I soon found myself eating with the Weasley family and realized from the conversation that it was the last day in Egypt. Tomorrow we would be going back to England to start shopping in Diagon Alley. And in case you are wondering, Sirius Black has already escaped and Pettigrew is already going mental, but he'll get his soon.

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Though I am not attached to the family as they are to each other, I must say they have the whole family concept down like a science. They each play off each other freely and the family moves as one, even though it is the most disorganized thing in the world. I mean seriously the books weren't joking when they said they were always running behind. But I did find that the curse breaker, Bill, was a pretty nice guy, I could see from a no homo point of view why Fleur would fall for him, but sadly I must block my own 'brother'. I would say no hard feelings but he can't miss what he hasn't eaten.

I would also consider the profession a fun one and loaded with money, but the idea of having my face two inches from a ward that could kill me. No thank you. The Twins, Forge and Gred, are my favorite. The pranks they pull are seriously down played in the series. I watched them prank 10 different people in a span of a few minutes, all while taking notes of the pranks results. They must be making serious bank in the future. Ginny, well, lets just say I am glad we are related. I know some say incest is wincest but in this case we go with Rule #0, don't stick it in crazy. This chick is serious stalker/yandere material, I accidentally saw her photo album and I swear will have nightmares for the rest of my life. I saw pictures of Harry Potter that only a god should have access to or know about, and when I saw the book. . . shudder, I felt I had a knife to my neck and manhood at the same time when she asked me if I saw anything.

I will just leave her to Harry to tame. As for the last brother, Percy, well, he is just Percy. Nothing really to say. Molly was Molly and Arthur was the poor hen pecked husband that is seriously under appreciated. Seriously the man deserves a medal or Order of Merlin First Class. How he stays sane taking care of this lot, I will never know.

Also another thing portkeys and flu travel suck. And that is all I will say. When we arrived at Diagon Alley, I nearly fell over. It was beautiful. Well the witches were such beautiful sheep, I can't wait to bed, I mean, guide the masses. The Alley itself was 'meh'. After dropping my stuff off in the Leaky Cauldron, I started to explore the place and get to know the lay of the land so to speak. There really wasn't as much here as I had hoped. Soon I ran into Harry Potter, he seems like a nice guy, I can see why Ron stayed friends with him even though Ron is a jealous and selfish git 90 percent of the time. Soon after I met Harry, I turned and saw a goddess.

It was Hermione Granger, my eternal praise to Truck-sama, she looked even better than a celestial. Lush brown hair, killer figure, and a smile that could kill, I am sold. Screw canon. If she as the main heroine looked like this I couldn't wait to see the other heroines like Luna Lovegood, Daphne Greengrass, Fleur, and then the Milfs Narcissa and Bellatrix, the Naughty Nymphadora. I think I might die of blood loss. I need to seriously power up or figure out the potions. Hey don't judge. Stop judging I can hear it through the 4th Wall. I don't wish to keep the Card. But don't worry I will you my Divine Art first for pickups, before resorting to that method. Hey I said stop judging.

"Hello Harry." Hermione said, giving him a hug.

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"Hermione it is good to see you. Enjoyed your summer?" Harry replied.

"It was good. Ron how was Egypt? I am quite jealous, I would love to go some day, the history and magic that is unique to their culture. You must have learned so much." Hermione said in one excited breath.

"It was quite the experience. Perhaps we could talk about it over dinner some time." I told her.

"Oh that sounds nice. I will also bring Luna and Daphne with me since they would love to hear it too. Though I don't know if Nova would be interested." Hermione said in a thoughtful tone.

Did I just hear correctly, Hermione Granger knows Luna and Daphne, and is wanting them to join. She truly is a great friend to help me pick up girls.

. . . .

Wait a minute? Nova? Who is that? I must dig a little deeper.

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"Nova would join us?" I asked.

"Possibly. Though with him trying to find Astoria's Fragments I don't think he would be truly interested." Hermione said, she then turned her head. "Oh speaking of: Luna! Daphne! You guys made it!"

"Hermionex2!" The two blondes said and they had a group hug. It was kinda hot. These two girls were just as fine as Hermione. But seriously who is this Nova guy? Isn't this canon? Can't be. Things aren't adding up.

"Hermione, speaking of Nova. Have you seen or heard from him lately?" Harry asked.

Good one Harry.

"No. Last I heard he was with the goblins, and then went to Daphne's." Hermione replied. Daphne's? How dare this Nova steal my woman. I guess I go the NTR Route with her.

"Nova was indeed with me for a few days, and it was wonderful. My little sister is glowing with energy now too." Daphne said. This Nova guy got her sister too. He enjoyed the Fabled Sister Sandwich. I'll kill him.

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"I am so glad to hear that. I can't wait to get my time with him too." Luna said. "He makes me feel so happy inside, and the Nargles and Wrackspurts avoid him completely." Luna said dreamily. He got to Luna too? The fiend.

"I'm a little jealous. But I don't think I could spend that much time with him just yet. At least not for another year. I have a lot to do this year and am not ready for the extra training." Hermione said slightly forlornly. Whew, he hasn't sunk his fangs into Hermione yet. Thank Truck-sama, she likes to study. But I can't take the chance. I need to get ahead of this Nova chap. Screw the timeline.

"Hermione, I want to ask you something personal. Can I talk to you over there?" I asked her.

Hermione turned and looked at me, "Hmm. Ok. But it can't take too long. I want to start looking at the course books for next term."

I then led her to a corner out of prying eyes.

I then turned on the charm, "Hermione, you have grown quite radiant since I last saw you, I can't keep my feelings for you any longer. I care for you deeply. Please go out with me."

"I am sorry Ron, I don't feel that way. Please excuse me." Hermione said bluntly.

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Shot down. Darn. Execute Plan B. I then thrust my arm out and wall blocked her. "Now you know it is wrong to lie to yourself Hermione, I know you feel the same way. You don't need to be shy. Come give me a kiss and I'll prove it." I told her.

I then wrapped my arm around her waist and then leaned down to kiss her. The next thing, I knew was a blinding pain between my legs and felt myself flying through the air. As I crashed into the table, holding my brother, I saw a flash of black and then I heard the voice.

"Well, well, well. It seems I missed something amusing." The Horrible Voice said.

I turned and saw his face, "YOU!" and then promptly passed out again as a right foot slammed into my head.


Uh-oh. I think someone is in trouble.

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