
Chapter 10

After this incident, no one asked Su Wei'an to do some chores for no reason, but as a by-product, no one would talk to her. She didn't know anything about Corey's gossip, and she was happy to be quiet.

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The American Chorea Annual Conference is calling for papers, and they need to hurry up to complete the experiment to catch up with this call for papers. Even if they can’t get the opportunity to speak at the conference because they only have the results at the cellular level, it’s good to be able to participate in the poster presentation. After all, if only in China I am afraid that it is difficult to deny an experimental drug that is currently being operated by a big professor, the experiment is going smoothly, and it seems that it is only one step away from success. They must seize the opportunity of this international conference.


But at this time, an accident happened. The third batch of cells was polluted in a large area, and six of the eight plates were polluted. This is a very heavy loss, and more importantly, it shows that the experimental environment is likely to be affected. If there is pollution, the source of the pollution must be removed.



It is difficult to pinpoint the source of pollution, and the colleagues in the shared culture room refused to help. Su Wei'an and Gu Yunzheng spent a day cleaning the whole culture room together, regrouped, and cultured cells with materials. However, it was disappointing that the cultured On the fourth day, the cells were again contaminated with mold.


There are still two weeks before the deadline for the international conference, and they are still short of a batch of cells that have not even grown out. Su Weian is worried, but the place that should be cleaned in this room has been cleaned, why is there still pollution?


Gu Yunzheng comforted her on the phone: "Don't worry, I will come over and have a look with you after my operation is over."


But what difference can be seen after looking at it?


Su Wei'an sat on the chair dejectedly, opened the incubator and glanced unwillingly, at this moment, she inadvertently caught sight of the water in the bottom tray of the incubator, which is to keep the humidity of the incubator The one under the water doesn't move at ordinary times, and everyone doesn't pay much attention to it, but since the pollution has occurred now, if... the water is changed, will it be better?


Thoughts flashed through her mind, she immediately took out the tray to clean it, changed the water and put it back in the incubator. She originally wanted to restart a round of cell culture immediately. After all, time was running out, but Gu Yunzheng stopped her: "It's not sure yet whether to change the tray. After all, the water will definitely not be polluted again. After all, the workload of obtaining materials for cell culture is very large. If it is really polluted again, your workload will be very heavy. Let's observe again."


Gu Yunzheng asked her to put the two plates of cells that were lucky enough not to be contaminated back into the incubator, and use the two plates of cells as a reference to see if contamination would still occur.


Su Wei'an said with some concern: "But there are still two weeks..." The conference call for papers is about to close!


Gu Yunzheng said firmly: "For safety, don't panic, the experiment itself is the most important thing anyway."


Due to the time requirement of the meeting, Su Wei'an was already in a hurry. It is most likely to make mistakes in this kind of time. She needs to take a break, and then focus all her attention on the experiment itself. This is the best way.


Su Weian can naturally understand what he means, remembering that her cells have been polluted many times recently, and the deadline is approaching, her state of mind is no longer as peaceful as before. She looked at the determined Gu Yunzheng in front of her, and her heart gradually settled down. Gu Yunzheng is right, no matter what, the experiment itself must be completed first, as for the meeting or the article, they are just add-ons and cannot affect the experiment.


I made the worst plan, maybe the pollution source is still there, and the cells on the last two plates will also be polluted, and everything has to start all over again. However, this time, they were lucky. After waiting for two days, the expected thing did not happen, and the cells were still fine.


Su Wei'an immediately began to collect materials and train again. Gu Yunzheng was afraid that Su Wei'an would be too anxious and too busy alone, so he deliberately spared time to accompany her into the training room, but his worry seemed unnecessary, Su Wei'an's A series of operations were proficient and quick, and with his help, it was even more powerful. After adding the last plate of cells, Su Wei'an put the eight plates of cells into the incubator with the help of Gu Yunzheng.


