Translator: Denryuu; Editor: Ryunakama

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Gnashing his teeth, Prince Fabian continued staring me down. Abandoned by Leinora, he finally reaped what he had been sowing all this time.

「King Randolph, I sincerely apologise on behalf of my son, for he has been most foolish. We beg for your mercy」, said King Reubens, lowering his head respectfully. 「So great was his desire to be together with Almeria-dono, that he wandered down this path of folly on his own. He is young and naive…」

His father spoke in such a benign manner that the prince’s eyes widened.

「F-Father! What do you mean… wasn’t it you who –!」

「You acted of your own accord, did you not?」

「What –!?」

  TOP ARTICLES1/5Mercenaries in Apocalypse Volume 1Chapter 29

「To have attempted such an atrocity towards a princess — and Heroine — of another Kingdom. Outrageous! There are other princes who can replace you!」, continued the King.

The pressure he exerted momentarily silenced the disgraced prince.

「However –」

The king stopped mid-sentence and looked around him.

「There is no evidence whatsoever that she was drugged, or that she had been in a ‘drunk and unresponsive’ state.」

「King Reubens, my dear sir. Were you not apologising earlier?」, said King Randolph suspiciously.

Hearing this, a smile broke out on King Reubens’s face.

「Well… although he did try to force a kiss by mistake or otherwise, we can’t just blindly believe the rumours behind it, can we? About the aphrodisiac, et cetera…」

Man, this guy…

It was obvious from the prince’s expression that his father had been behind the plot all along.

「Well, well, it’s a great pity that Fabian tried to force a kiss on the princess. But… to have drugged her and for the effects to have been lifted? I see no factual basis for that.」

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At that, Almeria finally snapped.

「My memories have been fuzzy since we drank that juice at the cafe!」

「Princess Almeria.」


「I understand your contempt… however, it was inexcusable of you to slap another kingdom’s prince in front of everyone」, said the King, shaking his head exaggeratedly.

「That action alone will greatly strain the relations between our two Kingdoms.」

「Oh, uh… but still –!」

「It is almost akin to a declaration of war.」

「T-To say that…」

He’s just trying to get you to crack, Almeria. Since you’re a Heroine, even with Elvi on his side, there’s no way he would recklessly start a war with your kingdom.

King Reubens was on a roll. I could tell what his strategy was — having slowly diffused the tension, it was now time to strike a deal.

「The discourtesy of forcing a kiss, and the brazen display of violence earlier. An eye for an eye — how about we call it even, and let bygones be bygones?」

As expected. To have the audacity to call it ‘an eye for an eye’, though — what a manipulative personality.

「Your Majesty…」, started Elvi, unable to hide her dissatisfaction.

Her sense of justice was unyielding as always — almost foolishly so.

「Elvi Elque-Heidens. Daughter of the marquis, and member of the party that felled the Demon King. Do you have an objection to raise?」

「No, I do not.」

「You appear to have something to say. I expect highly of you.」


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「Between the words of your own prince and the word of a guild employee who is too far out of his depth… whose do you take?」


Looking disappointed, Elvi glanced at me. There was no need to look at the prince. I shook my head gently.

「Her memory was fuzzy? And that she was suddenly released from her drunken state? Since we have no evidence whatsoever, it is entirely plausible that this is all an elaborate plot devised against Fabian.」

「King Reubens」, interrupted King Randolph, breaking his silence. 「I believe Almeria and Roland. If you intend to slander the two of them, I will not take it lying down.」

Despite my warning, Elvi spoke up too.

「I side with them, your Majesty. I do not believe they are the kind to lie in order to bring his Highness down. The actions of the Reubens faction on this occasion have been unusually dubious. Indeed, you have not covered your tracks well, and your intentions have been forcefully exposed right here.」

Unsurprisingly, King Reubens stared at Elvi unhappily. I suppose he felt like an owner being bitten by his pet dog.

