“I love you, I love you, I love you…”

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He kept repeating the exorcism spell.

He repeated these implications to himself, not knowing whether or not the world’s love for him existed at all.

Other than that, there was no way to resist the powerful and invincible terror and fear.

Cold sweat and tears dripped down his pale face.

“My dear, I will start now*.”

[T/N: can also be taken as “I’m digging in”]

The demon looked at his dessert. Soft, cold lips rose, and gently fell on the eyebrows of the young man who had covered his ears and closed his eyes.

There were parts that he wanted to taste more, but, let’s start here for their first time ba.

“Ah,” the gentle and cool voice was covert, whispering in a low voice, “I was killed by your spell.”

That person didn’t listen. No matter what happened, he devoted himself to reciting the incantation.

The spell seemed to really work, and the demons and evil spirits hiding in the darkness did not catch up to him.

The young man repeated the incantation, and unconsciously, while keeping his ears covered, he slowly fell asleep.

Daylight broke through, and the sunlight shone through the windows, illuminating the small and barren house.

The golden light fell scattered onto his hair, falling into the fountains and cattails of his dream.

Ye Zun frowned slightly and slowly opened his eyes, waking up.

“Is it dawn yet? I survived?”

He staggered to his feet. The outer black uniform jacket fell from his body.

On the badge pinned by the chest, there was the roman pinyin “shenyuan”.

Around his wrist, the little white snake that had disappeared for a long time opened its eyes innocently, opening and closing its rounded mouth, and continued to sleep.

“Moros, you’re here too ah. That’s great.”


The idle intermediary trading house welcomed a strange young customer in the morning, who had a handsome face and clear, sharp eyes.

“Excuse me, how much does it cost to buy that haunted house? I want it to take effect by today, how much is it?”


In one day, Ye Zun exchanged the magic crystals for the currency of this world and bought the abandoned junkyard-like haunted house where Nogawa Kaoru committed suicide.

Hired workers leveled that wooden house.

Then, he planted all the sunflowers and moss roses* he had bought.

[T/N: Portulaca grandiflora]

Under the evening sun, it also exuded an inauspicious boundary made of yin energy, and no one dared to approach it.

Ye Zun stood there, eyes fixed on this dark area.

“Nogawa Kaoru, no matter how much resentment you have, listen well to what I am saying right now. Compared to being killed by a ghost, losing your mind and becoming a part of the ghost you hate is even more terrifying. That’s exactly what you thought back then, and why you resisted so hard. Have you forgotten about it?”

“Regardless, I will not let myself become like this. Even if I accidentally turn into a ghost, I will not give up on myself and become the same as them. Regardless of when, as long as I come to this realisation, I will work hard to change myself. I will not admit defeat, and I hope you will be the same.”

“Let the flowers here bloom forever ba. Although it is very hard, please try your best.”

“We are human. Even if we die, we must die in a beautiful place, where there is light.”

“One day, I will die too, and I hope to see you again when that day comes.” 

“Goodbye, Nogawa Kaoru.”

In the bright sunflower field, golden yellow petals reflected the splendid sunset, with dew drops bending them down with a touch of vitality, watching the person’s figure disappear under the light of the sun.

In the near distance, there was also someone standing there, having a leisurely and light appearance with both hands in his pockets, watching him quietly.

If Ye Zun turned around and saw him, he would definitely have a great shock.

【 Congratulations to player Ye Zun for clearing the hidden level. The game has ended, the instance is now closing. 】

Ye Zun’s figure disappeared from the instance’s world.

And the priest, who should have left this world yesterday, stood beside this sunflower field.

Shen Yuan’s face changed into Lin’s appearance, and he said quietly and coldly, “How beautiful. But if it’s haunted, no one will come to see it no matter how beautiful it is ba. If there are no ghosts, there will be greedy businessmen who get ideas, and the flowers will be shoveled away with no second thought. It is also impossible to build a big house or resort in this kind of place. This will most likely be turned into a public toilet or become a garbage dump.” 

The dismal and cold eyes suddenly looked at the flower field, the corners of his lips pulling up without any warmth, and he inquired, “Interested in becoming a demon? It’s very simple. As long as you kill the most powerful demon, in the end, you will become the most vicious one. That is all.”

