
Chapter 14

Regarding the wedding, Su Wei'an only wanted a small one, and didn't want to be too ostentatious and extravagant, so it was a lot easier to prepare. Gu Yunzheng preliminarily set the time for the marriage to be next month, and the specific time will be discussed in detail after the parents of both parties meet.

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In order to take care of Su's father's physical condition, Gu Yunzheng deliberately chose a restaurant that is very close to Su Wei'an's parents' home. Originally, he thought it would be an embarrassing scene, but he didn't expect the two mothers to hit it off unexpectedly. By the way, he even considered the dishes for the wedding. over again.


The afternoon passed quickly, and Gu Meiru could see that Su's father was a little tired, so she said: "It's getting late, you guys go back and rest, I will come back next month, we can see the details of the wedding Time to discuss."


"Our family is safe..." Su's mother looked at Su Weian, and sighed bitterly, "I will cause trouble to your family in the future, please forgive me."


Mother Su originally wanted to say that Su Wei'an's character was a bit reckless, and that she might be a careless master in the future, so let them take care of it. Gu Meiru saw the expression on Mother Su's face, and for the words that Mother Su didn't say, Naturally thinking about Su Wei'an's illness, she shook her head and said seriously: "It's okay, since the two children have already made a decision, they just have to live together in the future, even if Wei'an really got sick, It's only natural for Yun Zheng to take care of her, so it's not too much trouble."


It was originally a tolerant and considerate remark, but Su's mother was surprised to hear it. She looked at Gu Meiru in shock, and after a long while, she struggled to ask that sentence: "You said... what?"



Su Wei'an's heart tightened, and he hurried up to explain: "Auntie just said to let us have a good time, nothing to cause trouble, isn't Dad very tired? Let's take Dad home!"


As she spoke, she was about to push her father's wheelchair, but her mother stopped her. Mother Su looked at Gu Meiru who was opposite, and said seriously, "What did you just say? Why did An get sick? Why did An get sick?"


Before coming here, Gu Yunzheng once told Gu Meiru not to mention Su Wei'an's illness to Su Wei'an's parents. At that time, she just thought it was impolite, and she really shouldn't bring out other people's pain points, so she also heard Su's mother say at the end Only after saying that did she express her attitude, and let Su's mother not have any worries, but she never expected that Su's mother seemed... It seemed that she didn't know about Su Wei'an's illness at all!


Having been a diplomat for so many years, she originally thought that there were no emergencies that she could not deal with decently, but at this moment, facing the frightened, frightened, and angry Mother Su, she didn't know what to say for a while. .


Gu Yunzheng hurriedly said: "My mother said the wrong word, she just wanted to say that when she loses her temper for An, I should accommodate and take care of her."


But how can such words deceive the always sensitive Mother Su? She didn't get entangled with Gu Yunzheng, but called her daughter in a deep voice: "Su Wei'an, tell me!"


"I..." The matter has come to this point, it is impossible to fool around anymore. Frankly speaking, Su's mother must have guessed in her heart, Su Wei'an sighed lightly, looked around and looked at the unknown people, and motioned to Su's mother, "Mom, let's go home and talk about it."


Mother Su didn't speak, she agreed.


go home.


Gu Yunzheng was a little worried about Su Weian, and wanted to follow, but was stopped by his mother. Gu Meiru shook his head at Gu Yunzheng. This was a matter between Su Weian and his parents. Some things were difficult for them to say when he was around.


What Gu Meiru thought was correct.


It was Su's mother's limit to persevere until she returned home without erupting. As soon as the door was closed, Su's mother immediately asked Su Weian: "What's going on?"


Su Wei'an tried to calm his mother down first, and said, "Mom, don't worry..."


"Say it!"


Su Wei'an had no choice but to sigh softly, thinking that stretching his head and shrinking his head would be a knife, so he cut the mess quickly: "I did a genetic test, and I carry Huntington's disease-causing gene."


