
Chapter 1

Chapter 01 The First Herb Meet In The Evening

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"Doctor Gu, cardiac arrest occurred in 2 beds!"
"Charge finished!"
"Charge finished!"
"Di, di, di, di, di..."
"The patient returned to sinus rhythm at 48 beats per minute with a blood oxygen level of 75%."
"1mg epinephrine bolus."
"Doctor Gu, the patient's family has already gone outside the rescue room."
In the emergency room of the Friendship Hospital in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, it was confirmed that the patient's condition was temporarily stable, and the tall young doctor straightened up under everyone's attention. He had just pulled the patient back from the death line. The expression on his face was still calm, and his movements were quick and capable.
He took off his gloves without raising his head: "Push the patient into the operating room and be ready for surgery within 5 minutes."
Gu Yunzheng, the leader of the Hua ren Hospital's medical team in Africa this time, is the youngest associate professor of neurosurgery in China.
The people around immediately responded to the sound, only to hear him pause for a while and then ask, "Where is the new translator?"
Before waiting for the assistant to answer, Gu Yunzheng saw a woman in a white dress walking quickly from a position about ten paces away from them, and extended her hand to him generously in the noise of the emergency room: "French translation, Su Wei install."
Gu Yunzheng's eyes swept across her hand, only to see that her fingers were long and slender, with distinct joints, very much like a surgeon's. He then took another look at her, with a beautiful plain face and a simple ponytail. of sunlight.
But it was just one more look. Gu Yunzheng took out a surgical consent form from the drawer and handed it to her. He turned around and walked out the door, saying briefly, "Come with me."
The black woman in her thirties who was waiting anxiously outside the rescue room saw the doctor and immediately greeted her.
After confirming her identity, she learned that the black woman was the patient's mother, named Cati. Gu Yunzheng ordered Su Weian, "Tell her that her son had a car accident and had just been rescued from cardiac arrest before. Now he is in critical condition and must Immediately operate to resolve the intracranial hemorrhage, and have her sign the consent form."
Su Weian translated Gu Yunzheng's words to Cati word for word, and the expression of the 7-year-old's mother froze for a moment.
Followed by a crying question: "How to do this operation?"
"After anesthesia, take a piece of skull and remove the hematoma in the brain."
Cati choked after hearing this: "Is there any risk in surgery?"
Gu Yunzheng glanced at his watch, and more than half of the originally scheduled 5 minutes had passed. He frowned lightly: "Any operation has risks."
Tears fell from Cati's eyes, and he asked hesitantly, "Can I avoid surgery? Can I be transferred back to the General Hospital? We have a familiar doctor over there."
The General Hospital is a hospital built by France in Bangui. Judging from Cati's dress, her family should also be a family with some status in the local area, so it is not surprising that there are familiar doctors.
It's just that I don't want to do surgery now...
Su Wei'an couldn't help frowning, this is impossible!
Sure enough, Gu Yunzheng's answer was very firm: "Surgery must be done immediately!"
Su Wei'an watched helplessly as Cati, who had lost her mind, was crying, her big eyes were mixed with expectation and worry, and she stared straight at her.
Su Weian couldn't bear it and tried to explain to her: "The patient's brain is bleeding continuously, and the formed hematoma will accumulate in the brain tissue. This situation is very critical and cannot be delayed. If it presses the life center, it will cause the heartbeat and breathing to stop... "
Before a series of lengthy explanations were finished, Su Wei'an saw that Cati's tears were about to fall in large numbers.
Su Wei'an was also a little anxious. She didn't know how to calm her down. At this moment, Gu Yunzheng uttered two decisive words in a blunt French pronunciation: "Don't do it, die."
When the words fell, Su Wei'an looked at him in shock.
Su Wei'an sat with Cati waiting outside the operating room. The mother's crying became more and more intense as time went on. Although Su Wei'an kept trying to comfort her, it had little effect.
At this moment, the warning light outside the operating room finally went out.
Gu Yunzheng came out of the operating room first. Although he had just finished an emergency operation, his description did not show fatigue and anxiety. He walked in front of Su Wei'an and Cati, and a height of more than 1.8 meters just covered it. The lights in the back are not very bright.
Being shrouded in the shadow cast in front of him, Su Wei'an suddenly lost her senses for a moment. She remembered that when she was still in Huaren Hospital in China, it seemed to be in a place at the door of the operating room. She watched this figure surrounded by everyone. leave in.
