Translator: Denryuu

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With me at the helm, the four of us hurried to Lasonne.

The closer we got to the village, the more apparent it became that there was some commotion going on. The smell of soot intensified, and the wind became hotter with each passing step.

「Aniki, there’s a fire!」

「Looks like it.」

While it wasn’t necessary to be polite in battle, we stuck to using honorifics otherwise. At the village, we were greeted by the sight of the villagers drawing water from the well to extinguish a blazing fire.

  TOP ARTICLES1/5Mercenaries in Apocalypse Volume 1Chapter 29

As much as I would have liked to figure out its cause, it was certainly more important to put out the fire first. As we helped the locals, Spear took the opportunity to gather some information from them.

「Employee-san, it seems that this fire was caused by some kind of monster.」

「A monster, huh? So if that caused the fire, then–」

「According to the locals, it’s large and lizard-like.」

A lizard-like, fire-breathing monster? In that case, it should be a Salamander. I don’t recall it appearing around these parts though. Same goes for that red wolf — both of them should only be found further south. Against a Salamander, though, not even I can afford to fight and guide the other three at the same time. While this was a C-rank quest, if it involved taking one on, it wouldn’t be unusual for it to be issued to higher-ranked adventurers.

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「Ok, I see. Let’s continue to help them with putting out the fire.」

「Roger that.」

Leaving the trio to their work, I briefly scouted the surroundings. Before long, I discovered a trail of large footprints on the ground.


Tetradactyl limbs.

Each toe was long and slender, with long claws to match. It had also left marks by dragging its tail. These were clearly claw prints made by that creature standing in the soil.

No doubt about it — it’s a Salamander.

It hasn’t been that long since the ruckus arose — it shouldn’t have gone anywhere far in that time. Following the footprints, I tried to catch up to the Salamander. Almost immediately, I spotted a monster that was kicking up clouds of dust as it moved.

「Found ya.」

It stopped in its tracks, having sensed my openly displayed killing intent.


The quadrupedal Salamander stood on its hind legs and scanned its surroundings. This was a sure sign that it was being vigilant. However, it didn’t feel… feral.

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「Could it have been tamed…?」

As I continued to approach, the Salamander acknowledged my presence with a shrill cry.

「Kyeeeeeeeeeeeh !!」

It was trying to threaten me with its piercing scream. It can stare me in the face and do that as it’s used to being looked up to. Seems like it’s an idiot who can’t even discern its opponent’s capabilities.

The Salamander took a deep breath and let loose a radial fireball.

「Gyooooooo–eeeeeeeh !!」

The flames approached rapidly. Without batting an eyelid, I snuffed them out with a flick of the wrist.


The Salamander tilted its head to one side.

「Gyooooo–eeeeeeeeeh !!」

It released another fiery vortex, like a simple-minded one-trick pony. This time, it was more intense, sweeping from right to left, scorching the ground in front of it.

Even dodging it would be a waste of time. I simply consumed the flames, to the creature’s bewilderment.

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It tilted its head once again.

「If I can move faster than your flames do, then they won’t spread.」

「Gyooooo–eeeeeeeeeh !!」

Suddenly, it placed its front feet on the ground and charged at me.

「I’ll let you have a taste of karma for what you did to that village.」

「Gyooooo–eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh !!」

As soon as I got within range of its long claws, the Salamander stood on its hind legs once again, brandishing its talons. Taking the initiative, I grabbed one of its ankles.


Controlling its ankle, I sunk its own claw into its throat.


While the Salamander struggled to get away, I gave it a mighty thump on its forehead. I then put the convulsing creature out of its misery.

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「Sorry ‘bout that. I borrowed your claws as I came empty-handed as well. They’re nice and sharp, though.」

The Salamander, having breathed its last, was completely silent.

Feeling someone’s gaze, I squinted at the foliage in the distance.


Anyway, I’ll have to tell the villagers about what had just happened.


He defeated the Salamander in an instant…!? And he even squashed its flames with his bare hands… I was too far away to spot every detail, but I could piece together what had happened. Wow! What raw power!

He doesn’t seem like a typical adventurer, but he feels like an A-class one, just like me. Or maybe even higher…? Well, anyway, I’ve never seen anything like it before. Insane.

「Hmm…? He’s looking in my direction?」

No, not possible. We’re about a hundred metres apart. He couldn’t possibly…


It was my first time witnessing such incomprehensible power. His abilities could be orders of magnitude greater than mine. Maybe… on a different dimension altogether. Although he hadn’t done anything when fighting the red wolf, I decided.

I’ll make him join my party!

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