He extended a hand and picked up a red moss rose, sniffing it lightly. “When the time comes, I wish the flowers will bloom wherever he wants, for as long as he wants.”

The petals crumbled between his fingers and the remains fell to the dirt.

All the sunflowers turned their heads. The sun in the sky was obscured by dark clouds, but the flower field was golden in the shadows, hauntingly beautiful, yet bright.


[T/N: content warning: sexual assault and child abuse in the following passage, skip until the next “……” if you need to]

Somewhere in the city.

A little girl with her school bag on her back walked through the park. She suddenly turned her head and stopped in her steps.

There was an auntie who was giving out flowers. There were many children who got one.

“Hello, can you give me one too?”

She held the beautiful flower in her hands, heart content. Waving goodbye to the auntie, she hipped and hopped back home.

“Baba will coax you to sleep, okay?”

She blinked and said nothing.

Since her Mama and Baba divorced, she would sleep by herself without coaxing, and, even when she was obviously about to fall asleep, her Baba would wake her up instead.

“My good girl, how about you play a little game with Baba before going to bed, okay?”

She was reluctant. She didn’t like that game.

The hoarse voice coaxed commands, “Close your eyes and give your hands to Baba. Don’t open your eyes if Baba doesn’t tell you to. The game is a secret, you can’t tell anyone, hear me?” 

The tone at the end was a bit fierce. She was a little scared, and nodded.

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In the darkness, the golden sunflower beside her bed glowed.

Baba’s hand that was pulling at her suddenly loosened, and she hurriedly withdrew the hand that was holding something unknown and strange, feeling a little scared in her heart.

A woman’s cold fingers stroked her face gently. She timidly opened her eyes. Ah, it was the auntie who gave her flowers during the day.

“Auntie, why are you at my house?” 

The woman’s fingers lightly covered her eyes, not letting her see the corpse lying under the bed.

“Go to sleep ba,” the cold voice said softly.

“Are you a fairy? A deity?”

“I am, a temporary deity for tonight.”

[T/N: I used deity over god (which would be more accurate to what a little girl would say) as it is the term Kaoru used in her diaries]

She closed her eyes sweetly, sort of missing Mama, but Baba said that Mama didn’t want her anymore and that she was not allowed to miss her.

This auntie must have been invited by her Mama to take care of her. She must be Mama’s good friend ba.

The pale evil ghost looked at the sleeping little girl. When day breaks and the sun comes up tomorrow, she might cry, and fear and resent the ghost who took her father’s life.

However, when she grows up, when she is asked, “To kiss, what does it feel like?”

She will smile without any burden, and say with a great and beautiful longing, “Of course, like lips softly touching the cherry blossoms in spring, carefully and warily holding a breath, heart jumping with wonderful pulsation, and a small deer raised in captivity on the tip of the heart dances freely.”

Instead of a soul riddled with holes, saying, “It’s a slippery, disgusting feeling, the feeling of gradually dying!”

In the city’s rumour mill, a new and terrifying evil spirit emerged.

If a sunflower inexplicably appears in a house, a man in the family will inexplicably die.

“But could it be that no one actually died? What if it’s just an evil ghost disguised as a human who died?”

If there is no god, dead girls can become a temporary deity tonight, so at least one girl no longer has to be afraid of the sudden footsteps at night, no longer has to be so frightened that she can’t close her eyes and fall asleep.

In the golden and dismal sunflower field, under each and every flower, stood a young girl’s departed spirit, watching every soul.

[T/N: 心灯/heartlight: refers to the true and natural state of the soul]


【 Congratulations to player Ye Zun for clearing the hidden level of the instance, an additional 100 magic crystals will be awarded. Obtained the title Evil Spirit’s Eye. The next game will open in seven days. 】

When leaving the game, one has to walk down a continuously rotating corridor, making people dizzy, like being thrown into a different dimension.

After the surrounding scene quietened down, Ye Zun’s mind was still in a daze. He held onto what was next to him and closed his eyes to let his brain adjust.

But as it turned out, even if you closed your eyes, that greyish-white dialogue box with its bloody words would appear on the retina, forcing you to see it.

In the next second, before he could check the total amount of magic crystals in his account, he heard a noisy ruckus around him.