At that time, Wen Ran, who was still her best friend, said to her in a tone of amazement: "Look, look, this is Mr. Gu who will take us to the trainee class of craniocerebral hemorrhage, a man of the neurosurgery in our hospital. , After completing many difficult operations, he can still maintain zero Table Death (operating table death), and was promoted to associate professor at the age of 30!"
At that time, everyone believed that with Gu Yunzheng's achievements and abilities, he would be promoted to the professor before the age of 35, and he might be able to take over the largest neurosurgery in China at the age of 40.
But life is really wonderful. In just two years, she actually met this golden winner in life in the land of Central Africa.
Gu Yunzheng said calmly: "The operation went well, and 48 hours after the operation is a dangerous period, which requires close observation."
Su Wei'an told Cati in French, Cati sighed with relief when she heard the words, and her tears finally stopped, she nodded repeatedly, then thanked her again and again, and went to the ward with the child who was pushed out later.

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Soon, the corridor in front of the operating room became quiet, leaving only Su Wei'an and Gu Yunzheng.
Gu Yunzheng didn't mean to stop, just said three words: "Go back to the emergency room."
Su Weian stopped him: "Doctor Gu, please wait."
"Is something wrong?"
Su Wei'an walked two steps to him: "The last two French words of Doctor Gu just now are too scary and do not meet the regulations of doctor-patient communication. Since I am the translator, please give me full authority to communicate in French. Give it to me, explain the condition as much as possible to the patient's family members and comfort them, this is the humanistic care advocated in medicine."
"Humanistic care?" Gu Yunzheng paused, this is really a word that often appears at hospital conferences, she knows a lot.
But then, his words became sharp: "If you are dying in the emergency room, do you want me to use your prime time to rescue you, or go outside to chat with your family?"
There was a moment of silence in the air.
Just when Gu Yunzheng thought the conversation was over, he just heard Su Wei'an say word by word: "I hope you can explain to them why they risked so much to give my life to you, not to them. Add more fear!"
Gu Yunzheng said solemnly: "Do you think you can explain it clearly in a few minutes?"
Su Wei'an said without showing weakness: "How do you know that you must not be able to explain?"
"You know best what your family members have become after hearing your so-called explanation!"
Su Wei'an wanted to argue more, but Gu Yunzheng no longer gave her such a chance: "Since you know that you are only a translator, all you have to do is to translate my words verbatim, just as you did just now without authorization. Explaining expertise to patients must never happen a second time!"
Su Wei'an was startled: "How do you know..."
"I don't know any French at all, so please don't talk too much about professional content like craniocerebral hemorrhage, no matter who you hear it from!"
His tone became more and more severe later, and even his eyes were full of coldness. Su Wei'an only felt that these words were like a knife stabbing her straight in the empty corridor.
Her lips moved as if she wanted to say something, but she swallowed the words back, just silent.
The air seemed to freeze for a while.
What broke all this was the anxious voice of the nurse: "Doctor Gu, the emergency room has just received two patients who were in a coma from a car accident. Dr. Secou, please come and take a look!"
Gu Yunzheng hurried to the emergency room immediately, Su Weian followed closely, and before entering the emergency room, he heard cries.
There were two flat cars parked in front and back. Gu Yunzheng first checked the patient in the first car. He moved very quickly and reported the results of the physical examination: "The patient is in a coma, there is a unilateral pupillary reflex to light, and intracranial hemorrhage is suspected. , contact the patient's family and prepare for surgery."
Then he walked to the second patient, but this time, his examination movement slowed down, and his eyebrows became tighter: "Bilateral pupils are dilated, and the light reflex disappears."
Su Wei'an's heart tightened.
The nurse handed over the CT film that was taken just before they came. Because the location was close to Gu Yunzheng, Su Weian also saw the obvious intracranial hemorrhage on the film, which had formed a serious brain herniation.
This is the very serious situation she just explained to Cati.
Xu Shi saw that their expressions were not good, and the woman with her two children couldn't help crying and begging: "Please, you must save him, he is the backbone of our family, he is a good man, please must save him..."
The two children who were only five or six years old grabbed the corner of Gu Yunzheng's white coat while shaking it and begging him with their mother.
