
Chapter 8

When we arrived at the venue, there were still ten minutes before the official start of the conference, and the venue was almost full. Gu Yunzheng and Su Wei'an were not specialists in neurology at all, but came here only for Wen Yuliang's lecture, and there was no need to go to Competed with others for those front seats, found a seat near the door and sat down.

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Wen Yuliang is one of the great professors highly praised by this conference, and his lectures are relatively high. One hour after the conference started, Professor Wen took the stage.


I don’t know how many conferences he has given speeches before, and Wen Yuliang is already familiar with such occasions. The originally boring research background and experimental design can make him speak interestingly, especially the last sentence: "I want to get patients to agree to enter the group. , I have to explain to them the principle of our drug and how to design this trial. Huntington is considered unpopular in neurology. A small number, let alone patients with no medical background, especially when you mention the possible risks to them one by one, they will become very hesitant. At this time, the doctor as such How should the implementer of this study communicate with the patients? The inexperienced doctors in my group saw the patients hesitate, and they would say, "Go back and think about it before you come back." We used to be able to achieve a study of 400 patients, that's all. It was taken into consideration."


Professor Wen spread his hands in a playful way, and all the doctors in the venue laughed.


Wen Yuliang continued: "But when I face such hesitant patients, I will tell them that this is a disease that has been studied for more than a hundred years. There are very few ways to control it, let alone a cure. We all know how this disease can develop, it will get out of control, you will become stupid, and you will even die. The worst is like this. If this experimental drug happens to work for your condition, wouldn't you Earned? Every time I explain clearly to patients in this way, they will quickly agree to join the group and sign the consent form.”


There was applause in the venue.


Amidst the admiration of the audience, Gu Yunzheng only felt his heart tighten, and turned his head to look at Su Weian. Her expression was indeed unnatural. , become stupid, and even die" really stuck in her heart, Gu Yunzheng held Su Wei'an's hand with some worry, and comforted her.


And Wen Yuliang's speech continued: "Then let's see what happened after they joined the group."


He turned the PowerPoint back a page, and two parallel images appeared on the screen, in which were the same patient, one before the trial treatment of this year, and one after the treatment. dropped.


There was thunderous applause.


In order to protect the patient's privacy and respect for the patient, the patient's face in the video was covered with a mosaic. However, Gu Yunzheng still noticed that the patient inside looked familiar. This is...


His heart tightened, and he turned his head to look at Su Weian beside him, only to see her staring at the picture on the screen with straight eyes, Gu Yunzheng confirmed that this was her father.


He said softly: "For safety..."


Su Wei'an trembled uncontrollably.


Gu Yunzheng suddenly felt a little regretful: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought you here to listen to these."


As he spoke, he was about to stand up and take her away, but was held tightly by Su Wei'an.


"I...I'm fine." After a pause, she lowered her head and rubbed her face with her hands, "I...should be fine..."


The two videos of Wen Yuliang are not fake. The control of her father’s symptoms by taking the medicine is indeed a visible improvement. For such a disease with few control methods, this improvement is enough to amaze the doctors in the audience. , but for patients...


For patients...


Still unable to dress, wash, eat and drink by myself, there is no quality of life to speak of, and every day I wake up is the same despair.


If she was still the medical student more than two years ago, sitting here and listening to the well-founded lectures given by the great professor, she would definitely be as impressed as the other doctors present, but now, she feels that these doctors , Is it too cruel to the patient?


It just looks a little better, but the scores on the scale have improved. Is it necessary for them to be proud as if they have made some great feat?


Not to mention that her father ended up with two ruptured aneurysms as the endpoint of the trial treatment, so why didn't he mention it here?


She must ask him!


The next lecture ended with the applause that the audience could hardly stop, and finally entered the questioning session.


After all, it is facing the top professors in the country. After all, it is the largest neurology conference in the country. The doctors are also a little cautious. They don’t dare to be the first to raise their hands to ask questions. The host looked around the room and couldn’t help smiling at Wen Yuliang : "It seems that you made it too clear, everyone has no problem!"


The audience below nodded their heads, and Wen Yuliang said with a smile: "Where are you, please don't be polite, please feel free to ask any questions..."


Before he could finish his sentence, he saw a person holding his hand near the back door, perhaps because the position was a bit off, they didn't notice it before.


The field manager helped pass the microphone to Su Weian. Under the gazes of everyone, Su Wei'an stood up and said in an unusually calm voice: "In the clinical trials of new drugs, the two parts that everyone cares most about are the curative effect and the side effects. Just now, Professor Wen explained in detail After introducing the curative effect of the drug, I would like to ask Professor Wen, did any adverse reactions occur in this trial?"


Her question was straightforward and sharp, which attracted the attention of everyone present. What is the origin of this person, who dares to question the top professor in the country on such an occasion?



Faced with such a tricky question, Wen Yuliang was not annoyed, but smiled gracefully: "This question is very good. Indeed, when it comes to new drugs, what everyone cares most about is how good they are and whether they are harmful. Fortunately, in this trial, apart from some common adverse reactions of the digestive tract, dizziness and other discomforts, no major adverse reactions of this drug have been found so far.”


Wen Yuliang's words made the audience want to applaud involuntarily, but before the palms were together, the woman who asked the question said decisively: "Yes! Obviously there is an adverse reaction of an aneurysm!"


