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/Luke Pov/

The ride back was also interesting, Prof. McGonagall explained to me a bit of Hogwarts and its four houses, she didn't told me too much tough, apparently now that I have the book 'Hogwarts: a history" she doesn't need to explain everything, which is good, no spoilers for me.

I was playing with Luna when I got back home, the palace was still beautiful, but now, for the first time in my life, I felt it lacking something. It wasn't here I belong anymore, the fact that I can't use magic here until 17 didn't help either, and while I still quite like my home, I am more than happy to go to Hogwarts, apparently it's a big magical castle, with story so rich not even the Headmaster, the apparent greatest wizard of modern times knows everything about it.

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After I said goodbye to McGonagall, I put my new materials in my room, and went directly to find gran, I want to talk with father and Max too, but father can just come to grans, she is old I won't make her walk much, and Max, well I don't really know what to do about him, the way it is if talk to him about my experiences he will just say I'm a show off and hurt our relationship even more…

"You came back dear, come in, let's talk a bit of what you think about your little visit to the magical world, and I believe you have to introduce your little friend here to me." She smiled softly pointing to Luna.

"Yes, this is Luna, I got her there, but let's call father and Ma.." I stopped a little after my slip of thong, she also looked a bit sad, but I continued "I don't want to speak the same things twice, so let's call father."

/scene break/

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"… And after buying one last book it was time to get home, so here we are now." I said quite exited while gran just smiles and father looks a bit bewildered, there was a moment of silence until father started talking again.

"So you have a chance to get the Legacy of King Arthur?" I nodded, I told them about the legacy, but not how I will find it, it's my adventure not theirs hehe. "That's amazing son! That's the dream of everyone in the royal family, and my son will have the chance to get it? Well I suppose if someone would have the capabilities it's you, I know there is nothing you can't do." His smile grows bigger and bigger while saying that to me.

We talk a bit more, and everything was going well until I ask of Max. How can I say this? Max really can't stand me, at least not at the moment, jealousy is a strong ugly thing, He can't see how blessed he are, he is a prince in this day and age, he is talented by normal standards, but he keeps calling himself trash while comparing with me… he have good looks, money, everything a normal person would die for, but still he is jealous of me and hate my guts. It's sad, we had the same starts, but now we are so far apart of one another.

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I snap back to reality after father said it was late, and time to go sleep. I abided and went to my room, tomorrow I will start with my books, and I have only two months before school starts, my first time going to school since I always was tutored at home.

/scene break/

All of this is really amazing! I already read all the books necessary to class, and while I didn't practice any, at least I know the theory. Astronomy while similar with the muggle studies of the stars, it also have a different focus, charms on the other hand is an entirely new world of possibilities, just a phrase and a flick of the wand and poof you can do magic, I really want to understand it better, what's the magic language? How does it works, is it really necessary to speak while casting a spell? Since there are spells that doesn't need that I assume its not, and if understand the language used to cast spells, can I control magic just speaking? So many questions so little answers! Herbology seems similar enough with taking care of plants in the muggle words save some kinks, Defense against dark arts was interesting enough and History of Magic was real interesting, never knew the second world war wasn't really because of Hitler, and we had a supposed 'Dark Lord' until recently, I guess I'm lucky he died the same year I was born.. But what really took my attention was transfiguration; I guess the wand really chose the wizard as apparently mine is one of the best for the job, transfiguration is a very exact science, and a very dangerous one too, the way I see it you can mold reality with transfiguration magic if you're good enough at it, they who master the arts of transfiguration can even become something called Animagus, you can transform into a animal, how cool is that!? I will certainly try that!

Cough cough, sorry I got too excited, there is limitations on it tough, first you can only turn into one animal, you got your animagus form boom its it for the rest of your life, I would cry if I became a crab or something like that. Second is the transformation is not perfect, you will have some mark that match something in your human form and third you have to license your form, it is heavily restricted by the ministry of magic.

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I don't like the Ministry very much, there are a lot of shitty laws, and they seem pretty much racists, they don't even recognize another sentient species in the law, the goblins they do, but it was after a lot of bloodshed, but the rest? Apparently they are not powerful enough to be worthy. They even put limitations on muggleborn wizards, like you can't use magic in your own house? That really makes no sense, okay, it's wrong if you do it in form of the people not related to magic, but in your own room trying to study for the next term? The fact you can't even do that is rubbish.

As I was thinking to myself, Luna comes back with an parchment, another book I bought, in this two months I read a lot of complementary books, especially about transfiguration, I was so into the books that if not for doing physical training in the mornings and for eating, I was in my study reading them, I'm a bit ashamed to say that I was so obsessed with it that I forgot about Max.

But now with my last book in hands, I finished my luggage, tomorrow I will go to the station, apparently you have to take a train to go to Hogwarts, I can't even wait, I know it's stupid but the magical world truly is magical. I chuckle a little and went to sleep knowing that tomorrow will be a long day.

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