A majestic, cold voice sounded, “All must stand still, do not move. Please show your identity card. Any attempt to resist or not cooperate will have you be regarded as stowaways by the guards and escorted to the slave auction house.”

In the corner of the empty street, dozens of men in a silver-white uniform with demonic horns on their heads surrounded several people of unknown origin.

Two or three adult men from the group saw that the situation was not good. Pretending to raise their hands to cooperate with the inspection, they unexpectedly and suddenly rushed out of the siege. The other people, regardless of whether their complexions were calm or pale, did not put up any resistance.

For the three people who ran away, the demon guards didn’t have any particular reactions. There were several trained demons who were sent out to chase them. Obviously, this situation was well within their expectations.

These guards were very confident in their abilities. No one could escape from under their noses.

The rest of the group consisted of men and women, both old and young. The guards checked and classified them one by one.

“Take all of these to the slave house.”

“These seem to be the slave pet of a noble house. Bring it to them, see if there are fugitive slaves mixed in. While you’re at it, collect fines from these people for travelling without authorisation.”

“The identities of these two are unknown. Bring them directly to the slave auction house.”

Gradually, fewer and fewer people remained, and everyone seemed to understand what it meant to be caught by the guards. No one made a sound, and no one resisted. Looking at them, it seemed like they weren’t in despair. Instead, it felt like things were as they should be.

This continued until the end, when Ye Zun was the only one left.

The subordinates of the guard did not come up to question him directly, but watched him cautiously, whispering to each other for a while.

“It doesn’t look like an ordinary slave, be a little more polite.”

Ye Zun stood where he was, leaning against the wall. Since the beginning, he had been observing the situation around him and thinking of countermeasures.

Those demons seemed to value clothing and appearance more than human society, and were also more hierarchical. Just because of the clothes on Ye Zun’s clothes and his superior appearance, the attitude when speaking to him was much more respectful than those who looked panic-stricken.

However, it was only relatively speaking. If they knew that Ye Zun was also just an ordinary human like those people, they would probably send him to the slave auction house immediately.

The people in this world were divided into pets and food. In order to survive, people who have the ability will choose to sell themselves to the nobles.

In particular, the veteran players in the Demon God’s Amusement Park, known as stowaways, will temporarily depend on the nobles and reach a cooperation with each other.

The birth of ordinary demons determined their blood class, but players in the Demon God’s Amusement Park can clear the games and give themselves a chance to undergo class transition.

In this way, while the players were still fading away, ambitious nobles will try to win over or control them, giving the opportunity to seek greater benefits for themselves and their families.

It was precisely because the players were profitable that they would aggravate the situation of being suppressed, controlled and trafficked.

Ye Zun did not forget the common sense that the priest passed on to him back then.

How to deal with this situation? The priest also told him, that if he was caught, he should claim to be the pet of a noble in a higher level area.

He remembered what the priest said; the higher the level that these demon gods and nobles live in, the more perfect their humanoid forms are.

The guards eyed each other and looked at the young man with an outstanding appearance in front of them. As if he was ignoring them completely, he leaned his head lightly against the wall.

Since he had closed his eyes slightly, they couldn’t see more details that could be used to identify him, other than his overly superior appearance.

They were just ordinary demon guards, and the identity of the other party was unknown. It seemed that he was the favourite of a big person. They were not willing to offend the noble behind the other party.

But the mission of the guard was to check suspicious people and catch stowaways and runaway slaves.

They could only force themselves to put on a straight face and perform their job in a strict and businesslike manner. “Hello*, please show your identity card. If you refuse to cooperate, the guards can only force you to a compulsory summons in accordance with relevant regulations…”

[T/N: using the formal “you”]

“Let your captain of the guard come and ask me in person. He has met me.” 

The clear and quiet voice was slightly sluggish, like a suppressed incoherent ramble, leaving people with an incomprehensible emotion.

Leaning against the wall, like a burnout spirit, like a teenager waiting for something, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at them.

In those slender and languid eyes, the membrane over the pupils was covered with a faint blue. There seemed to be some terrifying power hidden in the depths of those pupils, which made their hearts tighten instantly.

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“My identity, are you sure you can hear it?”

The effect attached to the title【 Evil Spirit’s Eye 】was more useful than expected.

The members of the guard stood respectfully. Even if they were vigilant and suspicious, they were also suddenly apprehensive and did not dare to refuse him.