Hearing the word "aneurysm", Wen Yuliang was also shocked. Except for the people in his team, few people knew about aneurysms at all. Why did someone suddenly mention this issue?


He fixed his eyes on the source of the problem. The venue was relatively large, and the distance between them was a bit far away. He didn't look at this person carefully just now, but at this moment he unexpectedly felt that this young woman looked familiar, and that voice...


This is……


He frowned: "Are you the family member of the patient a few days ago?"


Wen Yuliang's words almost exploded the scene, everyone looked at Su Wei'an at the same time, even the field staff couldn't sit still, ready to ask people to leave the scene at any time.


If this person is really a family member of the patient, how did she get in? What is she doing here?


Facing the questioning eyes of the audience, Su Wei'an choked up, and the questions he was going to prepare for the next time also stuck in his throat.


She is indeed a family member of the patient, but how can this identity be mentioned on this occasion? Once they know that she is a family member of the patient, all her problems will not be looked at objectively and fairly.


She pursed her lips in the face of many unkind eyes.


But at this moment, Gu Yunzheng, who was sitting beside her, stood up and took the microphone from her hand.


"Professor Wen, hello, I am Gu Yunzheng, a neurosurgery doctor at Huaren Hospital, and this is my student. Not long ago, we just received three patients who participated in your drug trial. They developed hemangiomas one after another. They were all sorted out and sent to your team. I think my student just wanted to ask you whether the conditions of these three aneurysm patients have received enough attention and whether they are related to the experimental drugs."


Gu Yunzheng was calm and calm, and explained the cause and effect of the matter clearly. Everyone nodded in understanding when they heard the words, so it was so, and then looked at Wen Yuliang. After all, there were three patients, not a mere coincidence.



"It's very interesting that the neurosurgery doctors came here to hold the annual meeting of the internal medicine department." Wen Yuliang said, smiled, as if he just found it interesting, and then explained with a lot of effort, "We received these three patients with aneurysms. The data of the subjects were evaluated as soon as possible. Everyone knows that the occurrence of a disease is caused by many factors, not because he is in the experimental group, so it is caused by drugs. After the analysis, it was determined that the occurrence of the aneurysm had nothing to do with the drug. As for how to judge, this is very complicated. After all, time is limited. If I continue to talk, I am afraid that the experts behind will come up and drive me down. So I'll stop here today, but it's a really good question, thank you to these two young doctors."


After he finished speaking, he bowed and stepped off the stage.


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The audience applauded for the calmness and humor of this great professor. For the vast majority of doctors present, it was enough to hear Professor Wen say that they conducted an analysis and determined that it had nothing to do with the drug. I won't lie.


However, after hearing Wen Yuliang's words, Su Weian and Gu Yunzheng looked at each other, and they basically had the same thoughts in their hearts. Wen Yuliang said so much, but actually didn't explain anything.


But it’s useless to continue entanglement here. After all, the scene is too big, and there are meetings, it’s impossible to give them time to argue about this. It’s not okay to embarrass a professor as big as Wen Yuliang in front of so many people. An Yuan wanted to ask Wen Yuliang when the meeting was on break, but after getting off the stage, Wen Yuliang went out of the venue directly under the guidance of the conference affairs, and Su Weian found the conference affairs during the middle of the meeting, only to find out that Wen Yuliang had already rushed back to the schedule of the plane.


Gu Yunzheng looked at the anxious Su Weian, gently rubbed her head and said, "Don't worry, it's time for us to go back."


On Monday, Su Wei'an came to Zhanghe Hospital again.


Before Wen Yuliang could speak, Doctor Yang behind him also attended the meeting yesterday, recognized Su Weian, looked at her with hostility, and said in a slightly sarcastic tone: "You've been talking about it over and over again. , you don’t want compensation, do you?”


Su Wei'an was taken aback, feeling a little unbelievable: "Of course not. If it was for compensation, would I stand in front of you all like this? I just want to ask if you have reported the aneurysm situation to the Ethical Review Board?"



"No need." Wen Yuliang answered decisively, "These three patients with aneurysms, including your father, have a history of hypertension. The aneurysms occurred due to their own problems and have nothing to do with the experimental drugs, so there is no need to report them."


Su Wei'an said in amazement: "My father's blood pressure has just reached around 150/95 in the past two years, and oral antihypertensive drugs have been controlled at around 130/80. How could such a serious aneurysm develop at this level?"


Wen Yuliang said with some displeasure: "Patients' individual constitutions are different, so the situation is of course different."


After he finished speaking, the doctor at the side glanced at Su Weian coldly, and then said respectfully to Wen Yuliang: "Director, the noon meeting will start in five minutes."


Wen Yuliang nodded, bypassing Su Weian and leaving.


Su Wei'an turned around, grabbed Wen Yuliang's front again, and said resolutely: "In any case, such a serious adverse event should be reported to the ethics review committee. It is not up to you to decide whether it is caused by drugs or not. They're going to investigate, aren't they?"


Wen Yuliang was already a little impatient with her torture, and he taught her: "This medicine can relieve 30%~50% of the symptoms of most patients, and the previous basic tests have not found any serious adverse reactions. It was determined that there were no symptoms related to it, the trial was terminated, and you know how many people despaired?"


Facing Wen Yuliang's accusation, Su Wei'an did not evade and said: "Giving them false hope will make them despair. No matter what it is for, doctors cannot hide possible adverse reactions of drugs from patients, and the relationship between efficacy and side effects The choice should be the patient's right, shouldn't it?"


