Translator: Denryuu; Editor: Ryunakama

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Milia was staring at Roland, who had his back turned to her while doing his receptionist duties.

「There are more of them now…! Female adventurers…!」

She could recall three different female adventurers (adolescent ones) that had specifically asked to see him yesterday. While only one had appeared so far, she had a hunch that many more would arrive today.

Keeping an ear tuned in his direction, it appeared to Milia that many of them came more for him than to receive a quest. They would make small talk, and when the time came to discuss quest matters, they made an excuse to leave. If Roland was already occupied, other employees approaching to help would be rejected without exception. The girls would sit at a nearby bench and wait patiently for their turn to come.


Just yesterday, Milia had spotted a shy-looking female mage passing him a letter.

「This is an alarming matter…!」

It certainly weighed heavily on her mind.

After work, she asked Iris out. The two ladies bought two bottles of wine from the dimly-lit marketplace and headed for the house in the outskirts of the city.

「Good evening –?」, said Lyla questioningly as she opened the door.「Oh, it’s Iris and the lass. You may enter.」

「Thank you.」

The two of them went to the living room and placed the bottles of wine on the table.

「Milia, why did you bring me all the way here? Is today a special day?」

「No, chief, it’s nothing like that! It’s a grave situation indeed, an emergency!」

「What a noisy lass」, commented Lyla, taking a seat on the opposite sofa.

She had provided cups, and so they started drinking.

「You may not be aware of this, Warawa-san, but Roland has recently become way more popular with the ladies.」

Looking at how serious the two ladies were, Lyla burst out laughing.

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「Fufu… fuhahahaha! So that’s what was on your mind?」

「It’s not a laughing matter! Warawa-san, you should be the most worried, since so many girls come to see him!」

Lyla crossed one leg over the other, twirling her beautiful crimson hair. Her guests were momentarily bedazzled by her charm, despite being female too.

「Well, no, I’m not worried about that. Also, in terms of looks, nobody can hold a candle to me!」

「H-How are you so confident…!?」

Milia couldn’t help but agree, albeit with a tinge of sadness. Examining Lyla closely, it seemed as if she radiated confidence from head to toe.

「Chief, Warawa-san is too full of confidence to sympathise with us…!」

「Well then, that means that we can’t help it, can we?」

「I suppose…」

Iris raised her glass to her lips in resignation.

「Is this how adults behave? After all, you’re interested in Roland too, aren’t you, chief?」

Iris choked on her wine.

「…I suppose there’s no point denying it anymore. Think about it — he’s excellent at his job, handsome, friendly, and yet still mysterious –」

Milia slapped her knees in excitement.

「Yes, chief, that’s it! As expected, you know about it –!」

「It doesn’t surprise you that he’s surrounded by girls like you, does it?」

「Uguu… yeah, it doesn’t.」, sighed Milia, looking into her glass.

「…He is indeed exceptionally kind and considerate…」, added Lyla.

The two colleagues looked at Lyla, causing her to avert her gaze.

「I mean, Warawa-san, you’re uncannily cute too.」

「For such a confident person, you can be quite meek as well, huh?」

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「O-Okay, that’s enough!」

The three ladies emptied their glasses. Since there were no snacks, they stood in the kitchen to talk.

「He’s… late today.」

「Are you worried, Lyla-chan?」

「N-No. Since you’re here, I was wondering if he’s being held up at the guild…」

「Your words can’t cover up your true feelings, Warawa-san」, cooed Milia, patting Lyla’s head.

Lyla brushed her hand off.

「Don’t be disrespectful. Who do you take me for?」

「Anyone!」, exclaimed Milia, hugging her from behind.「Your face is flawless… hold up, your boobs are bigger… bigger than mine…!」

「Me, flawless? Of course I am! Grovel at my feet, lass!」

「I have principles unlike you, Warawa-san –」

A noise could be heard from the porch.

「He’s back.」

The three ladies jumped.

「I will receive him — do not get in my way, lass.」

「You do it all the time, let me do it today –」

「Hey –!」

「What –!」

Ignoring their little squabble, Iris slipped past the two girls and went to the entrance.

「Welcome home. You’re late today.」

「…Oh. What’s going on today?」

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「We three ladies had a lot to talk about.」

「Is that so?」

They silently popped into the kitchen.

「Ah, Milia-san, you’re here too.」

「Welcome back. Shall I whip something up?」

「Thanks, but I’m good.」

His smile caught Milia off guard.

「Hey, Roland.」


「That lass’s heart is throbbing.」

「H-Hey, what are you trying to say –」

Lyla had hit the nail on the head, leaving Milia at a loss for words.

A short while later, she prepared some snacks and brought them to the table, then sat down for a nice chat with Roland over the wine. As usual, Iris was engrossed in conversation with the Demon King. All of a sudden, she remembered her own exchange with Lyla.

『Are you jealous? The chief and I are trying to make friends with Roland, you know.』

『I can’t call it jealousy, but as you know, Roland’s a good man. It can’t be helped that women are all over him. Even if he distances himself from you, more will take your place.』

That was the reason Lyla gave for being okay with it. It was at that moment that Milia realised just how small she was.

「Well then, I’ll be leaving. Thanks for having us today.」

「It’s late, so I’ll see you home. Lyla, drink within your limits.」

「I know, I know. Make sure she’s safe.」

Lyla waved them off, and Milia returned the gesture.

「I don’t live that far away, so you don’t need to follow me all the way home.」

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「Low crime doesn’t mean no crime. It’s dangerous for a girl to walk alone at night.」, said Roland, insisting on following.

It seemed like a long time since something like this had happened — not since she had invited him for dinner at her house.

Not knowing what to say, Milia remained silent for much of the journey. Roland was also a man of few words, so naturally no conversation arose.

The moon was out, and the path home wasn’t completely dark. She wanted to hold Roland’s hand, but fearing that she would be spotted, didn’t have the courage to initiate.

Her house came into view. Unfortunately so.

Milia thought about confessing her feelings, but the words refused to form.

Once they reached her doorstep, Roland bade her good night and turned around to leave. She suddenly heard Lyla’s voice in her head.

What a loser.

「Uhm, uh — Roland-san!」


She had stopped him, but now what? What could she say? Her lips were dry. She swallowed saliva. Her knees quivered. She could feel herself fidgeting.

Just when she was at a total loss, the words of a poet long gone came back to life on Milia’s lips.

「Isn’t the moon beautiful?」

Roland looked up at the sky and nodded.

「It is.」

「Good n-night! See you tomorrow at the guild!」

With a wave of his hand, Roland disappeared into the moonlight. Closing the door behind her, Milia slumped onto it.


She had finally said it, albeit in a roundabout way.

『I love you.』

And yet, it had gone over his head.

Lacking the confidence and courage to tell him her true feelings, she still had a long way to go.

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