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At the dark bottom of the cliff a girl is lying unconscious thus looking at her state in dark abyss you can see her broken body. The girl's is Yan Rou who jumped at the cliff suddenly open her eyes slowly and scanning her eyes but avail to see because of the invading darkness.

"Tss never thought that this body is still alive" she sneered checking her body and went stiff. '4 ribs are broken, both arms are immobile nearly crippled, ankle have a serious sprain' and it also feels that her abdomen slowly intensifying a pain, she looked at her abdomen and cough up blood. 'goodness I was stab with a wood! A seriously broken half dead body, you kidding me?'

Yan Rou frowned feeling unlucky with the previous owner. Not knowing what to do with a battered body Yan Rou slowly close her eyes and enter in a state of consciousness. She slowly walk at the slowly fading soul.

"Your body is seriously damage and I can't find a helper *sigh* your situation is killing me. Having a tacit agreement with you feels like a mistake." Yan Rou sighed feeling grief at the slowly fading owner. Remembering her words Yan Rou can't help but to smile. The previous owner really got that bad and she also made a promise that she will avenged her.

The soul still at her body and you can feel the soul's grievances and deep hatred, slowly fading Yan Rou shake her head when she hear the soul speak weakly "You and I have the same face but different persona. You are me but also not me I'm thankful you reincarnated and I'm sorr…."

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The soul turn to dust and Yan Rou bowed her head at the empty space. She slowly rise noticing a vicious glint through her eyes. 'now that these body is mine I'll be living as you. Those who bully you from the past, shame you and killed you will be destroyed by these hands. I'll let them see that the Yan Rou they contempt will rise from the dead and avenged your soul. So you don't have to worry and rest for eternity.'

Yan Rou smiled did not raised to her eyes "It's funny to think that you are me but I beg to disagree" she sneered but also laugh at herself "we have many commons similarities but I, Yan Rou am not stupid and coward. Those who provoked me will suffer hell but those who treat me well will see heaven! We are two sides of the same coin. We have the same body, but we don't share the same principle! So you can rest assured that those bastard will have a living nightmare" Yan Rou's gaze ignite with glimmered sparks. Seeing her resolve and arrogance the empty space sparks a tiny life. It also means that the previous owner doubts are gone and freely gone far away from this world.

Not wanting to wake up Yan Rou fell asleep at the cold floor.


Yan Rou opened her eyes when she saw a different environment. She scanned her eyes she's in unfamiliar room, the Interior was elegant yet simple but you can feel the majestic aura in it.

Surely, Yan Rou thought she's in heaven and God pitied her then saved her at the horrendous hell. She laughed at the thought kind a sneering with her fate and sighed. She looked at her body covering with green herbs.

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'maybe someone--'

"You're awake" A man with a masked popped out at the door holding a basin. She placed the towel at Yan Rou's head. The young man noticed the calm and indifferent attitude the lady showing in front of her

"You have a very high fever and also---"

"I know" Yan Rou cut off making the man lip's twitched. "Thank you for saving me, sir" Yan Rou knew that she was saved by the man and with her powerless status and disabled body she could only thank him.

"You know how to be appreciative and also know your situation" he said with a laugh. "You're still at the cliff. I was wondering around gathering herbs and hunt for food when I saw you unconscious. Your body is nearly giving up, so I must take you home and to take off your clothes to put medicine herbs on your body. Forgive me for touching your body" the man said not a slight hint of shame but amusing look.

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Yan Rou was startled and looked at the man smiling face. "It's fine" she knew that these body is not developed touching everywhere is like seeing a baby patient.

"Oh really" the man glimmered. Yan Rou check out the man and almost mesmerized. He wasn't a male model, but he should have been. His hair was Achilles-gold and coiffed to perfection. His eyes had the same startling clarity as a mountain stream and the lineaments of his face were in perfect proportion to each other. His only blemish was that he was beetle-browed and they sometimes knitted in frustration.

The aquiline nose he sported complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders spoke of strength. He possessed a latent, leonine power and always walked with purpose and authority. But his best feature was his entrancing, wayfarer-blue eyes. At other times, they could resemble two liquid-blue pools of flashing fire.

Adding the touch of those exquisite carving masked, the room always filled with his husky, rumbling voice. His voice could be foghorn loud when he was booming out a guffaw, but it was normally mellifluous. His rakish clothes were a source of amusement to some, not least because they emanated an herbal smell.

Yan Rou eyes were full of wonders. If he were live in earth with his looks and features can make a gold living and sky rocketed popularity. He has the best human body physique and when one look one can't take off your eyes off.

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A real human walking hormone.

The young man noticed the fervent look at the girl's eyes, he couldn't help to tease her "Honey, are you done checking this young one? If you're not done I can accompany you till night until you're fully satisfied" the young man spoke in languid tone but can feel a little husky voice.

Yan Rou immediately snap back and blush. Not knowing what to do she covered her self with a cloth "I'm a bit tired sir! I want to take a rest" Yan Rou stuttered a little before scolding her action in mind.

The young man chuckled finding the little lad very cute "Okay you may rest. If you need help just call someone and my servants will notify me immediately" not waiting for the reply the young man walk out.

Yan Rou slowly closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

She didn't notice the heaven and earth energy was moving towards her dantian.

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