Wen Yuliang frowned, and looked at Su Wei'an sharply with slightly squinted eyes: "Are you teaching me a lesson?"


"I did not mean that……"


"In our trial of more than 300 people, many of whom had risk factors for years of history of hypertension, the rate of aneurysm was less than 1%, which does not explain anything at all."


Su Wei'an had never imagined that Wen Yuliang's attitude would be like this before, not only indifferent, but also determined. She thought that the worst situation was that their team hadn't had time to study the condition of the patient's aneurysm, but in fact they didn't seem to. Take it too seriously.


Yes, more than 300 subjects, such a large-scale clinical trial in such a rare disease as Huntington, is enough to show Wen Yuliang's ability and status, how many pairs of eyes are paying attention to them, and now only three have appeared Aneurysm patients, even less than 1%, do not seem to affect the overall situation, but in any case, in clinical trials, the principle of safety should be 100% of the subjects, not 99%.



Su Wei'an stared at him fiercely: "So you must wait until another patient has an aneurysm, and the incidence rate exceeds 1%, before you admit that this drug has the risk of an aneurysm?"


"There will be no more patients at all! Don't waste my time anymore, either you provide direct evidence to prove the relationship between the aneurysm and the experimental drug, or please don't waste my time!"


After Wen Yuliang finished speaking, he just looked at Su Weian condescendingly like that, his sharp eyes seemed to be mocking Su Weian for not being able to produce evidence, and he would do nothing but talk nonsense here.


He asked his daughter in Huaren Hospital yesterday what happened to the two young neurosurgery doctors, but when Wen Ran heard Su Weian's name, he sneered disdainfully: "Her? He dropped out of school two years ago." Now, what kind of doctor?"


He is not even a doctor, so he dares to come here to educate him?


You are so powerful, show us the direct evidence!


Just when Wen Yuliang felt that Su Weian was speechless, he heard her suddenly say, "What if I really found evidence?"


He looked up, only to see Su Wei'an was looking at him coldly, but he was extremely firm.


He was slightly stunned, but soon came back to his senses, and sneered: "Then I will terminate the experiment immediately and apologize in public."


"Okay, we've made a deal!"


Wen Yuliang glanced at Su Weian, only to think that she was really overreaching, like a joke. He didn't want to answer, and left with a group of people behind him.


When he returned to Huaren Hospital, Su Wei'an went directly to Gu Yunzheng.


She got straight to the point: "Before you said that you wanted me to come to the hospital as an assistant researcher to help you, does it still count?"


Gu Yunzheng was a little surprised by her sudden change of attitude, so he nodded and asked, "What's wrong?"


"Wen Yuliang asked me to produce evidence to prove the direct relationship between the aneurysm and their experimental drug. I want to go back to the laboratory and prove it to them." After a pause, Su Wei'an asked, "What is the recruitment of the hospital?" When? Should I prepare my resume first?"


But Gu Yunzheng kept her steady: "For safety, don't worry, think it over, you want to apply for a position, not just stay here temporarily."


Su Wei'an naturally understood what he meant, she sighed lightly, nodded and said, "I know."


On the way back, she thought a lot.


She was not only angry with Wen Yuliang and wanted to prove him wrong, so she returned to the laboratory, but also because of herself.


She likes laboratories, experiments, and scientific research. Even if the polluted incubator is so angry that you want to jump your feet, even if you are so angry that you want to move the computer and smash the wall because of the wrong statistics, but no matter how hard it is, it is not worth seeing the perfect data map in front of your eyes. The moment the hard-written article is saved as a pdf and "final version" is added to the title, the sense of accomplishment is incomparable.


But that was the mood she felt when she didn't know she was sick. Every time she got a small result and took a small step forward, she would feel extremely happy. Desperate problems, every small step is just a reminder that she still has 99999 steps to go.


She didn't want to let herself loathe or even hate the scientific research she used to like so much, so she would rather stay away, holding vain hope, it was better than despair.


But when she saw the attitude of Wen Yuliang, the great professor who leads the Huntington research in China, faced the research carrying so many hopes of Huntington patients with such an arrogant attitude, she lost even the illusory hope, how could she pretend I don't know anything, let such a person lead the clinical research of Huntington in China?


At this time, she would hate herself for not doing anything more than the despair of being unable to do anything.


She wants to come back.


After studying glioma for nearly ten years, Gu Yunzheng, who has never encountered Huntington's research, changed her subject so decisively and resolutely. She has never been afraid of anything, but what is she afraid of?

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She held Gu Yunzheng's hand instead, looked at him firmly and said, "I know, I want to come back and be with you."


Looking at her expression, Gu Yunzheng understood something, he raised his lips and nodded: "Okay."


She said she wanted to come back and be with him.


Even if this may lead to a dead end, at least she can face the future, at least she is no longer afraid, and, at least, they are together.


really good.


But it is not an easy job to get a job now, Gu Yunzheng explained to her carefully: "The recruitment for the hospital's graduation season has ended two months ago, and the quota for each department has been set. If you want to recruit people again, you must get the approval of the director of the department Wang Huanzhong, Director Wang, and the approval of the dean in charge of personnel, so after you prepare the materials, I will take you to see Director Wang first."


Su Wei'an agreed without thinking, "Okay."


Faced with the request made by his proud disciple, Wang Huanzhong took special care of him and made time for the interview with Su Wei'an.


