The next day. I went to visit Vanya’s place. Her house was just a little bit away from my house.

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When I knocked on the door of her room, a sleepy faced Vanya appeared, saying “What… It’s not even morning yet…” I guess to a vampire it wasn’t morning yet.

“I thought I’d ask you a bit about magic tools.”

“I see, then will you come inside please? I don’t want to get hit by the sun.” Vanya glared at the sun resentfully. I was hoping to talk inside as well so this works out for me. Lead by Vanya I entered the room. It had a table, chair, and a bed in it, the minimum level of furnishing.

“Oh right, how’s your life here?”

“Umu! Very pleasant! You and your people’s skills are amazing!”

“Glad to hear it.” It seems like there aren’t any issues with her life right now.

“So, what sort of magic tools do you want me to make?”

“Well… I wanted to ask you about the strengthening magic stones from before. There aren’t any side effects from those, right?”

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“The ones I make are fine. Those who lack an aptitude for them might have various issues, but everyone in this village should be fine.”

“…Is that right?”

“Yes. It may be due to everyone having magic names. You can’t use them without a strong vessel, but everyone here meets that requirement.”

I see.

“In that case, I’d also like to have different magic stones made… what sort of structure does it have?”

“Oh!? So you’re interested in magic tools aren’t you!?”

“Well yeah. Also, I like to know exactly what it is I’m using.”

Just using something knowing nothing about it can be scary. Vanya seemed very happy at my question.

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“Then let me explain it for you! We use our skill to mess around with the data stored inside magic stones!”

“The data in magic stones?”

“Right. By interfering with the data inside magic stones, we rewrite the effects to activate how we want them to. In short, it’s magic that uses magic stones.”

“…I see. So basically you just change the data inside a magic stone to make it work similarly to enhancement magic, and then simply activate that?”

“Just like that. That’s why it fundamentally can’t do more than what a magic stone itself is capable of. Could you show me that crazy magic stone you had?”

“Sure.” I pulled out the magic stone she was asking for and handed it over to her. It was a pain to carry around for sure, but it would be dangerous to leave sitting around somewhere so I usually had it on me. Vanya took it carefully with a grimace on her face.

“…This is quite a fine magic stone. A very malicious magic power is stored in it as well. A youko may have used it.”

Now that she mentions it, Leon said something about that too. I’ve also somewhat had some acquaintance with the youko Leon kept as a slave. We spoke a few times.

“A magic stone meant to kill its user… it wouldn’t be strange to call it that.”

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“…I see. In any case, don’t make anything like this please.”

“I know that! The ones I make are just enhancement magic stones!”

“I see. Then I’ll tell the villagers to hand all the magic stones they gather to you Vanya.”

“Leave it to me.” She thumped her small chest. The wings on her back also fluttered up and down as if to show her enthusiasm.

“Is there anything else you want me to make!?” Vanya’s eyes sparkled, perhaps due to how much she enjoyed making magic tools.

“I don’t really know what you can make, but as long as it’s something that can help the village anything is fine.”

“Really!? Then how about a magic refrigerator!?”

“A magic refrigerator, huh.” I’d heard about those in the upper world. It’s a magic tool used for preserving food and the like.

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I’d seen them used at the dining room of my family’s house. There were also more advanced ones called magic freezers. They weren’t exactly luxury goods, but they were still something only wealthy households possessed.

“Can you make them?”

“And I can make the necessary magic stones. A magic refrigerator just needs a magic stone that can put out cold air, so with one of those it’s easy. They’re called “cooling magic stones” and more specifically they are made by-“

Vanya began to ramble on excitedly. N, no need to actually go into that much detail. It’s fine as long as it’s not dangerous.

“G, got it. Basically you just need a box and you’re good to go?”

“That’s right!”

“There’s a shed that we use as a food storage right now, so could you install cooling magic stones in there?”

“Leave it to me!” She once again thumped her chest. I couldn’t help but relax my cheeks at her innocent, childlike smile. Now, let’s get on to the main topic. The other reason I came here was to learn more about the ogre base.

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