The paramedic who brought the patient to the hospital explained: "The patient in front was a drunk driver who hit them with his car and was hit hard himself to protect his family."
The perpetrator was protected by the safety equipment in the car, while innocent passers-by were hit with blood.
Translating these to Gu Yunzheng, Su Weian couldn't help softening his tone for the family: "Please save him!"
The head of the family is lying here, which should be a disaster for this seemingly impoverished family.
Now there are two patients who need emergency surgery, but there is only one specialist in neurosurgery. This patient has been dragged by death on one hand, and only Gu Yunzheng may be able to fight for him.
Zero Table Death, which means that as long as Gu Yunzheng agrees, this patient has the possibility to survive, right?
Everyone's eyes fell on him, and the others were silent, only hearing the cries of the family.
Promise, Gu Yunzheng!
The expectation in Su Wei'an's eyes was undisguised.
Taking a last look at the patient, Gu Yunzheng raised his head, as if he had already made up his mind, he said, "Tell the patient's family, because the patient's injury is too serious, it is too late, and let them be mentally prepared and spend time with him. Just a little time." Then he said to his assistant, "Complete the preoperative preparation for the first patient within five minutes."
After he finished speaking, he turned to go back to the operating room.
Su Weian almost subconsciously grabbed his arm and said, "How can you tell his family that although the patient is still alive, the doctor has given up on him!"
"Tell me the truth." Gu Yunzheng was so calm that he was almost indifferent, "He has suffered a brain herniation, and 99% of it cannot be saved. Even if he can get off the operating table alive, he will most likely become a vegetable!"
"But 99% is not 100%. Even if there is only a 1% chance, he deserves this chance to survive more than the driver, doesn't he?"
"The doctor can't control who should live, only who can live!"
Su Weian couldn't help sneering when he heard the words: "In the end, it's just that the driver's surgery is better. It turns out that the legendary zero operating table mortality was maintained in this way?"
The assistant on the side hurriedly came out to stop: "Miss Su..."
Although he also hoped that Gu Yunzheng would give it a shot for this patient, it was a bit too much to say that Su Wei'an had gone too far. He had done so many surgeries with Gu Yunzheng, and he knew Gu Yunzheng's strength best, definitely not...
Wait, how does this new translator know that Dr. Gu has zero operating table mortality?
But Su Wei'an over there had no intention of paying attention to him.

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Probably guessing something, the patient's wife took the two children and knelt in front of Gu Yunzheng.
Su Weian took this time to walk quickly to Gu Yunzheng to block his way, pointed at the dying patient, and gritted his teeth: "If you don't do it, I'll sue you!"
Gu Yunzheng glanced at her coldly, then took off the disposable hat on his head and threw it heavily into the trash can beside him.
Su Weian failed to stop Gu Yunzheng in the end, but Xu was moved by the patient's family, and the local emergency surgeon Secou was willing to take a risk for the patient.
Due to the lack of manpower, Secou ordered Su Weian to enter the operating room together, in case there is an emergency, and multiple people can run errands.
Su Weian could clearly see Secou's nervousness, but he was still trying to comfort her: "Although I'm not as professional as Professor Gu, maybe my novice will have better luck."
But things backfired.
At first, it went smoothly. According to the instructions of CT, Secou sucked out the hematoma after craniotomy and found the bleeding point. Although the technique was not meticulous and the movements were slow, the bleeding was successfully stopped.
However, the patient's condition did not improve. The brain tissue continued to swell outward. Secou's attempts to reduce intracranial pressure with mannitol dehydration made the situation worse.
The monitor was alarmed, and the anesthesiologist immediately reported: "The patient's blood pressure has dropped to 80/45!"
Beads of sweat appeared on Secou's forehead.
Secou responded immediately: "Blood transfusion to maintain blood pressure!"
There are bleeding spots in the skull!
But where is it...
If you want the patient to leave the operating room alive, you must quickly find the bleeding point to stop the bleeding. A blood transfusion will not last long, not to mention the continuous intracerebral hemorrhage will cause serious brain damage!
Thinking of this, Su Weian quickly walked to the light board and looked at the CT film above carefully, trying to find some clues.
It must be there, it must be there!
Seeing that the bag of blood prepared before the operation was probably not enough, Secou called her: "Miss Su, please go and get two more bags of blood..."
"Wait a moment!"