“Excuse me, is Your Excellency a noble* from the Pu’ensibarleeti District…”

[T/N: literally, big person (higher up)]

However, the person’s eyes were calm and indifferent. “As expected, have you only ever heard of that place? Although, the nobles there may not dare to act like you, speaking with this tone.”

Someone at the side pulled at the reckless guard member and lowered their voice, “Don’t do something stupid, this may will be someone who came from a higher realm. Look at his eyes, have you ever seen a slave with eyes of that colour?”

The hierarchy between the demons was so strict that, as the residents of the most remote and bottom-level Nightmare Border, the highest-level area that most of them may ever know of in their lifetime was only the highest area in the lowest of the three sectors: the Pu’ensibarleeti District.

“The captain of the guard came from the Pu’ensibarleeti District. He must know what background this person has.”

After reaching a consensus, they immediately held a more respectful and cautious attitude than before and said, “Your Excellency, please wait. We will go to ask the captain of the guard to come here.”

While waiting for the captain of the guard to arrive, everyone else was taken away.

Ye Zun was also invited to a heavily guarded, solemn and formal living room, and was served tea to appease him.

Ye Zun did indeed see two real demon nobles from the high-level areas.

But compared to Ye Zun, those two had more obvious demonic characteristics, and it was easy to distinguish their status as nobles.

For example, they were all excessively outstanding in appearance and temperament. One of them had the ability to manipulate water, and the other had white eyes that were plain to see.

Compared with them, Ye Zun was like a human with a superior appearance.

The guards’ eyes gradually became suspicious, but it was only suspicion.

He looks too much like a human, but if he is really just a human, his lies will be exposed once the captain of the guard arrives. Why can he be so calm?

Compared to those two true demon nobles who looked vigilant and scared, like old children who had gotten lost, Ye Zun’s attitude was the most calm and comfortable, as if this place was his own home.

No matter what happened in the world around him, the young man who just sat there quietly and coldly, as if immersed in the thoughts of himself alone, occasionally closed his eyes and rested his mind, pensive. There was a kind of languid and irreverent laziness all over him.

The waiting time did not take long. The man Ye Zun saw from a distance when he first entered this world walked into the room with large strides.

Eyes cold and sharp as an eagle, without the slightest emotion, and a handsome and cold appearance like a machine. Since he appeared at the door, his eyes had always been fixed on Ye Zun’s body, carefully doing reconnaissance.

As he walked in, the members of the guard kept whispering about the results of their work.

“En.” The captain of the guard didn’t have any obvious reaction. His footsteps were firm, with every step maintaining the same standard as a rule. He came to a stop in front of Ye Zun.

“I heard that you must see me before you will cooperate. I have arrived.”

He was undoubtedly a mature and ruthless man with a very strong sense of oppression.

Ye Zun opened his eyes and watched the face that was looking down at him expressionlessly from a close distance, and the other party also stared at every subtlety in his expression.

If this was the first time he was interrogated by this person, Ye Zun would’ve definitely been flustered and helpless. The other party wouldn’t have needed to do anything before quickly determining his identity.

However, Ye Zun, who had an experience with Shen Yuan, no longer felt that this cold look could do anything.

Compared with Shen Yuan’s dismal and dead eyes, the captain of the guard in front of him was just a normal person, unsmiling and lacking in expression.

Although he was a demon with two horns protruding from his forehead, he could also be viewed as a human being.

A real demon may be handsome and harmless, no different from humans, and even pretend to be weak and friendly.

——Then, a demon who is not vicious enough like me can also exist, right?

Why disguise as a noble’s pet? Since you are going to lie, just disguise yourself with an even higher level identity.

Ye Zun looked coldly at the captain of the guard in front of him. Following the preparation and run through he performed in his mind during the waiting period, he imitated the same dull and bored voice as Shen Yuan, just like the demon in front of him was just a toy that did not interest him.

“En, we meet again ah.” 

The young man’s indifferent reaction made the captain of the guard subconsciously want to frown, but from all aspects, the young man in front of him would definitely not be the pet of an ordinary demon.

“Excuse me, are you* from Pu’ensi…” 

[T/N: formal you]

The corners of those pale lips slowly rose, the young man tilted his head slightly, as if he was pleased, unable to hold back his want to smile, but before the smile reached those cold eyes, he was already uninterested.

