Translator: Denryuu; Editor: Ryunakama

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Author’s note: This is a slice-of-life chapter about the vacation.

Milia walked in as I was having a modest breakfast.

「Do you have time today, Roland-san?」

「I do, since we’re only returning tomorrow.」

「C-Could you already have plans to go out with Warawa-san…?」

「Not particularly. She said she was going to check out the marketplace.」

Lyla had already left. Grinning from ear to ear, Milia turned her back to me momentarily.

「Yes! Introducing Warawa-san to good food finally paid off!」, she exclaimed triumphantly, pumping her fist in the air. 「In that case, shall the two of us go have a look-see around town?」

「Sure, no problem.」

「Yay! I’ll see you downstairs in half an hour ♪」

I could still hear her cheering long after she was out of sight.

Taking out my wallet, I checked how much I had left.


Knowing that the trip would be short, I hadn’t brought much money. I hoped that the remaining amount would be enough.

It was now Dee’s turn to show up.

「What’s wrong?」

「You mean I can’t pop by just to see you? Anyway, I came after hearing from Lylael-sama that you’re still in town.」

「We’re leaving tomorrow.」

「Okay, are you free at lunch time, then?」

「Lunch time… can’t say I’m not.」

「Great! Let’s go for a walk along the beach. Meet me at the rocky path along the coast — we can do it on the rocks ♡」

「‘Do it’? I have no idea what you want, but okay, I’ll see you there.」

「I’m looking forward to it!」, Dee said, winking before she left.

As I was preparing to leave, Iris paid me a visit as well.

「You free today?」, she asked, poking her head into my room.

「Hm? Please, come in.」

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Checking that the coast was clear on both sides of the corridor, she gingerly stepped in.

「Are you going out?」

「Yeah. Milia-san invited me to tour the city.」

「Huh… oh, hmph. Asking you first thing in the morning… that cunning brat…!」, she seethed.

「Thanks for yesterday. It was a good change of pace.」

「Mhm. Both Lyla-chan and Candy-san looked like they were having fun. To be perpetually surrounded by pretty girls… that’s a sin in itself, but I expected nothing less of our ace employee.」

「By that, you mean…」

「Yeah. Everyone thinks highly of you」, she chuckled before turning serious. 「But don’t push yourself, okay? You’ve only just recovered.」

「I am aware.」

After announcing that she would be visiting the Côte de Carre branch to learn more about their working style, she took her leave. Honouring our agreement, I waited for Milia at the entrance to our resort. Before long, she appeared with makeup on.

「S-Sorry, did I keep y-you waiting?」

「Nope, not at all.」

「Ah, thank goodness. This feels kind of like a… a date, you know?」

‘Have a look-see’ was the phrase she used, but what exactly it entailed was a complete mystery to me.

「You can find all sorts of exotic foreign goods at the marketplace! Just looking at them makes my heart flutter…!」, she gushed as she cheerfully examined the assortment of goods available.

Finding a curious little trinket or two, I bought some as well.

「Where shall we go for lunch? Man, I really should’ve prepared something beforehand…!」

Remembering that Dee had wanted to meet me at lunch time, I looked up to ascertain the sun’s position. I was already late.

「Look, Roland-san! There’s a seafood restaurant over there!」

When will I get out of this, I wondered. I knew that my conscience wouldn’t let me burst her bubble on the spot.

「Sounds good. Please go ahead first — I need the washroom.」

「Okay ♪」

Having found an excuse to leave, I hurried to the next venue hoping that Dee wouldn’t nitpick on my punctuality (or lack thereof). I activated my skill as I arrived.

「Where is that Roland-sama…?」, Dee muttered as she sat on a boulder alone.

「Could you repeat that, Dee?」

「Ara, you’re here. What time is it now?」

「I’ve been here for a while already, you just didn’t notice me.」

Beside her were fishing rods and bait. By ‘doing it’, she had meant fishing, huh?

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「Let’s do it.」

「Mm. We’ll catch a lot of fish for dinner tonight!」


I placed my bait on the hook and cast the line. After doing the same, Dee put her rod down, wrapped her arms around me and kissed me on the cheek.

「We have lots of downtime. Let’s do it… just a little.」

My appointment with Milia was the only thing preventing me from acquiescing. There’s a time and place for everything — but not now. I can’t keep Milia waiting.

Wondering how to shake off these reanimated remains, I reeled the line in and cast it out again.

「Ufufu, Roland-sama… nobody likes impatient guys, you know? Relax!」

「All living creatures have a presence. You can tell whether they’re hungry or not… for fish, at least.」

「That makes it too easy…」

Suddenly, the rod bent.

