Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 995: 995

I used to do it last year with two wooden spears in my stance, but this time, is it normal, Lord Naris?

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"The strangeness won't come through again and again!" It would be more difficult for Kado to stand on all sides if he did it properly than if he did something strange! "

A standard length wooden sword was used by Naris, who stood toward Gorks.

The ambush with a dual sword or a different weapon seemed to be sealed this time. Gorks should be stronger in that kind of battle than he is sharpening with Diel, so it would be a disadvantage.

This time Naris was under-exercised until the last minute, and he seemed to have given up on a series of championships from the beginning, so he might be aware of the line that if he could win Gorkus, he would make a profit, but if he lost, he would have an excuse...

"Well then... start!"

As Irina waved her hand down, the two of them rushed toward each other and joined together.

Khan, the pleasant sounds of the wooden swords rising from each other, and they immediately disengage from each other in sidesteps.


"It's heavy...!"

It seemed that they felt something unexpected in response to each other, and they both seemed a little confused, but they looked at each other like they were coming out...... It didn't matter, and at about the same time, they sliced each other again, and each tortured sword flash exploded.

Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy! Crunchy, crunchy!

The screams of wooden swords that rhythmically and sometimes irregularly resounded heavy and light.

Naris pushes the storm-like blows from Gorks' stable trunk back from his shifting stance.

Although it seemed physically advantageous to Gorkus, Naris was never defeated either.

Rather, the slashing slash that the two-handed stance actively launched from both hands against the basic Gorks seemed to give a definite recoil even with one hand, and the strength that was not commensurate with its appearance must have surprised Gorks.

"...... you're finished, Naris."

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Diane muttered amusedly.

It doesn't look like you're falling asleep, does it?

"It must have been a chaotic thing to begin with." Thanks to Emma, it's warm enough.... most interesting thing about Naris is that he's unconsciously creating new technology while he's doing this. "

Is that so?

"There are already six defensive methods and defensive techniques that I've never seen before in this sword cage." I don't think he thinks it's new. "

"... once again, I'm not sure."

"It's not like there's no gap, but it's really natural in that you can use and master weapons without any surplus." The more you push, the more unconsciously you knit it. She's an interesting girl. "

Narith instantly understands the potential of the weapon she has, and is able to almost unleash its full potential at all times.

It seems to be easy and very difficult.

Even if you can walk and run on your own feet unconsciously, there are not many people who can dance with just taste. Naris was like being in "somehow" territory until that difficult stage.

It's probably not learning, it's just reflexes, reactions.

That's why Naris, who is not essentially a fighter, will soon forget about his physical memory.

If I started to memorize and accumulate it consciously, maybe...

"Surprisingly, depending on how you work out, it can be a huge stretch, that guy."

"I don't seem to want a very high level of combat ability in my personality."...... if it becomes absolutely necessary, it might suddenly turn into something. "

Diane sums up the brawl between Naris and Gorks with a delightful gaze.

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... well, if he really wants the strength of the Great Sword Saint class, it doesn't seem like that. I absolutely hate accepting more burdens than Red Arm.

It's either dexterous or abnormal to think that you instinctively understand your personality's proper strength and calm down after growing to the ability that matches it.

”But, well... if you're only fighting with senses, don't lean toward someone with the ability to assemble battles”

Diane narrows her eyes by saying that.

Mutual encounters have continued, but they are gradually becoming an advantage over Gorks. I didn't know that it was just the sword, but it was on both faces.

Gorkus's face remained unstoppable, hiding only his hands behind his back. Naris's expression mixed with suspicion and fatigue.

"No matter how much we attack, we can't fight back. Even if we try to pierce the gap, we can't pierce it." They're in charge... that's how Naris feels right now. No matter how much Naris is able to knit the technology to fit the situation, the effect is limited even if it is induced from the previous stage. "


"For example, the aiming, the stance, the slight bias in the stepping direction... Gorks prints it on Naris little by little, so that the attack pattern does not spread indefinitely." Even though Naris is trying to get ahead, Gorks has plenty to spare. The genius type is weak in this kind of pattern competition. "

”... it looks like Naris would be too much of a genius to say to Diane-san”

"I'm not a genius compared to him." I can only use the martial arts I've practiced.

... maybe "genius" isn't a compliment for Diane in a way.

Of course, there are parts that envy such a sense of birth, but there is a solid basis for confidence in having an accumulation that does not depend on it.

... Eventually, Gorks controlled the encounter with Naris and slapped his wrist, causing Naris' sword to slam into the distance.

Naris took a quick distance to avoid the pursuit, but looked alternately at his arm and the distant wooden sword, and Naris raised his hand and surrendered.

”...... I'll lose”

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"I'll accept your surrender."

Whoa, whoa, the elves' tension rises. Diel and Marc, the strongmen of the forest, lost early, so Gorks seemed to have a lot to look forward to.

Naris looked painful, but he was a little sunny because he could hit each other there.

Then, Gorks runs this way, watching him fall back with the winner.

"It hurts so much!?"

"Breakcore, I need you to treat me right away.... please."

"Okay.... this is a crack, maybe"

"Isn't that manpower too heavy!?"

"If I'm around, it'll heal quickly." Besides, I don't think it would have been easy to settle if I hadn't done this. "

Naris performs medical light techniques while being calmed by the break core.

Well, it was healing enough to heal even after a thousand cuts. Don't worry about it.

In the next two rounds, we focused on the battle between Fiona and Gant as they fought hard for the first time.

Fiona attacked quickly with a foolish sword, and the Gant responded with an unconventional move.

Like Naris, Gant weighed more on taste than on canonical swordsmanship. However, Fiona still has a chance because she hasn't accumulated over the years.



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Colliding developing swords.

With momentum, it was completely Fiona. But Gant's sword was also heavy.

After more than a dozen violent bumps, the two wooden swords broke and flew at the same time.

"What a fight..."

Dieel smiled bitterly as I muttered, changing his dirty clothes at home.

"You're both so annoyed, aren't you?"

Gant raised his hand to declare his defeat, even as he tried to take the replacement wooden sword.

"I won't be able to hold your hand, so I'll do it." Strong, young lady. "

"Oh no... not yet!"

"I don't think I'll be able to hold the next sword anymore." But your house is different, isn't it? You win. "

Tahaha and Gant laughing as they show their bullshit and trembling hands.

Fiona's face was unconvincing, but she reluctantly accepted when her applause boiled.

I'll try my best.

Well, this kind of surprise, for better or for worse, is the pleasure of this kind of tournament.

Mr. Diane nodded.


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