Mu Liang covered himself with the same quilt. This time he laid down properly. Then he touched Mu Lan who slightly quivered in his touch. After that, almost gently, almost forcefully he pulled her into his embrace.

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Since it was a full-moon, the moon was more radiant than ever. It was more like a blessing to all the Paris lover-birds. Mu Liang and Mu Lan were no exception.

The moon was illuminating her shimmering silver light. The bedroom of Mu Lan was lightened by the beaming light. Though it was bright, it was also mild at the same time. It was a paradox just like Mu Liang's feelings. He knew that he shouldn't be aggressive but he couldn't help it. He had to touch her. He couldn't see her for an entire day. He felt like he was in some sort of a dry season. And now that she was in his arms, it was hard to let go of her.

'How will I survive after she goes away?' He thought.

Mu Liang looked at the girl in his arms. She looked more beautiful than before. Her skin was brighter under the moonlight. Her body was very soft and silky. She looked so fragile that it felt like she was going to break at any moment. But still, he couldn't let her go. Moreover, he wanted to do more than hugging her. Her vanilla scent was making him go crazy.

While on one hand these were the emotions of Mu Liang, Mu Lan on the other hand, was feeling completely different from him.

When Mu Liang touched her and embraced her body tightly, that moment, she understood that she wasn't prepared for it at all. The second he touched her, she quivered remembering his hot touch of yesterday. And when Mu Liang embraced her, Mu Lan's heart stopped.

It was her first reaction towards the intimacy between them.

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After few seconds, she reacted. She squirmed. She dropped her acting of sleeping and struggled to free herself from him. But how could a tiny prey win against the demon?

Mu Liang laughed and tightened his grip on her waist. He brought her even closer. Their bodies were touching from top to bottom.

However, Mu Lan didn't give up yet. Her writhing made their bodies grind together. Very quickly, their bodies became hotter. The laces of her nightgown was becoming undone.

Mu Liang's eyes darkened further. He lowered his mouth and kissed her right ear slowly, longingly. Mu Lan shivered and fought back even more. He put himself above her. He was completely lying over her.

Mu Liang asked in a dark voice, "So you stopped acting to show your strength?"

Mu Lan's whole body froze. She remembered her mistake now. But what could she do? Her body acted before her brain. It was an out-of-control situation.

Mu Lan's body twitched slightly and stopped struggling. She was out of breathe. So she opened her mouth to take a deep breath.

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Mu Liang's eyes moved at her opened inviting lips. Suddenly he felt that his throat was dry.

Noticing Mu Liang's stare, Mu Lan looked away. She whimpered a little while asking, "Wh-why are you doing this?" She stuttered.

Seeing her adorable red face, Mu Liang's couldn't look away. He asked teasingly, "Doing what?"

Mu Lan glanced at him. Her eyes were full of complaints. She opened her mouth to say something but couldn't utter a sound. Her lips quivered slightly then she shut her mouth. Her face was becoming warmer in a second.

Mu Liang smiled lovingly after hearing no response to his question. He stooped down and brushed his thick lips against her throat, then asked, "Are you talking about this?"

Mu Lan gasped. Her eyes opened wide. Instinctively she moved her neck.

However, Mu Liang didn't give any reaction. He nuzzled his nose at her nape. Then further asked, "Or are you talking about this?"

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"Hmm..." In the instant, Mu Lan's breath hitched and she let out a small sound. Hearing her own voice, her eyes grew wider and she shut her mouth. She couldn't believe her own mouth.

Mu Liang was also taken aback. He was only teasing her. He didn't have any other plan. So he didn't expect 'this' response.

'This girl is driving me crazy.' He thought.

He sighed heavily. He leaned and lovingly kissed her forehead, temples, eyes, nose, cheeks like he was soothing her. Mu Lan trembled under Mu Liang. Her lips were tightly shut as she bit her lower lips.

Mu Liang stroked her head with gentle care for a while. Then he said, "You are the one who started playing hide and seek. And here I won after working so hard. Where is my prize?"

Hearing him, Mu Lan's face got redder. She questioned him back, "Isn't that your fault because you did 'that' yesterday?"

"Hmm? Did what? Kissing you? Isn't 'that' normal between a husband and a wife? He asked in a deep voice. His question had a deeper meaning.

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Mu Lan caught it very well. Blood rushed to her face. "W-we aren't married."

Listening to her answer, Mu Liang nuzzled his nose against hers. "You agreed and we'll get married sooner or later." He replied. His warm breaths were tickling Mu Lan's nose. Further he added, "Do you really think that you can get another man when you have me?" He smiled.

His smile was as beautiful as cherry blossoms. Mu Lan didn't know why she thought that way. But she felt that way. Mu Lan couldn't say anything.

Mu Liang directly looked in her eyes and said, "I have to praise your intellectual ideas. Trying to play hide and seek in my mansion, more than that, it was with me. Do you really think that you can run away from me?" He stared to stroke her body. His hands seemed very skilled and at the same time, inexperienced.

Mu Lan shivered and tried to move away. That moment Mu Liang warned in a husky voice, "If you struggle anymore I'll kiss every part of your body." Immediately Mu Lan became a statue. Mu Liang's hand moved again. Mu Lan wanted to curse him. But she couldn't. Then she realized that her movement caused her dress disheveled. Mu Liang was tidying her dress.

Mu Lan was stunned by his gentle gesture. She slowly relaxed her body.

After tidying her, Mu Liang hugged her softly and said, "Sleep now. Good night." Then kissed her lightly on her forehead and soon he fell asleep.

Mu Lan understood that she could not get away from him tonight. She endured it. However, it took time to calm her beating heart. Then she also tried to fall asleep. In her dream, she saw that Mu Liang was kissing all over her body just like he warned her.

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