“Y, you’ll help us?”

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“Is it that surprising?”

“…I mean, we aren’t able to repay you with anything. All you’ve done is save us.”

“…” They’ve given me a lot of valuable information. Also… I couldn’t talk to anyone up till now. Just being able to talk to someone like this is, well… I’d like to save them. “Aren’t you guys letting me live here for the time being?”

“…Y, yes that’s right.”

“For me, I’m good with that much.” I said, to which the goblin queen bit her lip. Then she bowed her head.

“Thank you, so much.”

“Don’t bow your head… I’m just helping a friend in need, that’s all.”

“…A friend?” The goblin queen raised her head. I looked into her eyes, and then at the other goblins behind me.

“I won’t become a king. But, the goblins here are already my friends. I’ll lend a hand when my friends are in trouble. Isn’t that natural?” Darkle and the others had rather happy expressions as I told them this. I turned back to the goblin queen. My feelings seemed to have reached her, as she was looking down with a gentle smile on her face.

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“Thank you so much. Please tell us if you ever have anything you wish for.”

“Oh really. In that case I’ve got something to ask then.”

“Yes of course, what do you need?”

“…Could you help me gather some lumber? I can build a house with my skill as long as I have some lumber.”

“Eh? Can you really?”

“Yeah, so I’d like to build a house to live in. Well, I’ll also try making houses for the goblins to live in if they gather some wood for that too.”

The one who reacted to my words first was Darkle. “…R, really!? Then please do, Crest!”

“H, hey…! You’re being rude…” Although the goblin queen chided them for it, but the goblins just looked at her hopefully. Seeing their gaze, the goblin queen just let out a sigh. “…Might I ask that you do that then Crest?”

“Yeah, leave it to me. I’ll also fix this place up, so could you gather a lot of wood?”

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“Where will you go then, Crest?”

“I’ll be going back down a little to the south to hunt some fang sheep. I can make beds from them.”

“…I see. Understood, please take care.”

“Yeah. Don’t push yourself either, you’ve just recovered.”

“Thank you for worries.” The goblin queen’s expression loosened up in joy. I met back up with Goblia and Rufina outside before heading off to hunt some fang sheep.

When I got back there was a huge pile of lumber. …Looks like those goblins gave it their all.

“Is this enough, Crest?”

“…Yeah, it should be.” I made my own house first. I was originally going to build it near the edge of the village, but it ended up being changed to a spot next to the goblin queen’s house. Looks like the goblins were giving me special treatment.

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“A, awesome… He really made a house in an instant…”

“Seriously… What even were those ones we built with all our efforts.”

“And it’s way better than the ones we spent many days on…” The goblins were all surprised together. Next, I made another house out of the remaining lumber. I tried making a house with many rooms, kind of like an inn so the goblins could live together. Although it took a lot of wood, I was able to prepare rooms for the remaining goblins.

“M, my house is fine…” The goblin queen tried being reserved about it, not wanting to take up any of my time, but I might as well after building everything else.

“It’ll be a bit smaller than your previous house, but… please bear with it.” Since my level was still low I couldn’t build a large house, but it still turned out as the biggest house in the village. The goblin queen vigorously shook her head.

“I couldn’t possibly complain… I’m just happy that you built it for me.”

“…I’m glad you like it. I was a bit worried.” When I smiled at her, the goblin queen blushed a bit and looked down. …Alright, that’s it for the houses. I used the fang sheep wool I’d gathered to make beds.

There was a total of thirty goblins. I prepared enough beds in their rooms for them to sleep on. While I was doing this and that, the sun began to set.

“Are you good on minor furnishings now?”

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“Y, yes… Or rather you didn’t need to do that much.”

“Don’t hold back. I’m just doing the parts that I want to.” The goblin queen stayed with me the whole time I was working. She’d always call to the goblins with a smile on her face. I think I can understand why she’s in charge of the goblins as their queen.

“You are truly amazing, aren’t you Crest…”

“No, I’m more impressed with you, goblin queen. I don’t think I could stand being above so many people.”

“…Well, it’s not particularly impressive. I bet you’d be able to do it Crest.” No… not a chance. While we spoke about that, a nice smell came from the centre of the village.

“Is someone cooking?”

“Yes. Thanks to the hotpot ingredients you provided Crest, the goblins on cooking duty for today got really into it.” After saying this, the goblin queen looked at my hand before grabbing it. It felt very soft. Exactly like a human’s.

“Sh, shall we go?”

“…Yeah, lets.” Led by the goblin queen, I went to the centre of the village. If there was one thing I was worried about, it would be whether or not humans and goblins had the same sense of taste.

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