Secou was taken aback: "Miss Su?"
"Here!" During the conversation, Su Weian took down the CT film and walked to Secou, pointing to a tiny white spot in the left temporal lobe and saying to him in French, "There is another bleeding spot here! "
When Secou heard this, his eyes fell on her finger, and then he glanced at Su Wei'an in disbelief.
It's true, there's another bleeding point here!
Because the structural shift in the brain caused by brain herniation attracted everyone's attention, and the bleeding point was too small, he didn't notice it at first, but how could Su Weian find it out as a translator?
But this is not the time to consider these, although the bleeding point was found, this bleeding point is far away from the location of their craniotomy, so it is even more difficult to stop the bleeding!
Faced with such a situation, Secou could no longer pretend to be rational and calm, with an anxious look on his face.
Su Wei'an tried to calm him down and said, "Although it's a little far away, fortunately, the direction is still in the right direction. There is still a chance to stop the bleeding by maintaining blood pressure with a blood transfusion. I'll go get blood!"
After Su Wei'an finished speaking, he quickly walked to the door, that is, at this moment, the door of the operating room opened.
It was Gu Yunzheng.
He stood there holding the hand that had just been re-sterilized, and Su Wei'an almost collided with him.
Secou seemed to have seen a savior, and without waiting for Gu Yunzheng to ask, he took the initiative to report the patient's condition: "Doctor Gu, just found that there is a second bleeding point in the left temporal lobe brain parenchyma of the patient, which is different from the craniotomy site. It is difficult to stop the bleeding, and now the patient's blood pressure is maintained by blood transfusion."
Listening to Su Wei'an's translation, Gu Yunzheng quickly put on the surgical gown. After watching the CT film, he took the coagulation in Secou's hand, and then without hesitation, he searched for the location of the bleeding spot. Su Wei'an looked lost for a moment.
But it was only for a moment, Su Weian then quickly rushed out of the operating room to notify the nurse who prepared blood to draw blood.
By the time she returned to the operating room with two bags of blood, the blood transfusion had stopped, and the patient's vital signs were stable. As the knot in Gu Yunzheng's hand was tied, Secou breathed a sigh of relief and raised his head happily to Gang. Su Wei'an, who came in, said, "Doctor Gu has already found the location of the bleeding and stopped the bleeding. There is no need to rely on blood transfusions to maintain blood pressure!"
Hearing this, Su Wei'an looked up at her watch. She had only been out for more than ten minutes, and Gu Yunzheng had already dealt with the situation that made Secou so embarrassing. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes at this moment, she would not have been able to lift weights so lightly. Believe.
The youngest associate professor of neurosurgery in China really lives up to his name.
The next step is the finishing work. Due to the severe edema of the patient’s brain tissue, Gu Yunzheng completed the rest of the head closure by himself for the sake of prudence. It is the solid basic skills of top surgeons.
The patient got off the operating table alive and well.
After sending the patient out of the operating room, the family members thanked Secou and Gu Yunzheng a lot, and even Su Weian was very grateful to Gu Yunzheng.
Although Gu Yunzheng didn't agree to this operation before, if he hadn't come to help at the most critical time, she didn't know how it would end this time.
So I want to thank him.
Before the words could be said, Gu Yunzheng suddenly turned his head to look at her, and said coldly in the eyes of everyone, "You have been fired."
Su Wei'an was stunned.
"I have reminded you before, don't talk too much professionally. Whether this operation is performed or not is the doctor's judgment, and it has nothing to do with you. I don't need a self-righteous translator."
Sister Lan, the nurse who followed the operation, couldn't help begging Su Wei'an: "Dr. Gu, the successful completion of this operation has helped Su's translation a lot. She just wants to save the patient. Can you see what the final result is? For good points, don't bother with her?"

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"Is the result good?" Gu Yunzheng said solemnly, "The patient's brain herniation has caused brain damage, and 99% of the patients may become vegetative. The family has to carry the debt of high operation fees, and painfully decided to give The patient is removed from life support equipment or waits hopelessly, how can such a result be good?"
"Have you asked the patient's family?" What responded to him was Su Wei'an's "unrepentant", "Even if there is only a 1% chance, you have to fight for it. This is the choice of the patient's family, even if the patient really wakes up. But it came, but for his family, he has done 100% efforts, and he will not regret it in the future, this is the best result for them!"