The moment the door of the incubator was closed, Su Weian couldn't help stretching happily to celebrate, looked at Gu Yunzheng proudly, and asked, "Am I very capable?"


She leaned in front of Gu Yunzheng, with three words "add chicken legs" written in her eyes. Gu Yunzheng laughed inwardly, but deliberately put on a stern face and said with a stern look, "Just now you discarded the supernatant for the second time. Didn't the time almost change the 'gun head'?"


Su Wei'an was taken aback, he didn't expect Gu Yunzheng's eyes to be so sharp and see so closely!


It is inevitable that there will be chaos during the busy schedule, and it is right to correct it in time!


She raised her eyebrows to look at him, and said firmly, "That was an accident!"


Gu Yunzheng continued to reveal the shortcoming mercilessly: "Did the pipette almost touch the flame of the alcohol lamp when growing the cells later?"


Su Wei'an couldn't bear it anymore, and emphasized to him: "Almost! That's almost!"


With such a heavy workload, she can finish it so quickly, and it's not bad that she was only caught by a picky person like him, okay?


She glared at him, remembering that when her father was just hospitalized, her mother said that Gu Yunzheng evaluated her as the smartest and hardest-working student, so she couldn't help asking Gu Yunzheng: "You have praised me a lot in front of my parents, why didn't you say it in front of my parents?" Say those words face to face?"


Gu Yunzheng raised his eyebrows, and said: "That's to make Uncle and Aunt happy, I'm afraid you will be ashamed after hearing it."


Su Wei'an looked at him, silent.


Suddenly, without turning her head, she opened the door and left, only to hear Gu Yunzheng's laughter behind her.


After working overtime for two consecutive weeks, I finally uploaded the meeting summary before the deadline.


With the experimental results, Su Wei'an began to complete the formal thesis, and this time was also the time for Gu Yunzheng's glioma project to be completed. He handed in all the materials and completed the conclusion of the previous projects. It is officially announced to everyone that Gu Yunzheng's research direction has changed from glioma to Huntington's disease, and he will withdraw from the glioma research project, and the work in hand will be gradually handed over to colleagues in the group.


As soon as this news came out, the entire neurosurgery department exploded. I heard that when Gu Yunzheng was applying for a project related to Huntington's disease, everyone just thought he was just doing it on a whim. After all, he has made great achievements in the field of glioma research, so continue to do it. Don't worry about articles, don't worry about funds, how can you give up completely?


Are you kidding, are you crazy?


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What's more, the entire neurosurgery department has no foundation in the research of Huntington's disease. Even if Gu Yunzheng is good, can cooperate with internal medicine, and even contact foreign teams to apply for projects, but the actual operation still has to start from scratch. The pros and cons are obvious. How did you think so, that you would make such a choice?


When Su Weian came out of the laboratory to breathe, she heard someone chatting in the stairwell, and accidentally heard Gu Yunzheng's name, she slowed down, and heard the person inside say: "It is impossible to make such a decision for no reason, he Didn’t that little girlfriend’s father suffer from Huntington’s disease? He wouldn’t change his research direction for this, would he?”



The other person's tone was also full of disdain: "For this? Then what is he planning? I don't think it is my responsibility to treat my future father-in-law. I really think I can research a way to cure Huntington's disease, right?"


"Who knew that Gu Yunzheng, who has always been smart, would actually make such a choice. It's really unexpected. After posting a few high-scoring articles, his personality has begun to swell." The subject changed, and the person said, "But he As soon as he changes direction, the person who can directly take over his previous job is a big deal, and I don't know who is so lucky?"


"I don't know. People in his original group are eager to try now, but I don't know who will succeed in the end."


"Do you think those people in his original group will have Huntington's disease with him?"


Another person answered firmly: "Impossible! Who will accompany him when he is crazy? Everyone is in a hurry to ask for an article, starting from scratch, and will not have any friendship with him!"


