Translator: Ayano

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Bringing up that she has to prepare a desk for me, Morley who had come back pointed at a corner with his chin.

「That seat will be fine for a rookie like you, you better not cause any trouble.」

It was a window side seat, and the desk was stacked with documents and books.

Just a little before Milia said「Morley-san is a senior, and there will be times you’ll have to work together, so it’s best to get along if possible.」

「I’ll give you a hand in cleaning as well!」
「There’s no need to offer any assistance for a guy like him, Milia-chan. Sooner or later he would be fired by the Branch Chief.」

  TOP ARTICLES5/5Road To Kingdom Chapter 443

Seems like Chief Iris is a strict boss herself.

「Eh, but.」
「Don’t mind him. If you are free, come and help me with my work.」

Seeing me nod, Milia nods back and leaves to help with Morley’s work.

「Tidying things up…… Now this is definitely 『Normal』. 」
「What’s 『Normal』about that?」

Looking down to where the voice is from, Lylael was there.

「Why are you here?」
「I’ve come to make fun of you of course.」
「Nice personality you have.」
「Well I am the Demon King.」

Under the table she shakes her black tail.

「To think that the legendary assassin is now working in a 150,000 Rin a month job, I have never heard anything more ridiculous than this.」

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Probably because there’s nothing to do in her cat form.
We made small talk while I tidied up the table.

「Right now I’m no assassin. And have no intention of comparing it to my current job now.」
「Hoho, the ruthless killing machine said something proper.」
「Hmp. Because I’m now 『Normal』.」
「Why am i so irritated by that smirk of yours.」

Looking around once again, including Milia and Morley there are only about ten more staff members working in this small guild.
There seems to be a desk for each person.

There are three at the reception counter. Two were now being used.
In front of the bulletin board where quests could be received by everyone, conversation between adventurers could be heard.

「Have you heard about the heroes that defeated the Demon King?」
「Yeah,I’ve heard. I guess there won’t be any large conflicts anytime soon.」
「But the number of subjugation quest might go down, I’m wondering if I should switch over to the trading business.」
「That’s for sure.」

Since this town is far away from the frontlines, their sense of danger is low.
Maybe at this time Almeria and the others are busy celebrating their victory in the kingdom.

「Are you really fine with the Hero being the one who defeated me?」
「Yeah. I’m not interested in fame or achievements. If I was to leave my name behind, that’s unmistakably a failure for an assassin.

「Hmm, Is this what is called a first-class style?」
「I’ve already given up my position as a legendary assassin.」

Muttering「What a waste」, Lylael curls up.

Noticing that I have finished tidying up, Milia came over.

「Roland-san you are really fast at tidying up!」

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「That『Normal』am I right?」
「Eh, why do you look so content……? By the way, it is now lunch break, let’s eat together.」

Taking a glance over here, Morley stands and leaves through the backdoor.

「Did you not bring any Bento with you? If so, I can share half of mine♪」

「No, that would be impolite of me, I’ll just find something outside to eat. 」

There’s a shop where I eat at regularly, after leaving the guild heading there, two male and one female adventurer block my way.

「Hey,bro. Where do you think you’re going? 」
「I’m going to grab lunch」

「We have some urgent business with you.」
「I heard that you were the one who was finding fault in our work?」

I see.
They must be the comrades of the man who brought the Emogisou earlier.

There must be some connection between Morley and these guys.
There was no way for the adventurers to know who was the one in charge of the examination in the back.

「Because of you we failed our quest!」

If so he must be here somewhere…… there.
Hiding in the cover at the back, Morley is looking over here.

From the looks of it, it would be best if I was beaten up.
If I were to fight back, the rumor of a staff using violence would be spread.

I’ll have to take care of this without making a fuss.

「Where the hell are you looking at!?」
「I’m going to grab my lunch and get back to work soon, so please wait till I’m done with work.」

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After saying 「Bye」and leaving, my shoulder was grabbed.

「What do you mean by『Bye』! Don’t you dare look down on me! 」

A fist comes flying at me.
Not one use in combat, but an obvious swing attack.

In short, just violence.

I could just let him hit me once.
But then, these adventurers would start looking down on us staff and make absurd requests to us.

That wouldn’t be good.

Just like animals. By letting them experience pain once, they would more or less memorize this unpleasant feeling.

Right at the moment his fist would hit my cheek, shifting a little I received it with my head.


A strange sound was transmitted to my skull.
The bone on the back of the hand is surprisingly weak. That sound, It must have broken.


Holding his hand, the adventurer tears up.
From the state of it, the bone on the back of his hands may be sticking out.

Shouting 「Mediccccc」in a teary voice, he runs away.

It wasn’t my intention to go that far.
I have done something pitiful against an amateur opponent.

Then the other man jumped and sent out a kick.

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There’s no problem in receiving it, but then my lunch time would be over soon.
I have to quickly have lunch and go back to my『Normal Work』.

Nonetheless, I can’t be violent.
Morley is keeping watch.

…… I have no choice but to make them have 『Anemia』.

Activating my skill, I start moving.
Morley was still looking at the place I was before.
Standing behind him, I strike the nape of his neck lightly making him collapse on the spot.

「Eh……Where did he go――」

The other man who was looking around also starts to have『Anemia』.
With a flop, he too collapses.

「W,Who are you……!? Are, are you not just a ordinary staff!?」

The female adventurer points at me.
To see me moving to two different places in just a moment, it’s not strange that she’s vigilant.

「I’m just a 『Normal』staff.」
「That’s obviously a lie! Just a normal staff wouldn’t be able to move like that.」

It will be troublesome if someone is attracted by the noise.
I took the confused female adventurer to an alleyway.
Not being able to match up with the speed, the female adventurer looked around saying「Where is this」.

「Everything you just saw, can you keep it a little secret between us……?」

Pressing her against the wall, I look straight into her eyes.
Puff, her cheeks were dyed red.
As if not wanting to break free from my restraint, she was not even moving.

「O,ok……Please, take care of me……」

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