After receiving the resume handed over by Su Wei'an, Wang Huanzhong just quickly scanned the awards mentioned above that Su Wei'an had won in school, and listening to Su Wei'an's self-introduction, he spoke simply and directly: "Since you You were so good at the time, why did you drop out?"


Su Wei'an took a look at Gu Yunzheng who was standing beside Wang Huanzhong, and said lightly, "My father has Huntington, and his symptoms are getting worse. When I accompanied him to the specialist clinic, I found that no matter how famous the professor is, besides telling us There is almost nothing to do except that the disease cannot be cured, and I suddenly feel a little disappointed in the profession of a doctor.”


"Then why are you coming back now?"


"My father and two other patients participated in Huntington's drug clinical trial, and both had aneurysms. However, the experimental team refused to admit that this was an adverse event caused by the drug. I wanted to find out direct evidence for them to avoid The remaining patients enrolled in the trial had similar risk events over the following year."


Wang Huanzhong put her resume back on the coffee table, pushed her glasses: "You are talking about Professor Wen's experiment in Zhanghe Hospital, right?" He said, as if he remembered something, turned his head to Gu Yunzheng and said: " I heard that at the neurology conference two days ago, you asked Professor Wen a question, which made him a little bit embarrassed? Huntington's project has not yet been applied for, and you have offended the most authoritative expert in Huntington in China. "


This incident has actually reached Director Wang's ears?


Su Wei'an looked at Gu Yunzheng with some concern, but saw that he was still indifferent, and explained calmly: "I just felt that Professor Wen was a little vague about the adverse event, so I asked a few more questions. After all, the academic conference is for everyone to exchange and discuss. Yes, I believe Professor Wen will not be offended."


Hearing this, Wang Huanzhong refused to comment, but glanced at Su Weian's resume again, and challenged Su Weian: "So you are using our department as a springboard to seek justice for your father?"



Su Wei'an hurriedly shook his head: "No, we had to bear the risk of adverse events when we signed the informed consent form for the experiment, so it doesn't involve fairness or injustice, but this matter involves the most important truth and safety in scientific research The problem, I want to prove to them that research should look like research, I want to do good research, even if my desire to develop Huntington's treatment method is a hundred times more urgent than theirs, I will not sacrifice authenticity and security."


"Good research cannot be done casually!"


"I know that even if you work hard, you may not be able to research anything, but if you don't work hard, you will definitely not be able to research anything, so..." Su Wei'an took a deep breath and said firmly, "I want to try, just in case .”


Wang Huanzhong nodded, seeming to agree with what she said, but when he spoke again, his tone did not soften because of this: "I heard that you reported Dr. He before, why do you think that after you let our department lose such a big person?" In the future, will I agree with you to work in our department?"


"Because Dr. Gu said that you are a reasonable person. Since you are reasonable, you must understand that it is not me who shamed the department, but Dr. He who robbed the fruits of my labor to please the daughter of a big professor in another hospital."


Wang Huanzhong glanced at Gu Yunzheng, seeming to blame him but couldn't bear it: "You brat!"


As he spoke, he stood up, and while Su Wei'an was nervously waiting for the result, he said, "Next time you go to another hospital's big professor, remember to bring the direct evidence you found."


Su Wei'an was startled, then realized that Wang Huanzhong agreed, and bowed happily: "Thank you!"


After passing the director's first test, Su Wei'an breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Gu Yunzheng: "The next step is to see if the courtyard can agree to give Corey this quota."


Gu Yunzheng pondered for a moment, then said: "I will take you to the dean tomorrow."


Su Wei'an was a little hesitant, and asked, "Isn't it good for us to go directly to the dean?"


Gu Yunzheng pursed his lips slightly: "It's okay." He paused for a while, "Anyway, no matter how you go to him, it won't get better..."


At first, I thought that the dean would not be happy just because I had missed the application season and caused a lot of trouble out of thin air, but it wasn't until I stood in the dean's office that Su Wei'an really understood the meaning of Gu Yunzheng's words. The dean is none other than Gu Yunzheng's father, Dean Du.


From the moment he entered the door, Su Wei'an felt that the surrounding atmosphere seemed to be frozen. Dean Du had a stern face and his brows were tightly frowned, while Gu Yunzheng was standing expressionless one meter away from his desk. He didn't even want to take a step closer. This was the first time Gu Yunzheng came to ask Dean Du for help. If it wasn't for Su Weian, he would probably never stand here like this.


Su Wei'an handed the file bag to Dean Du's desk, and introduced himself politely and politely: "Dean Du, hello, I am Su Wei'an, a 2015 graduate of the Department of Clinical Medicine of Hua Medical University, and I want to compete for employment. Here is my resume and related materials, please have a look."


Dean Du glanced at the file bag, did not move, and asked coldly, "What degree?"


How could Su Weian not understand what he meant? After a pause, he said, "Undergraduate."


Dean Du signed the last document, closed his pen, and looked up at her: "Old Wang called me and mentioned your matter. There is indeed a vacancies for neurosurgery this year, but apart from you In addition, there is a doctor who is graduating this year and wants to stay in the hospital."


Su Wei'an wanted to fight for it again: "President Du..."


Dean Du raised his hand to stop her: "You don't need to say any more, I will call you both here for an interview at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and we will know who gets in and who gets out."