The two sighed for a while, Su Wei'an didn't listen any more, went back to the laboratory to finish the experiment in hand, and simply didn't do anything more, and gave himself half a day off, sitting in the laboratory for a while. afternoon.


The first thing after get off work, Gu Yunzheng went to the laboratory to pick up Su Weian back home, and saw Su Weian, who had been busy before, sitting quietly in a chair uncharacteristically, although there was a computer in front of him as if he was reading a paper, But people don't know what they are thinking.


He walked over and rubbed her head with his hands, and asked, "What are you thinking?"


Su Wei'an shook his head first, but hesitated for a while, always feeling that it's okay to keep it in his heart, and said, "I'm thinking about your glioma project."


Gu Yunzheng sat on the chair next to her and said, "The question is over, what else are you thinking about?"


"After all, it's the direction you've been working on for so long, don't you feel bad about entrusting the follow-up work to others?"


Gu Yunzheng had a big heart, and said: "I believe the director will find the most suitable person to take over. No matter who does it, it is for the advancement of medicine. My current mind is not on this subject, and asking me to do it will only backfire."


When he spoke, he looked at Su Weian with a smile in his eyes. He knew what she was worried about, but he didn't need her to have so many worries.


After a pause, Gu Yunzheng asked again: "Have you heard any gossip?"


Su Wei'an nodded, and said: "I heard some discussions, but the important thing is that when I wrote the article, I saw other people's research results and realized that we really started from scratch. The difference is too far. I don't care. This will be the case in this life, but you are different from me, this is your research career after all..."


As she spoke, Gu Yunzheng's face suddenly turned cold, and she asked, "What did you just say?"


Su Wei'an was startled, not knowing what he said wrong.


He looked at her, every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth: "What do you mean you don't care?"


Su Wei'an was silent for a moment, and said: "Yun Zheng, what we have to admit is that Huntington is a incurable disease, even if we try our best, the possibility of finding a way to reverse it is only one in ten thousand. I realize that I live for a day and do experiments for a day, even if I just run into a wall, to save myself, but you are different. You already have a good foundation in the field of glioma, and you have the opportunity to become an influential expert. I don’t want you to do it A meaningless sacrifice, living with me in vain hope."


Why did she think it was a meaningless sacrifice? And why do you think it is an illusory hope?


In short, since he decided to start Huntington's project, he has carefully consulted nearly a hundred documents. No matter how difficult it is, every step and every experiment is something that he thinks can be done and will be meaningful. The plan for the next five or ten years has been conceived, so that she can make breakthroughs bit by bit, but in Su Wei'an's heart, she just regards it as a day-to-day pastime, and never thought of having a relationship with him. Walk this long road together?


Has been holding back since the beginning, is she so afraid to carry his research career on her back? Already so afraid, how can she carry his lifelong promise?


He was suddenly a little angry, so angry that he didn't want to say a word to her, turned around and walked towards the door of the laboratory without looking back.


Su Wei'an was taken aback, and tried to stop him: "Gu Yunzheng?"


He ignored it.


Seeing his figure disappear from sight, Su Wei'an realized that he probably did not know which sentence offended Professor Gu Da, and was thinking about what to do, but saw Gu Yunzheng coming back from the door, he strode like a star, staring at nothing. He squinted and walked directly in front of her. Before Su Weian could realize what was going on, he grabbed his wrist and led him outside.


Because she knew that Gu Yunzheng was a little angry, Su Wei'an didn't dare to ask a word, and she kept walking out of the hospital door before she realized that this was the direction to go home.


No matter how angry and angry he was, he would not leave her alone.


He will take her home.


Without saying a word along the way, Su Wei'an followed Gu Yunzheng quietly. When they got home, Gu Yunzheng still ignored her and just went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

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Su Wei'an rushed ahead of him, washing his hands and making soup, Gu Yunzheng didn't stop him, but just looked at her from the side, Su Wei'an knew that he had something to say, she didn't ask, she was just busy with the work in hand.