“Honestly, I said, can’t you all be a little more imaginative?”

The demon guard: “……”

Damn, so arrogant. Although there were no malicious words, they had a nagging feeling of being despised and held in contempt. What was going on?

The expressionless captain of the guard said, “May I ask if you are from the middle ranked sector’s…” 

Those shoulders shook slightly and the young man’s fingers covered his eyes. He was trembling a little, as if he had heard a very funny joke.

On that gorgeous face, the corners of his lips were curved. Even if it was out of mockery, he smiled very beautifully.

It made it impossible for people to be truly irritated.

“Wei, are you doing this on purpose?” The young man removed his hand covering his eyes. His slender and perfect fingers grabbed the collar of the guard captain’s meticulously restrained uniform, causing the captain to involuntarily tilt slightly towards him.

Those beautiful ice blue eyes, pure, mysterious and empty, lifelessly approached the captain at close range.

“Take a good, close look ah. I’ll give you one last chance to guess.”

The demon guards all had an expression of being taken by surprise. Cold sweat seeped out, and they couldn’t help swallowing.

Did they not see wrong? Their captain was being molested?

What to do? Will they be punished by the captain afterwards?

Having said that, looking at this fragile and beautiful looking young human, just which big noble was he the pet of ah? If it weren’t for the absence of any demonic features, it would simply be the style of a noble arrogant young master. Why would he come to this remote and desolate place to toss people around if he had nothing to do?

The captain of the guard who was grabbed stayed expressionless and did not have any reaction.

“My apologies, Your Excellency, the highest realm I know of only goes up to the Tuomeni’en district in the middle ranked sector. For those domains further beyond that, we are not yet authorised to contact and know of them. Or, you can inform me directly.”

At this, the hand loosened indifferently. The young man’s face lacked interest and was filled with boredom.

“Just up to Tuomini’en district ah. Sure enough, after all this time, these people will only make up some stereotyped class boundaries. So tedious.

The captain of the guard who was let go took care of his wrinkled collar without emotion.

“I am very sorry, Your Excellency, but I am unable to guess your identity. But it is my duty to record the identity of every person who appears in the Nightmare Border. I hope you can cooperate with us in our job.”

The young man who did whatever he wished, just like a demon, lightly propped up his face with his fingers. Lightly blinking, his beautiful face looked pure and harmless. “What if I don’t want to cooperate?” 

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The captain of the guard couldn’t help frowning, still restraining his emotions. “Then, if you are not willing to show your identity card…”

“Will you give me to someone as a present? I didn’t know there were such courageous people in such a small place. Why don’t you ask your city lord Alevei, does she dare? Say, do I really look like a human?”

Those irreverent eyes were so innocent and deliberate, high-born and haughty, that one can’t help but feel like they were being played and humiliated. However, looking at that pure and beautiful face, one is unable to muster up any disgusting thoughts.

“Is he actually not human? What the hell kind of backing does he have? He even casually comments on the city lord…”

“The captain can’t have been enchanted by his face ba? How is he so patient with him?”

“Since he is a noble, why doesn’t he show off his abilities like those two little demons before? The only thing he has going is that he is much better looking than those useless human slaves. No matter how you look at him, it’s hard to believe his identity ah.”

“He can’t be a pet pretending to be its owner, right? Even if they are good looking, they are still only human, just more advanced playthings. He actually dares to show off his might in front of us demons!”

The young man obviously heard their whispers. He raised his eyebrows as if he were holding back a smile, but quickly pressed them back down. He furrowed his eyebrows in a worried manner, forming an expression looking like he was surprised and scared, however, the corners of his lips couldn’t stop rising wildly.

“En? Fox flaunting a tiger’s might*, are you talking about me?”

[T/N: 狐假虎威: fox exploiting the tiger’s power (using your powerful connections to intimidate people]

“Shut your mouth!” After the cold snap stopped the rude words of the subordinates behind him, the captain of the guard bowed his head and saluted, “My apologies, your Excellency, this is all a misunderstanding caused by your unknown identity, please do not take it to heart, I will…”

“It doesn’t matter ah, everyone had a good time playing around ah.”

He had the most pure and beautiful face, but wore the most evil and disdainful expression.

