Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 999: 999

The final was a duel between Almeida and Anzeros.

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... but I don't think there's going to be a lot of battles.

Almeida, in particular, is in a daunting battle. It would be unfair if we didn't have some time to rest.

I thought so.

If you say you're tired at this rate, you won't be able to go to battle.

Almeida said it with an invincible face.

"... no, but the last one I saw was Sharon from Black Arm."

"During the Paladin era, I ran overnight, surrounded by many enemies. Even though the mighty Knight Commander was a strong opponent, the first battle was heavy and the next battle would not go unnoticed. and....."

Almeida struck a wooden spear collision on the ground and stretched her chest.

The elves watching the game gushed out.

"Now the audience are all on our side." The deduction would be just fine. "

"... if that's all right with you."

It seems that Almeida has decided that the cheering from the booming audience is too much to dispel the fatigue.

No, rather than Almeida becoming stronger with cheers, Anzeros becoming distraught is the main effect.

It seems that this kind of atmosphere in Awe affects quite a bit.... but I don't have much of a connection.

"... I see, that's good."

Diane muttered to herself.

“What do you want?”

“I'm trying to be sorry. For both of us."
"If Almeida wins, it can be said that Angelus didn't get along because of the pressure of support. On the contrary, if Angelus wins....."

"... is that why you're tired from all the battles?"

"There's probably no need for such an excuse between the two of us." Almeida is temporarily entrusted with the authority of the forest, mainly the green clan. On the other hand, Angelos is both a dragon knight and a white kinsman. Not everyone loses and is disgraced. "

"... I see."

It's hard to compete between people with something on their shoulders.

Nevertheless, it also prepared the muscle path.

All you have to do is... fight.

Well then, let's go to the final game.

Irina leapt forward and reached out.

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"... start!"

If possible, swing it up slowly.

Anzeros and Almeida responded to this and thought that they would collide in an instant... but surprisingly, they only moved to the side with Girijiri, while keeping a slow distance.

"... don't shove it in."

"No, for the two of you, it was already the distance between the swords."...... with my stance and my gaze, I missed each other's sights and let them restrain me. "

"... I don't really understand it, but..."

"As I move like this, I'll show you how to prepare for the opponent's aim at the next moment, while making them use their threats." Then, thinking that it was difficult to make an effective strike with the first shot, they waited for each other so as not to pass the next turn. That kind of attack and defense was exchanged in an instant. It's not just about timing. "


Well, well, if Diane-san says so, then so be it. I don't know what to do.

"Of course, Almeida is fast, but it's only because the stomping distance and speed of Angelus are sufficiently extended that it can be reversed."...... Sharon kept the initiative in Almeida's hands, but now Anzeros doesn't do that. "

"...... Are you getting so fast with Zero Anzu?"

"Just one step." If the distance gets a little longer, it will make a real difference, but if it's just an instantaneous force match, Almeida and I can't go to the opposite end... but we have something close to it. "

"You're approaching humanity's fastest class, aren't you?"

"It's just a 'class'."... among my knightly daughters, balance is the most similar to me. I'm not going to bother giving out my successor... but maybe the closest one to that is Ansellos. "

While Diane says that, the situation moves.

Anzeros shocked Almeida with minimal movement.

Almeida couldn't help but shoot straight at him, and he dodged the sidesteps.

But at last, Angelus was aiming for that gap.

A pair of swords, one step closer to 10 meters and a sharp and strong blow.

Dogan, there was a sound that did not seem to be between the wooden weapons.

Almeida managed to guard it.... but I could see from a distance that the wooden spear was shredded and cracked.

"That's not good."

"It's no good.... but last year, even though it broke, I fought and won, so I can't interrupt it."

"... Naris"

Almeida dared to attack with a broken spear. I gave up fighting with a spear leash and handled it like a two-section stick (flail), but I still pushed hard into Ansellos and developed a worthy reward.

However, Anzelos has the combination of power, technology, and speed, and above all, he is mentally sticky.

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Maybe that's what other knight daughters like Aurora, Sharon, Narith, and Tetez don't have.

Both Almeida and Angelos were well involved in Fiona's training and knew each other well.

You can't tilt all at once with your first move.

In other words, patience is the only thing left. It becomes a battle of how much you believe in your moves and endure until you find a gap between your enemies.

You never get a clean hit, even if you don't outrank it in speed.

In a flurry of tens of seconds, I continued to wait for Almeida's breath to rise.

Angelus could fight that kind of battle.

"Ah... ha, ah...!!"

"... I'll let you use the handkerchief you gave me...!"

Almeida couldn't keep hitting at top speed for minutes.

