to increase the Crossbow Corps to 200. Mikagami and Bronson will be there”

……I see. Is there really a role for each talented person?

“That’s true, but isn’t it better to leave Boyd by Isaac”
“Well, I thought so too. If Anzeros trains him well, he can become an Ace knight”
“……I see”

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Keiron, Lantz and Goto are relied on as crossbow soldiers but are not suitable for close combat. As long as you don’t know what the search will be, Boyd that can serve as supplementary forces for close combat can sometimes be a trump card.

“Then, it’s bad for his girlfriend in Basson, but……do you really want to take Boyd with us?”

And there are Laila and Maia as extra forces that cannot be reported to the military. If you align this much, it is easy to search for monsters. It is a force which can be expected in each of the specialty fields though it will not go. Surely it will work somehow.

“Nshana, Smithson. I don’t know what you’re going to do, but your room will be empty”
I rely on you”

All my companions, including Apple, who is not going to take the exploration itself, will follow Isaac and Mikagami. Williams, who was promoted to a 100-man commander, and Bronson, who became a 10-man captain, were named the Second Crossbow Corps and seem to continue to protect Basson together with Isaac’s First Crossbow Corps. It seems that they will expand the barracks on their own and welcome new friends who will arrive from far away. Apart from that, 20 people seem to leave Basson after all, including those who have been transferred to supply corps and archers, those who transfer to infantry and those who retire. It’s a lonely story, but they also have their own talents and lives.

“Please come home as soon as possible from the special affairs. Because it’s 100-man commander Dianne´s crossbow corps”
“Don’t worry. I’ve arranged for dark elf soldiers to make up for my magic tactics. ……Do it well, 100-man commander Isaac”
“Yes sir”

Isaac, Mikagami and a number of soldiers came to see us off by saluting with their right fist on their left chest.

“Good luck, 100-man special duty commander Dianne!”
『Good Luck!』

Listening to the reliable chanting, we leave Basson in Maia´s carriage.

“I’ll do my best. And then, come back quickly, Isaac……no 100-man commander, please protect Basson”

Boyd says with a little tears in his eyes.

“I’m counting on you.”

Dianne said so and Boyd and Keiron also saluted.

“Hmm, don’t you have good subordinates, Dianne”
“They are proud subordinates”

Dianne proudly spoke to Irina´s words.

The first destination was the capital city. For the time being, I´m immersed in the aftermath of the reorganization, and Anzeros and I take Aurora to the arena, guiding Boyd and the others who are renewing their feelings to the hotel on the way. First of all, Aurora has to learn how to fight Sharon.

“For now, 100-man commander Grants. That person will teach you swordsmanship”
“Yes, it’s a good thing. And there are surely a lot of Sword Saints in the Royal Arena. It’s going to be training”
“I’m looking forward”

There are three reasons for visiting the capital. The first is Aurora´s training. Aurora doesn’t have the impression that she isnt good because she is a worshiper of Anzeros, but in fact, she has the potential to spur a growth rate comparable to Anzeros. Even Anzeros learned from excellent teachers and continued to fight and reached her current sword ability at the age of 24, but Aurora is only 17 years old and antagonizes it. The poor handling of a shockwave can be supplemented with magic which she is much more proficient than Anzeros and even in engraving has she a growth rate that can be a good match to me.

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The rest is stamina, but it’s just a huge amount like Anzeros and it’s high enough compared to me and Keiron’s stamina as normal crossbow soldiers. There is a possibility that if she has a good teacher that opens her eyes, she may make a leap forward. And the remaining two of the three reasons are information on the messenger of Renfangas who has come to this royal city. And to get the map of the northern six kingdoms before it became the demon territory that should be in the royal academy. Both should be difficult to obtain information. ……As long as we can get it.

