Psychotic or sick

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Sunlight diffused on the horizon, and the golden and brilliant light spread towards the world.

Through the window of the hotel, the early morning wind is a bit shady and cold.

Bandages that were unwrapped one after another fell to the ground. The boy’s body was thin with visible lines, and his handsome face showed very little expression, more silent than the surrounding air.

The eyebrows and eyes were slightly lowered. There was nothing in those clear eyes.

The bandages were removed in their entirety, but the shoulder that should have been scarred was completely flawless.

No surprise showed on his face, and he didn’t get dressed immediately, just looking across the empty room.

Not only had the scars on his body disappeared, but many things had also disappeared without a sound.

He put on a white shirt, then paused as he fiddled with the buttons. Then, he took it off again, and put on a black one.

The black shirt made the boy’s tall and straight body even skinnier.

His hair was a bit long, as it hadn’t been trimmed since entering the Demon God’s Amusement Park. The fluffy black bangs slightly fell over his eyebrows and eyes, and were pushed aside carelessly.

Walking in the campus where people come and go, people kept turning their heads back at him.

Such a handsome and outstanding face, but his eyes were indifferent to the world, as if he was injured a long time ago, and although the wound has long since scarred over and he no longer cared about it, the shadow left behind was still there.

Indifference, rejection, but what ran deep into the bones was loneliness.

“Wow, look…”

“Is he some kind of celebrity? He’s way too handsome ah, to this degree.”

“Quickly go, ask for his contacts ah.”

“I…I don’t want to, he feels so cold and distant.”

“What are you scared of, look at me.”

The person blocking the front of his path smiled, friendly and flirty, and said, “Hello, can you leave your contact details, we have an event that needs…”


That person raised his head slightly, his footsteps never stopping, and kept walking like so.

The bright smile after being rejected barely lasted for a second, and soon turned into annoyance after the other party left.

“Humph, what’s the big deal, no manners at all just because he relies on his good looks. Refuse if you want to, but at least finish listening to what people have to say ah, will you die if you say a few more words? Who do you think you are? I hate this kind of superficial person the most.”

“I think he seems to be in a bad mood. Maybe it wasn’t on purpose.”

“What’s that to do with me if he’s in a bad mood, you don’t know him. You’re helping to speak up for him just because he’s handsome, but you don’t see how I was treated just to help you get his contact info. Humph, let’s go.”

The person who remained where they stood was a little at a loss, looking at their companion who left angrily, and then at the back view of the person who just walked away. However, that person had lifted his head just before. Although there was no obvious expression in those eyes, they felt so dark, as if there was no hope.


During the daytime, the Hushan Campus was full of vitality under the golden sunshine and gentle breeze.

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The peach blossoms were in their final flowering season and bloomed unscrupulously. The fallen flowers on the ground could be found anywhere, and the branches were still flourishing.

Like being pushed down by a newly bloomed flower just after one blooms, flowering and decaying at the same time.

Everyone passed by with a smile, all faces bright without a haze.

Those who died were forgotten.

There was no body, so they never existed.

Ye Zun stood by the lake.

In the sea of flowers not far away, a group of people held up their phones to take pictures of a girl with a sweet smile in the sea of flowers.

“Wow, it’s the influencer Faye. I really like her beauty tutorials and outfits; I tell everyone about the styles she recommends. I didn’t expect her to come to our school.”

Hugging her books, Chen Qianqian was a little helpless, looking at her roommate. “Don’t forget we still have classes in the next period, we have to go through half the campus.”

She was not very interested in any internet celebrities, so she waited in boredom. Her eyes passed over the crowd, seeing the boy in the black shirt.

At first glance, she also was amazed by the outstanding appearance, but then she felt a little weird.

Why did she feel a little familiar, as if she had met him before?

Moreover, was that person looking at her just now?

The figure walked away slowly with his back to her, and gradually disappeared into the crowd.

“Hey bro, my photographer ran off, can you take a photo for me? It’s very easy, just stand here and press the shutter button.”

Ye Zun looked at Asker, who had a relaxed expression and eyes that looked like they were facing a stranger. He took the camera from his hand.

The background in the distance through the lens is a large peach blossom forest by the lake.

He pressed the shutter button.

A voice reappeared by his ears.

…… “The staff I made an appointment with couldn’t come as scheduled since the mountain road from the city to here collapsed. Because the filming was based on the theme of the peach blossom forest’s resentful spirit, the time we agreed to do the shooting was at night. I’m not sure when they’ll arrive, so I came here first to find the feeling…”

Ye Zi, Ye Zi was supposed to be here as well.

He was supposed to be like them, forgetting this terrifying experience, not knowing each other, working and living following an established plan.