「There we go.」


「I’ll leave the rod to you. I’ll make sure the fish doesn’t get away.」

「It’s not a must to go after –」

「I won’t let the big one get away.」

Essentially transferring ownership of the rod to Dee, I dived into the azure blue sea. Knowing that I couldn’t actually let her reel it in, I let the fish off the hook and spawned twelve ‘Shadows’ to tug on the line.

「Ara-ara, it’s a big one. It’s pulling even harder than before…! Could a bigger one have taken its place…?」

Activating my skill again, I glanced at Dee before leaving via a ‘Gate’. I ran at full speed to the restaurant in which Milia was waiting. When I arrived, she was already seated.

「Sorry to keep you waiting.」

「Is your stomach okay, Roland-san?」

「Uh… yeah, it is now.」

「Also, you’re, uh… dripping wet…」

「It’s sweat.」

「That’s a lot of sweat…! You still haven’t recovered…」

「No, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.」

Our food soon arrived. Looking content, Milia praised the food as she ate, smacking her lips every now and then.

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Hearing a shrill cry from outside, I looked in the general direction and saw one of my shadows making a cross with its arms. I guessed that some of them had been swept away by the current or eaten by carnivorous fish, and they could no longer hold the line.

「So weak.」

「What’s wrong?」

「I’m just a little ticked off at how weak my body is. If you don’t mind… I think I need to go.」

「Oh, okay, sure. Shall I get you some medicine later?」

「No, don’t worry about me.」

Establishing a ‘Gate’ near the restaurant, I made my way to the fish market and blinked back to the rocky path.

「He’s still down there…! Just how big is that thing…? Doesn’t Roland-sama need to take a breath?」

Thankfully, my shadows were still holding the fort. Diving into the sea again, I hooked a fish onto the line.


Jerking the line upwards, she finally reeled the fish in.

「Ara-ara, it’s a big one!」

「This should be enough for dinner.」

「Even Roland-sama has trouble in the sea, huh? Ufufu… wait, this fish is dead…? Its eyes are already glassy… it’s almost as if it was bought at some market –」

「It fought valiantly against you, Dee.」

「I guess it ran out of energy…? Certainly took a while…」

She looked forlornly at the dead fish.

「Okay, how ‘bout we gut this thing and cook it for dinner?」

「I’m sorry, but our agreement was to fish. I have something on after this.」

「Oh, come on. Seriously, Roland-sama?」

「I’ll make it up to you next time」, I said to the grumbling vampire, following which I blinked back into town with my trusty ‘Gate’.

I walked into the restaurant for the second time and sat opposite Milia.

「Is your stomach really okay, Roland-san? I’m really sorry to have called you out in this state…」

「Pay no attention to it.」

「Uh… Roland-san, is that seaweed stuck to your hair…?」

I knew that she was right when I touched my head. I had no choice but to grab it with one hand, drop it on the floor and cover it with my feet.

「Looks like some trash ended up there.」

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「Yeah, I guess…?」

We engaged in small talk as we devoured the now lukewarm dishes. After leaving the restaurant, we went to explore a different street and found Lyla.

Standing beside me, Milia spoke more resolutely than usual.

「What’s for dinner, Roland-san?」

「I’m really sorry, but I’m not free tonight.」


「Also, I’m sorry for ruining the mood today. I’ll treat you to something next time.」

「Okay, I’ll look forward to it.」

Lyla spotted me shortly after we parted ways.

「What are you doing here alone?」

「And who are you with again?」

「Hmph. I was enjoying myself alone, mind you.」

I found it ridiculous that she was caught up over something so trivial.

「I got this for you, Lyla. Use it if you want to」, I said, taking the hair tie I had bought out of my pocket and passing it to her.

It was dotted with stars and cats.

Lyla’s eyes sparkled.

「Wow, you’re giving this to me…? You?」

「It’s okay not to like it.」

Shaking her head, she snatched it away from my open palm.

「No, no, I’m using it from now on. I’ll treasure it dearly…」

Her reaction assured me that she had no objection to it.

「I found a nice restaurant. You’re free, right? Let’s have dinner there.」

「Just as I expected.」

I hurriedly caught up to Lyla, who had already started walking there.

「In return, dinner will be on me, fufufu. I won’t question why this hair tie is drenched.」

「That’s a relief.」

Tying her hair up with the cat-adorned hair tie, she had never looked happier. We moved closer to each other and held hands. This restaurant must be really far away, I thought to myself as she led me on a long walk around town. When we finally arrived, I realised that we had already passed it many times.

I decided against finding out the purpose behind that long detour.

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