
Chapter 14.2

Contrary to the mind that was in a mess like a tempest, the room was too quiet. In the strange silence, Yaba’s hand gradually slowed down. He had to squeeze a lot of courage to even look back. The moment he looked back hesitantly, his head became cold. Cha Yiseok collapsed and did not move. Yaba bit his damp lips and fiddled with the door lock. He must have slapped his head while resisting earlier. Or maybe it was because he had taken too much drugs… ? Yaba’s heart rate became irregular. He removed his hand from the door and walked over to him. Cha Yiseok didn’t seem to be able to breathe. Gradually, his body temperature cooled. Yaba shook his shoulder with his cold fingertips.

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Cha Yiseok still didn’t move.

“… D- Does your head hurt? Open your eyes.”

Yaba’s voice trembled. His bloodless face made him feel dizzy. Yaba hugged Cha Yiseok’s head and shook it. His heart shattered as his hair trembled helplessly. At that moment, the eyelids that seemed like they would never open slowly rose. Cha Yiseok smiled, revealing his even teeth.

“Did you think I was dead?”

Yaba blinked, then pounded Cha Yiseok and shouted.

“I was really scared! I was really scared! Don’t play like this!”

“I’m not joking. I really thought my head was going to break. Touch it, it’s hot.”

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Cha Yiseok took Yaba’s hand and placed it on his forehead. His limbs trembled like a rag doll. Yaba pushed him with all his might and got up. At that moment, the man’s arm wrapped around his waist. He laid Yaba on his back and crushed him with his firm chest, breathing hard. A hoarse voice rang in his earlobe.

“Don’t go.”

His words stopped Yaba’s struggles like a spell. The irregular breathing gradually subsided. Dark hair ran down Cha Yiseok’s eyebrows. He had a different appearance than when he passed everything like a knife. Cha Yiseok furrowed one of his eyes. Yaba rolled his eyes around anxiously and bit his chapped lips.

“… Does it hurt a lot?”

“Yes. It hurts. I don’t even know how to describe it.”

Cha Yiseok laid at an angle with his hands on his head. The cat lying underneath had a red-eyed and frightened look. He quenched his desire to push him further and bring it out more. Remnants of a brittle headache a moment ago chewed on his temples. He gently pressed his finger to Yaba’s lips.

“Try singing.”

Yaba’s body temperature rose at the deep gaze that was staring at him. He didn’t mention the terrible sight1 from a while ago. Perhaps he has already erased it from his mind. Giha, who was probably being released from the police station at this moment, might be aware of Yaba’s escape and placing a finger on the remote control. There was never a moment when the right to decide his life was his. That was why every minute and every second with Cha Yiseok was desperate.

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He wanted to relieve his headache. He wanted to pour rain on his destitute eyes. He was disgusted by the title of ‘healer’ alone. But there was one time when he felt envious of that ability. Yaba licked his lips and let out some lyrics. Time that will never come again, a lullaby he wanted him to hear…

Good night… my baby

My cute baby

The beautiful roses…

The other person narrowed his eyes as if it was a completely unexpected song. Yaba’s singing stopped. He wiped Yaba’s closed lips with a languid fingertip. Dark, cold eyes pierced.

“Go on.”

Yaba hesitated and continued with Brahms’ lullaby.

Good night my baby… My cute baby

The beautiful roses… surround you

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Good night my baby… Rest in peace all night

Until the morning comes outside the window

From a close distance, Cha Yiseok looked deeply into his singing lips. Remnants of desire flickered in the clearly fixed eyes. It made Yaba keep forgetting the lyrics. The man leaned over and dropped his head, making Yaba’s shoulders shrink and his voice waver. Contrary to expectations, he put his ear close to the corner of Yaba’s mouth. His neck muscles and collarbones stole his gaze through the open shirt. His thigh was firmly pressed against the other’s. He looked down with a damp gaze, put his ear close to his lips and let out a muffled groan. Yaba sung the melody in his ear again.

Good night my baby… my cute baby

The angel in your dreams tonight protect you

The damp sound of a muffled voice rose over Cha Yiseok’s earlobes and hair. Cha Yiseok closed his eyes and surrendered himself to the melody like water. The angrogynous tone was more empty and mysterious than anything else. The thin whispering voice made even the sound of breathing concentrated. It reached the skin, intestines, bones, cells, and blood vessels to the heart, allowing it to flow down like a liquid.

Cha Yiseok looked at Yaba again. The silhouette that falls from the earlobes and the nape of the neck to the shoulder was enchanting like a melody. The pale pupil changed color depending on the angle of light. He touched the boy’s lips as he caught his gaze at the mysterious color. He gazed over the tongue that was rolling the lyrics. He wanted to suck the lips like he was biting and ruin the fine lines. He rubbed his center of gravity close to Yaba’s thighs enough that it didn’t interfere with his singing. The boy’s heart against his chest gradually accelerated. As if feeling a mother’s fetal movement, Cha Yiseok moved closer to the sound. A pathetic and mournful melody wrapped around him.

Good night my baby… peace all night long

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Sleep well with sweet dreams of paradise

Hmmm~ Ah~ Ah~~

A hazy hum followed. Any song that existed in the world turned into a gloomy requiem through Yaba’s lips. It seduced one unconsciously like a gray cello from a distant place. The sound that tightened the pit of the stomach was slow and damp as if swimming in water. As if wrapped in his mother’s womb, he surrendered his consciousness to the watery touch. Like a death-like sleep that slowly settled down in the cold, like a siren’s requiem that paralyzed all senses, it was a purgatory on the border between hell and heaven.

Ah… Ah… Ah…

The humming gradually faded. Perhaps he was drunk or tired, Cha Yiseok fell asleep lying on his stomach on Yaba. His arms were tied around his waist, making it difficult to breathe. His weight on him and his shoulders were sore. However, he did not want to disturb him this time. The sound of steady breathing spread across Yaba’s cheeks and seeped into his shirt. He had clean and healthy skin that it was hard to believe that he was a drug lord soaked in pleasure every day. The eyes hidden inside were lax, but they could turn into a lethal weapon that could kill someone.

Yaba slowly raised his hand. The tip of his hair, neat eyebrows, and a nose that stretched without curves… He groped with his breathless hand so much that he couldn’t even tell if he had touched it or not. Then he reached his moderately thick, glossy lips. Earlier, these lips touched Yaba’s skin, held his genitals, and the tongue inside… His head was pounding like a heart.

The sound of his deep breathing touched his hair and the back of his nose. Yaba slowly lifted his head and brought his lips to the other’s. He hesitated again for a while when there was only a short distance, then closed his eyes tightly. Two pieces of lips overlapped. The soft flesh slightly opened the gap with the force of pressure. But he couldn’t get into it. Yaba withdrew his lips like a thief.

The morning was fast approaching. Even if it’s fake kindness, even if the cruel morning came when his memories are erased, he would still love him today. His own penalty was 640. Maybe more. If you score 1000, you are out. He thought to himself, he will come to see him on the day he reaches 999.

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