Being able to have an interview opportunity is based on strength. Although Su Wei'an knew that Dean Du's original intention was to let her quit in spite of difficulties, she was grateful for such an opportunity. Since it was an interview together, even if she couldn't prove herself, At least I can be convinced.


But when he saw Du Yuncheng and Wen Ran sitting on the sofa in the dean's office, Su Wei'an thought it was unexpected, but after thinking about it carefully, it was unexpected. The doctor staying in the hospital is Wen Ran. In the last round of interviews, Wen Ran was not selected due to the reported incident, but as a doctor of the hospital, a student of the second-in-command of neurosurgery, the identity of the daughter of Professor Zhang Heda, and the experience of publishing papers during her studies, With the help of Du Yuncheng, the dean's son, she won this second chance.


Dean Du sat in the middle, and on the left and right were Du Yuncheng, Wen Ran, Gu Yunzheng, and Su Weian. Du Yuncheng was also surprised when he saw Su Weian, but he quickly calmed down when he saw Gu Yunzheng next to her. , said: "I..."


But before he could say anything, he was stopped by Dean Du: "Today is the interview for these two female students. You are only asked to watch from the sidelines, so as not to have any complaints when the result comes out."


Although these words were addressed to Du Yuncheng, they were addressed to Gu Yunzheng. After all, from the perspective of various conditions, it seemed that Su Weian was the weak one.


Gu Yunzheng was still expressionless, and he didn't say a word or be moved by Dean Du's remarks just now, but Dean Du knew he had heard it.


Dean Du then started the interview and said to Wen Ran, "Introduce yourself."


Wen Ran smiled and said: "Okay, Dean, I am a student of Hua Medical University who is a doctoral student. I am about to graduate this year with a doctorate. My supervisor is Deputy Director Zhang of Neurosurgery. My subject is glioma. I have published 3 papers so far." SCI article, the cumulative impact factor broke ten, participated in the "Science Cup" college students' extracurricular scientific and technological works competition, won the first prize, and won many English competitions, but I know that these are not the most important things for me as a doctor. I will work hard to improve myself and become a skilled surgeon.”


Su Wei'an didn't expect that Wen Ran could so calmly mention the winning work of the "Science Cup" first prize in front of her at this time. After all, it was something she snatched from Su Wei'an. An only reported her to the magazine, and the competition side didn't take care of it and didn't bother to take care of it. She thought that Wen Ran would know how to restrain herself, but unexpectedly, she really underestimated Wen Ran.


Dean Du nodded after listening, very satisfied: "It's only 8 years since you went from undergraduate to Ph. It’s because he has a high level of awareness and knows that he is a doctor, and a doctor’s job is to cure diseases and save lives. Young people have a promising future.”


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Wen Ran smiled shyly, and said, "Thank you Dean for your encouragement, I will work hard!"


Dean Du immediately turned his expression to look at Su Weian: "You should also introduce yourself."


Su Wei'an briefly said: "Su Wei'an, female, 26 years old, a student of Hua Medical University's undergraduate and doctoral studies, but applied for early graduation at the end of the undergraduate course, and participated in municipal and national medical competitions on behalf of the school during the school , won the first prize, three consecutive years of national scholarship, two years of first-class scholarship, five years of three good students, and joined the research group of neurosurgery in the sixth year, conducted animal experiments and completed an article."


Su Wei'an also finished the article?


Dean Du frowned and asked, "Has this article been published?"


Originally, he wanted to remind her of the gap between completing the article and actually publishing it. Naturally, she could not compare with Wen Ran who had published 3 articles after she finished only one article, but she did not expect to hear his question. Pulling his lips, he looked at Wen Ran who was opposite, and said, "Someone posted it for me, and it's a journal with an impact factor greater than 5. It seems that the quality of my work is good."


Wen Ran's face was a little ugly, and he said aggrievedly: "Why, you misunderstood me about that incident back then, it was Mr. He..."


Su Wei'an interrupted her: "We know what happened back then, and I don't bother to bring up the old things again, but one of the articles you posted later is also a test method for fluorescent dyeing, so I have some questions to ask." you."


Wen Ran's face froze, knowing that Su Wei'an came with bad intentions, and wanted to refuse, but he looked at Du Yuncheng beside him and Dean Du in the middle, and said nothing.


"Which company did you use for the primary antibody?"


Wen Ran's eyes dodged a little: "There are so many reagents, I can't remember..."


"Can't remember? Well, according to your article, it was written by Meica."


Wen Ran had no intention of fighting, and said perfunctorily, "That's it."


"What method do you use to reduce the false positive rate during immunofluorescence staining?"


Not long ago, when Su Wei'an was still in Central Africa, Wen Ran asked her this question via video. Now when she was asked back, Wen Ran's eyes dodged a little, and he hesitated: "Extend...extend the closed time to one hour."


"Is there any more?"


Wen Ran said perfunctorily: "I have written the specific methods in the experimental method section, there is nothing special."


Su Wei'an stared at her sharply, seeing through her long ago, and said: "The primary receptor protein antibody purchased by Dr. He Xiaoguang's laboratory was mailed to the laboratory from the United States in March 2014. This batch of antibodies from the antibody company There is a special mark on the instruction manual. It is necessary to increase the blocking time, reduce the incubation time of the primary antibody, and rinse with reagents to avoid false positives as much as possible. This batch of reagents has been improved later, so the reviewers of your article did not I noticed that according to your experimental method, the results of this experiment are completely irreproducible, since we are talking about it now, I would like to ask, should you withdraw this article yourself or should I withdraw it for you?"