Without a doubt, either punishment or ‘misfortune’ would befall the Heidens family. At this stage, not only did I have Almeria’s reputation to protect, but Elvi’s wellbeing as well. I had an idea of how to call it even with the King.

「Your Majesty.」

「Yes, guild employee?」

「’The Friday Purges’.」

Everyone present looked on blankly — except the King, for only he understood.

The Heavenly Kingdom of Reubens was an autocracy with King Reubens as the sole dictator.

「…!? H-How, how did you… hold on, could it be –?」

Having realised who I was, the king shuddered. He hurriedly got up from his seat and retreated a few steps.

Once upon a time, before the war with the Demon King, there existed three powerful ministers who had no wish to obey their ruler. In order to solidify his position, that ruler had hired me to assassinate all three of them.

One murder was publicised as a suicide. The second, an unfortunate attack launched by pirates, and the last, a mysterious disappearance.

This event came to be known as ‘The Friday Purges’.

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「You said that I am a liar, your Majesty?」

Interestingly, the king had tried to cover his tracks by having me disposed of as well. Finding it troublesome to continuously evade the assassination attempts, I had captured one assassin that came for me and made him report that I was dead. Having been spared his life, he gratefully played along.

To the king, I might as well have returned from the dead.

Visibly shaken, he laughed nervously.

「Fu, fuhahaha… T-That was only a suggestion… please, do not take it seriously! Did you really think…? Only a suggestion, nothing more, fuhahaha…」

His attitude had done a 180.

「Almeria and Elvi are my precious allies. If anything happens to them after this… well, you are a wise one, your Majesty. Nobody knows the consequences more than you do.」


His face twitched.

「If you are willing to believe that I am telling the truth, then… it is possible for Almeria to have been drugged as well. If word got out that you, the king, was capable of such underhanded methods, what would become of your kingdom’s reputation?」

「As I said before, that was the work of my foolish son!」

King Randolph, resting his chin on his hands, looked up at the cornered king.

「There’s something you need to learn, King Reubens.」


「As parents, we take responsibility for the misdeeds of our children.」

His face turning purple, King Reubens gnashed his teeth furiously. Getting down on his knees, he thumped the floor and slowly lowered his head. When he spoke, his voice trembled with both indignance and shame.

「I sincerely, sincerely apologise for the audacity of my son Fabian’s actions and the injustice done to your daughter, the princess! I beg for your kind mercy…!」

King Randolph watched the kowtowing monarch intently. While his mouth was covered by his hands, he was laughing to himself underneath.

「Very well, King Reubens, I understand the difficult situation you are in right now. Please see this as a favour from me.」

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「If the need arises, we look forward to your kind assistance.」

King Reubens’s teeth-gnashing was still audible. He clenched his fists.

「Consider… it… done…!」

I see… so King Randolph decided to weaken their position instead of settling the bill immediately. If this incident ever saw the light of day, the Heavenly Kingdom of Reubens’s reputation would nosedive into the ground.

After all, kings will be kings — not all are pillars of virtue.

「Idiots」, muttered King Randolph under his breath.


「The atmosphere has certainly soured. We would like to take our leave now.」

Satisfied with the deal, King Randolph ended the session, allowing us all to leave. Upon returning to the villa, he burst out in laughter.

「As I expected! You never fail to amaze me, Roland. It was well worth it to call you all the way here!」, laughed the king, thumping my back.

「Precious allies…」

Both Almeria and Elvi had been looking downcast since we left.

「I didn’t get to say this earlier, but you helped me when I lost my memory, right, Roland…? Thank you for that.」

「Express your thanks to Leinora, not me.」

While everyone was rejoicing, Almeria suddenly cocked her head.

「Hey, Roland, what did you mean by ‘The Friday Purges’?」

「Oh yeah, Roland. What was that? His Majesty’s attitude changed instantly! Never have I ever seen him in such a disoriented state!」, added Elvi.

I simply shrugged.

「We’ll never know.」

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