Translator: Denryuu; Editor: Ryunakama

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After being designated as the sole examiner, I walked home alone.


Milia ran after me, hugging a large paper bag.

「You became the chief presiding examiner! We have to celebrate!」, she exclaimed, taking out a bottle of expensive wine.

「Uh, today…」

「When good things happen, everyone celebrates together! It’s normal, you know!」

  TOP ARTICLES1/5Mercenaries in Apocalypse Volume 1Chapter 29

「‘Normal’…!? Okay, I see. If that’s the case, then I’ll join you.」

「Yay! Roland-san, could it be that… I can call anything ‘normal’ to get your attention…?」

「You did say ‘everyone’ just now, right?」

「Oh, yes. Even the branch chief will be present — she went home for a change of clothes first.」

「Where will we be doing this?」

「Roland-san’s place…?」

Hm, so it’s ‘normal’ to celebrate at the lucky guy’s house. I had a few reservations about that, but I had no choice.

「…Okay then, let’s go.」

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As we approached my house, Iris was already there, loitering nervously.

「Oh, you’re early, chief!」

「Ah yes. Here, congratulations.」

Iris also produced an expensive bottle of wine. Milia grinned.

「Chief, you’ve put on a lot of makeup today, haven’t you?」

「Not really, this is normal for me…」

To dress up, re-do makeup and wear a bracelet. I see… Iris is doing it, so it must be ‘normal’.

「Wow, it’s as if you were looking forward to this~~」

「Enough of that.」

Upon entering, we could hear the light pitter-patter of Lyla’s footsteps. Before long, she appeared in the corridor.

「Welcome back…. oh? We have visitors today, how rare.」

「Long time no see, Miss.」

Lyla nodded.

「Did something happen?」

「It appears that we’re celebrating.」

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「About that… hello, I am Roland’s supervisor, Iris Negan.」

「Mm. I recognise you.」

Iris looked at her questioningly. Lyla probably knew a lot due to her prowling around in cat form.

The branch chief explained the day’s events.

「Ooh… so you’re having a small celebration. Hm, sounds good.」, Lyla said happily for some reason.

「Sorry, but can we borrow your kitchen?」

「Fufu… so you dare trespass upon my castle. Well spoken, brave child.」

「…Uh, I don’t understand what you mean, but I just want to cook something.」

The two of them, seemingly getting along, disappeared into the kitchen. Despite being out of sight, I could hear them start bickering almost immediately.

「Uh, what’s in this pot?」

「The soup I put all my effort into making. Its delightful flavour is enough to petrify anyone.」

「That is not the good kind of ‘petrify’… hey! Could you give Roland-san something that’s actually edible!?」

「Take that back, child. There are some things I will not tolerate.」

「Could you wait there please, bothersome woman?」

At last, Lyla was evicted from her castle. She came back to the living room.

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「She understands nothing, that damned girl…. oh, I haven’t introduced myself. I am Lylael Diaketepu. I take care of this guy here.」

「Ah. He never fails to surprise us too.」

Having prepared some jerky as the hors d’oeuvres, Lyla and Iris downed their first glasses of wine.

「…oh yeah. What are you to Roland?」

「To give it a name, I guess I’m his spouse.」

「Spou — eh? Ehhh!?」

Before this, I had already explained that she was a friend I met during my travels. My spouse… really? Could I call her that?

「Fear not, Iris, for I am benevolent. It is natural for alphas to desire mates. Where this child chooses to plant his seed, is not of my jurisdiction… although it would be nice if he were to return to me…」, said Lyla, trailing off towards the end.

Her face had become red — due to the alcohol or otherwise.

「Fuu-un. I see. He even rejects invitations for meals.」

Looking at Lyla, Iris laughed.

「You speak so fondly of him! Heh, you’re burning up!」, Milia chimed in while serving the dishes.

「I am not a barely-weaned lass like you — you should grovel before me, child.」

I mean, weren’t you like that just a while ago?


Milia poured herself a glass of wine, plopped down beside me and downed it in one go.

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「Fuu… your cooking ability is the pits. I can cook better than you, without a doubt!」

「I don’t really care for food that much, though.」

I’m okay with anything as long as it’s nutritious.



Drinking the wine while eating the dishes Milia had cooked, we never ran out of things to talk about — work, the ‘journey’ before that, et cetera. The three girls had distinctive personalities; one was like a flower growing on a distant cliff. Another reminded me of a trampled dandelion. The third, a rose in full bloom.

Lyla, having drunk like a fish, was the first to collapse. Milia, who had sworn not to lose to her, followed suit. After moving them onto separate beds, I continued my conversation with Iris while finishing up the wine.

Our eyes met suddenly. I suppose they didn’t really meet — more like I felt her gaze and curiously looked at her as well. As if to gauge the true distance between us, our lips brushed together.

「Not resisting… what a bad boy.」

「I wasn’t in the cleanest of professions before this… you know that, right?」

「Could it be… that you’re good at seducing women?」

「If the need arises, I can be… sometimes I need to extract information or get a job done. Why do you ask… are you drunk?」

「Fufu, if you could say that…」

Combing her hair, she had never looked more attractive.

(‘Abstinence’ — make what you want of this scene.)

We continued talking deep into the night.

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