After an unknown amount of time, she heard his deep voice sounding from behind her, very soft, very slow, word by word, he said: "For peace, although I said before that I want to put you under some pressure, I dare not say no more." And don't, but whether it's a scientific research project or a career, those are my own decisions, and I don't need anyone else to be responsible, especially you, I don't care if it's a possibility of one in ten thousand or one in billion, I will walk this road with you to the end."


There is no needless sacrifice. Why is it a needless sacrifice to use one's career to seriously study a disease?


Su Wei'an turned on the faucet to rinse the vegetable leaves in his hand, organized his words, and said calmly: "I know you don't need others to be responsible, and I also know that you are not someone who will do things rashly without a plan. I believe you , so I said those words not to test your sincerity to me, nor to test your determination to do the project, but because I know that with your ability, if you continue to work in the field of glioma that you are more familiar with, you can develop faster. To become an influential expert rather than enter an unfamiliar field and start from scratch. I don't want you to make such a choice because I don't want you to be blinded by emotions. I want to see in my lifetime. Until you become the excellent person you wanted to be at the beginning, because you are the person I like."


She said that she liked him, with such touching words of love, he should have hugged her, kissed her, and comforted her, but he knew better that in the long passage just now, she subconsciously believed that she was the one who dragged him down.


After washing the last dish, Su Wei'an turned off the tap, dried his hands, turned around and looked at the expressionless Gu Yunzheng with a smile, opened his arms and said, "Hey, I'm saying I like you, come here and hug me !"


A little coquettish, she was begging for peace, she thought her reasoning was very good, if he made a concession at this moment, he would definitely accept it, but she didn't expect Gu Yunzheng to still keep a straight face.


"Before I met you, I really wanted to stick to the more familiar glioma research and become an influential expert, but I don't want to now."


What he said was precise, not to discuss something with her, but to tell her his truest thoughts.


"Initially research was just research for me, until I met you, it was you who made Huntington's research not just a complicated experiment for me, every word on my bid, every plate of cells cultured, every piece of paper I made Every fluorescent staining has a belief. This belief is you, and every Huntington patient like you. It is not important to me to become a so-called expert two days earlier and know a few more molecules than others. What I want to insist on is This belief, but Su Weian, where is your belief?"


Throw it away, from the moment you know the result of the genetic test.


She is a good student, and she memorizes the contents of the textbooks most firmly. She reminds herself every day that the mechanism is unknown and the treatment needs to be studied. In this way, all her expectations for the future have been bit by bit, and she has the mentality of living every day. Life has also become a lot easier, and even the final decision to be with him is to have fun in time, but it has become what it is now in a daze.


He asked her where her beliefs were, she lowered her arms, smiled dejectedly, and was speechless.


I don't know how long it took, as if she finally found her voice, she said as lightly as possible: "With the belief that Huntington's treatment method will be developed, every day will be very disappointing."


Such a distant goal, a goal that can never be reached, if it is taken seriously, how can we bear such disappointment to despair?


Being sick is already sad, and she doesn't want to make her life any more sad.


"I can not do it."


The last four words are her honesty.


"Then let me do it." He pulled her into his arms and said word by word, "I will bear all the disappointments, and your belief is me."


He wants her to hand over all the burdens of this life to him, and he will bear all the pressure and experience all the disappointments for her, and all she has to do is trust him, and she will persevere for him.


He is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid that she will give up first.


Su Wei'an buried her face in his chest, she believed that all his words were sincere, and it would be false if he said that he was not moved, but it would be fine to listen to such words as love words, how could such a big matter be so simple as he said ?


She was silent for a while, then muffled, "Why are you so self-righteous?"


Without hesitation, he said, "Because I was right."


Su Wei'an didn't say anything more. Frankly speaking, she no longer knew what was right and what was wrong in this matter. Gu Yunzheng had his reasons, and he always had his reasons. She is transparent, anyway, she can't talk to him, but she just sincerely hopes that he won't regret it, otherwise she will resent herself.


