Hell’s Cinema

Chapter 12

Ye Jiang wanted to make use of this chance when the bus was empty to search for the unclean thing. He used the cellphone as the flashlight and explored every corner in the bus. As the time went by, his tickets would decrease more and more until it run out. For Ye Jiang, his did not have much time to consider. No more choices!

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You Lin reached the bus too.

–         Why? Where are they?

You Lin continued showing her natural acting skill.

–         Du Yan, and all the elders in the bus, where did they go?

–         The beggar had told the truth!

Ye Jiang painfully said. Although this detail was acknowledged by everyone, but he still needed to act. If he did not act and carelessly touched to main point of the script, the NG would be made. When he was in the wood cabin with his head cut off, he had understood all these rules. The hell cinema only allowed him to act in the movie when he knew all the rules and agreed to join, in otherwise the scene in wood cabin would continue endlessly. This thing was made to avoid the fresh men making the NG when they acted for the first time.

– You are finding the thing called “miasma”, right?

– Yes! Before, I had ear dropped the conversation between Hao Sheng and Xue Yan. They mentioned something called “unclean thing”. These things must have some connection.

– The unclean thing?

You Lin pretended to be surprised.

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– That beggar said there was miasma in this bus, which was caused by the unclean thing. It should not be wrong, this bus definitely hided the dangerous misfortune. Maybe there was a cursed item and we must find it. Even if we run away from here, it would be wasting time!

Ye Jiang tried to get rid of his emotions, he knew crying would not help. If he wanted to live, he must reveal the problem before his tickets run out! The bus was not big, he quickly searched all the bus but he could not find anything.

– Hey, wait a minute?

After searching for a while, Ye Jiang noticed a weird thing. All the windows were closed, why?

– Xia Yun!

He turned back at once when he heard You Lin called. Then his eyes became wide opened. What? This …? The bus door was closed. But when?

Suddenly …

A sound gave him goose bumps. That sound started from above his head! It sounded like someone stepping on the roof.

There was people walked on the bus roof!

It could not be! Was it real?

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The sound started from a far and came closer. Inside Ye Jiang and You Lin minds.

Ye Jiang took You Lin hand in hurry. In the danger, he was a man, he must protect the woman. He looked at the windows on both side and hesitated to break out. Would he be killed by the devil if he broke out?

Then the sound stopped. Right above their head was where the footstep stopped!

Ye Jiang immediately ran to another position. By his instinct, he hugged You Lin tightly. However, they were just acquaintance, he did not even know her real name, he could not let her stay alone! He wanted to open the door and windows but they were locked. Breaking the glass would be too long and they may get injured. But he could only use all his might to break out and escaped.

All of sudden. There was a sound like something was rolling on the roof. He looked out of the window, a body covered in blood fell down from the roof! And it was no stranger, that was the tour guide!

The corpse of the tour guide lied on the ground, the face covered in red blood, even the clothes dyed in red, she must be dead. You Lin covered her mouth by hand and closed her eyes.

Then the footsteps continued above their head, went to the rear and vanished.  One more dead people!

Ye Jiang let You Lin sit inside the bus. He felt himself so useless! In this situation, all information was lack, he could do nothing!

– Xia Yun.

Finally, You Lin could breathe normally and said:

– Could we survive?

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This dialog was what she wanted to say for real.

– We must survive!

Ye Jiang did not want to surrender this time.

– We just went sightseeing, why should we die here! I must find the answer!

Have the evil left yet? They did not know. But it seemed not want to kill them. This incident made Ye Jiang felt more confident. He has reached nearer to the origin. There would be method to live … definitely!

In the meanwhile, Hao Sheng, Xue Yan, Nian Zhou and four more people formed a group searching for Liu An. Nian Zhou had sorrow but could not express. He thought about returning to the bus, the idea about going down the mountain was impossible anyway. But he must follow the plot, the group could not go straight down the mountain without searching for Liu An, it would be illogic. NG would be made easily.

Nian Zhou had real name Zhou Ding Jun, a fishery merchant. On that day, he delivered a goods shipment to a restaurant in the city. When he unloaded the goods, he saw a flyer inside the storage. He picked it up, it was an advertisement for a new horror movie “The terror bus”. At first, he thought this was a coming soon movie which he had never heard before. Suddenly, his name appeared in the actor list. And everything dyed in darkness.

When he could open his eyes, he was just a living head hang by an iron hook. Then he saw his headless body lied aside, next to it was another head. That head seemed very ferocious, same as the devil in many movies! But his body unexpectedly stood up and picked that head up, then put it on! That devil head controlled his body walking toward his head!  In that process, all data about hell cinema was transferred into his mind. Unless he agrees to follow the rules and act, he will never escape that terror, his head would be hooked up forever and he has to watch the evil head controlled his body!

And he was here. But his mental was a lot weaker than Ye Jiang. He admired Ye Jiang very much as Ye Jiang could calm down so quick, and he decided to leave the bus with Ye Jiang. But he never thought that even he left the bus, he still could die. Now he only could follow the script and continue acting. Until the end of second scene, Nian Zhou would be safe but Ding Jun could not be assured. Liu An had become the scapegoat for Du Yan, then who would be the replacement for Xia Yun? Who could say it would not be me?

On the way, he relied on the two protagonist, Hao Sheng and Xue Yan, hoped that he could be protected. He did not even look at other four support characters. The end of second scene was coming near. At the dawn, the third would start, and Nian Zhou …, no, Dinh Jun’s death would not be far. He was still young, came alone to Shen Juan for fishery business. He had managed to persuade some bosses to become the main fish-supplier for their restaurants. His life just began to be more comfortable, how could he bear to lose his life easily in this world!

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One minor character said:

– Where could he go?

– Yeah, we searched everywhere but found nothing…

This time, another minor character came toward the group.

Hao Sheng surprisingly asked:

– Did you find Liu An?

– Follow me.

That character just said that then went away. Hao Sheng followed with hesitation. Xue Yan thought a bit and followed too. Nian Zhou felt something not right. The incidents of the film had become tangled … He must escape. As Hao Sheng, Xue Yan and others followed that one, Nian Zhou left in different way. He walked slowly and decided to go back to the bus. The tickets were deducting! Sooner or later he would die! Hao Sheng and Xue Yan followed that character, wanted to find some information about Liu An.

In other place, the bus door had been opened. Ye Jiang carefully walked toward the corpse of the tour guide and investigated. Same as the driver, there was no injury but the body was covered in blood.

– Hey, everybody… how many people are there?

Ye Jiang turned back and saw two men coming to him… And he became staggered. Those two … Ye Jiang thought they must be dead … they were De Kun and Jiang Yi!

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