Dead silence.


Su's mother's legs went limp, and she fell backwards on the sofa.


Even though she had guessed from the moment she heard Gu Meiru's words, when Su Wei'an confessed, Su's mother was still too shocked to speak.


She was also shocked by Su Wei'an's father. Originally, his illness was a drag on his family, and the head of the family had already blamed himself beyond words. Now that he learned that his daughter had also inherited the same disease from him, he felt angry and angry. Guilt welled up in his heart, and he slammed his fist hard on the armrest of the wheelchair. Su Weian hurried to hold his father, looked at his mother, and hurriedly comforted them: "Don't worry, Am I not sick yet?"


Su Mu's angry voice already had a crying tone: "When did you detect it? Why didn't you tell us?"


Su Wei'an pursed his lips, thought for a while before saying: "I went for a test before I dropped out of school. At that time, my father just fell ill. I don't want to make trouble for you."


There were already tears in Su's mother's eyes, and she said, "Then why didn't you tell me after you returned to China? What a big deal! Even Gu Yunzheng's mother knows about it, and we still have to learn about it from outsiders!"



Su Wei'an walked up to his mother and comforted her, saying: "Marriage is a big deal, I have the obligation to let Aunt Gu know who her son is going to marry, but for you, I don't want you to worry about me anymore, you see, Aren’t I pretty good now? I’m doing the job I like, and I’m going to marry the person I like. Maybe one day I’ll find out the cure for Huntington’s chorea. By then, the left hand will be rich in patents, and the right hand will be famous for the Nobel Prize. Outside, wow, that is really a double gain of fame and fortune!"


As Su Wei'an said, he showed a fascinated expression, as if he had already flown to the podium.


Mother of Su didn't know that her daughter was deliberately comforting herself? She didn't answer, but just asked, "Where's Gu Yunzheng? He really doesn't care that you might get sick?"


Su Wei'an smiled and said, "Why doesn't he care? He wants to find out a cure for Huntington's chorea even more than I do!"


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"You call him, I have something to ask him."


Because he was worried about Su Wei'an, Gu Yunzheng chose to stay in the hotel and wait for her after they left. When he received a call from Su Wei'an saying that Su's mother wanted to find him, he already guessed in his heart what Su's mother wanted to ask. He arrived at Su Wei'an's house within five minutes.


Su Weian was also very surprised that he would appear so quickly.


Since he came here to talk about business, Su Weian asked him to sit next to him. Xu felt that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, so he deliberately said to his mother in a gag tone: "The leader can start talking!"


Mother Su kept a straight face, and said to Su Wei'an, "You go out first."


Su Wei'an was taken aback, and asked, "What?"


Mother Su's expression was extremely serious: "You go out first, your father and I have to talk to Gu Yunzheng alone."


Su Weian actually didn't want to leave, but she could also see that her mother was trying to suppress her emotions. At this time, she had no choice but to respect her mother's decision.


Only Gu Yunzheng and Su Weian's parents were left in the room. Gu Yunzheng knew the weight of this conversation, and was not in a hurry to express anything, just waiting for Su's mother to speak.


"The last time you came to our house with Wei An, we didn't know you were in a relationship. This time we met our in-laws, and we found out that our daughter carries the gene that causes Huntington's chorea. We may be the most incompetent parents in the world." gone."


"Auntie, don't say that, because she was afraid that you would be so sad, so she didn't tell you about her illness."


Mother Su frowned and asked, "When did you know about this?"


Gu Yunzheng replied truthfully: "Before we dated, I should be the first person to know besides her."


If you didn't find out after dating, then you didn't force yourself to break up because you were too embarrassed to say goodbye.




Mother Su sighed and said, "You are a doctor, you should know better than us what will happen if you get this disease."


Gu Yunzheng didn't answer immediately, but he acquiesced to Su's mother's statement. Just like what he once said to Su Weian, he could recite the international guidelines for Huntington's chorea to them, but these are not important.