Su Wei'an said it lightly and with a little playfulness, Wen Ran's complexion was already blue and purple, let alone when she bought these reagents, she didn't even know what the instructions looked like, and of course she didn't know what was written on them. What, when Su Wei'an mentioned it, she panicked a lot, and when she turned her head, she saw Du Yuncheng frowning and looking at her in shock, she waved her hands quickly, trying to explain: "Why, you may remember Wrong, the reagents...the reagents were not bought in 2014..."


Su Wei'an didn't even hesitate, and said: "The purchase of reagents is clearly recorded in the project funds. Since you think I have made a mistake, let's go check it out."


Wen Ran's face was blue with purple, and purple with black, she wanted to be angry but she didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of the dean, she tried her best to smooth things over for herself: "Maybe...maybe it's someone else from Corey, The teacher's reagent..."


Su Wei'an looked at her nonsense with cold eyes, and didn't bother to expose the receptors in her department only He Xiaoguang and Deputy Director Zhang, and under such circumstances, the antibodies of these two were never differentiated from each other, and they took turns to buy and use them together , there was no other teacher’s reagents at all, Su Wei’an spoke concisely, like a sharp arrow straight to the center: “I don’t even know whose reagents or what reagents I use, is this how you do scientific research? ?”


All the people present are smart people, not to mention that the dean is in charge in person. Dean Du's complexion is not very good at the moment. How, he will never allow any ambiguity in academic matters. He naturally knew about the retraction of He Xiaoguang and Wen Ran's papers before, but the explanation given by the two at that time was that Su Wei'an was greedy for merit, and He Xiaoguang was not considerate enough. Her name is removed, but the results of the research are all true and reliable, only because of the dispute over the author's signature. It was precisely because of this that he gave Wen Ran a second chance, but in just a few minutes, Wen Ran's prevarication was vulnerable to Su Wei'an's questioning. The state that a medical student who has been engaged in scientific research for several years should have!


Wen Ran knew something was wrong, her face was already flushed slightly, and she desperately thought of an excuse: "I..."


But Dean Du didn't have the patience to listen to her explanation anymore, he stood up from the sofa, and had already made a final decision: "I will tell Huanzhong to let him strictly check the quality of the department's papers, and any papers with problems , the author will be held accountable and will never be forgiven!"


No names were mentioned, but the meaning of the words could not be clearer.


Wen Ran's heart sank, and she couldn't help looking at Du Yuncheng for help, but Du Yuncheng's disappointment with her was not concealed.


As early as when she learned that she was going to confront Su Wei'an, Wen Ran guessed that the integrity of her previously retracted paper would be involved. With He Xiaoguang as evidence, the two parties will not have any final conclusions, but she would never have thought that Su Wei'an would catch the issue of her later article.


Wen Ran suddenly felt a little resentful. She asked Su Wei'an how to reduce the false positives in the video call before. Su Wei'an knew that there was a problem with the antibody, but he just told her to increase the blocking time. It turned out that since then , Su Wei'an is plotting against her!


Her face turned green and pale, and she tried her best not to burst out in front of the dean, but she looked at Su Wei'an with hatred already in her eyes, but she saw that Su Wei'an was bearing her resentment with an indifferent expression.


The interview was over, and Dean Du sat back at his desk, which was a signal that he could leave. In this interview, Wen Ran could be said to be humiliating himself. Even Du Yuncheng, who brought her here, felt that his face was dull. It was extremely embarrassing in front of Gu Yunzheng and Su Weian. At this moment, he didn't want to stay any longer, and just wanted to leave quickly.


However, just as Du Yuncheng was about to walk towards the door, he heard Gu Yunzheng's usually cold voice behind him, but he could still hear the rare caution in it. Gu Yunzheng asked, "So what is the result of this interview?"


If you choose one of the two, there is no need to say more about the result so far, but Gu Yunzheng knows better that his father, the dean, is definitely not someone who can be speculated by common sense, so he asked this question.


Dean Du, who was sitting at the desk, raised his head when he heard the words, and took a silent look at Gu Yunzheng. This one glance was enough to make Gu Yunzheng realize that it was unusual. He didn't back down at all, and looked directly at Dean Du, waiting for his answer. , so that he had to answer.


At this moment, Wen Ran's soft and weak voice sounded, he seemed a little timid and afraid, but he hesitated and said: "After all... After all, it is a position in a key department of a top-tier hospital. ...It sounds a little unconvincing..."


Now that the matter is over, since Wen Ran himself has no hope of staying any longer, he can't let this seat be taken by Su Wei'an so easily, can he?


What she said was exactly what Dean Du thought in his heart. Someone raised a question for the dean, and the dean could naturally use the opportunity to raise this question. Wen Ran knew exactly what Dean Du's silence meant at the moment.


Sure enough, facing Gu Yunzheng's attitude of not giving up until the final answer, Dean Du leaned back on the back of the wide seat and looked back at Gu Yunzheng: "Although I got good grades and won many awards in school, Su My classmate’s undergraduate degree is indeed flawed, and I need to think about it again.”


Gu Yunzheng said in an orderly manner: "Academic background does not represent ability, not to mention that there is no postgraduate education requirement for the position of assistant researcher in the external recruitment announcement. Since it is recruiting for the department, shouldn't the opinions of the department personnel be consulted?"