The words spoken were light and casual, but those grey-blue eyes opened slightly, revealing the darkness hidden in the depths of the pupils. He occasionally raised those eyes inattentively, as if he was thinking about, how to kill you.

The captain of the guard lowered his eyes. “Please forgive me, this is because…we have not received any notice that there are nobles from above who have come here and needs to be guarded. For you to appear here with this appearance, it is most likely that you do not want the situation to escalate if your identity is uncovered.”

“En, that is what I originally planned, but now I think you seem more interesting. It doesn’t matter, how do you want to escalate the situation, tell me about it ah.”


“They didn’t say anything wrong ah. Maybe I am just an ordinary person. How about it? Are you going to arrest me and send me to the slave auction?” That pair of smiling eyes gleamed, as if he was anticipating it.

The captain of the guard pursed his lips and bowed his head again in apology.

The surrounding demon guards looked at each other and finally picked something out from this bizarre confrontation. Whether they thought they did or didn’t understand, they all bowed their heads and saluted with the captain of the guard.

“It seems like you really don’t know anything ah. How boring, even more boring than the seraphim in the third sector.” 

“May I take the liberty to ask, why did you appear in the low-level Nightmare Border?”

“Do I need to report my business to you? Those seraphim did not dare to inquire about me. You have even more ideas than them ah.”

“Please do not misunderstand. Your Excellency, you can do as you wish. The reason for asking is in order to better serve you…”

“How boring.” That person finally felt that this was no fun and stood up, walking out at a leisurely pace, sighing lightly and blowing at the bangs on his forehead in boredom.

“Please wait a moment, at least tell me your name, so we may avoid unnecessary incidents such as this in the future.” 

The young man raised his fingers and slowly landed them on the shoulder of the captain of the guard, tilting his head to hover beside the man’s ears, speaking like a demon’s whisper.

“My name, is Ye Zun.” He held the identity card in his hand and put it away in front of the man’s eyes, vaguely revealing the words “Ye Zun” and “Evil Spirit”. “I have something special to do. I do not want anyone to know my whereabouts for the time being. Do you understand?”

“Yes. Farewell, your Excellency. Neither I, nor my people, ever saw you.”

Thus, just like that, the young man who had a pure and beautiful face, with the breath of an evil spirit through his entire body, calmly and arrogantly left the notorious Law Enforcement Hall, the place that was called hell by the native humans.

It wasn’t until his figure completely disappeared from sight that the unconvinced demon guards finally questioned, “I don’t believe that he is a demon noble. He’s just a pet kept by a big person above, heh, fox flaunting a tiger’s might.”

“Captain, why do we need to be so polite to that person? He just looks like a pet, spoiled to the extreme*. Even if he dies here, his owner wouldn’t know ba. Who knows, maybe he was abandoned and unwanted. Why did you fear him that much?”

[T/N: literally, High as heaven, deep as earth: describes the great extent]

“Did you guy see the look in his eyes just now? He looks so good, but his personality is so bad. He looks down on us like we’re toys ah.” 

The captain of the guard was indifferent and said emotionlessly, “A toy? The top nobility in the upper third sector, in the eyes of demon gods, are nothing more than slightly-more fancy toys. Moreover, those demon gods look even more human than him.”

The demon guards were stunned. With their level, even this mention of the middle sector was only their first time hearing it. How could they know what the upper-ranked sector is, or know about the demon gods that only existed in legends?

“Captain, do you mean, that the person just then was… Impossible ba, that person obviously does not have any demonic characteristics!” 

The captain of the guard said, “Only low-level demons have demonic characteristics. High-level demon gods, and even some nobles, are very similar in appearance to that of ordinary humans, but they have evolved to be even more perfect. Even so, there are still some subtle features. You all saw his eyes, didn’t you think there was something off with them?”

They indeed saw it all. His iris was of a light grey-blue colour. They had never seen any other pair of eyes like those. Just looking at it made them feel like they were about to be sucked in, drenching them in cold sweat.

“But, what if we’re mistaken? Based on this external feature alone…” 

The captain of the guard muttered quietly, “I originally was not certain either, so I deliberately said I did not know of the upper-ranked sector. However, he talked about the seraphim.” 

The subordinates were even more confused. They constantly felt that the door to a new world was opened today, gaining knowledge of many incredible beings.