Su Wei'an thought for a while and said, "Although I'm younger than you, I can't say enough about you, but I hope you will think about what I said occasionally. What if there is some truth to it?"


The words she told him to give up?


Gu Yunzheng responded: "I thought about it, and what you said makes sense."


"Then you still..."


He hugged her tightly and said, "It's not as good as you."


His words made her heart warm and itchy, but she said firmly: "Don't keep coaxing me with these words, I'm not one of those little girls who are easy to lie to!"


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"You mentioned that you were young first."


Su Wei'an provocatively said: "I'm younger than you, I just remembered after careful calculation, you are six years older than me!" But then changed the subject, as if to comfort him, "But it's okay, there is a saying It's not that you go through the detour first, and you eat the loss first, so you can protect me."


Think he is old?


Gu Yunzheng looked at her expressionlessly, and said, "I haven't gone through any detours, and I haven't suffered any losses."


Su Wei'an: "..."


show off!


He added: "Instead of avoiding the same mistakes by taking detours all over the place, it is better to improve your IQ."


Su Wei'an: "..."


He paused for a while, and asked with a straight face on purpose, as if he didn't care, "Do you think there is a big age difference between six years old?"


Su Wei'an thought in his heart: It's not small! Six years old, that is to say, when you went to college, I was still in elementary school!


But of course she couldn't say it in front of Associate Professor Gu, so she shook her head resolutely and said, "It's not big, not at all."


Gu Yunzheng nodded in satisfaction and said, "Go out, I'll cook."


Su Wei'an quickly declined: "No, I want to cook."


Gu Yunzheng still said expressionlessly: "The dishes you cook are all a bit salty. In order to avoid high blood pressure, let me do it."


Su Wei'an was taken aback, and asked, "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"


Gu Yunzheng tidied up the dishes she had washed without raising her head, and said, "I'm afraid you will be ashamed."


Although Su Wei'an's first cell test has verified that the drug HDQ199 may indeed affect vascular endothelial cells in the molecular pathway, there is still a long way to go from the cell test to the human body. In the next step, they need to complete the real animal model validation in .


The transgenic model mice of Huntington's chorea are expensive, and Su Wei'an has completely become the "grandmother" of these experimental mice. He waits on them every day from dawn to dusk, and of course, feeds them the drug HDQ199 one by one. .


After three months of raising, the experiment was finally completed, but it was unexpected that the results were consistent with those reported by the previous drug manufacturer, all of which were negative, and no aneurysm was found.


Although knowing that the incidence rate is very low and the number of experimental rats they dealt with in the first batch is limited, it is indeed possible for this to happen, but facing such a result, Su Wei'an still feels very heavy.


The male colleague in the same laboratory looked at her expression and guessed that the result was not good, and said sarcastic remarks while doing his own experiment: "Although it is unclear what the first experiment result is not good, since you decided to do this topic I will I think this result can’t be good. The preliminary experiments of other people’s pharmaceutical factories are not done for nothing. You can’t understand it in the whole world... What an expensive experimental mouse, it’s a waste of money if you continue to do this. Why bother with Professor Wen’s Can't pass the experimental medicine? Why don't you change the topic as soon as possible!"



Pebbles hitting rocks is probably the most appropriate way to describe them. Su Weian understood what his colleague meant, but the three experimental subjects had multiple aneurysms, and their cell experiments did verify the effects of the drug on the cell level. The most important thing is that an aneurysm was also reported in the earliest animal experiments. It would be too self-deceiving to say that it was a coincidence. She never believed that their topic selection was a waste of effort!


