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The mornings rays illuminated the room signaling the sleeping couple it's time to wake up.

Anna's head lying on half naked Ji Yang's arm, her hands resting on his waist. Ji Yang's one hand supporting Anna's head and other resting below her hip. Both were sleeping peacefully facing each other.

With the morning rays falling on his face, Ji Yang slowly opened his eyes. A beautiful and serene smile appeared on his face as the first thing he saw in the early morning was Anna's beautiful face.

Even now, it mystifies him how he fell for this gorgeous women. During their first meet she not only knocked his room door but also his heart door. Just like how she walked in without permission, she barged into my heart declaring her supremacy.

He use to hate even the sight of a women. But now he craves to get a mere glance at this woman. With her in his arms he feels he has won the world and is the most happiest person alive.

Ji Yang continued to stare at his wife in adoration playing with her hair. He placed a feather like kisses on her forehead, eyes, cheeks and slowly made his way towards to her soft plump lips which was tempting him to take a bite.

Anna groaned as she felt the air flow getting blocked. Fluttering her eyes open, Anna looked at Ji Yang with a pout.

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"Good morning." Ji Yang grinned, not even a single bit of guilt in his face.

"I'm still sleepy." Anna glared. Ji Yang bent down pecking her lips.

"It's not my fault that you're so damn adorable..." Ji Yang said near her ears.

"...and tasty." He nibbled her earlobe sending shiver to Anna.

Anna squealed and her toes curled up at the mind numbing sensation. Ji Yang closed the little space between them, with his hand roaming on her back.

"You're running late." Anna pushed away Ji Yang keeping her hands on his chest.

She was afraid if she let him continue his little act, her chance to leave the bed today will be next to none.

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Ji Yang's stamina is of a beast, he never gets tired, but whereas her, she was just pitiful mortal human being. She is still little sore between her legs.

"Who cares, I'm the boss." Ji Yang replied arrogantly removing her hand on his chest. He kissed her fingertips sensually igniting the familiar desire in Anna.

Anna didn't realize when the space between them was covered.

"But I'm running late." Anna replied holding onto the last straw of her self control.

"Stay with me." Ji Yang continued to place butterfly kisses on her cheeks, jaws and neck.

Anna gulped.

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"I'll be kicked out if I don't go." Anna replied but she had no intention of stopping him from unbuttoning her shirt.

"Who fucking dares to touch my woman? Moreover you're the lady boss of Ji Groups, you're always welcome to my place." Although his lips were busy ravaging her skin he still explained.

At the thought of Anna coming to his office, excited him. He will be able to see her all day long.

Right after coming from Germany Anna got busy with the Success event of Belle. So they deserve some peaceful couple time.

"I still... need...." Her words coming out in huff.

Anna's words were swallowed as Ji Yang's hand laid dangerously below her hip.

"You were saying something." Ji Yang teased as his hand moved south holding her butt, his hands caressing her butt. Anna gasped as her butt was squeezed.

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Lifting her chin up he captured her soft lips. All the self control of Anna went down the drain. His lips moving passionately in-sync with Anna's. His hands working on her clothes.

With their moans filled in the room, the buzzing phone of Anna remained unnoticed on the side table. The number of missed calls only increased.


Anna cursed her husband as she slowly made her way towards elevator with her sore legs.

It was noon when Anna reached the Yu company. Ji Yang kept Anna busy for straight two hours.

She wouldn't have come to office if not for retrieving a important documents of her 'Dream Project'. Given the current circumstances, she doubted if she can continue to work here peacefully.

Anna had no plan to continue to work in Yu company. Once she gets the Power of Attorney paper she would say goodbye to this company. Also she has one more work to do here regarding her revenge.

Initially Anna thought to pluck out all the poisonous thorns in Yu family and company to protect Yu Kong and Elder Yu. But now Anna realized, it's a waste of plucking those thorns as there's no rose to protect for her.

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