After all, they are the ones who will work together in the future. Instead of simply relying on academic qualifications and letting the dean do everything by himself, shouldn't we refer to his opinion?


Gu Yunzheng's words were polite and polite, Dean Du frowned, and said with some displeasure: "I will go to your Director Wang to discuss the details, so let's stop here today."


Having said that, there is nothing to say.


Gu Yunzheng looked back at Su Weian, with some unwillingness in his eyes, Su Weian shook his head lightly at him, it's okay, they have tried their best, if the dean and director finally feel that she is not worthy of this position because of academic qualifications, then she There is nothing to say.


Gu Yunzheng frowned. Although it wasn't the best result, it was better to win Director Wang's opinion than to be directly rejected on the grounds of academic qualifications. The applicant has his own rules, even if he is unwilling, he must respect it.


After all, he didn't argue anymore, and as Dean Du wished, he turned around and left the office quietly with Su Weian.


After leaving the office, Du Yuncheng's face was already ugly. Wen Ran took two steps to grab his arm, but he avoided him. Originally, it was because of his trust and support for his girlfriend that he would He helped Wen Ran prepare all the materials and made an appointment with his father for an interview, but he never expected that Su Wei'an would ask Wen Ran's scientific research integrity at such a time. Anyone who does research will understand how important this question is. !


Having been with Du Yuncheng for such a long time, Wen Ran naturally knew that Du Yuncheng's expression at this moment meant that he was really angry, and had been warned by the dean to thoroughly investigate the academic articles published before. If Du Yuncheng was lost because of this, it would be so terrible scary thing?

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Wen Ran stretched out his arms to Du Yuncheng again, explaining in a tone of bewilderment: "Yuncheng, I didn't, I didn't fake it, and I didn't lie to you. I'm really sure about the manuals and manufacturers that Su Wei'an said. I don't even know, I just did the experiment according to the plan given by Teacher He..."


Saying this, she seemed to remember something, and suddenly turned her head, staring at Su Weian, and said: "It must be her, it must be her, what did she do in the experimental method to get revenge on Teacher He and me?" Hands and feet!" Wen Ran was talking, and suddenly felt that this statement became more reasonable, "Yes, Yuncheng, do you still remember, I asked her in the video a few months ago what to do if the false positives were too heavy after dyeing, and she didn't know what to do. She didn't mention the antibody, she deliberately harmed me!"


Although there were only four of them in the corridor, the walls of this administrative building have ears. Wen Ran framed Su Weian like this. Gu Yunzheng frowned, his displeasure was obvious. He was about to pull Su Weian behind him to protect him, and warned Wen Ran. Be careful with your words, but just now she grabbed Su Weian, but she held her hand instead.


Just listen to Su Wei'an saying with a strong voice: "Wen Ran, I don't bother to pay attention to the logical loopholes in your words, but there is one thing I want to remind you. In the past, you asked me what I said, and you asked me what I said. Why do you help? It’s because I treat you as a friend, but since you went to He Xiaoguang to steal my experimental results, you are no longer my friend. It’s my good to help you, but I won’t help you. You deserve it!"


How many people criticized Wen Ran behind his back when he first entered university, but Su Wei'an was always the first to stop him whenever he encountered him;


Later, when the student union ran for election, Liang Yayi said that she bribed the election, and Su Wei'an blocked the gate of Liang Yayi's class to defend Wen Ran;


Later, when he joined the research group, even though Wen Ran couldn't even recognize the reagent bottle, Su Wei'an still considered her an important partner, and would put her in an important position in every report.


But the so-called friendship really means nothing to Wen Ran.


For the sake of grades, Wen Ran snatched her things;


In order to retaliate, Wen Ran almost delayed her father's treatment;


In order to clarify himself, Wen Ran blamed all the crimes on her.


Su Wei'an said the last two words very seriously, Wen Ran's eyes were already filled with tears of grievance in front of Du Yuncheng, Du Yuncheng was disturbed, and wanted to speak for Wen Ran: "There may be another misunderstanding about what happened back then... "


Even Huntington got it, Su Wei'an originally felt that there was nothing in this world that he couldn't ignore, and some words were too boring, but after two years, he came back here again, facing the still arrogant and unapologetic Wen Ran and her With Du Yuncheng, who had never been kept in the dark by her, she suddenly felt that it was okay to say those boring things.


Su Wei'an looked at Du Yuncheng, and said in an understated but serious manner, "You and Wen Ran are dating now, so it was not my turn to say anything, but after two years, things have changed, and I came back here You still help me many times, I am very grateful for this kind of friendship, and I don't want our six-year classmates to end up with such unclear resentment."


As Su Wei'an spoke, he paused for a moment, and continued to meet Du Yuncheng's puzzled eyes: "I heard it with my own ears when Wen Ran proposed to He Xiaoguang that she should be the first author. There were no rumors or misunderstandings. As for whether this experiment was done by me or whether I wrote the article, you often meet me in the library, so you should know better than anyone else.


"During that time, all I could think about was that topic. At that time, you proposed to me to date in full view. I was caught off guard, and I left directly to embarrass you in public. But at that time, I had a relationship with you. The person next to me said that if I had another chance, I might really agree. Thinking about it now, it was probably a feeling that was very close to liking you at that time, but fate, time has passed, and if you miss it, you miss it. Well, nothing to complain about.