After completing the first batch of experimental data records, Su Wei'an let out a long sigh. She still has to persevere anyway. She is preparing to regroup and work overtime to complete the second batch of experiments. Maybe if she is lucky enough, she will encounter a positive result. , but was stopped by Gu Yunzheng: "I thought about it carefully. Although I absolutely believe that our initial hypothesis is correct, our funds are limited and the number of model mice is limited. It is difficult to verify such a small probability event. "


Su Wei'an was startled, looked at Gu Yunzheng with some surprise, and asked, "So you mean...don't do it?"


Gu Yunzheng shook his head and said, "No, I mean we need to change the conditions so that a small probability event becomes a high probability event, so that we are not just trying luck."


"Become a high probability event?" Su Wei'an thought for a moment and understood what he meant, "You mean..."


"That's right, I carefully recalled the situation of the three patients with aneurysms. As Professor Wen said, all three of them had high blood pressure. If the vascular endothelium of patients with high blood pressure is more sensitive to HDQ199, this can also explain current results."


Su Wei'an nodded and said, "I understand, we need to create a model of high blood pressure on model mice."


"Well, but this will take longer, won't it be very hard for you?"


Su Wei'an shook his head, and replied: "It's what I want to do, there is no hard work, it's just Yun Zheng, the funds..."


Gu Yunzheng’s National Natural Science has not even announced the results. The current experiment is supported by the cooperation with the Department of Internal Medicine. The experimental plan is temporarily changed. Once there is an accident in the National Natural Science application, they will "run out of food". This time the animal experiment Neither can be completed.


Gu Yunzheng naturally knew her worry, and comforted her: "Don't think too much, just leave it to me."

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Of course it's impossible not to worry, so why is China so good? But Su Weian knew that his anxiety was useless except to distract him, so he nodded obediently and said, "Okay."


Creating a high blood pressure model was a lengthy process. Due to funding problems, she had nothing else to do during this period, and entered a period of no output.


The news spread the fastest in the department, and she became a negative example of "doing nothing" in the department. From time to time, in the corridor, Zhou Qinan would run into hurried steps, and the other party would stop her: "Hey, Xiao Su, help me send this document to you." Go to the administrative building, anyway, if you are idle, you are idle."


Or: "Hey, Xiao Su, help our team clean up the incubator, anyway, you are idle if you are idle."


Su Wei'an has no reason to refuse, especially when this group of graduate students are facing graduation, and Wen Ran, who has lost the chance of staying in the hospital, is out of production and can't work in the department. The department is short of people, and Su Wei'an The assigned tasks will be completed very quickly. After a few times, the people in the department use her more and more smoothly. She travels between various departments of the hospital every day.


But this kind of work does not mean that the more people do it, the more popular it will be. The news that the experiment is not going well spreads all over the general department quickly, and everyone looks at her with the meaning of "just so". When she sent the document with the official seal back to the doctor's office, she overheard the discussion inside: "So what if Su Wei'an stayed instead of Wen Ran? She's just here to raise mice and run errands. Wen Ran went to Zhanghe Hospital and is still a surgeon with a bright future."


"Who says it's not? Where do you study medicine? You can quit as soon as you say it, and you can come back if you say it. Doctor of medicine and assistant researcher, this is already a grade difference!"


Su Wei'an stood at the door of the office in a daze for a moment, then heard someone calling her from the side: "Why'an..."


She looked up, and saw that Du Yuncheng was standing here at some point. Judging from his expression, he had also heard the discussion inside.


He frowned and said, "I'll tell them not to talk nonsense."


Su Wei'an stopped him, and when the people inside were discussing happily, he pushed open the door and walked in, put the documents on the desk with a blank expression, turned his head and left without saying a word.


Fortunately, this situation did not last long. The results of the previous international conference came out. Su Weian thought it was enough to have a poster presentation opportunity, but he did not expect that the organizing committee gave them the opportunity to speak at the conference!