Su's mother continued: "Why An's father is sitting here, I don't think anyone is more suitable than me to tell you this, are you really confident that you can take care of Wei An?"


Without the slightest hesitation, Gu Yunzheng said: "I have, as you just said, I am a doctor, I understand this disease very well, and there should be no one more suitable than me for taking care of it. , I am afraid that this promise seems too light, but Ke An is an exception, and I will always have confidence in Wei An."


Su's mother looked at Gu Yunzheng who was so determined, and was suddenly speechless.


To be honest, when she called him over, she thought about canceling their marriage. Knowing that she carries the disease-causing gene is already very bad. If at that time she found out that she met someone unkind and was abandoned, what would she do? Facing the next life? Instead of this, why not let Wei An be with her, Wei An is her daughter, no matter how hard and tiring she is, she will definitely take care of her till the end.


She prepared for the worst, even if An would blame her for it, it didn't matter. As a mother, she always had to protect her daughter from getting hurt.


But Gu Yunzheng told her calmly, calmly but firmly, that he had confidence.


She couldn't imagine where his confidence came from, but she really felt it. He didn't say this impulsively, but what she mentioned, he had thought about it many times. , he was sure of his answer.


he can.


She was silent for a long time before she said to Gu Yunzheng: "Frankly speaking, from your point of view, I would not agree with you marrying Wei An, because it would be too much of a burden on your life, but as a mother, I also selfishly hope that my daughter can find someone to take care of her and cherish her for us, I know this is not very fair to you, but..."


Gu Yunzheng could see the conflict in Mother Su's heart at this moment, and he said seriously: "Before I can prove anything to you with actions, you will trust me only after listening to a few words from me, and will entrust you to An Me, I'm already grateful."


Su's father coughed lightly and said, "Actually... I don't trust you very much..."


After all, speaking is always easy, and not everyone can keep their promises.


Gu Yunzheng didn't care about it, and said, "It doesn't matter, we will have a long time to come."


When Gu Yunzheng came out of Su Wei'an's house, Su Wei'an had walked anxiously around her door dozens of times, and seeing that he finally came out, she hurried to his side and asked him what happened with her eyes.


Gu Yunzheng held her lips, stretched out his arms to hug her, and didn't explain much, just said: "I'm about to get married, so spend more time with Auntie recently."


Originally, she wanted to ask a lot, but at the moment when Gu Yunzheng hugged her, she didn't want to ask anything anymore.

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She teased him and said, "What you're saying is like I won't be able to accompany my mother after I get married."


Gu Yunzheng said in a muffled voice: "After you get married, you have to spend more time with me."


"Go to work in the same unit and get off work in the same home, you don't have to worry about getting bored!"


Gu Yunzheng chuckled and said, "I am willing!"


Back home, Su Weian walked to the sofa and sat beside her mother. She could see that although her mother's expression was a little lighter than before, it was still heavy.


She leaned on her mother's body and comforted her: "Mom, don't worry, Yun Zheng is not the kind of unreliable person. Since I decided to get married, I also have my life plan, so you don't have to worry about mine."


Mother Su sighed softly, and said, "Gu Yunzheng does make people feel reliable. The most important thing is that he really wants to marry you. It is much more reassuring to entrust you to him than to others."


Su Wei'an smiled and said: "Sometimes I feel that Gu Yunzheng's eyes are not very good. He has the best conditions and the brightest future. I am a terminally ill person whose future is uncertain. How can he just stare at me? Am I going to die with me?"


Hearing what her daughter said, Su's mother felt unspeakably distressed, she hugged Su Weian, and said word by word: "My daughter is beautiful, kind and capable, and she knows that if she dies with you, she has a vision! "


But not everyone thinks so.