“What are seraphim?”

“The seraphim are of the highest level in the demon realm as of our time. Even you don’t know of them, but why does he, who has the looks of an ordinary human, have this knowledge? What do you think this means?”

The demon guards were still struggling. “But, what if he was under the ownership of a seraphim master, maybe he was banished after becoming unwanted…”


“Why is Captain so sure?”

“Because, his name is Ye Zun.”

“Ye Zun? This name is a little weird, but is there a problem with it?” 

The captain of the guard looked long and deeply in the direction which Ye Zun left.

“As far as I know, the entire demon god’s world* does not even care about the nobles in the Seraphim District, they only have their eyes on the demon gods. Among the demon gods, there is only one with a title of honour, that is, the legendary Demon Lord, who has been sleeping for a long time. “

[T/N: the ‘world’ and ‘amusement park’ belong to the demon gods since they ‘created’ (built) the surrounding world to look as it is now]

Maybe there are demons who cannot keep count of the demon gods, but there is no demon who does not know the existence of the Demon Lord, even if he has been silent for many years and has not yet appeared.

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. Their brains became an empty slate. They didn’t dare to think about the possible meaning in his words.

For a while, only the voice of the captain of the guard could be heard. “Few people know that many years ago, the sleeping Demon Lord in our legends appeared in the Nightmare Border as an ordinary human, and participated in the games of the Demon God’s Amusement Park.”

Every word he uttered sent a numbing sensation up people’s scalps.

“I, too, accidentally learned about this hidden secret from a well-renowned senior by chance.”

“When the Demon Lord walked as an ordinary human, his public signature was: Ye.”

“Because he wore the appearance of an oriental person, he emerged around the same oriental humans for a long period of time. In the Demon God’s Amusement Park, no one dares to call him by his first name, only daring to use his surname and honorifics in secret, purely implying and referring to his existence. Over time, the demon nobles also refer to that person by this hard-to-pronounce name.”

The pale-faced demon guards instantly understood something: a youth who was like an ordinary human, but with peculiar features, a name that comes with its own prestige, an existence that doesn’t put even the seraphim nobles in the high-level districts into his eyes, it can only be…only be… The captain’s face was cold and sweaty, pale all over. “And the most important point, from the moment I saw him, the energy detector on my body kept spinning out of control. But that wasn’t the case when I saw him earlier. There was no such phenomenon when I was around. This will only happen when the energy detector is in a place strongly influenced by the Abyss. Just now, I pretended not to know his identity on purpose.”

That person finally lost interest and left by himself. For the captain, he had survived a calamity, and now had lingering fears.

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All the demon guards who understood that they had passed by Death were shocked.

——Is, that Demon Lord awake?

Chilling sweat crawled up their backs and a horrifying fear enveloped everyone.

The captain’s face was solemn and cautious. “Even if it is not the Demon Lord deity, it can also be his offspring. That is not a world we can understand. Since that higher being does not want to be disturbed, let’s pretend we don’t know about him ba. Going by his identity, since he didn’t launch an attack just now, he will feel it is beneath his dignity to take revenge on unknown people like us for this kind of thing in the aftermath. As long as we pay attention in the future, nothing will happen.” 

The demon guards nodded in unison, making up their minds that as long as they see that being from a distance in the future, they will immediately turn around without hesitation.

“Yes, we do not know a thing!”

“Thank you, Captain, for your help!”


Supporting his footsteps, he forced himself to get out of there unhurriedly and calmy.

Finally, when he walked to an empty alley, Ye Zun’s legs went soft in an instant. His fingers rested on the wall, also trembling slightly.

Just then, when he covered his eyes with his fingers and deliberately showed an abnormal smile, it was also to hide his uncontainable nervousness.

——I, I successfully fooled them, right?

——They believed me, right? They wouldn’t realise and chase after me, right?

Everything Lin told him was indeed true. The demons of the Nightmare Border were too low-level. The most they knew about the demon god’s world was limited to the lower three districts, and they had no information about the big shots and high-level realms above them. Under the strict hierarchical boundaries, the inferior demons will only treat the superior demon nobles respectfully.

It was by virtue of this that it was easy to fool them.

However, Ye Zun leaned against the wall with a thin layer of cold sweat on his forehead, breathing heavily.