“Thank you, bro!”

Ye Zun continued to walk forward.

He saw those who survived, one by one, but no miracle appeared.

There wasn’t a melancholy and frail teenager with long hair.

He sat on a bench by the lake, a little burnt out.

He already knew, but he still looked forward to it, just in case.

The instance was cleared. Except for Asker, Chen Qianqian, and Faye, three people who had nothing to do with the game, only Ye Zun survived.

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The belongings of the dead were given to him by the game.

Mo Fei’s train ticket.

Yaya’s guardian doll, which seemed to be made of crude materials by someone who was not good at handcrafts. It was an ugly kind of cute.

A dagger whose owner he did not know. The words “go home” were engraved, as if the owner was afraid of forgetting. The words were deeply embedded in the body of the knife.

There were very few things the game left behind. It was unknown whether the belongings that the game deemed to be worthless were scattered where their owners died, or left with the ghosts.

“If I die, what will be left?”

Probably nothing ba.

His bag was always empty.

Although the instance had been cleared, the countdown to the end was not up yet, and the exit to leave this world has not been opened.

Ye Zun sat there for a long time, until night came.

At half past ten, he walked along the steps to the peach blossom forest on the hillside.

Did you know, there was a legend in the Hushan campus, that in the springtime of April spring, after half past ten at night, you will meet a beauty in the peach blossom forest.

On the hillside, the most beautiful peach tree bloomed, the time when he first met Ye Zi.

Ye Zun stood there and slowly closed his eyes.

The wind blew, the insects sang, the light of the stars and the shine of the moon scattered.

He said softly, “I am leaving this place. Can I see you one more time?”

At that time, Ye Zi told him not to look back, but to keep running and running until he came out. And he did.

But, facing two ghosts at the same time, even if Ye Zi is dead, was he hurt?

“I want to know. Just one more time, just so I can be sure. Is that okay?”

There was silence, and not a single response.

He leaned against the peach tree, with gloomy eyes drooping, waiting quietly and not giving up.

A long, long time.

The feeling of fingers gently touching the eyelids, like a slightly heavier brush of wind, a little cold and gentle.

His eyes trembled, but he didn’t dare to open them, for fear that they would disappear as soon as he opened them.

“Ye Zi.” The nervous voice was shaking slightly, for fear that it was just an illusion.

“Are you not scared?” A clear and deep voice responded.

His eyes twitched slightly, and his face revealed a trace of light. He reached out, wanting to hold Ye Zi’s hand, but he held back, fearing that he would do something to break the illusion. He forced himself to remain still.

“It’s Ye Zi. Even if you turned into a ghost, I’m not scared.”

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Compared to his unbearable agitation, that person was very calm. He could very clearly feel the deep cold sensation, one that is different from people, seemingly dreary, but imperceptibly soft. 

“Why do you have so much confidence in me? There is a big difference between being alive and what is after death. Like that person said, you didn’t choose me in the end. Maybe I have resentment, maybe I am just like them, and want to keep you.”

Ye Zun’s eyes trembled slightly. His quiet face had a hazy defenselessness and vague melancholy.

“You let me go, back then.”

“En, because there are two rivals, so I let you go for the time being.” The ghost steadily proved himself untrustworthy.

“Okay ah, if it’s Ye Zi who wants to kill me, then you can kill ba.”

There was a sigh, carrying a sweet, gentle and loving emotion. The person stepped forward to hug him, as if he had endured it for a long time, unable to bear it since long ago.

“You are too much.”

Ye Zun, wrapped in a big embrace, seemed to turn into a doll in that person’s arms.

He wasn’t used to such a weak form, and he showed a little look of endurance, but for that person, he relaxed his body and cooperated.

——This is Ye Zi’s ghost, this is Ye Zi.

He did all he could to relax himself and even lifted his hand, trying to hug back.

The ghost just hugged him, hugged him far too closely, making him unable to stand up straight. Every inch of their bodies were inextricably fitted together.

Although he tried his best to respond, this excessive intimacy, as if he was about to be killed, overwhelmed Ye Zun until he began to tremble.

“Ye Zi…I’m…sorry…”


He did not fear ghosts, he only feared an engulfing embrace.

It was as if he wanted to melt him into his body and merge them into one.

Sticking to the side of his neck was the delicate and cold neck of the other person.

It was just a hug, but it was like two souls intertwining.

It turns out, necks lingering with each other, ears and temples rubbing together, was so very scary.

“Ye…Ye Zi…don’t…”

Under such a terrifying, intimate contact, where their skins collided on the sides of their necks, Ye Zun felt all the strength in his body being drawn away from that touch. Not just his strength, but even his five senses were also deprived.

