"Aren't you brave enough?" There was a playful tone in the question.

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Mu Lan jumped in surprise. She was so spooked that her soul nearly left her heart. She looked behind her and found a man in black clothes.

In the dark, he looked tall and sturdy. He was lazily standing beside the sofa.

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Mu Lan calmed her heart and frowned. "Who are you?"

The man in black laughed. In Mu Lan's ears, his laugh sounded lifeless. Her body shivered. Even in the dark, the man could see her trembling.

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The man replied, "I'm your future husband."

Mu Lan was dumbfounded. This guy was certainly not Liang Liang.

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'Maybe he is my previous lover or fiancé? That's the reason Liang Liang hid my identity. But why?' Mu Lan thought.

Even in this serious time, it was a hilarious situation. Both of them misunderstood and thought each other for someone else.

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"What is your name?" Mu Lan asked. As she thought of her 'real future husband', she wanted to know everything about him and her.

The man in

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