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"You're not dead!? You bitch! You should drop dead!" Yan Ji vehemently spouted. Her eyes were bloodshot "You should die!" she cursed but in her heart a surging wave of fear slowly taking over, this look and appearance were very familiar to her. How did she become like this!

No! No! No! that woman is dead! That bitch was already killed, I won't be hunted by her ghost!? I damaged her daughter's meridians and soul spirit she can't cultivate anymore!

Yan Ji regained her confidence and mockingly look at Yan Rou "You're like a pest! You should drop dead! Hmpf! Did the devil even disgusted by your sight they won't even take you?" She sneered. "Oh right my dear sister can't even cultivate so how can the Gods took pity on trash!? Hahahaha" She laughed maniacally, her scornful eyes were evident as she stared at Yan Rou.

Yan Rou looks empty, the other spectator looks at Yan Rou devoid from emptiness "I really died." She said flatly.

"and I should thank you little sister" for killing your sister I can live with this body. Yan Rou smiled filled with sincerity, the others were stumped for words "You did a great job." Her words were filled with sincerity but her eyes didn't look sincere as she stared at Yan Ji coldly.

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Yan Ji gritted her teeth, her eyes look at the familiar yet not, her sister is a downright fool, she should be crying asking of many reasons but this person in front of her only felt gratitude not only that her hair color change, but her eyes were also ruby red like that person. This half-sister of her now is incredibly dangerous, Yan Ji also felt her entire soul shiver she didn't know the reason why but it was coming from her spiritual soul, her body quiver when her sister release her soul energy

"Did you also feel it?" Yan Rou eyes were mocking "Did that person told you once an awaken person release powerful soul energy to the weak ones they turn into an idiot" Yan Rou teased, she didn't mention the name of her father but Yan Ji complexion paled

"Do you still remembered those words before I jumped at the cliff dead sister?" She raises up and walks towards Yan Ji. Her aura was glistening with danger-

She repeats the words at her as she releases her silver power slowly

"Yan Ji don't be too happy for all I know there's a day for your retribution! You devil with a malicious mind will face miserable death! I, Yan Rou realized my weakness and helplessness but remember there's a day that I, Yan Rou will hunt you and that hypocrite father and mother of yours! You will all realize its better be dead than living! "

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Yan Ji once heard her cursed felt fear, she almost losing her mind "Stop! Stop! I'm the rightful heir of the throne! You and that bitch should just quietly die! You vengeful spawn, like your mother she can't leave her ghost even to you! You didn't know right? You're a bastard child! You're not even father's child but with your mother's talent grandfather took liken to that bitch even married her with a bastard like you!" Yan Ji eyes were full of madness even her saliva was spewing while talking-

"Who would have thought that bitch would take her life because my mother became favored! Huh! Even though your mother is talented she's so stupid like you! She killed herself when she caught my mother and father! So you should just die and follow that bitch in hell!" Yan Ji looks could burn but unfortunately to Yan Rou who was using a spell to know her hatred towards her was calm and collected.

Yan Rou shocked through the revelation this body must have a secret, it looks like I really have to go back.

While Yan Rou remained silent, others misunderstand her quiet respond and began mocking her, but Yan Rou who seems unaware still unresponsive.

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"Heh! The so-called First Princess is a bastard and while her sister's family home of devils! Even though I won't make it alive hearing this word soothe me! A great revelation, the 1st Empress didn't die from giving birth, but was killed by her husband! Pah! You devil only deserve this! We deserve this!" Servant Lee also became mad before he serves Yan Ji he was the late empress attendant, but when she died his job switch to babysit the second lady and become loyal but who would have thought….

"Hahahaha! I, Lee was blind I didn't recognize the truth before my eyes in exchange for these sins my only daughter died! Hahaha! The heavens won't even tolerate it! " Servant Lee was the edge of his sanity his eyes stared at Yan Ji vehemently and mouthed "I'll see you in hell." He turned his eyes to Yan Rou, his eyes were wearing an apology look then he detonates himself.

The shadow guard took action and protected Yan Rou while the other was unfortunate to join servant lee in hell. The other high cultivator barely survives and Yan Ji was also safe because she was beside Yan Rou.

Meanwhile, Yan Ji left in trance her mind become clearer and she looks at Yan Rou fearfully "Y-You what did you do?" Her voice becomes shaky, she felt her own mind was not on the right state she felt someone controlled her earlier, when she sober up she knew that the person in front of her is not the same idiot she was before.

Yan Rou who also remain silent regained her composure, she looks straight in Yan Ji eyes and smirked "I'm in the 9th Qi Condensation and a silver soul holder"

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The words were like thunder roaring in everyone's mind, Yan Ji took the most impact and felt lost. She murmured impossible and laughed lightly.

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Chen Tian who remained silent the entire time felt regret. He was a prince of Wind country but ended up a turtle hiding in the shell, he remained silent afraid of getting Yan Rou's attention. He deeply regrets leaving her, If only he knew the rumors could be true, he would marry her right away and become the world's envy man. He could hold the world with a wife like her by his side.

But now, He looked at Yan Rou who's attention remain in Yan Ji the entire time, she didn't even notice her or intentionally ignoring him.

He wanted her to be back but with his state now and the previous tragic scene he encountered the girl who deeply devoted to him could be gone. The scene where the man held her made him turn comical, with a man like that how could a mere prince could hold her?

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