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/Luke's Pov/

'Well, that was nice I guess, after all I'm happy again after my first emotional breakdown…' I sighed and look at my watch and realize its 09:12 and I was already late for my calligraphy class. `it's the first time I'm late for any class and I'm not really happy about it, one more thing to complain to Max when get to talk again.'

For the first time in my life I have to run inside the Palace, and for the looks I'm getting for the working staff even they are surprised to see that, I guess that's really out of character for me hehe.

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When I opened the door for my personal study, I see with relief that my professor is still in there reading something, so I walk towards what I expect to be my first sermon ever. ~Thanks Max~ I think to myself.

"Hello teacher Wilbur, sorry for my lateness, I was talking with my grandmother, and I guess I lost track of time" I said respectfully.

He closed his book and look at my face and smiles softly. "No need to be sorry Luke, it's the first time you ever done so, and I know how you're a grandmas boy" he said slyly. "Just don't make it an habit okay?" I nod relieved and he continues "But it wouldn't be right to not give you an punishment for your tardiness." He said with mirth in his eyes.

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'I got relieved too soon!" I thought to myself and prepare myself for the worst, as I never got punished before I don't really know what to expect. "Yes teacher, what do I have to do?" I ask back, he nods and says "hmmm let me see your calligraphy is already very good and I always find amazing how they trained your brain to memorize anything, you never showed me that on purpose so I guess I deserve a good show for waiting for you, hmmm but what do I ask for you to show me" he starts mumbling, but I guess I'm a bit relieved, memorization, that's eas- " Ha!! I know what you will do for me!" he shouts startling me for a bit, but continue right after that, "I would like for you to recreate, even the mistakes, of our second class, I'm really curious to know the extents of your memorization ability."

'Wait that was years ago, I guess I can do it tough, if I couldn't why did I train like that anyway?' "Yes teacher!" I said confidently. He nods appreciatively and says "Good good, do your magic and I will be back with your original work for comparison later, I wish you good Luke." I almost face palmed at that pun that he likes so much but I just snort a little and prepare my tools.

'Hmm it shouldn't be too hard to do this, I remember exactly how it went, the errors that I made, so basic, but I guess it's things like this that make it worth it all that work, the sense of realization after you get better than you once were, I admit it was hard at the begging but it's so worth it later, I don't really understand how Max couldn't keep with me, after you make it an habit, even if it's still a bit hard, aaarghh I will have to begin again I forgot about my muscle memory and made it correctly this time, well that's complacency for you, I guess I will do it again with more attention now'.

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Almost like orchestrated, I finish my last line, teacher Wilbur opens the door and asked me to show him my latest work about my first work of calligraphy. 'I see that he is amused with this chance eh'.

'I really wanted a camera right now, just to take a photo of his face; I guess he didn't really believe the rumors'. "How is it teacher? I think I did well but you can never know."

Without even looking at me he asked "How could you do this? Do you really have an eidetic memory? It looks like a photocopy of the original; you really are a person of many talents Luke." He looked pretty impressed to me and I would be lying if I didn't say it felt good, but I don't really like him saying I have that as a talent, I worked hard to get to this point.

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"Thank you teacher, it's not a talent really I worked hard to train my brain." He looked back to me and asked "training?"."Yes teacher, training, I believe you know how almost every day I have a full schedule" he nods and I continue "I got that since I was almost 4, it wasn't really necessary, but it was a chance every member of the royal family got, they say it comes back about the creation of the kingdom and is a book written by Merlin himself about how to develop potential at an early phase of life, my brother couldn't keep a month in it, but I did, I guess I didn't really had a childhood for it but I'm glad I keep going, the book says the training keeps going until eleven years old and its said I would complete my teen training in an special school."

"School? Which school?" he asked me, "honestly? I don't know, it must not even exist anymore, the book is ancient and all, but he was quite sure I would be taken to it."I shrugged.

"Fascinating, my dear pupil, can you explain to me what your training was?" He asked eargly but I shook to his disappointment. "Well I can't really tell since it's an family book, but the first mental exercise was fairly easy and I can talk about it since its nothing especial, it's pretty easy really, just condition the person to remember everything, for example in the middle of an conversation you stop it and makes him repeat everything and continue it only after he got it right, after little time he would be better at memorization, and it's better to do this with kids as their brain is the development faze it works wonders, I guess I'm the proof of it" I said smirking a little as I see his awed face.

"I- I guess you're right, thank you, that will be all for today, and remember don't get late again, I don't think my heart is strong enough for another surprise like this" he showed me the door, of my own study might I add, but I guess it's alright since I have my fencing training right now, so I just wave good bye to my nice but shocked teacher.

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