With Goblia and Rufina waiting on the side I took a look at Albert. …Ah, it’s the real one. The punk wearing a horrendous smile on his face was unmistakably the second oldest brother who bullied me.

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Albert. He was really fond of causing me pain. When I was little, he would often under the guise of sword training seriously fight me.

When I would fall, Albert would laugh as he shallowly cut my legs. It left no aftereffects. But it was enough to leave my legs completely red with cuts.

He’s the brother I despise the most.

…Just why is he here? This seriously confused me. He continued approaching me with a smile on his face. Behind him walked five knights.

“Hey there Crest. Haven’t you been doing fine for yourself?”

“…Albert, what are you doing here? Did you also get banished to the lower world?” Albert’s eyebrow twitched when I said that. He seemed to be unable to handle me talking to him disrespectfully. I just don’t care about my position anymore.

“Sorry you got sent to the lower world. That was just a little act. I’m here to pick you up Crest.”

“…You came to pick me up? What act? Wasn’t I sent here to die?”

“But you’re alive anyway. Hey hey, don’t be mad. We were just playing with you. Why are you so serious?” Albert let out a chuckle as he smiled down on me. Apologies continued to come from his mouth, but he couldn’t seem to understand my fury.

 “Why are you here Albert?” Albert was quite for a moment before letting out a sigh.

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“…Apparently your ‘gacha’ ability is one of the strongest abilities given by god.” Said Albert indifferently. …Gacha is one of the strongest powers? Did the church tell him that? …Certainly, this skill is a lot better than other skills.

So I guess that means Albert was sent to pick me up after hearing about that. That’s incredibly self important of him. “You guys threw me here after saying you have no use for me. I have no intention of going back with you.”

“Hey hey, would you think about it if we gave you the seat of the house? How about it?”

“…I don’t give a crap about the seat of a dukes house.” Albert let out a sigh and began to approach me.

“…You know, Crest. My bad for picking on you up until now. But isn’t it your fault too? You’re not supposed to go against your second oldest and oldest brothers. If you didn’t defy us, you wouldn’t have lost your place in the house. It couldn’t be helped really.”

“Was I just imagining how much fun you guys were having with it?” I pointed my sword at Albert. He stopped his feet and looked at me with anger.

“…Smarten up, you shouldn’t get carried away Crest. This is my last warning. Follow me. I’ll guarantee your spot in the house.”

“I’ve already decided that I will live here. I’m not going to follow you.” As I pointed my sword further towards Alberta, his lips curved into a smile.

“In that case, I’ll also do as I like! Fire Cannon!” Albert shouted as he raised his hand. From that hand shot a sphere of fire. As it shot straight towards me I dodged to the side. “Hey, knights! Get the slave collar on this guy and bring him back!”

“…Understood.” The knights all readied their swords. There were five of them. Albert grinned cruelly over his side’s numeric superiority.

“Surrender obediently, and properly become my puppet as the temporary leader of the house.”

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“I wasn’t going to follow you before, and I’m not going to follow you now.”

“Ha! What are you saying? Aren’t you all alone? What can you do by yourself here?” I glanced over at Goblia and Rufina. They both nodded and started running. At the same time I activated the summoner skill and summoned Goblia and Rufina behind the knights.



The two appeared and got a pre-emptive attack on the knights, forcing them to dance to their tune. Goblia struck one of the knights, knocking him away like a ragdoll. Rufina easily bit through the armour of another knight.

“Ha!?” Albert looked over in surprise. In that gap, I cut the distance between us and slammed him in the face with my sword. “Bube!?”

Seeing Albert loudly fall to the ground I turned my attention to the knights. There were three knights still standing. Goblia and Rufina took two of them, while I took the other with my sword. We exchanged a few sword swings. However, in regard to technology, power, and every other factor I was clearly superior.

With the knights stance now riddled with holes, I struck his head with my sword and kicked him flying. Goblia and Rufina came over to me once they were done with their fights too. As I lightly patted their heads, Albert shakily looked at me.

“Y, you! You dare defy me even though you’re just some leftover small fry!?”

“Yeah. I will fight against anything trying to steal my liberty. Whether that’s the country or the world, I’ll fight back against them! I am Crest! I don’t need my house, nor my family!”

“…You little shit! Fire Cannon!”

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His sphere of fire shot towards me before being received by my wall of earth. …The fact that it can’t even break through my earth magic, his skill must be super weak.

“Fire Cannon! Fire Cannon!”

No matter how many balls of fire he frantically shot at me, I continued to block them with my earth magic. As Albert tried shouting once again, he suddenly bit his lip. His face turned white, and I could tell that his magic power was running out.

I went up to him and swung my sword into his leg. “Aargh!?!” After his right leg was his left. Albert let out a scream with blood flowing out of his legs. …I guess it’s fine with this.

“Aa owie… h- help me, C- Crest… It hurts, my legs… ow, they can’t move….”

“Help you? Did I ask you that when you were tormenting me?”

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry… please, I won’t do anything else…” I bit my lip as I watch Albert reach his arm out to me while crying his eyes out. Then I tossed him a potion.

“Tell them this when you get back to the upper world. If you try messing with me again, there is no next time…!” After saying this I turned my back to Albert and walked away.

Albert frantically drank the potion, and then “…Don’t mess with with. How dare you humiliate me like this!!”

I could feel a strong magic power behind me. I let out a sigh and turned my head, then activated earth magic. The instant after blocking his attack, I once again cut the distance between us and cut his legs up again.

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“…” His legs collapsed under his weight. After that I put my sword in its sheath and walked away.

“C- Crest…!” He’s asking me to help him again? Stop kidding. I don’t plan on giving him another chance. “P, please! Help me! I won’t do anything else, I swear! I’ll do anything for you! Please! Pleease!”

 I continued walking while ignoring everything he said. At that time, I felt a monster response from perception technique.

It was a group of goblins. The were probably drawn over by the scent of blood. After confirming that they were heading towards Albert, I faced in their direction.

I watched from afar as the goblins carried off Albert’s body. …Speaking of goblins, I’d heard once that they’re a monster with a particularly strong sex drive. …I’ve heard time and time again accounts of them violating men.

…D, don’t tell me that they went for Albert with that in mind? Albert was screaming as he cried. That was probably pretty annoying. A goblin forced his mouth shut.

Well, isn’t it fine that he’ll survive? I’ve already gotten my revenge against him.

The one to device his future isn’t me, but rather this lower world. After letting out a small sigh, I turned my back to Albert.

I’m no longer Crest Hauburst. I’m just Crest. Just Crest without a house or a family.

I’m not going back to the upper world. Nobles? Dukes? I have no lingering desire to deal with those things. I will live here freely.

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