Because, no matter what he did to successfully trick them, the biggest reason he was able to pull that off was because of how he successfully imitated Shen Yuan.

That terrifying man, Ye Zun didn’t know why he let him go in the end, but sure enough, just by imitating* that demon’s behaviour towards him, even these demons will be afraid of it.

[T/N: literally, acting 3/4th of how Shen Yuan’s behaved towards him]

“I can consider it, a blessing from misfortune.”

Thinking about it this way, did he still have to thank that person?

He only hoped that he would never meet that guy again in a new instance.

He hoped that person really had let go of himself, and lost all interest in Ye Zun.

The little white snake on the wrist finally got its fill of sleep, swimming free and easy. It stood upright, and the exceedingly beautiful appearance would make anyone think it was cute, even if it took the form of a snake.

It swam to Ye Zun’s shoulder, straightened, and gently rubbed its head against Ye Zun’s cheek.

Although he was still a little scared, he felt comforted. Ye Zun smiled a little and carefully protected it, to prevent it from accidentally falling off his shoulders like their first meeting.

Ye Zun lowered his eyes and took the initiative to rub the little white snake who tilted its head to look up at him.

“Thank you, Moros. Let’s go see Lin together ba, you must miss him too.”

The little white snake stuck to his body, tilting his head and staring at him with bright eyes, unblinking.

Although he couldn’t understand the snake’s expression, Ye Zun felt that it also seemed very happy.

He gently touched its head, his clear face gentle. “Although we have only been separated for a day, because of that near-death experience, it seems like I haven’t seen him for a long time. I also miss him very much, and I can’t wait to see him again.”


Ye Zun’s eyes curved as he smiled. “Let’s go ba. We shouldn’t be caught this time.”

Familiar woods, a familiar church.

Because the little white snake returned home, it quickly swam down from Ye Zun’s hand and led the way from the front.

When Ye Zun walked into the church, he found that it was still empty. However, it seemed to have been repaired a little, and the environment was much better than his last impression.

It’s just that there were still no believers.

He also had no idea where the little white snake went. Only Ye Zun was left standing there alone, silently looking down on the moss-green aisle of the church.

The last time he came, he had just walked in from the woods, and he didn’t know what it looked like on the inside.

It turns out, there were this many flowers and old vines planted in here?

Under the sunlight, this beautiful scenery was like a painting created of colours taken from dreams, making people fall into a real life dream.

In the gorgeous scenery, a man dressed in a light grey and white suit stood on the steps, looking at Ye Zun who shone brightly in the courtyard.

Like the wind of a summer morning having strayed into the castle of the vampire count, blowing open the layers of rosebuds.

Ye Zun looked around with a smile and inadvertently saw the priest staring at him from not far behind. Surprise jumped around in his eyes like a thin source of light, lighting up the clear water.

The young man’s eyes curved. Because the face that did not smile often was affected by a gentleness, the originally shaky restraint slowly turned into a subtle softness.

Looking at someone like this without speaking, just seeing it and one would know, they were loved by him.

However, those who see it also want to know, what kind of love is this?

Is it the love for an important friend? The love for a soulmate? The love for the one he solely desires?

The young man slightly showed his hesitance, but his smile did not slow down, and he took the initiative to walk towards him.

He knew that he was a little cold, and also he knew that if he didn’t keep constant attention, it would make that person feel a distance between them.

He knew that every bit of the young man’s nervousness was caused by him, as well as the quick and slow beats of his heart.

“Is, is Father lost in thought? Why are you standing here, not talking?”

“Because,” he still raised the corners of his lips, keeping the light in his eyes clear and warm, gazing at the young man, “I was waiting for you to come to me.” 

The demon’s hand was behind his back, and he slowly brought it out towards the undefended youth in front of him.

It should have been a dagger, but it was a bouquet of golden sunflowers and white lilies.

The young man’s eyes were so beautiful that it could not be described with words. They were the morning light that the Abyss saw in the dream of a dream. “It’s so beautiful ah, but why is Father giving me flowers?”

“Because, it really is wonderful for the two of us to meet each other. Can you stay, and live together with me?”

The author has something to say:

Probably like:

Ye Zun (exorcist): I love you.

The Abyss (kissing between eyebrows): Ah, I have died.

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