A strange home

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A grey and hazy darkness, like after seven o’clock in the evening on a cloudy day, but also like when the sun was just about to come up.

The blurred vision was covered with a greyish-blue filter.

Ye Zun pulled a little girl along with him as they ran around the house.

He ran barefoot and with caution. Both of them covered their mouths, a tacit understanding that they are not allowed to make a sound.

Why can’t we make any noise? Are we afraid someone will hear it?

Ye Zun looked at the closed door.

He and the little girl hid in a room, crouched down, and hid on one side at the foot of the bed.

The black door looked extremely tall. He carefully watched it with his eyes wide open.

Footsteps approached the door.

Ye Zun and the little girl looked at each other in horror and buried their heads together to hide, closing their eyes like an ostrich*, not daring to look.

[T/N: ostriches bury their heads in their dirt when they’re scared/startled (i think)]

The door was opened and a woman’s voice nonchalantly called their names and asked where they were.

“Yi, not here ah.” A voice said, gnashing their teeth, “You’re actually running around and not in your room, okay ah, when I find you later, let’s see how I deal with you guys!”

Ye Zun and the little girl were so scared that their hearts were about to stop, but they didn’t dare to make a sound .

They looked at each other, eyes wide open with anxiety.

——Should, should we go out?

——Tell mama, that we are staying in our room like good kids?

Ye Zun hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

——She won’t believe us.

The little girl was very obedient.

The door closed.

Ye Zun pulled the little girl and carefully moved to the inner side of the bed, where it was close to the window. He had to guard against whether the woman would look in from the window and find them.

His decision was very wise. Almost at the moment when he and the little girl came to their hiding spot, there was a person standing outside the window.

“Ha, I’ve caught you ba!“

The woman’s nail-painted fingers poked through the bars outside the tall window and waved.

Ye Zun was not fooled. He squatted down carefully, and the little girl covered her mouth obediently.

“Yi, so they really aren’t in the room ah,” the voice outside the window said.

And then she left.

Ye Zun didn’t dare to get up. After a long time, when he heard a sound in the distance, he finally straightened up carefully and looked out the window.

He never stopped being afraid in his heart, afraid that when he looked out, he would meet a pair of eyes.

But, not this time.

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He looked at the garden outside the window, seeing a woman in a white dress humming a song as she walked out of the garden, holding a plate piling with food in her hand.

Ye Zun let a sigh of relief loose. Ah, she left.

The little girl also stood up, pressing down on her heart, and followed him by letting out a sigh of relief of her own.

“Scared me to death,” they said.

In the room, at the other end of the bed not far behind them, there was a coat rack.

A gorgeous woman’s dress and a beautiful hat hung on the rack, and a fashionable red coat draped over the dress.

The originally flat and straight dress suddenly moved.

The dress opened up little by little, and the hanging hat also looked like it was being worn on a human’s head.

In the space between the dress and the hat, there hung a beautiful long curly wig. Now, under the wig, a pair of doll-like eyes blinked ignorantly.

When Ye Zun turned his head, he noticed it. He was so frightened that he froze where he stood, not daring to move.

The little girl also realised and turned into a dumb wooden chicken, just like him. 

The woman’s face was also revealed, blinking her eyes vigorously, her lips opened again and again, as if a face was struggling to emerge from the jelly-like consistency. It was very unnatural .

While Ye Zun was terrified, he knew in his heart that she hadn’t fully emerged yet, and this was not yet the most horrifying part.

He took the little sister and walked along the edge of the bed, attempting to escape from this room that was no longer safe.

But if they wanted to escape, they must pass by the cloakroom with the coat rack.

The woman’s face twisted and slowly took shape, and a voice began to come out of her mouth, calling to them, “Come——here, help——me.”

The body under the clothes had not yet braced itself up, and her arms had not yet grown.

When Ye Zun and the little girl walked past her, bodies trembling, the limp sleeves suddenly lifted up and wrapped around them tightly.

The little girl was frightened to tears, but she still remembered not to make a sound. She covered her mouth and endured her sobbing.

Ye Zun was also very scared, he mustered up his courage and struggled to attack the coat hanger.

“Let go! Let go!”

“My——children, I——am——Ma——ma——ah!“

“You are not my Mama, my Mama just went out!”

Ye Zun suddenly attacked and struggled. It was completely an instinctive struggle born from the loss of reason under extreme fear.

The face of the woman who was close at hand was still blinking her eyes exaggeratedly and moving her mouth. The muddled expression on her face was not one that brought about fear in people. “I——really——am——Ma——ma.”

Ye Zun was both afraid and at a loss.

Mama is clearly outside, and this coat rack is a monster.

But perhaps, the Mama outside is fake, and this Mama is real.

The little girl suddenly let go of Ye Zun’s hand, rushed forward and hugged the coat rack.

