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"The copyrights of Belle will no longer belongs to Yu company."

An uproar erupted in the crowd.


"Am I hallucinating? Belle's copyright no longer belongs to Yu company?"

"Wah! This is a big breaking news! Yu Han is not selling copyrights of Belle to Yu, then for whom?"

"YU HAN, WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Elder Yu snapped shouting angrily.
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Not only Elder Yu, Yu Kong and other Yu's were also deeply shocked.

Although Yu company has strong basing, but now, Belle is a huge profit generating project. They also invested a large sum of capital in Belle, right from the scratch to this Success event, they have spent a lot. And now losing Belle will be a outright fatal blow to them.

Anna gave a small smile.

"Ms Yu Han, isn't this quite brutal to rip off the copyrights from Yu. The Yu's is your own family after all, also they are the one who made Belle successful."

"Ms Yu Han, to whom are you selling the copyright?" The audience were curious.

"First of all, I'm not ripping off copyrights from them as it never belonged them. It wasn't me who stole someone's else work... Moreover, I'm the creator of Belle, I decide who it belongs. If you don't like it...well, I don't care." Anna answered indifferently.

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The reporters were stunned at her bluntness.

"And for the second question, no I'm not selling the copyright to anyone. As it belonged someone else since the beginning."

"The copyrights of Belle belongs to 'An Shu'." Anna cut straight to the chase leaving everyone speechless.

It took few seconds for everyone to react. It was a chaos.

"What?! An Shu?!"

"What is the relation between An Shu and Yu Han?"

An Shu came into existence merely three years ago, and during this period it has been growing like a tree in marketing industry. All the projects handled by them are successful giving an equal competition to the well known companies. It created a revenue of nearly 50 million USD.

Elder Yu was fuming in anger. He was barely controlling to go over the stage and shut up Anna's mouth.

"Vice president Zhi, how come Yu Han is giving Belle to your 'An Shu'?" CT News reporter questioned Vice president Zhi Bai, who was seated few rows ahead of him.

"President Jun Mian, what is the relation between you guys? An Shu has nearly became a rival to Yu company with it's growth. How come Yu Han is willing to give Belle to An Shu?" Another reporter questioned.

President Jun smiled at the reporter.

"Oh, our relationship is very special, you normal mortals will never understand." Vice president Zhi joked. But there was a deep meaning in it.

"Reporter friend, I think you heard it wrong, Ms Yu Han never said she's giving the copyright to us, as it always belonged to us." President Jun corrected. The crowd was confused.

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"Our Boss created Belle, so it naturally belonged to us from the beginning." President Jun added taking off guard everyone. There was a pin drop silence before it turned into a fish market.

"Your Boss created Belle?! But isn't Yu Han is the creator?...F**k!!."

"I'm going!! You mean, Yu Han is the big boss of An Shu!!...What day is it? Is today Epiphany day?"

Thunderstruck on the Yu family. Who expected a moron and gullible to built her own empire. They were all rendered speechless and aghast.

"Hah...not bad... it's your company. Anyways it will be under Yu company, so it's fine." Elder Yu pacified himself.

"Important announcement, An Shu will never merge with Yu company." Anna glanced at the crowd. The aura around her cold and domineering.

"Yu Han! What nonsense are you spouting?! An Shu will be merged into Yu company. That's it. And also Belle can only belong to Yu company! We have worked day and night for it, so it legally belong to us." Elder Yu yelled angrily. Not merging An Shu with Yu company is an outright slap in his face.

"Sorry, Grandpa, can't do." Anna shrugged.

"True, many have worked day and night for Belle, I appreciate all their efforts and also I'm thankful to them. So, out of gratitude, I'll give hundred special edition of Belle, free of cost as a complimentary to the Yu's." Anna smirked.

"You!.." Elder Yu was about explode out of anger. His blood pressure increased before his anger, so he was taken out for medication.

From the beginning to the end Yu Kong stood rooted in the same place. He was too shaken to say or do anything. He felt extremely guilty and despicable. He began self loathing.

Where was I when my daughter was achieving so much?

Was I too blind to acknowledge her talent?

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Am I even fit to be called as a father?

Anna stood on the stage completely unaffected without caring for Elder Yu.

Anna's plan was not only to destroy Yu Yuri but also to teach a lesson to Yu family. She didn't had to do anything and the successful Belle is in her hand. Her one move has shaken the entire Yu family. killing three birds in one stone.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.


Meanwhile, in few major web forums someone was wreaking a chaos. An account named 'Hell_destructer' was roasting black and blue few nitezens.

"Damn, you SUCKERS, where are you all hiding? INSULTING A INNOCENT WOMEN, IF YOU A MAN COME FIGHT ME!! Thick skinned rascals, you have no better life commenting and judging other's achievement. Hiding behind a keyboard, COME OUT AND SHOW YOURSELF TO THIS MASTER!!"

"Hey account @'too cute to handle' who do you call yourself cute, you're scaring everyone with that ugly looking fat ass face of yours. Your parents must have eaten shit to produce a great ugly shit like you."

"@'Wife of ZhiZhi' Your husband is having an affair with his secretary and also with your best friend. He spends most of his income on the stripper in XXX club. And you,trat-hussy, spent a one night stand behind your husband. This ugly bitch calling someone else bitch is way too ironical."

Behind him Cao Lang was crying internally. From ten minutes this guy is roasting all the netizens in all sorts of language.

"Second young Master, I think this much is enough. All the insulting comments have stopped. Many have changed their opinion on Ms Yu Han. Please stop it now." Cao Lang begged hoping he would stop. After all, he has to clean this mess if things goes even little wrong.

"Alright." Ji Qiang finally stopped and gave some rest to the keyboard.

In the same room, another person who was watching the live stream, got up to leave.

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"Big brother, I'm also going with you. Wait for me, please." Ji Qiang shouted seeing Ji Yang going out and followed him.


"Wow! Isn't this taking meat from tigers mouth." There were whispers among the crowd.

"Ms Yu Han, do you have any specific significance for Belle?" Newday magazine reporter asked.

"Thank you for asking. Yes, it signifies yearning for love and warmth. The most purest love we can get is from our mother... Unfortunately, I couldn't get that love. I miss the feeling of falling into her tender arms, which always tried to protect me from this cruel world. I yearn to see her bright smile, which could even challenge the dazzling sun. I yearn for her lullabies which takes me to a Dreamland, where only I, mom and dad lives happily. I yearn to smell her sweet fragrance, which always brings warmth and smile in my face.... Most of us, yearns for such love. I wanted everyone to at least to feel it once with Belle. This is soul reason of Belle."

The whole hall was quite at a loss of words. Nobody ever thought the purpose behind Belle to be so deep.

"Only a true creator knows the value of their work. I became a fan for Yu Han. I love you so much, Yu Han!"

"That crap, Yu Yuri, said it's youth's love, but this is so different. She almost ruined the special meaning of Belle. Glad Yu Han took over Belle and we came know it's true existence."

"All the rumors of Yu Han I heard till now is totally contradicting."

After finishing her speech Anna got down the stage and was immediately pulled into a hug by Li Shen.

"Aunty is always with you." He said in her ear comforting his sister. Anna smiled brightly nodding her head.

Behind him, Yu Han stood with teary eyes. Letting go Li Shen, Anna pulled Yu Han into a hug.

From the midst of the crowd, the man's eyes never left Anna. His shoulder length hair was tied in a pony. His bangs were framing his beautiful yet intimidating brown eyes. The white suit on him bought a different kind of elegance. His lips curved up slightly adorning his beautiful handsome face.


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