When he got off work, Gu Yunzheng took Su Wei'an to find his father, Dean Du, and sent him a wedding invitation. He didn't intend to discuss the marriage with Dean Du in advance, and he came to send the wedding invitation this time only because it was his father after all, and he did his duty as a child by telling him about the marriage in person, but for Dean Du Whether he will attend their wedding or not, Gu Yunzheng's attitude is indifferent.


Seeing Dean Du's complexion getting darker and darker after receiving the invitation, Su Weian already understood his attitude.


Sure enough, Dean Du asked Gu Yunzheng sullenly, "What do you mean?"


Gu Yunzheng said casually: "We are getting married, I'll let you know."


Dean Du held the invitation in his hand and asked, "That's it?"


Without blinking, Gu Yunzheng replied, "That's it."


Dean Du threw the invitation on the table and said, "I don't agree."


Gu Yunzheng said with a blank expression, "I see." After a pause, he added, "We won't bother you anymore."


After Gu Yunzheng finished speaking, he took Su Weian and turned to leave.


This conversation didn't end well, so Su Weian wasn't surprised at all when Dean Du went to him alone during the lunch break.


Standing in the dean's office, she first called out respectfully, "Hello, dean."


Dean Du is busy with work and has no time to greet her, so he cut to the chase and said, "I don't agree with your marriage with Yun Zheng."


Su Wei'an nodded and said, "I know."


Dean Du has a firm attitude: "Although I have seen your work achievements during this period of time, and I also believe that you have certain abilities, marriage and work are two different things. In any case, I can't just watch myself Yun Zheng’s son married a man who would have Huntington’s chorea, Yun Zheng has always valued love and righteousness, so it’s up to you to cancel the wedding.”


Dean Du arranged the cancellation of the wedding in just a few words. Su Weian looked at Dean Du, who was a "loving father" at the moment, and suddenly didn't know what to say.


After signing a document, Dean Du raised his head to look at her, and confirmed to her: "You will cancel the wedding, right?"


Su Wei'an answered without the slightest hesitation: "No."


Dean Du tied a knot between his brows and asked, "What did you say?"


Su Wei'an's expression did not change, and he said: "As the dean, I respect you from a professional point of view, but if you are Gu Yunzheng's father, I'm sorry, I don't have any family complex, and I won't do it for the father that Gu Yunzheng doesn't even want to mention." Just let go of someone you love so much.”


She paused for a moment, and met Dean Du's shocked and annoyed eyes and said, "I still have experiments to do this afternoon, so I will bid you farewell."


Gu Meiru was at work when she received the overseas call. As soon as the call was connected, she heard Dean Du's annoyed voice: "How can you agree to Gu Yunzheng's nonsense? How can marriage be such a joke?"


Gu Meiru held the phone a little farther away from her ear, and waited until the person on the other side finished yelling, and then said unhurriedly: "Yun Zheng never took marriage as a joke, but it's your attitude of wanting to manipulate behind the scenes. , did not seem to respect his decision."


"He won't listen to my words..."

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"Then have you ever wondered why?"


Dean Du coughed and did not speak.


Gu Meiru sighed softly, and said: "For so many years, neither you nor I have truly accompanied Yun Zheng to fulfill the duties of parents, but Yun Zheng has grown up very well on his own, and he can definitely do this for his own life. decided, and as parents, we are not qualified to interfere in his life at this time, and the few things we can do for him are probably to support him."


Xu Shi was still thinking about her words, but Dean Du didn't answer immediately, so she heard Gu Meiru continue: "I still have a job, if there is something, we can talk about it at the wedding, if you don't like Yunzheng's decision, don't go to the wedding, but Don't do anything to interfere with them."


After Gu Meiru finished speaking, she hung up the phone.


Dean Du did not appear at the wedding scene in the end. For both parties, this may be the best of both worlds.


The small wedding was held on an outdoor meadow, the innocence was blue, the grass was green, the white wedding dress, the pink balloons, the sun was warm and the breeze was blowing, everything was just right.