“Mama, Mama, I’m so scared.”

The monster that transformed from a coat rack embraced her back with a face full of happiness, and said in a stiff voice, “Don’t——be——scared, don’t——be——scared, Ma——ma——will——protect——you.” 

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Ye Zun stepped back, watching the scene in front of him in horror, swallowing his saliva to no end.

He yelled at the little sister to let go, to come back to him quickly.

But the little sister shook her head and refused. “No, no, I want Mama, this is the real Mama.”

Ye Zun was terrified. Seeing the coat rack that looked more and more like a real person, he opened the door with trembling hands, calling for the little sister repeatedly to no avail. With the sight of the coat rack slowly raising its head and smirking in his eyes, he was finally too frightened that he ran away alone.

He ran away on the dark staircase without stopping, but felt that the woman was always chasing him, very close to him, but he didn’t know where.

“Come out by yourself, if I find you…just wait and see!”

It was so terrifying. He was so frightened that he only dared to run away.

Finally, he hid in the dark attic.

But the tall figure of the woman still appeared, and the black shadow enveloped him, approaching him step by step.

He raised his head in horror and heard the little sister crying and screaming for help downstairs.

There was a Mama with the little sister, and he also had a Mama with him right here.

The woman touched his head. “Don’t be scared, I am the real Mama.”

Then, pinching his chin, the bright and sharp knife hidden behind her back stabbed into his mouth.

The feeling of the cold blade cutting the tongue and piercing the throat was extremely clear.

The voice was distorted and trembling. “What made you two disobedient, why are you disobedient? Why do you run around?”

Downstairs, the little sister’s cries also disappeared. He could only hear a faint angry voice say, “Why are you disobedient?”


Ye Zun woke up. The feeling of fear and despair of the child in the dream still lingered within him.

He laid in bed and did not get up, recalling the scary dream.

With hindsight, he seemed to be a girl in the dream, a little older than the little girl he was holding hands with. At the very least, he was more active in the face of danger and had the wisdom when it came to surviving.

The house in the dream was Gu-laolao house, but Ye Zun had no memory of seeing the woman in the dream in this house.

He remembered the two twin ghosts. Was it because what one thinks about during the day is what one dreams about at night?

Or could it be, what did the dream foretell?

In any case, the real and fake ‘Mama’s in the dream were too scary, even more terrifying than Ye Zun’s biological mother in this world.

Ye Zun calmed down. He climbed out of bed and got dressed to wash up.

When he came back, he thought of the room in his dream. He could see the garden, so it should be on the first floor.

After roughly determining the possible location, Ye Zun changed his clothes and went downstairs alone.

In the early morning, the housekeepers at home had already started breakfast and the chores. There were sounds created by people everywhere, which made people feel at ease.

Ye Zun avoided the crowded areas and took a detour to the first floor.

The villa took the same shape as the character 同. Following the scene he saw outside the window in the dream, where a woman with a plate walking outwards, Ye Zun found the room at the left end of the character 同.

He stood outside the door. The colour of the door to the room was a stale black, very similar to the one in the dream.

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Ye Zun was not the little girl in the dream, he didn’t have much fear. After checking that there was no one around, he immediately tried to twist the door handle open.

With the body of someone just over three years old, the closed rusty door was a bit high, and it was a little hard for him to apply force, and it was a bit difficult to open.

But it was still pushed open with a smooth motion.

In the heavily dull room, the red curtains that stretched from floor to ceiling were drawn tightly.

The room was not too big nor too small. There was a bed and, facing the door, at the same level as the end of the bed, there was a coat rack.

Hanging on the rack, there was an outdated white dress, a dark red overcoat, a wide-brimmed hat, and in the space between the white dress and the hat, there seemed to be a curly wig.

Exactly the same as in the dream.

Ye Zun’s palm was a little cold.

With a feeling like being peeped by something, Ye Zun immediately closed the door and left the room with quick footsteps.

He didn’t have the same level of fear as the child in the dream, but his heart was full of doubts and vigilance.

This house was giving him a strange feeling, that was growing more and more.

Breakfast began at seven o’clock.

The great aunt, the two aunts, and the second uncle all appeared in the downstairs dining room at a similar time.

Only when it was almost half past seven did the boy with fair skin and delicate features slowly come down.

As if he hadn’t fully woken up, he stopped in the middle of the stairs, raised his hand and casually brushed aside his slightly long and wavy hair to keep them from obstructing his eyes. He looked at everyone innocently with clear and moist eyes.

“Am I late?” 

Gu-laolao’s face was full of smiles, and said dotingly, “Not at all, not at all, our Gege is always on time. Careful, watch the steps.” 

The boy walked down the stairs, and the second uncle immediately stood up and pulled out a chair for him. The seat was the most important in a family, the one that should belong to the head of the family.