“We are here too, but it would be nice if Dianne and the others also get results……”

The problem is that none of them are uncertain. There was no confirmation that a Sword Saint who could become Aurora´s teacher would be free when I drove to ask for a lesson at this time. And the messenger of Renfanggas may have returned home after visiting the royal city. Furthermore, the information before the birth of the demon territory may have been thrown away because it has little meaning now. In addition, it was suspicious whether a investigation was done seriously 300 years ago and even if a map is found, it is likely that it is a picture map close to a image. Trot also has a weak point that such old information tends to deteriorate because long-lived races have no power.It was undeniable that everything was only a story that intertwined the expectation sought to “hopefully” it.

“I haven’t seen Grants-sensei lately”

At the arena, where Anzeros once had a duel, there was nothing to do with the guards, but there was a regrettable talk about the fact that 100-man commander Grants wasn’t there.

“It doesn’t have to be 100-man commander Grants. I wonder if there is a Great Sword Saint who teach swordsmanship……?”

When Anzeros asks the guard, the guard shakes his head without power.

“Even after Ruth ascend the throne the other day, the Great Sword Saints who are called the old generation and had been focusing on training the next generation, began to refrain from doing that……”

……Which reminds me, there were many Great Sword Saints that worried about the future and that fight.

“If it was a technical exchange, I would be pleased if the young Ace Knights who are present can practice”

Unfortunately, we don’t have time to go along with other people’s training. Aurora doesn’t have much time.

“It can’t be helped. Anyway, it might be better than not practicing. Anzeros-san, get ready”
“……Yes, I understand”

The two enter the waiting room of the arena while showing a frustrating feeling. ……When this happens, only Maia and Dianne will be able to practice tightly. Then, it is a good idea to reduce the burden of Dianne’s investigation.

“Selenium……and Apple, as well as Irina may be useful”

I ran out of the arena, thinking of the three faces that might be able to help Dianne.

On the way to the hotel. I saw something unusual.

“That’s why you cant pay with a gold coin like this I’ve never seen before. Isn’t the color roughly strange, isn’t it a counterfeit?”
“U, Uh……even if you say something like that……ah, that, the castle can pay for it……”
“Why does the castle have to pay for travelers? If you ask me, I will go bankrupt if I was the King”

A girl who feels like a traveler because of what I see, but somehow I have a different feeling as her whole body is covered in clothes……no, should I say a woman? A woman who is 16-17 years old looking a little lost. Did she eat and drink in the middle of pushing the questions and answers in the table, even though she can wash the dishes? But she is a clumsy guy. There’s no way you can get into the castle.

“Anything else I can give you……”
“What about the thing on your waist? Even if it is rot, that sword can be about the cost for a meal”
“This is no good! E, Emmm, other……I don’t know……”

The girl was a little funny and cute, so I decided to give out a helping hand, remembering that some money was given with the reorganization.

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“Hey, boss. I will pay the bill”
“Really older brother. Are you sure?”
“Yes. How much is it?”
“70 gold coins”

She has eaten quite a lot. Even if it’s in a cheap dining room, it cost 10 gold coins.

“Ah, emm, you are……”

The bill payment ends with the puzzled woman being silent.

Sometimes it feels good to do good things.

“I don’t think there’s anything in the castle that you’re looking for”

I preach to the girl with the creditor’s privilege. However, the girl bows her head in a hurry and laughs happily.

“I’m very sorry, for this. Please give me your name”
“Even if you know it, I will leave soon, so it won’t change”

……Ah. But.

“……Ah, that’s right. That sword is important for you, but do you also have the skills?”
“Ye, Yes. Extremely”

The woman puffed up her chest. It seems that she has quite a splendid chest for a short person……no no.

“I have a friend who needs a little special training in swordsmanship. Can you come with me?”

It would be better to have more practice partners. She nodded vigorously when I added, “She’s Ace Knight”.

“If that’s what pays you for your kindness”
“Yes. Then, I rely on you. ……Emm, what’s your name?”
“You didn’t tell me your name, so isn’t it a bit mean”
“Haha. I’m Andy Smithson. 10-man captain of the Celesta army”
“I’m Neia Grans. Hero


“I am a hero”

I wonder if I picked up a little girl.

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