I knew it was a hopeless gamble, but I still had to try it.
Because it is family, I do not allow myself to give up easily.
Gu Yunzheng, no matter how good your surgery is, you are not the one standing behind the patient. You have not thought about it from the perspective of the family, so how can you understand the mood of the family at this time?
Eyes met, and sparks splashed all over for a while.
"Supposed to be right." Gu Yunzheng looked at her coldly, "You can go."
Seeing that it was really about to break up, the assistant on the side couldn't hold his breath and hurriedly said: "Doctor Gu, the Chinese translation here is hard to find, can you let Su Wei'an work for a while longer, and wait until we find a new translation. Say it again?"
Gu Yunzheng was silent for a moment and did not answer immediately.
Everyone felt that there was drama in their hearts, but at this moment, the thin and weak translation girl sneered: "Why?"
After speaking, Su Weian took his shoulders and walked out of the emergency room without looking back.
Fired on the first day on the job, and the long day isn't over yet.
Because she said that she would provide a dormitory for translation work in the hospital, she did not study the problem of lodging here, but now the dormitory is impossible to go to. She dragged her suitcase and walked on the streets of Bangui. It's going to get dark, but she hasn't found a place to go.
She received a voice call from her mother at this time. After a seven-hour time difference, her mother asked her in a slightly tired voice, "Wian, how is the weather in Paris today?"
Because she was afraid of her mother's worries, she never mentioned to her mother about coming to Africa and lied to her that she was still in France.
Su Wei'an closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if he was really still in Paris, and said to the person on the phone, "It's sunny, the sun is shining, I really want you to come and have a look."
Mother Su didn't answer but told her to take care of herself again. Just when Su Wei'an thought her mother was about to hang up, she suddenly said, "By the way, your father suddenly couldn't move a few days ago. But after a few days in the hospital, it's all right now."
Su Wei'an froze: "Dad, how could he..."
Since she decided to drop out of school to travel around the world two years ago, her mother rarely talked to her about her father's illness, and only fooled her with "it's okay". Since it was mentioned today, the situation should not be optimistic.
Su Wei'an's heart clenched.
Mother Su was calm. "The doctor said that patients with Huntington's chorea sometimes behave like this. You don't have to worry about it, but for peace, you can also have a genetic test if you have time."
Huntington's chorea, that nasty name again.
Su Wei is silent.
Born in a civil servant family with good family relations, she was admitted to the top medical university in China, Hua Medical University, with the top grades in the whole school. Her life was originally smooth sailing. Until her fifth year, she could not control her limbs more and more. The moving father Su went to the hospital and was diagnosed with Huntington's chorea.
a bolt from the blue.
As a medical student, the moment she heard the doctor's diagnosis of her father, the cold words in the textbook could not help but appear in her mind: autosomal dominant inheritance, abnormal amplification of CAG sequences, mainly dance-like. Movement and dementia and the treatment are... for further study.
But that's not all.
If Huntington's chorea is inherited from the paternal line, the age of onset of the child will be much earlier than that of the father. Her father is less than 50 years old. This means that if she really inherited this disease If she has the disease, then she will be 40 years old, or even 35 years old, and her life has seen the end before it even started.
This is not the first time that my mother has persuaded her to go for a genetic test. Su Weian didn't answer, but said, "Mom, if anything happens to Dad, you must tell me, so that I can go back and help you."
What I got was the same answer in the past two years: "You don't want to come back. Your dad doesn't want to be a drag on you. If you come back, it may not be good for him. If you look at your world outside, I can handle it at home."
call ended.
Hanging up the phone, Su opened the zipper of her schoolbag for An and looked at the large envelope at the back of the mezzanine, which had the name of the genetic testing institution written on it.
The envelope had been opened a long time ago. She took out the two pieces of paper inside and wrote a few words after the report on the cold genetic map: "CAG amplification number > 50, carrying the Huntington pathogenic gene."
This is her "verdict".
She secretly took the test herself more than a year after her father's diagnosis.
When her father was just sick, she couldn't accept this reality in her heart. She deceived herself and told herself that the progress of the disease was different from person to person. Maybe even if her father was sick, it would not have a big impact on her life. For her, it is the reality that her father is getting worse day by day.
Before she could feel sorry for her father, she had to face the reality that she had a 50% chance of suffering from the same disease as her father.