Gu-laolao picked him up and placed him on top.

He didn’t seem to like people touching him, except for the great aunt.

The whole eating process from yesterday reappeared.

The boy lowered his eyes and ate the meal without saying a word, not paying attention to anything. Who knew where he put his mind; he didn’t hear all the hushed and warm questions around him.

Gu-laolao kept asking him if this one tasted good, if that one was a little hot, if this one was salty, if that one was a bit sweet.

Ye Zun thought that a boy with such a domineering personality would lose his temper on the spot because of the overly cumbersome concern towards every single thing, but this person was more well-bred and patient than Ye Zun thought. He sometimes ignored them, and occasionally would respond “it’s okay” one or two times. His tone was light, and his attitude was always calm and unhurried.

Logically speaking, in the face of one’s elders’ concerns and inquiries, occasionally responding with one or two words was definitely not considered well-bred. It could even be said to be rude.

However, although Gu-laolao’s concern was sincere, even Ye Zun felt stifled when he heard it.

If you were to respond politely, it was still almost impossible to take a good bite of food, because she didn’t do anything else. She didn’t eat, she just watched with delight. Like a machine gun, she asked one sentence after another, and after each sentence there was another. From the start to the present, there was not a single time when she stopped.

This excessively intensive concern, except for Ye Zun who felt uncomfortable, no one else seemed to notice.

The third aunt still frowned slightly, looking like she was always in a bad mood, and ate in silence.

The second aunt and uncle said a word from time to time, looking very happy.

In the end, it was the extremely depressed San-gugu who suddenly said, “Mum, can you say a few words less. If you keep on asking and asking like this, do you want people to eat or to answer you? Are you not scared he will bite his tongue?”

Her tone was mocking. The glance she swept over the boy was unfriendly, carrying a hint of imperceptible disgust.

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The boy ate without a care, not even raising his eyelids to look at them, completely ignoring them.

Gu-laolao was silent for a moment, looking at her daughter quietly.

Er-gugu smiled and said, “That’s right ah, you have to eat yourself. Let him eat by himself ba.” 

Gu-laolao smiled and said to the boy dotingly, “Alright, alright, alright, our Gege should eat well, Nainai will stop talking now, I won’t bother you la.”

In the second half of the meal, although Gu-laolao would still relapse into old habits from time to time, the degree of how she acted was much lighter.

After eating, Ye Zun thought they would be sent to kindergarten.

But, they were not.

Ye Zun, who just joined the family not long ago, was also mute and had changed schools halfway, which were reasons why it might be difficult to find a school for him for the time being. But the boy who was over four years old and who seemed normal did not go to school, which was a little strange.

Gu-laolao smiled and arranged for the family hired-worker to take them to the toy room upstairs.

The toy room was on the fourth floor. It was a very large room, with the size of three normal rooms stuck together.

It looked like a small kindergarten, with foam floors all over and blankets all around.

As soon as the boy walked in, he walked to a place full of picture books, building blocks and puzzles, as well as the familiar tablet. He moved as if he was accustomed to it.

The boy sat there and started playing with the tablet.

Those people didn’t bother them. They left after bringing them up, without anyone staying in case there were any accidents.

Ye Zun stood at the doorway, observing the interior, and suddenly found something that looked like a camera on the ornament in the corner.

Was it because a camera was installed, so they didn’t feel the need to have someone around to watch them?

In a blink of an eye, a girl’s skirt flashed in the corner of his eye.

“Hee hee hee.” An airy and piercing laughter.

It was the twin ghosts from yesterday.

Ye Zun immediately looked for them in the house, but he didn’t see them.

“Little mute.” The boy spoke lightly without raising his head. “Want to come over and sit?”

Ye Zun was slightly taken aback. Yesterday, after the ghosts appeared, this person also said the same thing.

Could it be, that he could see it too?

Ye Zun walked towards him, sat down somewhere not close nor far from him, and picked up a children’s picture book.

Suddenly, Ye Zun’s body froze. He saw that on the boy with lowered eyes focused on the tablet in his hand, under the slightly long and wavy hair, on the slender and white neck, there was a ring of blue bruise marks.

Ye Zun observed more and found that, not only around his neck, but also where his arms were exposed, there were also faint scars.

Ye Zun immediately grabbed his hand and pulled up his sleeves. The moment he had a clear view, his pupils dilated.

On the child’s lotus root-like* arms, the skin that should have been fair and flawless had many overlapping scars all over, as if it was cut by a sharp weapon. Some were new and some were old.

[T/N: white and skinny i guess?]

——How did this happen? Isn’t he Gu-laolao’s most beloved child? Who dares to injure him?

No, scars of this degree were no longer just injuries, it was straight up abuse!

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