A broken spear is even more limited in its ability to strike, making it a monotonous attack and less effective.

In addition, the fatigue caused by the battle resulted in a gradual decrease in Almeida's attack density.

Ansellos stays with it while keeping Almeida breathless.

If I was a little cautious and rested my hand, I wouldn't be far from being able to immediately hit, aiming for the moment when Almeida's arm reaches its limit.

Even if you have health that keeps you moving overnight while you're in combat, if you don't let it rest for a moment, the limit will come.


Almeida keeps moving her legs to abandon the meeting, but Angelos doesn't let go.

There is a speed difference, but we can't leave it behind.

It is easier and faster for people to move forward than backward. Anyway, when you turn your back and run away, the moment of your turn becomes fatal.

If the weapon is sufficient, it may be thrown out, but of course it is a futile assumption.

The narrow breadth of Almeida's flawed attack echoes with jealousy.

"Almeida is strong enough to be recognized as a Great Sword Saint in my own country." On the other hand, since the Carlwyn affair, Anzeros has put a lot of strength into the Great Sword Saint. It doesn't matter how the match rolls depending on the condition of the match with Sharon..... "

"Condition leaned in Ansellos's favor,"

"That's what happens.... In this way, even if I don't make a mistake of judgment, Ansellos will be pushed away eventually." Almeida didn't bother to make such a suggestion to lose..... "

"It's hard to imagine that Ansellos will give way to a backwind of cheering..."

In fact, there are many voices supporting Almeida.

And if you were worried about it, you would have given something away.

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Anzeros has the mental power to ignore the momentum around him.

... I wonder if Angelus is going to win.

Yes, I thought so.

You think I won, don't you?

At that moment, the sound disappears.

In a bitter meeting with Almeida, Ansellos suddenly opened his eyes.

It shouldn't be the distance to swing in the sky or the posture.

But there was no Almeida in front of Angelos.

Suddenly, he was gone.


Top, left and right.

Angelos searches for Almeida.

But we can see it from a distance.

As if ignoring everything, Almeida bent her back behind Angelos.

Then, at the moment when Ansellos turned around to look behind him, he hit his body from his back with all his strength.

Dogo, Angelus' little body floated in the air.


Are you trying to tell me you're stupid?

Ansellos is hit hard by the flanks, flying a few meters without being able to passively hit by the ground.

And Almeida didn't miss it, caught up and broke like a tackle... no, she edged out the tip of the broken spear right in front of her.

That's it!!

Irina shouts.

Most of the audience, including me, couldn't understand what was happening and sin was quiet.

... after a few seconds, the Elves boiled back as they understood Almeida's victory from the state in front of them.

"What was that...?"

Ask Diane for commentary while looking at the award-winning Almeida from a distance.

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Diane tells me with a smile.

"It's like some kind of magic." Because of the close range, there is an effective way to "disappear". Showing movement to the opponent, pressing on, eliciting a reaction...... Cut back. Well, you can't even say it with your mouth.

"... I don't know."

"The point is that Angelus identified the [moment of certainty of winning] and shook his sight with an unexpected move." Becker, Nancy's sister-in-law... and the meteor Lister. "

"... is it a trump card?"

"I guess they were after the spear from the time it died." It was impossible to defeat the tree spear that had become Gnaglnya from the front, but when it came to defeating the baron...... we had no choice but to fight in battles like when we fought the baron. just because of that chance, I used my arm to the limit and seemed desperately resisting..... "

"...... he's capable of such a rush, isn't he?"

"The long history of the battle isn't Date, is it?"... no, maybe cheering has helped. "

... by the way, considering his situation, isn't it unusual for him to come to the game so cheerfully? In Afilm, it seemed like it was subtly cold compared to its strength and popularity.

The first thing I said was, "The crowd is on my side, so it's not hard to fight in a series of battles." It wasn't an excuse, it was a serious surprise.

"I've lost."

"No, it was fine." That's the style of the Great Sword Saint already. "

Angelus stroked his head, too.

Ehehe, Ansellos seemed happy.

I thought Almeida taught me a lot about footwork, too.

"There's still a chance." Next year, next year. "

That's right.

As for Ansellos, who had abstained last year because he was unlikely to win, he must have been so confident this year.

But this time, it was very close to Almeida.

I can't say which one should win, but I want Anzeros to do his best.

And I was a little impressed by Fiona's enthusiastic stare at those battles and her reluctance to move.

"Was that movement... like this...?"

"No, don't ask me." Honestly, I don't know what those humans are doing out there. "

You must be the last winner.

"Will the winner not look like he can analyze!?" Honestly, I almost got lucky last year!? "

I think Naris should be a little more confident for the pride of others.


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