「Recruiting Rio to protect the capital? What kind of joke is this?」

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Reyfaras chuckled sarcastically.

Everyone on the table smiled wryly hearing him.

Incidentally, they also took the opportunity to introduce Avart to Cryhart and Arami, also about him being the previous demon lord. The bear was cooked and lined up neatly across the dining table, which was crammed by 7 people.

The topic of their previous discussion was on recruiting contract workers to help maintaining security around the capital, which then derailed to the matter of “recruiting Rio” for the job as well.

Which Reyfaras scoffed at immediately.
Which ended the discussion regarding “recruiting Rio” altogether.

Meanwhile, the person they were talking about was indulging herself with her own plate, further proving that she had the same opinion as Reyfaras.

For the rest of them, it was enough answer from her. Since there was no point in deepening this matter any further, they decided to move on to another different topic.

「Now come to think of it, I wonder why did the demon come to the capital… I think I saw him retreat almost immediately, so I guess he shouldn’t have any intent to attack, right?」

「Rather than attacking, I think the demon was looking for something」

Reyfaras answered Rio with what he had gathered using his 『Farsight』.

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「But… looking for what?」


No one could answer her question.

They had almost no information regarding the demons.

In this country, most people didn’t regard demons as anything more than a threat to their peaceful lives.

So naturally, all eyes fell onto Av, who was the only demonkin in the room.

「Honestly, whatever that guy was looking for, even I had no answer for it… I can do a little research, of course, but I can’t be around during those times……
Ah well, it should be fine」

He met Rio’s eyes, then deciding that it wasn’t particularly such a bad idea. He let out a short laugh before leaving the table satisfied. The others swallowed their unanswered question and moved on to the next topic of discussion.

「The most important problem is; the fact that a demon came all the way to the royal capital without any difficulty whatsoever」

「Oh yeees~, it sure is… Really makes you wonder what are those guys at the frontlines are doing, isn’t it? Hey, what about you, Mister Frontline Captain Sir?」

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「The hell do you want, Emyurill? You’re questioning my corps, HAA!?」

「Oh my, I didn’t say anything like that. Surely, I was just wondering what they are doing over there. There’s a fight coming soon, after all~」

「Shut the hell up! Most people wouldn’t even imagine that they will attack us from the sky in the first place. Even if we noticed him first, there’s nothing we can do about it. Besides, the problem lies in the fact that we didn’t even see him flying above us!」

「I agree with Cryhart-sama as well, Emryurill-sama. I cannot think of any problem besides that the demon managed to came right into the heart of the capital without finding any obstacles whatsoever」

「I know, I know… Arami-san. Please don’t take my light jab so seriously…」

Emyurill could only gave a bitter smile towards Arami, who seriously corrected her on the topic.

「Anyway, what the hell just happened here? Demons making use of monsters to travel across the country is unheard of!」

「Emyu-san, just because it hasn’t happened, doesn’t mean that it won’t happen. What happened today is the proof」(Tonic)

「 But I can’t shake my mind off it. Why didn’t they do that before now? Besides, how did they even order monsters around so easily? We know that Rio-chan feed monsters with sweets to win their hearts over, but to command a monster to do a specific order is another matter altogether……」

Looking at the others desperately racking their brains out, Rio slowly raised her hand.

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「Ehー Umm… How should I put this… About asking favors from monsters, maybe… maybe I… probably know something or two?」

All eyes were on her.

There was Lapis sleeping on the floor nearby.
Nigi was grooming its feathers by the window.
The only similar thing between both of them was…

「Did you mean… by naming them?」

「Un, yes. If you name a monster and if the monster responds, the namer can be said have completely tamed the said monster」

Tonic repeated what Rio had heard from Avart to the others.

「……So that’s how it goes」

Cryhart grumbled as he laid his head flat on the table.

「So they tamed monsters, I see… Demons and monsters have that kind of relationship…… Knowing a new thing about them certainly feels reassuring especially now. So what are we going to do about it?」

「Even if you ask what are we going to do with it, we basically have no hands to play here. Where are we going to find a monster that is willing to form an emotional bond with someone?」

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「Not to mention that we have no time for that as well. We are going to depart in a week after all」

No one in the room could make a respond to that, not to mention that Cryhart still said it while lying his head flat on the table.

A week is too short to do anything anyway.

「For now, we have no choice but to advice the king to strengthen the security around the capital. Even though I think his lordship would do that without us telling him to. That being said… Cryhart-sama, please don’t skip on tomorrow’s meeting」


Cryhart finally raised his face from the table to make a retort.

「Also, besides that, why didn’t the demons use the tamed monsters before… Ah well, we’re both fighting the demons and monsters alike, so we didn’t exactly dispatch anyone to check out the reason behind the invasion. But if they can attack from the sky, they can quickly flatten the royal capital in one go. Why did they even bother slowly invade us from land?」

Everyone went silent once more after hearing Cryhart’s question. The only audible sound was the *pon* clattering noise from a plate of assorted fruits that Emyurill just placed on the table.

「Gah! Stop asking difficult questions! No matter how much you think about it, we can’t know what we don’t know to begin with. We have no choice but to trust Av to procure us some information. After all, he’s the only one knows about demons among us」

No one denied that it was the only plausible thing to do at the current situation, so for now, they decided to reach out for the plump and delicious fruits and eat heartily.

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