Gu Yunzheng informed the department director of this result, Wang Huanzhong, that his department members could speak at the official international conference and increase the popularity of the department. As the director, he was naturally more than happy, and praised Gu Yunzheng and Su Huanzhong by name at the morning meeting of the department. Wei An: "Not long after Xiao Gu and Xiao Su came into contact with Huntington's chorea, the first experimental results were recognized by an international conference. Everyone should learn more from them. Scientific research focuses on thinking, and more thinking about how to change the topic It is more meaningful, instead of really becoming a "scientific research worker", who will only repeat some experimental processes mechanically and simply every day. In the future, everyone will support the work of Xiao Gu and Xiao Su, and hope that they will be able to participate in the work in October. Representing our department at the international conference and completing the report excellently!"


After the director's words fell, applause rang out in the conference room, and Su Weian could feel envy mixed with jealousy in the eyes looking at them.


When the meeting ended and the director left, everyone stood up from their seats to congratulate them. In the midst of congratulations, Su Wei'an heard other people's comments not far from them: "I heard that Professor Wen of Zhanghe Hospital will also report the results of their drug clinical trials at this conference. The organizing committee obviously wanted to see the internal strife among the Chinese people, so they mentioned Gu Yunzheng's small cell experiment in the conference report!"


"I really can't tell! I don't know what to be proud of being used as a gun."


Su Wei'an was not the only one who heard this, Zhang Dadong, the deputy director of the department coughed, and said: "It's not the first time for Xiao Gu to give a report at an international conference. With such complicated thoughts, why don't you think about it carefully?" Do your work!"


The person who discussed earlier didn't expect to be caught by the leader, stood up in embarrassment, and slipped away as soon as he said he was going to the operating room.


Su Wei'an didn't bother to pay attention to others' sour comments. The waiting time was finally up, and she was busy completing the animal experiments.


This time, her waiting was finally not in vain. The positive rate of aneurysms reached 10%. Su Wei'an did not hesitate at all, and immediately took samples from the rat brains to complete the staining of the slices. She was busy for several days until late at night, but fortunately The final experimental results were even better than expected.


After tidying up the laboratory, Su Wei'an looked up at his watch and realized that it was already 12 o'clock at night. Going back to the doctor's office, Gu Yunzheng was busy revising the bidding document. Su Wei'an took a closer look and found that it was all in English. She was a little surprised and asked, "This is..."


Gu Yunzheng explained simply: "I applied for an American fund in cooperation with a professor in the United States. I submitted it to the shortlist in the primary selection before, and now I am returning to refine it."


Su Wei'an was stunned. It is needless to say that the American fund project proposal requires all English, but the content and requirements are also stricter than those in China. Gu Yunzheng's surgery is repeated every week, and he has to accompany her to do experiments from time to time. When is it going to be ready? Such a big project book came out? It's really unbelievable when you think about it carefully!


Before she had time to sigh, she heard Gu Yunzheng continue: "By the way, there is good news. The Huntington National Nature Project we applied for before has passed, so we don't have to worry too much about the funding."


Gu Yunzheng put it lightly, applying for a national natural project is not something for him to show off. What he is most happy about is that the funding for this project can solve their current funding gap.


When others watched what Gu Yunzheng did, they mostly sighed that he was lucky, but behind this "good luck" was the terrifying strength and hard work?


Even Gu Yunzheng would change the bid until midnight, but he never showed off his efforts, so everyone thought he was effortless.


Originally, she was already very tired after working for several days, but looking at Gu Yunzheng now, Su Wei'an only felt that what she had done was far from enough. She was thinking about it when Gu Yunzheng continued: "I have applied with the courtyard, From next month, we will open a joint outpatient clinic with Huntington with the chief of internal medicine, and then our department will gradually carry out the surgical treatment of Huntington."


Su Wei'an understood, and said, "You mean DBS?"


"Well, no matter how much cell and animal experiments are done, it will be a long process to finally affect human beings, so in addition to these, we also have to start from the clinic."


Since Gu Yunzheng said that, she must have a plan, and she should learn to cooperate with him as soon as possible.


She agreed: "Okay."

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