The process of deciding to do a genetic test was a long struggle for her. When she made up her mind, she thought she could accept any result, but when she got the final result, she was struck by lightning and stayed in place. Can't come back to God for a long time.
She read every word on the genetic report hundreds of times over and over again, thinking what if she read it wrong, but in the end, she could only hold herself and cry bitterly, but stuffed the report into The mezzanine of the bag, trying to pretend it didn't show up.
She dared not tell her parents about the results of the genetic diagnosis, for fear that they would become even more desperate due to the great pressure, but she also did not have the courage to fantasize about her future as before. At the age of 30, 35, and 40, she could be at any time. It is possible to get sick, hands will move involuntarily, and people will become more and more stupid. Even if she wants to become a good doctor, this dream seems to have become out of reach.
It's better to live in the moment.
That's when she decided to drop out.
Her explanation to her parents was that her father's sudden illness gave her a new perspective on life. She didn't want to spend her whole life being like the director who diagnosed her father, who could only tell the bad news but was helpless about the disease. Let her go out and see the world freely and feel the beauty of life.
Her parents didn't stop her, they just asked her if she made up her mind.
"Well, I've figured it out," she said.
Then go for it.
In the following two years, Su Weian traveled all over the world. With the French he learned since childhood, he passed the professional French test and made a living by working as a translator and part-time job for others.
She has seen her father cry secretly and understands his inner torment and contradiction, so on the day she got the diagnosis report, she made up her mind that she would never drag herself and the people around her into such a situation. Will give up on me before that.

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Don't think about life after the age of forty or fifty, she lives day by day, she travels all over the world like this, and finally decides to come to the land of Africa.
I didn't expect to meet Gu Yunzheng here.
She didn't expect that she would be fired by Gu Yunzheng on the first day.
But that has to go on, doesn't it?
She carefully put the report into the mezzanine of her schoolbag, dragged her suitcase, and walked into a small hotel on the side of the road.
But the days when Su Wei'an was expelled were not too long.
On the third morning, she received a call from the hospital. On the phone, Gu Yunzheng's assistant almost begged her to go back and help, and even moved Dr. Secou to intercede.
Su Weian was grateful for Dr. Secou's initiative to perform surgery on that patient. After hesitating for a moment, she accepted his invitation and returned to the hospital, but in addition, she had another reason, that is...
After leaving the hospital, she can't find a better job in the short term, which is almost equivalent to sitting on a mountain. Although the hospital's salary is not much, it can always support her.
Although neither she nor Gu Yunzheng was very pleasing to the eye, fortunately, they still had the skill to hide if they could. Gu Yunzheng is a person with strong planning. She has figured out his habits and knows when to appear and when to disappear. After a few days, it can be considered peaceful.
But there is one thing that cannot be avoided. The victim of the car accident really did not wake up as Gu Yunzheng said.
Everyone understands what this means.
When the life support equipment was removed, the patient's wife and her two children held his hand tightly and muttered something in the local dialect. At the moment of a straight line, in the shrill siren, she burst into tears.
When she calmed down a little, her relatives took her husband's body away according to local customs. She packed all her things, and before leaving, she specially asked Su Wei'an to take her to the two chief surgeons. The same words were said twice in a slow and sincere tone.
Gu Yunzheng asked, "What did she say?"
Su Wei'an glanced at him and translated to him word by word: "Thank you for everything you have done for my husband, I know you have done your best, and God bless you."
Even if the patient really can't wake up, he has done 100% effort for his family, and they will not regret it in the future. This is the best result that Su Wei'an mentioned before.
Gu Yunzheng pursed his lips, and after a long time, he just said, "Thank you."
After the family member left, Su Weian sat for a long time. Perhaps finding her abnormality, Dr. Secou came over to comfort her and said, "Don't be too sad, although the patient left in the end, we feel your sincerity in fighting for the patient's opportunity for surgery. This is already the best result. You don't have to blame yourself for that."
Su Wei'an held her lips and seemed to be smiling, but there was no smile at all, she hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "I don't blame myself, I just think that life is really strange sometimes, nothing is wrong. The wrong man loses his life, but the culprit sees the sunshine of a new day."
She looked up at the ward not far ahead. Through the glass, she could see that the driver who caused the accident that day had improved a lot. His family had brought some precious supplements, and he was scolding his wife for something.