There were only more than 30 relatives and friends in the audience. Under their blessing eyes, Su's mother pushed Su's father's wheelchair, and Su's father led Su Weian, walking towards Gu Yunzheng step by step.



Because of the little dress skirt hosted by the last New Year’s party as a lesson, Gu Yunzheng strictly checked the wedding dress this time. The top should be above the collarbone and the bottom should be below the knee. But at this moment, looking at the uneven curves on Su Weian's body, Gu Yunzheng suddenly regretted this decision.


He naturally hoped that Wei An would look the most beautiful at his wedding, but he also wanted to hide her a little selfishly, which was a very strong possessive desire.


He took Su Weian's hand from Su's father and held it firmly.




Facing Su Wei'an, Gu Yunzheng said every word seriously: "Wei'an, when I first met you in Central Africa, I thought you were stubborn, brash, and self-righteous, but I don't know when, all these things are in my eyes. It has become your persistent and brave shining point. I didn't know that I would like you, but I want to be with you. I don't understand love, but I love you. I don't like nasty words. I will only say this time, Su Wei'an, no matter rich or poor, no matter health or disease, no matter good times or bad times, I will always be by your side."


The time with Gu Yunzheng has actually been quite long. The two people who get along day and night, Su Wei'an originally thought that the wedding was just a ceremony, but when she heard Gu Yunzheng's words, she only felt that her eye sockets became shallow, and she almost shed tears on the spot. The oath that seemed clichéd, but every word hit her heart.


She tried not to cry, but her voice was tinged with tears. She said: "Gu Yunzheng, I have seen the sunset in Paris, caught the evening wind in London, experienced the rainforest in Brazil, and felt the scorching sun in Central Africa. I think there is nothing special in this world, except you. I will cherish every day I can spend with you, no matter rich or poor, no matter good times or bad times, I will work hard..."


Don't mention the disease, don't say forever, this is the little leeway she reserved for herself.


Gu Yunzheng interrupted her and emphasized to her: "Forever!"


Su Wei settled down and said, "Work hard..."


Gu Yunzheng was even more stubborn than her, and said, "Forever!"


Facing such a persistent Gu Yunzheng, no matter how much Su Weian persisted in his heart, he couldn't say anything when he looked at him.


She had meant to say that while he was responsible, she hoped she would never become his responsibility.


Although he is a responsible person, she hopes that she will never become a burden to him.


But Gu Yunzheng saw through all her thoughts, his voice was very soft, almost coaxing, but his tone was firm, he said: "Tell me, you will always be by my side."


Su Wei'an blinked lightly, and tears fell down.


She repeated softly: "I will be by your side."


Gu Yunzheng finally showed a smile.


After the wedding, Gu Yunzheng and Su Wei'an did not ask for leave for their honeymoon, and insisted on going to work on time every day. The chief director Wang Huanzhong was about to solemnly praise their serious work attitude in the department, but at this time Gu Yunzheng proposed to ask Su Wei'an to stop for half a year The basic experiment, the reason is simple and concise: Pregnancy preparation.


Regarding the matter of having a child, Su Wei'an and Gu Yunzheng's plans are rarely synchronized. They both think the sooner the better. Gu Yunzheng simply wants to have a child as soon as possible, but Su Wei'an also thinks about her Huntington There is a 50% inheritance probability of the disease-causing gene. After a certain month of pregnancy, she will go for genetic testing. If it is really unfortunate that she is inherited, she will choose to give up.



After realizing Su Wei'an's thoughts, Gu Yunzheng stopped her without hesitation: "I won't let you risk multiple miscarriages to do this. If so, I'd rather not have children!"


But it's too late.


Su Wei'an is pregnant.


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Facing Su Weian, who insisted on genetic testing regardless of the risks, Gu Yunzheng tried to stop her: "Wei An, whether or not he carries the Huntington gene, this child is a gift from God, and we accept him with gratitude." Isn't it good?"


