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The faces of the elder turn pale, a lady who isn't half of their age dare to humiliate them, they glared at her, wanting to eat her.

The one with menacing aura bites back "Just because you have a backer you want to humiliate us!? Girl, come here I'll teach you how to respect elders, Even that emperor respected me and you a parentless child bastard what to humiliate this old man!" said Shen Dong, icily. He attacks Yan Rou with his deadly Qi but An Feng block the attack like it was nothing. He stared Icily at the Old Man

"You dared to attack the Young Miss you got guts! But do you know the consequences?" An Feng release a torrential Sword Qi as Shen Dong enveloped by the feracious Sword Qi, he painfully wailed as his voice grew weaker and went silent.

An Feng release his Sword Qi and Shen Qing corpse lying in the ground full of ugly sword marks. His blood died the floor red. The other old men who dissing Yan Rou went silent, they feared An Feng and his sword Qi, it reminded them of the Mist monster who captured them. An Feng aura was filled with murderous intent directing to them.

Yan Rou watched the corpse beneath her. Inside she was shocked, she never though An Feng was this powerful. She realized that she was way too weak without the help of that master she wouldn't gain her revenge and her plans. She has to get stronger much stronger so she won't rely on others. Even, though Xuan Zi helps her she knew it was because of her soul, she has the power that others want to gain.

She decided to partner with him in exchange for her protection and Xuan Zi fulfill his promise but not all times Xuan Zi will protect her. If she wants to travel freely in this world she would have to adapt their laws- were weak wants have to submit while the strong one's rule.

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Yan Rou realized when Shen Dong attacked her she was a weak ant, killing her would be too easy.


'Mistress!' Ryze felt her lady's worry, he knew her lady is too weak and that was a fact that pasted on her face. But Ryze knew her lady is a genius, she desired a will as strong as steel and only walking on the path she carefully chooses will grant her that power but for now….

'Mistress, in the world of cultivation everyone starts at the bottom. Challenges, Determination, Willpower, and hard work are the basic traits you had to have but the most important thing Mistress' Ryze smiled mysteriously

'Lucky chances and encounters, what you have now is the Pandemonium palace! With my help, you can rise at the top' Ryze said confidently as he shows his determination to her 'Mistress with me here, you won't have to worry in cultivation all you have to do is to show me how much you desire to get stronger!'

Said Ryze his voice was dreadful and looked serious. 'I'm waiting for your decision mistress'

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Ryze slowly said as his voice faded in the dark.


"Yan Ji" Yan Rou called "I'm going back but I have my conditions first you have to drink this and second after you drink this I'll tell you" She handed a red bottle, Yan Ji notice it was different from the others. She was scared

"You w-want to kill me!" Yan Ji eyes were full of hatred

Yan Rou's brow arched "Are you stupid? If I want to kill you, I'll be easy beside I'm giving you conditions." She calmly said

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Yan Ji remained silent not wanting to drink nor speak but Yan Rou spoke in a grave tone

"The night is still young, but I'm a very impatient lady, my sister," Yan Rou said icily.

Yan Ji quiver she felt the downright fool finally woken up and to her surprise, this sister of her look exactly like that person, ruthless and resolute.

Yan Ji gritted her teeth she was very scared and knowing her life was on a thread she took the bullet but her eyes were filled with unwillingness

"Fine, I'll help you go back and drink that potion!" She was wishing that this sister of hers will let her-

"Do you think I'm a 3-year-old toddler? Do you think I would take a pity into account for those years? Yan Ji the moment you push in the corner, you already lost your sister, and did you know having you live for a year is me showing you so much mercy you hope to cry and thank me" her words made her shudder the previous event made her want to vomit

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"You will have you——"

"Stop it with the heaven's law, I only believe with what you reap is what you have sown and you are too stupid and delusional, you think every human you encounter will bow down at your will? Do you think just because of a measly indigo soul will turn you into a phoenix? Yan Ji, you make me laugh" Yan Rou scornfully stated. Her words stumped her dignity, she hatefully glared at her but no words come through her.

"Let her drink this" Yan Rou tossed the red potion to the shadow guard as he complied to her orders,
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Yan Ji retaliated but she was punch made her cry in pain then the potion shove at her open mouth. She screamed in pain the acidic and bitter taste burn her throat she really regrets waking she shouldn't wake.

"Y-you what you made me drink?" Her voice was trace with fears

Yan Roun watched her and smirked "Its a potion that man gave me, I think that potion is a slow reacting type - the moment it invades your system your health will start to fail but you know what the most fascinating about it, the DouQi in your body" Yan Ro smiled evilly her ruby eyes were shining with maliciousness she look like a vengeful yet beautiful

"You! What happened to my body tell me!" Yan Ji felt a bug sucking her Dou Qi essence and her cultivation keeps declining.

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