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"Which means you are the heir of the Sacred Demoness Monarch Master!" Ryze turned serious

"Master, this is what you called fate. The moment the Palace chose you as its owner you can't turned it back."

"Master this collar represent our symbol as master and servant you can design this whatever you want" With a thought Yan Rou changed the chain collar as a bangle in his wrist. Seeing Ryze reaction she smiled. "Cough! I can't disobeyed my contractor or else the palace my severely punished me so Master rest assured I won't betray you" Yan Rou eye's glow

"And master I have something very important to remind you, as you can see you sat on this throne, right?" Yan Rou nodded "I'm not the only confidant who will serve you. You remembered that Black Door when you entered, that Black Door contains of An Army of Demon Generals, they are very strong and if you forcibly open it not only they won't listened to you but also they will kill you and make you their food" Ryze seriousness made Yan Rou slightly alert

"That Demon Generals, How many are them?" Yan Rou become excited if she can control it then her future will flourish!

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"There are seven demon generals consist in your army, Master" Ryze smile deepens "But the strongest one escaped and he is the main commander of them" Yan Rou heart thumped she immediately felt a bad premonition

"That escape demon you talking to, where is he?" Yan Rou calm herself but Ryze smile mysteriously. Ryze walk infront of Yan Rou, her body tense when Ryze powerful Aura gushed out

"That escape demon is standing in-front of you Master. I'm the leader of the seven deadly sin. The Legendary Demon Phoenix Sin of Wrath Ryze" Ryze eye turned into an emerald green, when you take a closer look you can the symbol of wrath inside his Emerald Pupil

Yan Rou's eye slightly shook but that didn't escaped in Ryze detection, he though that she was scared but in reality Yan Rou became even more excited

Ryze was planning to test her new master will but he shook when Yan Rou smiled was like a blooming lotus "Great! You definitely have a purpose! I can't imagine I'm handling the demon commander of my future army" That smile contain a bloodthirsty aura. Her laughed made her even more alluring and danngerous

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Ryze body quiver with excitement this was his master! her future Monarch Demoness!

With a thought he immediately summon an ancient book, The bloody book contain a malicious aura sweep around the palace.

"Master hurry drip some blood on the book" Ryze said handling the book to Yan Rou and place her blood. Her Blood swallowed by the book and the book turned into a speck of the light and run to her brains.

"ugh!" Yan Rou gritted her teeth a blood line formed on her lips. Her head feels like something smashing and destroying her being.

Ryze watching in the sideline was full of concerned he regretted giving the book to her early. He never expect that her Master will feel horrendous pain. The summon his life fire and place it between her master's eyebrow.

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Yan Rou feel a warm energy flow into her brains and the extreme torturous pain lessen. She circulated the information and the fragment given in the book. The Moment the information inside her head accumulated her body shook

She can't believe her servant will her this book when she can't even have a dou qi essense inside her body! Is she trying to kill her? when she open her eyes she saw the little thing face a pale as if all her blood was gone, he looks struggling and suddenly the little thing coughed mouthful of blood

Yan Rou grab Ryze and see his weaken state, "Master forgive this servant, I was too excited to give you that book, I forget you didn't have even a tiny amount of dou qi essence in your body."

Ryze pulled his sleeve and drink the black pill, his face that was pale as paper turn glower but the weaken state was still there

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Yan Rou was full of concerned she set aside her fury and looking sorry in Ryze. "Don't worry master give me 1 month to recuperate my life energy" Ryze said weakly. He flicked his finger and the place changed into a massive library

"While. I'm away you can cultivate in these place. The Heaven and Earth Qi is very strong in here but Master let me give you a warning, you can't go to the 2nd floor because the cultivation energy in there in not for your level for now. Cultivate diligently" Ryze turned to a black speck of light and dissappear.

Yan Rou looked around and sighed. That little demon is too calculating! He might even plan his injury! "Pesky little one I'm your master but your too naughty!" Yan Rou shout loudly and a giggled voice sounded in the library. She knows Ryze was really injured but that cunning look in eyes while apologizing didn't escape her eyes

Yan Rou shake her head and looked around the magnificent library. She can feel the strong energy bursting inside. She feel elated and cultivate the book given to her. She circulated her energy inside her dantian but not only she formed it the silver light belongs to her soul formed a strong suction forced inside her body.

The energy she's gathering was three times faster than any ordinary practitioner. Moreover, the book she's cultivating was special while she's gathering the energy outside, the silver mental energy soul helping her cultivate both mental energy and spiritual energy. Ryze didn't know the words contain in the book and she knows only the heir of Palace of Pandemonium and have the requirement of Silver Colored Soul can read the fragment of the book.

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