But Su Wei'an told him soberly: "It may be a gift for us, but it is a disaster for this child's life. You should know how early the onset of the third-generation Huntington gene carrier can be. , I don’t want my children to hate us in the future! The last time I did my own genetic examination, I went alone, and I will always remember the fear at that time, this time, you will stay with me, okay?”


Her tone was firm, but there was a bit of pleading in her eyes when she looked at him. Gu Yunzheng couldn't refuse her, so he could only accompany her to make an appointment for a genetic test.


The genetic testing was done, and the days to wait for the results felt like years.


Gu Yunzheng could see Su Weian's nervousness and uneasiness, but because she was afraid of affecting the baby in her stomach, she forced herself to eat and rest on time and according to the amount every day. Gu Yunzheng hugged her distressedly, but couldn't say any words of comfort, because He knew the paleness of these words, the 50% probability was like flipping a coin, it was impossible to predict.


Fortunately, the child is healthy.


After getting this result, Su Wei'an couldn't describe her mood, but felt that the world seemed to brighten up suddenly. She hugged Gu Yunzheng, as happy as a child.


After the genetic testing was done, the gender of the child was known at the same time, and it was a boy.


Back home, Gu Yunzheng said to Su Weian, "Shall we name the child?"


Su Wei'an excitedly said: "I'll get up, I'll get up!" After thinking for a while, "Gu... Yusu?"


Gu Yunzheng: "..."


Gu Yusu, Gu Yusu, she saves trouble!


However, Su Wei'an was very satisfied and said: "It's great to have both you and me!"


Although her intentions for naming the name are good, the name is indeed a bit strange. Gu Yunzheng followed the temptation: "The child's name should be more ambitious, and it can reflect some ideals and aspirations."


Su Wei'an pondered for a while, and was suddenly awakened: "I see! Gu Zhiheng!"


Treating Huntington's disease is indeed their ideal and ambition.


Gu Yunzheng: "..."


He looked at Su Weian with a happy face, endured, endured and endured, and finally resigned to his fate and hugged her: "Just Gu Yusu."


For Su Weian, how could Gu Yunzheng be willing to discourage her enthusiasm for naming her child? But going on, I don't know what other moths Su Weian can come up with. In order to avoid the child's resentment in the future, he can only forcibly pick a relatively good name from the two hard-to-describe names.


However, Su Wei'an didn't notice this, she smiled triumphantly, her eyes were still bright: "Yes, I also think Gu Yusu is better!"


Gu Yunzheng looked at her yearning and anticipating appearance at this moment, unable to say anything that would spoil her interest, so he could only sigh lightly, and he was full of thoughts: Well, well, well, it's good if you say it is good.


He leaned over and kissed her forehead. At this moment, Su Weian felt the child in her stomach kick her. She said excitedly: "He moved! He must also like this name very much!"


Gu Yusu: "..."


Su Wei'an's pregnancy diary:


Named the baby today.


Gu Yusu.


I hope that no matter what happens in the future, the baby will remember that father and mother will always be with him.




A few months later, the baby was born smoothly.


When his body was almost recovered, Su Weian returned to the laboratory to conduct more research with Gu Yunzheng, and made some progress intermittently.


Years of persistence have allowed them to gain the fame and reputation they deserve in the circle. What makes Su Wei'an most gratified is that more and more scholars have begun to pay attention to the research of Huntington's chorea, and more and more students are willing to Choose this originally niche research direction.


During the annual meeting, Su Wei'an made an exception and was mentioned in the first session of the conference. Before all the professors, she made a wonderful report and won the applause of the audience.


Near the end, she said to everyone present: "These seemingly major achievements are actually just a very small step in the research process. My husband once told me that every major scientific research achievement is made by many people. It is only through unremitting efforts that I can touch the ray of light given by God, so in order to prevent future Huntington patients from experiencing the despair that I have experienced, I will continue to do so, and hope that one day people will be able to To see that light that God has given me, even though I may not see that day coming."

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