"I didn't tell you about my relationship with Gu Yunzheng in advance because I have a lot of unspeakable secrets. I couldn't say these unspeakable secrets before, and I can't say now, but anyway, it's my fault for not taking your feelings into account. I'm sorry, but I I really appreciate your care, and I don't want my classmate of six years to become someone you resent, and I don't want you to believe Wen Ran's lies because of it."


After the words fell, Su Wei'an raised his head, and met Du Yuncheng's shocked eyes. There were too many things in this passage that stunned him, especially when Su Wei'an said that when he confessed his love to her, she almost agreed. , but at that time he deliberately went to Wen Ran to ask Su Wei'an's intentions, and he still clearly remembered Wen Ran telling him: "Wei'an said that she doesn't like you, and it's okay for you to confess to her in front of so many people." It's like putting pressure on her to say yes, and she's kind of annoyed."


He never thought about forcing Su Weian, let alone that Su Weian would tire of him. His words were like being struck by lightning in his heart, just because he heard Wen Ran say that, after that Until Su Weian dropped out of school, he had been avoiding Su Weian, and he was depressed every day, and his life was very depressed. At that time, Wen Ran always came to comfort him and accompany him, he thought she understood him, That's why we came together with Wen Ran.


But it turns out, these are not true!


It turned out that Wen Ran lied to him!


Including scientific research, he is not completely unaware that Wen Ran may be lying, but he just thinks that no matter what others think, as a friend or a boyfriend, he should trust her and support her, but this trust depends on Wen Ran. But the eyes are stupid, which can be used by her and teased by her.


Su Wei'an said, if you miss it, you miss it, and there is nothing to complain about, but why is his mood at this moment like floating in the sea and a storm passes by, the sky is dark but he desperately wants to seek a glimmer of life?


Originally, thinking about the awkward relationship between the two of them, there were some things that Su Wei'an wanted to rot in his stomach, but now he was relieved to say it out, probably relieved, Du Yuncheng was the one who helped her sincerely, and she should also treat her with sincerity. Treat each other, even if you don't become friends in the future, you shouldn't have any suspicions.


She even wanted to reach out her hand to shake his hand and bid farewell, but after struggling, she realized that Gu Yunzheng was holding her a little stronger. She turned around and saw Gu Yunzheng's face was expressionless, but his eyes were full of displeasure.


Su Wei'an's heart turned cold, why is Associate Professor Gu... angry?


Seeing that Du Yuncheng's expression changed from shock to astonishment, from astonishment to annoyance, from remorse to remorse, with a bit of hope in the remorse, Gu Yunzheng pulled Su Wei'an behind him without hesitation, and he spoke in a low voice. , Slightly cold, clearly opened the distance between the two parties: "That's the end of the old story, we still have something to do, let's go first."


After he finished speaking, he pulled Su Weian and left without looking back.


His pace was fast, and Su Weian struggled to follow him, but seeing that Gu Yunzheng was in a bad mood, she trotted all the way and obediently followed, and didn't dare to stop him to slow down.


After leaving the building and turning the corner, Xu Shi noticed that Su Weian was out of breath. Gu Yunzheng finally stopped. He turned around and didn't speak, just stared at him. He didn't dare to take a breath, held it in for a while and finally couldn't hold it anymore, curled his lips and asked, "Why are you so angry..."


Gu Yunzheng glared at her and said, "My girlfriend said in front of me that she likes someone else, should I be happy?"


Associate Professor Gu is...jealous?


Su Wei'an met Gu Yunzheng's gaze, and argued in a low voice: "I didn't say I liked others, but I meant that there might have been a little bit of it back then..."


Seeing that Gu Yunzheng's face was about to change, Su Wei'an hurriedly shook his head firmly and said, "No, no, not at all!"


After finishing speaking, she hugged Gu Yunzheng's arm and smiled flatteringly.


The next moment, Gu Yunzheng suddenly pushed her against the wall, leaned over and kissed her. He came aggressively and attacked the city, and she disarmed without any resistance. She wanted to appease him with some flattery, but she really He underestimated Gu Yunzheng so much that he almost suffocated in his arms.


Su Weian, who finally managed to get some life back, pinched him hard on the waist with some grievances, accusing him: "You bully!"


Gu Yunzheng held her in his arms, pressed his lips against her forehead and said, "Next time, dare to say that you like others and try!"


Su Wei'an rolled his eyes and said, "Be careful!"


It is rare that at this time, Gu Yunzheng can still say in a serious tone: "I am narrow-minded, so you dare to like others to try!"


Gu Yunzheng's tone was not gentle, not touching, and even a bit fiercely serious, but it was the first time Su Wei'an heard him say such words, her whole body softened, her heart was warm and itchy , she raised her head and pecked his lips twice, and said, "I only like you now."


Gu Yunzheng looked at her again and asked, "Just now?"


Su Wei'an leaned on his chest and said, "Everyone likes you now, isn't that enough?"


After she didn't promise lightly, I was afraid that this promise was too light in his heart.


Gu Yunzheng knew that the future was always a knot in her mind, so she didn't force her, so she hugged her back and counted her lucky pass. After a moment of silence, he said: "I will follow up the results of the interview, whether it is successful or not, I can't let it go." This incident became the dean's 'one word'."


Su Wei'an seemed to be relaxed and smiled, and said: "Whether the result of the interview is successful or not, since I have decided to start doing research again, I will not give up."


Gu Yunzheng reached out and rubbed her head, and said with relief, "That's good."

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