Although he will be investigated by the police when he recovers and is discharged from the hospital, he has already hired a lawyer to deal with it. He only said that it was a traffic accident and denied being drunk.
Secou followed her gaze and sighed.
Su Wei'an lowered his head and muttered in very light Chinese: "Sometimes I can't help but think, if there is a point system in life, at least give a direction for people to fight for."
It was just a sigh. After she finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing at her naivety, so she used Chinese and didn't want Secou to hear it, but she didn't expect that at this moment, she heard a low voice from a man behind her: "The direction is her. I found it, not from others."
It was Gu Yunzheng.
Su Weian was agitated, stood up almost subconsciously, turned and took two steps back, widening the distance from Gu Yunzheng.
Before she could say anything to refute, Gu Yunzheng had already bypassed her and walked to the ward of the driver who caused the accident, and said to her, "Come with me."
The moment Gu Yunzheng opened the door, the arguing in the room stopped. The driver turned his head to the side in dissatisfaction, while the family members greeted Gu Yunzheng warmly and handed him the fruit on the side. .
Gu Yunzheng didn't answer, just asked: "Have the symptoms of headaches mentioned two days ago been relieved?"
The family members glanced at the patient and said cautiously, "It seems to have eased, but it still hurts."
Gu Yunzheng wrote it down on the medical record without raising his head and said, "This is a common symptom after surgery. You can just go back and recuperate. You can prepare to be discharged from the hospital in two days."
Su Wei'an translated these words into French, and saw that the patient's face changed immediately, holding his head and saying, "It hurts, it hurts everywhere on the head, how did you perform the surgery, and did you have any problems? I heard that other doctors need more than 4 hours to complete the operation, and it will be completed in more than 2 hours with yours, is the operation not done well?"
By this time, their purpose could not be more obvious. They wanted to stay in the hospital and not be investigated on the grounds that their condition had not recovered.
Su Wei'an couldn't help frowning, and he was already extremely disgusted with him in his heart, but Gu Yunzheng was much calmer. He put down the medical record in his hand, looked at the driver, and said coldly with a condescending attitude: "The basic recovery for you two weeks after the operation. That's enough, just leave the hospital when you're sick, don't take up a hospital bed!"
When the words fell, the driver, who clearly did not understand Chinese, was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became quiet.
While he was quiet for a moment, without waiting for Su Wei'an to translate, Gu Yunzheng continued: "Before the operation, the result of your blood alcohol concentration has been sent to the police station, and I will send your discharge notice to the police station as well. !"
As soon as this sentence came out, even Su Wei'an was taken aback: "You..."
Gu Yunzheng tilted his head slightly, with a warning in his eyes. Su Wei'an didn't ask any more questions, and translated Gu Yunzheng's words word for word, only to see that the driver's face became more and more gloomy, and she hadn't recovered yet. At that time, Gu Yunzheng, who was beside her, pulled her towards him. Su Weian only felt that something almost wiped his face and flew over. Then he heard a squeak and turned his head to see that it was a glass cup. hit the wall.
Gu Yunzheng grabbed her wrist and pulled her directly behind him. Seeing that the patient on the bed hadn't hit anyone, he became even angrier. He raised his hand to punch, but Gu Yunzheng raised his hand to block him halfway. With all his strength, he competed with Gu Yunzheng, but his body has not fully recovered, and he is not Gu Yunzheng's opponent. In a hurry, he shouted: "If you dare to harm me, I will let you die with me!"
Su Weian just thought it was ridiculous, walked out from behind Gu Yunzheng, glared at the driver, and rebuked in French: "It was you who killed someone else's family and almost killed yourself, if it wasn't for Gu Yunzheng's surgery for you, you wouldn't be alive at all. Until now, you have no sense of gratitude or repentance!"
The driver's tone was fierce. Su Wei'an thought he was going to throw something again, so he hid behind Gu Yunzheng again, but Xu's words had an effect, and the man struggled twice, and his hands finally relaxed...
Gu Yunzheng also withdrew his hand, not wanting to waste any more time with him, and walked out of the door. Just as he was about to go out, he suddenly stopped and said to the family members beside him, "Take care of the patient, don't keep making him yell. Call."
The family member nodded again and again and asked, "Is it bad for recovery?"
Gu Yunzheng said expressionlessly, "It's too noisy."

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