Shaking, but not because of fear. Fear had already lost consciousness.

He couldn’t feel anything, except the feeling on the skin on the side of his neck, magnified hundreds of thousands of times over.

“You’re shaking ah.” The ghost hugging him was very calm, sullen yet gentle. “It’s because it’s too sensitive; it’s sensitive because it’s the first time.”

Like a small animal that has been strangled, every bone in his body was soft. If it wasn’t for the ghost hugging him, he couldn’t even stand up, unable to move a single finger.

“…let…let go…” Like begging for mercy, but he couldn’t even make a sound.

It’s too scary. It’s just the skin on the side of the neck sticking to skin, it’s just the blood vessels sticking to blood vessels. Why is it like being strangled on the brink of death, at the mercy of others, mouth open but unable to breathe, losing self awareness.

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The cold voice was deep and soft, whispering gently, “Do you only hate it? There’s not even one in ten thousand who shares the same feeling as me, to think it is okay being killed like this. Do you like it?”

“Wh, why?” There was a crying voice. Tears flowed down the corners of his absent-minded eyes. He opened his eyes but seemed to be unable to see anything. The only senses left were the spreading feeling around his neck.

It’s just necks sticking to each other. The indescribable feeling was extremely dreadful, making him tremble, making him lose resistance, sinking into warm spring water, like an extremely gentle suffocation as he drowned, as he died.

Does the ghost in front of him feel the same?

Why doesn’t he let go of him and run away? Is he not scared?

“Don’t be scared, don’t be scared ah, it’s just a hug,” the low and cold voice softly murmured, “I have always been looking at you from afar. You looked very lonely, out of tune with them. Were you looking for me?”

“You were…looking at me…”

“En, always looking at you like this. When you are talking to someone, no matter what you are talking about, when I see someone next to you, I can’t help but feel jealous.”

“……” Jealous, why?

“No matter who it is, even if they are in conflict with you, even if it is a fight to the death with you, I still feel jealous. The unhappy face with a frown, the elegant face of indifference, I wished it looked at me, faced me. Even if it is a face of rejection, I still like it very much.”

“……” Insanity.

“It’s the same when fighting with that person, I thought, if only it was with me. So envious, jealous. The first person you want to kill, why is it not me? The one you watch at all times, exhausting all your thoughts and wisdom, the one killed by doing everything possible, I wish it was me. Holding a knife, in stalemate with each other, between life and death, don’t you think it’s very romantic? It would’ve been fine with me, why was it someone else?”

Ye Zun’s spiritless eyes widened.

“Do you find it incomprehensible? Why is such a thing worth being jealous over? I don’t care what they think, whether psychotic or sick in the head. I just, want to be with you all the time, doing anything together. Anything at all.”

“……” The melancholy and cold boy in his mind, the fragile and beautiful face under the long hair began to fluctuate, overlapping with another vague black shadow.

A quiet whisper in his ear, dismal and obedient, “I want to go to your side, I obviously want to, but I don’t know why, it seems that I am more used to looking at you from a distance. Looking from a distance, I also like it very much.”

“Ye, Ye Zi.”

“When I heard you say that your name is Shen Yuan, my mind went a little blank. My entire body became excited. I like that you use my name. Don’t be angry, I want to use your name as well. Exchanging names like this, it’s very romantic ah.”

“……” The hand that responded to the embrace dropped.

“Ye Zi, Shen Yuan. Ye Zi likes Shen Yuan, and you like me.” The sweet and low voice whispered in his ear with a smile, “Shen Yuan also likes Ye Zi.”

Like this, one person completed the whole confession.

“Why aren’t you talking? Are you very surprised? Probably not ah. Didn’t that person named Mo Fei remind you so many times, I’m different from what you see? You too, no matter what I become, don’t you recognise me every time?”

Ye Zun stood there, motionless, without resisting or struggling.

The ghost slowly hugged him tightly. No matter how tight it was, it seemed that he could hug him even tighter.

The oppressive voice was innocently calm. “Why do you lie to yourself? Never doubting Ye Zi? Think about it carefully, there were actually many things to be doubtful over ba. Wasn’t it impossible to trust anyone? Why is Ye Zi the only exception? It’s because, your heart was also moved ba. So, when you saw me dying, you were stung, you lost all hope. You clearly know the danger, but you appear here, telling me, it’s okay to be killed.”

He let out a sigh. The corners of his lips lifted, gloomy and sweet. Next to Ye Zun’s ear, with a smile, he whispered softly, “It’s just a hug, why is the reaction so sensitive? My dear, you seem to be…hard.”

The author has something to say:

Sick or psychotic*

[T/N: can also be ‘perverted/abnormal’]

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